#ifndef CPROJECTION_HPP #define CPROJECTION_HPP #include "Global.hpp" #include "CMatrix4f.hpp" #include #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES 1 #include namespace Zeus { enum class EProjType { None = 0, Orthographic = 1, Perspective = 2 }; struct SProjOrtho { float m_top, m_bottom, m_left, m_right, m_near, m_far; SProjOrtho(float p_top=1.0f, float p_bottom=-1.0f, float p_left=-1.0f, float p_right=1.0f, float p_near=1.0f, float p_far=-1.0f) : m_top(p_top), m_bottom(p_bottom), m_left(p_left), m_right(p_right), m_near(p_near), m_far(p_far) {} }; struct SProjPersp { float m_fov, m_aspect, m_near, m_far; SProjPersp(float p_fov=55.0f * M_PI / 180.0f, float p_aspect=1.0f, float p_near=0.1f, float p_far=4096.f) : m_fov(p_fov), m_aspect(p_aspect), m_near(p_near), m_far(p_far) {} }; extern const SProjOrtho kOrthoIdentity; class alignas(16) CProjection { void _updateCachedMatrix(); public: ZE_DECLARE_ALIGNED_ALLOCATOR(); CProjection() { m_projType = EProjType::Orthographic; m_ortho = SProjOrtho(); m_mtx = CMatrix4f::skIdentityMatrix4f; } CProjection(const CProjection& other) {*this = other;} CProjection(const SProjOrtho& ortho) {setOrtho(ortho);} CProjection(const SProjPersp& persp) {setPersp(persp);} inline CProjection& operator=(const CProjection& other) { if (this != &other) { m_projType = other.m_projType; m_ortho = other.m_ortho; m_mtx = other.m_mtx; } return *this; } inline void setOrtho(const SProjOrtho& ortho) {m_projType = EProjType::Orthographic; m_ortho = ortho; _updateCachedMatrix();} inline void setPersp(const SProjPersp& persp) {m_projType = EProjType::Perspective; m_persp = persp; _updateCachedMatrix();} inline EProjType getType() const {return m_projType;} inline const SProjOrtho& getOrtho() const { if (m_projType != EProjType::Orthographic) { fprintf(stderr, "attempted to access orthographic structure of non-ortho projection"); abort(); } return m_ortho; } inline const SProjPersp& getPersp() const { if (m_projType != EProjType::Perspective) { fprintf(stderr, "attempted to access perspective structure of non-persp projection"); abort(); } return m_persp; } inline const CMatrix4f& getCachedMatrix() const {return m_mtx;} protected: /* Projection type */ EProjType m_projType; /* Projection intermediate */ union { #ifdef _MSC_VER struct { SProjOrtho m_ortho; }; struct { SProjPersp m_persp; }; #else SProjOrtho m_ortho; SProjPersp m_persp; #endif }; /* Cached projection matrix */ CMatrix4f m_mtx; }; } #endif // CMATRIX3F_HPP