#ifndef __URDE_CPARTICLESWOOSH_HPP__ #define __URDE_CPARTICLESWOOSH_HPP__ #include "CParticleGen.hpp" #include "CToken.hpp" #include "CRandom16.hpp" #include "Graphics/CTexture.hpp" #include "Graphics/CLineRenderer.hpp" #include "CUVElement.hpp" #include "DataSpec/DNACommon/GX.hpp" #include "Graphics/Shaders/CParticleSwooshShaders.hpp" namespace urde { class CSwooshDescription; class CParticleSwoosh : public CParticleGen { friend struct OGLParticleSwooshDataBindingFactory; friend struct VulkanParticleSwooshDataBindingFactory; friend struct D3DParticleSwooshDataBindingFactory; friend struct MetalParticleSwooshDataBindingFactory; struct SSwooshData { bool x0_active; float x4_leftRad; float x8_rightRad; zeus::CVector3f xc_translation; // Updated by system's velocity sources or user code zeus::CVector3f x18_offset; // Updated by POFS once per system update (also resets x24_useOffset) zeus::CVector3f x24_useOffset; // Combination of POFS and NPOS, once per particle instance float x30_irot; // Rotation bias once per system update float x34_rotm; // Rotation bias once per particle instance zeus::CTransform x38_orientation; // Updated by user code int x68_frame; // Frame index of evaluated data zeus::CColor x6c_color; // Updated by COLR int x70_startFrame; zeus::CVector3f x74_velocity; SSwooshData(const zeus::CVector3f& translation, const zeus::CVector3f& offset, float irot, float rotm, int startFrame, bool active, const zeus::CTransform& orient, const zeus::CVector3f& vel, float leftRad, float rightRad, const zeus::CColor& color) : x0_active(active), x4_leftRad(leftRad), x8_rightRad(rightRad), xc_translation(translation), x18_offset(offset), x24_useOffset(offset), x30_irot(irot), x34_rotm(rotm), x38_orientation(orient), x6c_color(color), x70_startFrame(startFrame), x74_velocity(vel) {} }; TLockedToken x1c_desc; u32 x28_curFrame = 0; int x2c_PSLT = 0; double x30_curTime = 0.0; zeus::CVector3f x38_translation; zeus::CTransform x44_orientation; zeus::CTransform x74_invOrientation; zeus::CVector3f xa4_globalTranslation; zeus::CTransform xb0_globalOrientation; zeus::CVector3f xe0_globalScale = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f}; zeus::CTransform xec_scaleXf; zeus::CTransform x11c_invScaleXf; zeus::CVector3f x14c_localScale = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f}; u32 x158_curParticle = 0; std::vector x15c_swooshes; std::vector x16c_p0; std::vector x17c_p1; std::vector x18c_p2; std::vector x19c_p3; u32 x1ac_particleCount = 0; int x1b0_SPLN = 0; int x1b4_LENG = 0; int x1b8_SIDE = 0; GX::Primitive x1bc_prim; CRandom16 x1c0_rand; float x1c4_ = 0.f; float x1c8_ = 0.f; float x1cc_TSPN; union { struct { bool x1d0_24_emitting : 1; bool x1d0_25_AALP : 1; bool x1d0_26_disableUpdate : 1; bool x1d0_27_renderGaps : 1; bool x1d0_28_LLRD : 1; bool x1d0_29_VLS1 : 1; bool x1d0_30_VLS2 : 1; bool x1d0_31_constantTex : 1; bool x1d1_24_constantUv : 1; }; u32 _dummy = 0; }; SUVElementSet x1d4_uvs = {}; CTexture* x1e4_tex = nullptr; float x1e8_uvSpan = 1.f; int x1ec_TSPN = 0; zeus::CVector3f x1f0_aabbMin; zeus::CVector3f x1fc_aabbMax; float x208_maxRadius = 0.f; zeus::CColor x20c_moduColor = zeus::CColor::skWhite; boo::ObjToken m_dataBind; boo::ObjToken m_vertBuf; boo::ObjToken m_uniformBuf; std::unique_ptr m_lineRenderer; std::vector m_cachedVerts; static int g_ParticleSystemAliveCount; bool IsValid() const { return x1b4_LENG >= 2 && x1b8_SIDE >= 2; } void UpdateMaxRadius(float r); void UpdateBounds(const zeus::CVector3f& pos); float GetLeftRadius(int i) const; float GetRightRadius(int i) const; void UpdateSwooshTranslation(const zeus::CVector3f& translation); void UpdateTranslationAndOrientation(); static zeus::CVector3f GetSplinePoint(const zeus::CVector3f& p0, const zeus::CVector3f& p1, const zeus::CVector3f& p2, const zeus::CVector3f& p3, float t); int WrapIndex(int i) const; void RenderNSidedSpline(); void RenderNSidedNoSpline(); void Render3SidedSolidSpline(); void Render3SidedSolidNoSplineNoGaps(); void Render2SidedSpline(); void Render2SidedNoSplineGaps(); void Render2SidedNoSplineNoGaps(); public: CParticleSwoosh(const TToken& desc, int); ~CParticleSwoosh(); CSwooshDescription* GetDesc() { return x1c_desc.GetObj(); } bool Update(double); void Render(); void SetOrientation(const zeus::CTransform&); void SetTranslation(const zeus::CVector3f&); void SetGlobalOrientation(const zeus::CTransform&); void SetGlobalTranslation(const zeus::CVector3f&); void SetGlobalScale(const zeus::CVector3f&); void SetLocalScale(const zeus::CVector3f&); void SetParticleEmission(bool); void SetModulationColor(const zeus::CColor&); const zeus::CTransform& GetOrientation() const; const zeus::CVector3f& GetTranslation() const; const zeus::CTransform& GetGlobalOrientation() const; const zeus::CVector3f& GetGlobalTranslation() const; const zeus::CVector3f& GetGlobalScale() const; const zeus::CColor& GetModulationColor() const; bool IsSystemDeletable() const; std::experimental::optional GetBounds() const; u32 GetParticleCount() const; bool SystemHasLight() const; CLight GetLight() const; bool GetParticleEmission() const; void DestroyParticles(); void Reset() {} FourCC Get4CharId() const { return FOURCC('SWHC'); } void SetRenderGaps(bool r) { x1d0_27_renderGaps = r; } void DoWarmupUpdate() { x1d0_26_disableUpdate = true; Update(0.0); } void DoElectricWarmup() { for (int i=0 ; i& offsets) { u32 curIdx = x158_curParticle; for (int i=0 ; i 0) vec = rotation * zeus::CVector3f(std::cos(i + anglePhase) * xAmplitude, 0.f, std::sin(float(i)) * zAmplitude); data.xc_translation = trans + vec; trans += swooshSegDelta; std::swap(rot, data.x30_irot); } } void DoSpiderBallWarmup(zeus::CVector3f& translation, const zeus::CVector3f& transInc) { SetOrientation(zeus::lookAt(zeus::CVector3f::skZero, transInc)); for (int i=0 ; i<6 ; ++i) { SetTranslation(translation); x1d0_26_disableUpdate = true; Update(0.0); translation += transInc; } } }; } #endif // __URDE_CPARTICLESWOOSH_HPP__