#if _WIN32 #ifndef NOMINMAX #define NOMINMAX #endif #define WIN_PAUSE 0 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hecl/Database.hpp" #include "hecl/Blender/Connection.hpp" #include "hecl/Runtime.hpp" #include "logvisor/logvisor.hpp" #include "../version.h" logvisor::Module LogModule("hecl::Driver"); #include "ToolBase.hpp" #include "ToolInit.hpp" #include "ToolSpec.hpp" #include "ToolExtract.hpp" #include "ToolCook.hpp" #include "ToolPackage.hpp" #include "ToolImage.hpp" #include "ToolInstallAddon.hpp" #include "ToolHelp.hpp" /* Static reference to dataspec additions * (used by MSVC to definitively link DataSpecs) */ #include "DataSpecRegistry.hpp" bool XTERM_COLOR = false; /* #define HECL_GIT 1234567 #define HECL_GIT_S "1234567" #define HECL_BRANCH master #define HECL_BRANCH_S "master" */ /* Main usage message */ static void printHelp(const char* pname) { if (XTERM_COLOR) fmt::print(FMT_STRING("" BOLD "HECL" NORMAL "")); else fmt::print(FMT_STRING("HECL")); #if HECL_HAS_NOD #define TOOL_LIST "extract|init|cook|package|image|installaddon|help" #else #define TOOL_LIST "extract|init|cook|package|installaddon|help" #endif #if HECL_GIT fmt::print(FMT_STRING(" Commit " HECL_GIT_S " " HECL_BRANCH_S "\nUsage: {} " TOOL_LIST "\n"), pname); #elif HECL_VER fmt::print(FMT_STRING(" Version " HECL_VER_S "\nUsage: {} " TOOL_LIST "\n"), pname); #else fmt::print(FMT_STRING("\nUsage: {} " TOOL_LIST "\n"), pname); #endif } /* Regex patterns */ static const std::regex regOPEN("-o([^\"]*|\\S*)", std::regex::ECMAScript | std::regex::optimize); static ToolBase* ToolPtr = nullptr; /* SIGINT will gracefully close blender connections and delete blends in progress */ static void SIGINTHandler(int sig) { if (ToolPtr) ToolPtr->cancel(); hecl::blender::Connection::Shutdown(); logvisor::KillProcessTree(); exit(1); } static logvisor::Module AthenaLog("Athena"); static void AthenaExc(athena::error::Level level, const char* file, const char*, int line, fmt::string_view fmt, fmt::format_args args) { AthenaLog.vreport(logvisor::Level(level), fmt, args); } std::string ExeDir; static ToolPassInfo CreateInfo(int argc, char** argv) { char cwdbuf[1024]; ToolPassInfo info; info.pname = argv[0]; if (hecl::Getcwd(cwdbuf, static_cast(std::size(cwdbuf)))) { info.cwd = cwdbuf; if (info.cwd.size() && info.cwd.back() != '/' && info.cwd.back() != '\\') { #if _WIN32 info.cwd += '\\'; #else info.cwd += '/'; #endif } if (hecl::PathRelative(argv[0])) { ExeDir = std::string(cwdbuf) + '/'; } std::string Argv0(argv[0]); std::string::size_type lastIdx = Argv0.find_last_of("/\\"); if (lastIdx != std::string::npos) { ExeDir.insert(ExeDir.end(), Argv0.begin(), Argv0.begin() + lastIdx); } } /* Concatenate args */ std::vector args; args.reserve(argc - 2); for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) { args.emplace_back(argv[i]); } if (!args.empty()) { /* Extract output argument */ for (auto it = args.cbegin(); it != args.cend();) { const std::string& arg = *it; std::smatch oMatch; if (std::regex_search(arg, oMatch, regOPEN)) { const std::string& token = oMatch[1].str(); if (token.size()) { if (info.output.empty()) { info.output = oMatch[1].str(); } it = args.erase(it); } else { it = args.erase(it); if (it == args.end()) { break; } if (info.output.empty()) { info.output = *it; } it = args.erase(it); } continue; } ++it; } /* Iterate flags */ bool threadArg = false; for (auto it = args.cbegin(); it != args.cend();) { const std::string& arg = *it; if (threadArg) { threadArg = false; hecl::CpuCountOverride = int(hecl::StrToUl(arg.c_str(), nullptr, 0)); it = args.erase(it); continue; } if (arg.size() < 2 || arg[0] != '-' || arg[1] == '-') { ++it; continue; } for (auto chit = arg.cbegin() + 1; chit != arg.cend(); ++chit) { if (*chit == 'v') ++info.verbosityLevel; else if (*chit == 'f') info.force = true; else if (*chit == 'y') info.yes = true; else if (*chit == 'g') info.gui = true; else if (*chit == 'j') { ++chit; if (*chit) hecl::CpuCountOverride = int(hecl::StrToUl(&*chit, nullptr, 