#ifndef __NOD_DISC_BASE__ #define __NOD_DISC_BASE__ #include #include #include #include #include #include "Util.hpp" #include "IDiscIO.hpp" #include "IFileIO.hpp" namespace NOD { class FSTNode { uint32_t typeAndNameOffset; uint32_t offset; uint32_t length; public: FSTNode(bool isDir, uint32_t nameOff, uint32_t off, uint32_t len) { typeAndNameOffset = nameOff & 0xffffff; typeAndNameOffset |= isDir << 24; typeAndNameOffset = SBig(typeAndNameOffset); offset = SBig(off); length = SBig(len); } inline bool isDir() const {return ((SBig(typeAndNameOffset) >> 24) != 0);} inline uint32_t getNameOffset() const {return SBig(typeAndNameOffset) & 0xffffff;} inline uint32_t getOffset() const {return SBig(offset);} inline uint32_t getLength() const {return SBig(length);} void incrementLength() { uint32_t orig = SBig(length); ++orig; length = SBig(orig); } }; struct Header { char m_gameID[6]; char m_discNum; char m_discVersion; char m_audioStreaming; char m_streamBufSz; char m_unk[14]; uint32_t m_wiiMagic; uint32_t m_gcnMagic; char m_gameTitle[64]; Header(IDiscIO& dio) { std::unique_ptr s = dio.beginReadStream(0); s->read(this, sizeof(*this)); m_wiiMagic = SBig(m_wiiMagic); m_gcnMagic = SBig(m_gcnMagic); } Header(const char gameID[6], const char* gameTitle, bool wii, char discNum=0, char discVersion=0, char audioStreaming=1, char streamBufSz=0) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); memcpy(m_gameID, gameID, 6); strncpy(m_gameTitle, gameTitle, 64); m_discNum = discNum; m_discVersion = discVersion; m_audioStreaming = audioStreaming; m_streamBufSz = streamBufSz; if (wii) m_wiiMagic = 0x5D1C9EA3; else m_gcnMagic = 0xC2339F3D; } void write(IFileIO::IWriteStream& ws) const { Header hs(*this); hs.m_wiiMagic = SBig(hs.m_wiiMagic); hs.m_gcnMagic = SBig(hs.m_gcnMagic); ws.write(&hs, sizeof(hs)); } }; struct ExtractionContext; class DiscBase { public: virtual ~DiscBase() {} class IPartition { public: virtual ~IPartition() {} enum class Kind : uint32_t { Data, Update, Channel }; struct DOLHeader { uint32_t textOff[7]; uint32_t dataOff[11]; uint32_t textStarts[7]; uint32_t dataStarts[11]; uint32_t textSizes[7]; uint32_t dataSizes[11]; uint32_t bssStart; uint32_t bssSize; uint32_t entryPoint; }; class Node { public: enum class Kind { File, Directory }; private: friend class IPartition; const IPartition& m_parent; Kind m_kind; uint64_t m_discOffset; uint64_t m_discLength; std::string m_name; std::vector::iterator m_childrenBegin; std::vector::iterator m_childrenEnd; public: Node(const IPartition& parent, const FSTNode& node, const char* name) : m_parent(parent), m_kind(node.isDir() ? Kind::Directory : Kind::File), m_discOffset(parent.normalizeOffset(node.getOffset())), m_discLength(node.getLength()), m_name(name) {} inline Kind getKind() const {return m_kind;} inline const std::string& getName() const {return m_name;} inline uint64_t size() const {return m_discLength;} std::unique_ptr beginReadStream(uint64_t offset=0) const { if (m_kind != Kind::File) { LogModule.report(LogVisor::Error, "unable to stream a non-file %s", m_name.c_str()); return std::unique_ptr(); } return m_parent.beginReadStream(m_discOffset + offset); } std::unique_ptr getBuf() const { if (m_kind != Kind::File) { LogModule.report(LogVisor::Error, "unable to buffer a non-file %s", m_name.c_str()); return std::unique_ptr(); } uint8_t* buf = new uint8_t[m_discLength]; beginReadStream()->read(buf, m_discLength); return std::unique_ptr(buf); } inline std::vector::iterator rawBegin() const {return m_childrenBegin;} inline std::vector::iterator rawEnd() const {return m_childrenEnd;} class DirectoryIterator : std::iterator { friend class Node; std::vector::iterator m_it; DirectoryIterator(const std::vector::iterator& it) : m_it(it) {} public: inline bool operator!=(const DirectoryIterator& other) {return m_it != other.m_it;} inline bool operator==(const DirectoryIterator& other) {return m_it == other.m_it;} inline DirectoryIterator& operator++() { if (m_it->m_kind == Kind::Directory) m_it = m_it->rawEnd(); else ++m_it; return *this; } inline Node& operator*() {return *m_it;} inline Node* operator->() {return &*m_it;} }; inline DirectoryIterator begin() const {return DirectoryIterator(m_childrenBegin);} inline DirectoryIterator end() const {return DirectoryIterator(m_childrenEnd);} inline DirectoryIterator find(const std::string& name) const { if (m_kind == Kind::Directory) { DirectoryIterator it=begin(); for (; it != end() ; ++it) { if (!it->getName().compare(name)) return