#include #include #include #include #include "athena/FileReader.hpp" #include "athena/YAMLDocReader.hpp" #define FMT_STRING_ALIAS 1 #define FMT_ENFORCE_COMPILE_STRING 1 #include #include int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 3) { fmt::print(FMT_STRING("{} ...\n"), argv[0]); return 1; } std::ofstream out(argv[1]); if (!out.is_open()) { fmt::print(FMT_STRING("Unable to open {} for writing\n"), argv[1]); return 1; } std::unordered_set seenLocales; std::stringstream enumLocales; std::stringstream declLocales; std::unordered_set seenKeys; std::stringstream keys; std::stringstream lookups; std::stringstream dos; for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) { athena::io::FileReader fr(argv[i]); if (!fr.isOpen()) { fmt::print(FMT_STRING("Unable to open {} for reading\n"), argv[i]); return 1; } athena::io::YAMLDocReader r; if (!r.parse(&fr)) { fmt::print(FMT_STRING("Unable to parse {}\n"), argv[i]); return 1; } std::string name; std::string fullName; athena::io::YAMLNode* listNode = nullptr; for (const auto& c : r.getRootNode()->m_mapChildren) { if (c.first == "name") { fullName = c.second->m_scalarString; } else { name = c.first; listNode = c.second.get(); } } if (fullName.empty()) { fmt::print(FMT_STRING("Unable to find 'name' node in {}\n"), argv[i]); return 1; } if (!listNode) { fmt::print(FMT_STRING("Unable to find list node in {}\n"), argv[i]); return 1; } if (seenLocales.find(name) == seenLocales.end()) { seenLocales.insert(name); fmt::print(enumLocales, FMT_STRING(" {},\n"), name); fmt::print(declLocales, FMT_STRING("struct {0} {{ static constexpr auto Name = \"{0}\"sv; static constexpr auto FullName = \"{1}\"sv; }};\n"), name, fullName); fmt::print(dos, FMT_STRING(" case ELocale::{0}:\n" " return act.template Do<{0}>(std::forward(args)...);\n"), name); fmt::print(lookups, FMT_STRING("/* {} */\n"), name); for (const auto& k : listNode->m_mapChildren) { if (seenKeys.find(k.first) == seenKeys.end()) { seenKeys.insert(k.first); fmt::print(keys, FMT_STRING("struct {} {{}};\n"), k.first); } fmt::print(lookups, FMT_STRING("template<> struct Lookup<{}, {}> {{ static constexpr auto Value() {{ return FMT_STRING(\"{}\"); }} }};\n"), name, k.first, k.second->m_scalarString); } } lookups << '\n'; } out << "/* Locales */\n" "enum class ELocale {\n" " Invalid = -1,\n"; out << enumLocales.str(); out << " MAXLocale\n" "};\n"; out << declLocales.str(); out << "\n" "using DefaultLocale = en_US;\n" "template struct Lookup {\n" " static_assert(!std::is_same_v, \"The default locale must translate all keys\");\n" " static constexpr auto Value() { return Lookup::Value(); }\n" "};\n" "\n" "/* Keys */\n"; out << keys.str(); out << "\n"; out << lookups.str(); out << "template \n" "constexpr auto Do(ELocale l, Action act, Args&&... args) {\n" " switch (l) {\n" " default:\n"; out << dos.str(); out << " }\n" "}\n"; return 0; }