#include "specter/RootView.hpp" #include "specter/TextView.hpp" #include "specter/ViewResources.hpp" #include "utf8proc.h" #include "hecl/Pipeline.hpp" #include #include namespace specter { static logvisor::Module Log("specter::TextView"); void TextView::Resources::init(boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx, FontCache* fcache) { m_fcache = fcache; m_regular = hecl::conv->convert(ctx, Shader_SpecterTextViewShader{}); m_subpixel = hecl::conv->convert(ctx, Shader_SpecterTextViewShaderSubpixel{}); } void TextView::_commitResources(size_t capacity) { auto& res = rootView().viewRes(); auto fontTex = m_fontAtlas.texture(res.m_factory); View::commitResources(res, [&](boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) { buildResources(ctx, res); if (capacity) { m_glyphBuf = res.m_textRes.m_glyphPool.allocateBlock(res.m_factory, capacity); boo::ObjToken shader; if (m_fontAtlas.subpixel()) shader = res.m_textRes.m_subpixel; else shader = res.m_textRes.m_regular; auto vBufInfo = m_glyphBuf.getBufferInfo(); auto uBufInfo = m_viewVertBlockBuf.getBufferInfo(); boo::ObjToken uBufs[] = {uBufInfo.first.get()}; size_t uBufOffs[] = {size_t(uBufInfo.second)}; size_t uBufSizes[] = {sizeof(ViewBlock)}; boo::ObjToken texs[] = {fontTex.get()}; m_shaderBinding = ctx.newShaderDataBinding(shader, {}, vBufInfo.first.get(), nullptr, 1, uBufs, nullptr, uBufOffs, uBufSizes, 1, texs, nullptr, nullptr, 0, vBufInfo.second); } return true; }); } TextView::TextView(ViewResources& res, View& parentView, const FontAtlas& font, Alignment align, size_t capacity) : View(res, parentView), m_capacity(capacity), m_fontAtlas(font), m_align(align) { if (size_t(hecl::VertexBufferPool::bucketCapacity()) < capacity) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "bucket overflow [%" PRISize "/%" PRISize "]", capacity, hecl::VertexBufferPool::bucketCapacity()); _commitResources(0); } TextView::TextView(ViewResources& res, View& parentView, FontTag font, Alignment align, size_t capacity) : TextView(res, parentView, res.m_textRes.m_fcache->lookupAtlas(font), align, capacity) {} TextView::RenderGlyph::RenderGlyph(int& adv, const FontAtlas::Glyph& glyph, const zeus::CColor& defaultColor) { m_pos[0].assign(adv + glyph.m_leftPadding, glyph.m_verticalOffset + glyph.m_height, 0.f); m_pos[1].assign(adv + glyph.m_leftPadding, glyph.m_verticalOffset, 0.f); m_pos[2].assign(adv + glyph.m_leftPadding + glyph.m_width, glyph.m_verticalOffset + glyph.m_height, 0.f); m_pos[3].assign(adv + glyph.m_leftPadding + glyph.m_width, glyph.m_verticalOffset, 0.f); m_uv[0].assign(glyph.m_uv[0], glyph.m_uv[1], glyph.m_layerFloat); m_uv[1].assign(glyph.m_uv[0], glyph.m_uv[3], glyph.m_layerFloat); m_uv[2].assign(glyph.m_uv[2], glyph.m_uv[1], glyph.m_layerFloat); m_uv[3].assign(glyph.m_uv[2], glyph.m_uv[3], glyph.m_layerFloat); m_color = defaultColor; adv += glyph.m_advance; } int TextView::DoKern(FT_Pos val, const FontAtlas& atlas) { if (!val) return 0; val = FT_MulFix(val, atlas.FT_Xscale()); FT_Pos orig_x = val; /* we scale down kerning values for small ppem values */ /* to avoid that rounding makes them too big. */ /* `25' has been determined heuristically. */ if (atlas.FT_XPPem() < 25) val = FT_MulDiv(orig_x, atlas.FT_XPPem(), 25); return FT_PIX_ROUND(val) >> 6; } void TextView::typesetGlyphs(std::string_view str, const zeus::CColor& defaultColor) { UTF8Iterator it(str.begin()); size_t charLen = str.size() ? std::min(it.countTo(str.end()), m_capacity) : 0; if (charLen > m_curSize) { m_curSize = charLen; _commitResources(charLen); } uint32_t lCh = -1; m_glyphs.clear(); m_glyphs.reserve(charLen); m_glyphInfo.clear(); m_glyphInfo.reserve(charLen); int adv = 0; if (charLen) { for (; it.iter() < str.end() ; ++it) { utf8proc_int32_t ch = *it; if (ch == -1) { Log.report(logvisor::Warning, "invalid UTF-8 char"); break; } if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\0') break; const FontAtlas::Glyph* glyph = m_fontAtlas.lookupGlyph(ch); if (!glyph) continue; if (lCh != -1) adv += DoKern(m_fontAtlas.lookupKern(lCh, glyph->m_glyphIdx), m_fontAtlas); m_glyphs.emplace_back(adv, *glyph, defaultColor); m_glyphInfo.emplace_back(ch, glyph->m_width, glyph->m_height, adv); lCh = glyph->m_glyphIdx; if (m_glyphs.size() == m_capacity) break; } } if (m_align == Alignment::Right) { int adj = -adv; for (RenderGlyph& g : m_glyphs) { g.m_pos[0][0] += adj; g.m_pos[1][0] += adj; g.m_pos[2][0] += adj; g.m_pos[3][0] += adj; } } else if (m_align == Alignment::Center) { int adj = -adv / 2; for (RenderGlyph& g : m_glyphs) { g.m_pos[0][0] += adj; g.m_pos[1][0] += adj; g.m_pos[2][0] += adj; g.m_pos[3][0] += adj; } } m_width = adv; invalidateGlyphs(); updateSize(); } void TextView::typesetGlyphs(std::wstring_view str, const zeus::CColor& defaultColor) { size_t charLen = std::min(str.size(), m_capacity); if (charLen > m_curSize) { m_curSize = charLen; _commitResources(charLen); } uint32_t lCh = -1; m_glyphs.clear(); m_glyphs.reserve(charLen); m_glyphInfo.clear(); m_glyphInfo.reserve(charLen); int adv = 0; for (wchar_t ch : str) { if (ch == L'\n') break; const FontAtlas::Glyph* glyph = m_fontAtlas.lookupGlyph(ch); if (!glyph) continue; if (lCh != -1) adv += DoKern(m_fontAtlas.lookupKern(lCh, glyph->m_glyphIdx), m_fontAtlas); m_glyphs.emplace_back(adv, *glyph, defaultColor); m_glyphInfo.emplace_back(ch, glyph->m_width, glyph->m_height, adv); lCh = glyph->m_glyphIdx; if (m_glyphs.size() == m_capacity) break; } if (m_align == Alignment::Right) { int adj = -adv; for (RenderGlyph& g : m_glyphs) { g.m_pos[0][0] += adj; g.m_pos[1][0] += adj; g.m_pos[2][0] += adj; g.m_pos[3][0] += adj; } } else if (m_align == Alignment::Center) { int adj = -adv / 2; for (RenderGlyph& g : m_glyphs) { g.m_pos[0][0] += adj; g.m_pos[1][0] += adj; g.m_pos[2][0] += adj; g.m_pos[3][0] += adj; } } m_width = adv; invalidateGlyphs(); updateSize(); } void TextView::colorGlyphs(const zeus::CColor& newColor) { for (RenderGlyph& glyph : m_glyphs) glyph.m_color = newColor; invalidateGlyphs(); } void TextView::colorGlyphsTypeOn(const zeus::CColor& newColor, float startInterval, float fadeTime) { } void TextView::invalidateGlyphs() { if (m_glyphBuf) { RenderGlyph* out = m_glyphBuf.access(); size_t i = 0; for (RenderGlyph& glyph : m_glyphs) out[i++] = glyph; } } void TextView::think() { } void TextView::resized(const boo::SWindowRect &root, const boo::SWindowRect& sub) { View::resized(root, sub); } void TextView::draw(boo::IGraphicsCommandQueue* gfxQ) { View::draw(gfxQ); if (m_glyphs.size()) { gfxQ->setShaderDataBinding(m_shaderBinding); gfxQ->drawInstances(0, 4, m_glyphs.size()); } } std::pair TextView::queryGlyphDimensions(size_t pos) const { if (pos >= m_glyphInfo.size()) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "TextView::queryGlyphWidth(%" PRISize ") out of bounds: %" PRISize, pos, m_glyphInfo.size()); return m_glyphInfo[pos].m_dims; } size_t TextView::reverseSelectGlyph(int x) const { size_t ret = 0; size_t idx = 1; int minDelta = abs(x); for (const RenderGlyphInfo& info : m_glyphInfo) { int thisDelta = abs(info.m_adv-x); if (thisDelta < minDelta) { minDelta = thisDelta; ret = idx; } ++idx; } return ret; } int TextView::queryReverseAdvance(size_t idx) const { if (idx > m_glyphInfo.size()) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "TextView::queryReverseGlyph(%" PRISize ") out of inclusive bounds: %" PRISize, idx, m_glyphInfo.size()); if (!idx) return 0; return m_glyphInfo[idx-1].m_adv; } std::pair TextView::queryWholeWordRange(size_t idx) const { if (idx > m_glyphInfo.size()) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "TextView::queryWholeWordRange(%" PRISize ") out of inclusive bounds: %" PRISize, idx, m_glyphInfo.size()); if (m_glyphInfo.empty()) return {0,0}; if (idx == m_glyphInfo.size()) --idx; size_t begin = idx; while (begin > 0 && !m_glyphInfo[begin-1].m_space) --begin; size_t end = idx; while (end < m_glyphInfo.size() && !m_glyphInfo[end].m_space) ++end; return {begin, end-begin}; } }