it; } return it; } return end(); } bool extractToDirectory(const SystemString& basePath, const ExtractionContext& ctx) const; }; protected: uint64_t m_dolOff; uint64_t m_fstOff; uint64_t m_fstSz; uint64_t m_apploaderSz; std::vector m_nodes; void parseFST(IPartReadStream& s); std::vector m_buildNodes; std::vector m_buildNames; size_t m_buildNameOff = 0; void recursiveBuildNodes(const SystemChar* dirIn, std::function incParents); uint64_t m_dolSz; void parseDOL(IPartReadStream& s); const DiscBase& m_parent; Kind m_kind; uint64_t m_offset; public: IPartition(const DiscBase& parent, Kind kind, uint64_t offset) : m_parent(parent), m_kind(kind), m_offset(offset) {} virtual uint64_t normalizeOffset(uint64_t anOffset) const {return anOffset;} inline Kind getKind() const {return m_kind;} virtual std::unique_ptr beginReadStream(uint64_t offset=0) const=0; inline std::unique_ptr beginDOLReadStream(uint64_t offset=0) const {return beginReadStream(m_dolOff + offset);} inline std::unique_ptr beginFSTReadStream(uint64_t offset=0) const {return beginReadStream(m_fstOff + offset);} inline std::unique_ptr beginApploaderReadStream(uint64_t offset=0) const {return beginReadStream(0x2440 + offset);} inline const Node& getFSTRoot() const {return m_nodes[0];} inline Node& getFSTRoot() {return m_nodes[0];} bool extractToDirectory(const SystemString& path, const ExtractionContext& ctx); inline uint64_t getDOLSize() const {return m_dolSz;} inline std::unique_ptr getDOLBuf() const { std::unique_ptr buf(new uint8_t[m_dolSz]); beginDOLReadStream()->read(buf.get(), m_dolSz); return buf; } inline uint64_t getFSTSize() const {return m_fstSz;} inline std::unique_ptr getFSTBuf() const { std::unique_ptr buf(new uint8_t[m_fstSz]); beginFSTReadStream()->read(buf.get(), m_fstSz); return buf; } inline uint64_t getApploaderSize() const {return m_apploaderSz;} inline std::unique_ptr getApploaderBuf() const { std::unique_ptr buf(new uint8_t[m_apploaderSz]); beginApploaderReadStream()->read(buf.get(), m_apploaderSz); return buf; } }; protected: std::unique_ptr m_discIO; Header m_header; std::vector> m_partitions; public: DiscBase(std::unique_ptr&& dio) : m_discIO(std::move(dio)), m_header(*m_discIO) {} inline const Header& getHeader() const {return m_header;} inline const IDiscIO& getDiscIO() const {return *m_discIO;} inline IPartition* getDataPartition() { for (const std::unique_ptr& part : m_partitions) if (part->getKind() == IPartition::Kind::Data) return part.get(); return nullptr; } inline IPartition* getUpdatePartition() { for (const std::unique_ptr& part : m_partitions) if (part->getKind() == IPartition::Kind::Update) return part.get(); return nullptr; } inline void extractToDirectory(const SystemString& path, const ExtractionContext& ctx) { for (std::unique_ptr& part : m_partitions) part->extractToDirectory(path, ctx); } }; class DiscBuilderBase { public: class IPartitionBuilder { public: virtual ~IPartitionBuilder() {} enum class Kind : uint32_t { Data, Update, Channel }; protected: std::vector m_buildNodes; std::vector m_buildNames; size_t m_buildNameOff = 0; virtual uint64_t userAllocate(uint64_t reqSz)=0; void recursiveBuildNodes(const SystemChar* dirIn, uint64_t dolInode, std::function incParents); void addBuildName(const SystemString& str) { SystemUTF8View utf8View(str); m_buildNames.push_back(utf8View.utf8_str()); m_buildNameOff += str.size() + 1; } DiscBuilderBase& m_parent; Kind m_kind; uint64_t m_offset; char m_gameID[6]; std::string m_gameTitle; uint32_t m_fstMemoryAddr; uint64_t m_dolOffset = 0; public: IPartitionBuilder(DiscBuilderBase& parent, Kind kind, uint64_t offset, const char gameID[6], const char* gameTitle, uint32_t fstMemoryAddr) : m_parent(parent), m_kind(kind), m_offset(offset), m_gameTitle(gameTitle), m_fstMemoryAddr(fstMemoryAddr) { memcpy(m_gameID, gameID, 6); } bool buildFromDirectory(const SystemChar* dirIn, const SystemChar* dolIn, const SystemChar* apploaderIn); }; protected: std::unique_ptr m_fileIO; std::vector> m_partitions; public: std::function m_progressCB; size_t m_progressIdx = 0; virtual ~DiscBuilderBase() {} DiscBuilderBase(std::unique_ptr&& fio, std::function progressCB) : m_fileIO(std::move(fio)), m_progressCB(progressCB) {} IFileIO& getFileIO() {return *m_fileIO;} virtual bool buildFromDirectory(const SystemChar* dirIn, const SystemChar* dolIn, const SystemChar* apploaderIn)=0; }; using Partition = DiscBase::IPartition; using Node = Partition::Node; } #endif // __NOD_DISC_BASE__