#include "Runtime/CPakFile.hpp" namespace metaforce { static logvisor::Module Log("metaforce::CPakFile"); CPakFile::CPakFile(std::string_view filename, bool buildDepList, bool worldPak, bool override) : CDvdFile(filename) { if (!CDvdFile::operator bool()) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING("{}: Unable to open"), GetPath()); x28_24_buildDepList = buildDepList; // x28_24_buildDepList = true; // Always do this so metaforce can rapidly pre-warm shaders x28_26_worldPak = worldPak; m_override = override; } CPakFile::~CPakFile() { if (x30_dvdReq) x30_dvdReq->PostCancelRequest(); } const SObjectTag* CPakFile::GetResIdByName(std::string_view name) const { for (const std::pair& p : x54_nameList) { if (CStringExtras::CompareCaseInsensitive(p.first, name)) { return &p.second; } } return nullptr; } void CPakFile::LoadResourceTable(CInputStream& r) { x74_resList.reserve( std::max(size_t(64), size_t(ROUND_UP_32(x4c_resTableCount * sizeof(SResInfo)) + sizeof(SResInfo) - 1)) / sizeof(SResInfo)); if (x28_24_buildDepList) x64_depList.reserve(x4c_resTableCount); for (u32 i = 0; i < x4c_resTableCount; ++i) { u32 flags = r.ReadLong(); FourCC fcc; r.ReadBytes(reinterpret_cast(&fcc), 4); CAssetId id = r.ReadLong(); u32 size = r.ReadLong(); u32 offset = r.ReadLong(); if (fcc == FOURCC('MLVL')) m_mlvlId = id; x74_resList.emplace_back(id, fcc, offset, size, flags); if (x28_24_buildDepList) x64_depList.push_back(id); } std::sort(x74_resList.begin(), x74_resList.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a.x0_id < b.x0_id; }); } void CPakFile::DataLoad() { x30_dvdReq.reset(); CMemoryInStream r(x38_headerData.data() + x48_resTableOffset, x38_headerData.size() - x48_resTableOffset, CMemoryInStream::EOwnerShip::NotOwned); LoadResourceTable(r); x2c_asyncLoadPhase = EAsyncPhase::Loaded; if (x28_26_worldPak) { // Allocate ARAM space DMA x74_resList to ARAM } x38_headerData.clear(); } void CPakFile::InitialHeaderLoad() { CMemoryInStream r(x38_headerData.data(), x38_headerData.size(), CMemoryInStream::EOwnerShip::NotOwned); x30_dvdReq.reset(); u32 version = r.ReadLong(); if (version != 0x00030005) { Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING("{}: Incompatible pak file version -- Current version is {:08X}, you're using {:08X}"), GetPath(), 0x00030005, version); return; } r.ReadLong(); u32 nameCount = r.ReadLong(); x54_nameList.reserve(nameCount); for (u32 i = 0; i < nameCount; ++i) { SObjectTag tag(r); auto name = CStringExtras::ReadString(r); x54_nameList.emplace_back(name, tag); } x4c_resTableCount = r.ReadLong(); x48_resTableOffset = u32(r.GetReadPosition()); x2c_asyncLoadPhase = EAsyncPhase::DataLoad; u32 newSize = ROUND_UP_32(x4c_resTableCount * 20 + x48_resTableOffset); u32 origSize = u32(x38_headerData.size()); if (newSize > origSize) { x38_headerData.resize(newSize); x30_dvdReq = AsyncSeekRead(x38_headerData.data() + origSize, u32(x38_headerData.size() - origSize), ESeekOrigin::Begin, origSize); } else { DataLoad(); } }; void CPakFile::Warmup() { u32 length = std::min(u32(Length()), u32(8192)); x38_headerData.resize(length); x30_dvdReq = AsyncSeekRead(x38_headerData.data(), length, ESeekOrigin::Cur, 0); x2c_asyncLoadPhase = EAsyncPhase::InitialHeader; } const CPakFile::SResInfo* CPakFile::GetResInfoForLoadPreferForward(CAssetId id) const { if (x28_27_stashedInARAM) return nullptr; auto search = rstl::binary_find(x74_resList.begin(), x74_resList.end(), id, [](const SResInfo& test) { return test.x0_id; }); if (search == x74_resList.end()) return nullptr; const SResInfo* bestInfo = &*search; s32 bestDelta = x84_currentSeek - bestInfo->GetOffset(); while (++search != x74_resList.end()) { const SResInfo* thisInfo = &*search; if (thisInfo->x0_id != id) break; s32 thisDelta = x84_currentSeek - bestInfo->GetOffset(); if ((bestDelta < 0 && (thisDelta > 0 || thisDelta > bestDelta)) || (bestDelta >= 0 && thisDelta > 0 && thisDelta < bestDelta)) { bestDelta = thisDelta; bestInfo = thisInfo; } } x84_currentSeek = bestInfo->GetOffset() + bestInfo->GetSize(); return bestInfo; } const CPakFile::SResInfo* CPakFile::GetResInfoForLoadDirectionless(CAssetId id) const { if (x28_27_stashedInARAM) return nullptr; auto search = rstl::binary_find(x74_resList.begin(), x74_resList.end(), id, [](const SResInfo& test) { return test.x0_id; }); if (search == x74_resList.end()) return nullptr; const SResInfo* bestInfo = &*search; s32 bestDelta = std::abs(s32(x84_currentSeek - bestInfo->GetOffset())); while (++search != x74_resList.end()) { const SResInfo* thisInfo = &*search; if (thisInfo->x0_id != id) break; s32 thisDelta = std::abs(s32(x84_currentSeek - bestInfo->GetOffset())); if (thisDelta < bestDelta) { bestDelta = thisDelta; bestInfo = thisInfo; } } x84_currentSeek = bestInfo->GetOffset() + bestInfo->GetSize(); return bestInfo; } const CPakFile::SResInfo* CPakFile::GetResInfo(CAssetId id) const { if (x2c_asyncLoadPhase != EAsyncPhase::Loaded) return nullptr; if (x28_27_stashedInARAM) return nullptr; auto search = rstl::binary_find(x74_resList.begin(), x74_resList.end(), id, [](const SResInfo& i) { return i.x0_id; }); if (search == x74_resList.end()) return nullptr; return &*search; } void CPakFile::AsyncIdle() { if (x2c_asyncLoadPhase == EAsyncPhase::Loaded) return; if (x30_dvdReq && !x30_dvdReq->IsComplete()) return; switch (x2c_asyncLoadPhase) { case EAsyncPhase::Warmup: Warmup(); break; case EAsyncPhase::InitialHeader: InitialHeaderLoad(); break; case EAsyncPhase::DataLoad: DataLoad(); break; default: break; } } } // namespace metaforce