0)); else threadArg = true; break; } else info.flags.push_back(*chit); } it = args.erase(it); } /* Gather remaining args */ info.args.reserve(args.size()); for (const std::string& arg : args) info.args.push_back(arg); } return info; } static std::unique_ptr FindProject(std::string_view cwd) { const hecl::ProjectRootPath rootPath = hecl::SearchForProject(cwd); if (!rootPath) { return nullptr; } const size_t ErrorRef = logvisor::ErrorCount; auto newProj = std::make_unique(rootPath); if (logvisor::ErrorCount > ErrorRef) { #if WIN_PAUSE system("PAUSE"); #endif return nullptr; } return newProj; } static std::unique_ptr MakeSelectedTool(std::string toolName, ToolPassInfo& info) { std::string toolNameLower = toolName; hecl::ToLower(toolNameLower); if (toolNameLower == "init") { return std::make_unique(info); } if (toolNameLower == "spec") { return std::make_unique(info); } if (toolNameLower == "extract") { return std::make_unique(info); } if (toolNameLower == "cook") { return std::make_unique(info); } if (toolNameLower == "package" || toolNameLower == "pack") { return std::make_unique(info); } #if HECL_HAS_NOD if (toolNameLower == "image") { return std::make_unique(info); } #endif if (toolNameLower == "installaddon") { return std::make_unique(info); } if (toolNameLower == "help") { return std::make_unique(info); } auto fp = hecl::FopenUnique(toolName.c_str(), "rb"); if (fp == nullptr) { LogModule.report(logvisor::Error, FMT_STRING("unrecognized tool '{}'"), toolNameLower); return nullptr; } fp.reset(); /* Shortcut-case: implicit extract */ info.args.insert(info.args.begin(), std::move(toolName)); return std::make_unique(info); } #if _WIN32 #include #else /* SIGWINCH should do nothing */ static void SIGWINCHHandler(int sig) {} #endif int main(int argc, char** argv) { #if _WIN32 nowide::args _(argc, argv); #endif if (argc > 1 && !hecl::StrCmp(argv[1], "--dlpackage")) { fmt::print(FMT_STRING("{}\n"), METAFORCE_DLPACKAGE); return 100; } #if _WIN32 CoInitializeEx(nullptr, COINIT_MULTITHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE); #else std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "en-US.UTF-8"); #endif /* Xterm check */ #if _WIN32 const auto conemuANSI = hecl::GetEnv("ConEmuANSI"); if (conemuANSI && conemuANSI == "ON") { XTERM_COLOR = true; } #else const char* term = getenv("TERM"); if (term && !strncmp(term, "xterm", 5)) XTERM_COLOR = true; signal(SIGWINCH, SIGWINCHHandler); #endif signal(SIGINT, SIGINTHandler); logvisor::RegisterStandardExceptions(); logvisor::RegisterConsoleLogger(); atSetExceptionHandler(AthenaExc); #if SENTRY_ENABLED hecl::Runtime::FileStoreManager fileMgr{"sentry-native-hecl"}; std::string cacheDir{fileMgr.getStoreRoot()}; logvisor::RegisterSentry("hecl", METAFORCE_WC_DESCRIBE, cacheDir.c_str()); #endif /* Basic usage check */ if (argc == 1) { printHelp(argv[0]); #if WIN_PAUSE system("PAUSE"); #endif return 0; } if (argc == 0) { printHelp("hecl"); #if WIN_PAUSE system("PAUSE"); #endif return 0; } /* Prepare DataSpecs */ HECLRegisterDataSpecs(); /* Assemble common tool pass info */ ToolPassInfo info = CreateInfo(argc, argv); /* Attempt to find hecl project */ auto project = FindProject(info.cwd); if (project != nullptr) { info.project = project.get(); } /* Construct selected tool */ const size_t MakeToolErrorRef = logvisor::ErrorCount; auto tool = MakeSelectedTool(argv[1], info); if (logvisor::ErrorCount > MakeToolErrorRef) { #if WIN_PAUSE system("PAUSE"); #endif return 1; } if (info.verbosityLevel) { LogModule.report(logvisor::Info, FMT_STRING("Constructed tool '{}' {}\n"), tool->toolName(), info.verbosityLevel); } /* Run tool */ const size_t RunToolErrorRef = logvisor::ErrorCount; ToolPtr = tool.get(); const int retval = tool->run(); ToolPtr = nullptr; if (logvisor::ErrorCount > RunToolErrorRef) { hecl::blender::Connection::Shutdown(); #if WIN_PAUSE system("PAUSE"); #endif return 1; } hecl::blender::Connection::Shutdown(); #if WIN_PAUSE system("PAUSE"); #endif return retval; }