ifneq ($(findstring MINGW,$(shell uname)),) WINDOWS := 1 endif ifneq ($(findstring MSYS,$(shell uname)),) WINDOWS := 1 endif # If 0, tells the console to chill out. (Quiets the make process.) VERBOSE ?= 0 # If MAPGENFLAG set to 1, tells LDFLAGS to generate a mapfile, which makes linking take several minutes. MAPGENFLAG ?= 1 ifeq ($(VERBOSE),0) QUIET := @ endif #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Files #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME := mp1 VERSION ?= 0 # Overkill epilogue fixup strategy. Set to 1 if necessary. EPILOGUE_PROCESS := 0 BUILD_DIR := build/$(NAME).$(VERSION) ifeq ($(EPILOGUE_PROCESS),1) EPILOGUE_DIR := epilogue/$(NAME).$(VERSION) endif # Inputs S_FILES := $(wildcard asm/*.s) C_FILES := $(wildcard src/*.c) CPP_FILES := $(wildcard src/*.cpp) CPP_FILES += $(wildcard src/*.cp) LDSCRIPT := $(BUILD_DIR)/ldscript.lcf # Outputs DOL := $(BUILD_DIR)/main.dol ELF := $(DOL:.dol=.elf) MAP := $(BUILD_DIR)/MetroidPrime.MAP ifeq ($(MAPGENFLAG),1) MAPGEN := -map $(MAP) endif include obj_files.mk ifeq ($(EPILOGUE_PROCESS),1) include e_files.mk endif O_FILES := $(INIT_O_FILES) $(EXTAB_O_FILES) $(EXTABINDEX_O_FILES) $(METROTRK_FILES) \ $(METROIDPRIME) $(WORLDFORMAT) $(WEAPONS) $(METARENDER) $(GUISYS) $(COLLISION) \ $(KYOTO) $(RODATA_O_FILES) $(DATA_O_FILES) $(SDATA_O_FILES) \ $(SBSS_O_FILES) $(SDATA2_O_FILES) $(SBSS2_O_FILES) $(AI_FILES) \ $(AR_FILES) $(BASE_FILES) $(DB_FILES) $(DSP_FILES) $(DVD_FILES) $(GX_FILES) $(MTX_FILES) \ $(OS_FILES) $(PAD_FILES) $(VI_FILES) $(MSL_PPCEABI_BARE_H) $(MUSYX_FILES) \ $(DTK_FILES) $(CARD_FILES) $(SI_FILES) $(EXI_FILES) $(THP_FILES) \ $(GBA_FILES) $(CTORS_O_FILES) $(DTORS_O_FILES) DEPENDS := $(O_FILES:.o=.d) # If a specific .o file is passed as a target, also process its deps DEPENDS += $(MAKECMDGOALS:.o=.d) ifeq ($(EPILOGUE_PROCESS),1) E_FILES := $(EPILOGUE_UNSCHEDULED) endif #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tools #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MWCC_VERSION := 2.7 ifeq ($(EPILOGUE_PROCESS),1) MWCC_EPI_VERSION := 1.2.5 MWCC_EPI_EXE := mwcceppc.exe endif MWLD_VERSION := 2.6 # Programs export WINEDEBUG ?= -all ifeq ($(WINDOWS),1) WINE := AS := $(DEVKITPPC)/bin/powerpc-eabi-as.exe CPP := $(DEVKITPPC)/bin/powerpc-eabi-cpp.exe -P else WINE ?= wine DEVKITPPC ?= /opt/devkitpro/devkitPPC DEPENDS := $(DEPENDS:.d=.d.unix) AS := $(DEVKITPPC)/bin/powerpc-eabi-as CPP := $(DEVKITPPC)/bin/powerpc-eabi-cpp -P endif CC = $(WINE) tools/mwcc_compiler/$(MWCC_VERSION)/mwcceppc.exe ifeq ($(EPILOGUE_PROCESS),1) CC_EPI = $(WINE) tools/mwcc_compiler/$(MWCC_EPI_VERSION)/$(MWCC_EPI_EXE) endif LD := $(WINE) tools/mwcc_compiler/$(MWLD_VERSION)/mwldeppc.exe ELF2DOL := tools/elf2dol SHA1SUM := sha1sum PYTHON := python3 TRANSFORM_DEP := tools/transform-dep.py FRANK := tools/franklite.py # Options INCLUDES := -i include/ ASM_INCLUDES := -I include/ ASFLAGS := -mgekko $(ASM_INCLUDES) --defsym version=$(VERSION) ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1) # this set of LDFLAGS outputs warnings. LDFLAGS := $(MAPGEN) -fp hard -nodefaults endif ifeq ($(VERBOSE),0) # this set of LDFLAGS generates no warnings. LDFLAGS := $(MAPGEN) -fp hard -nodefaults -w off endif CFLAGS_1.2 = -proc gekko -nodefaults -Cpp_exceptions off -RTTI off -fp hard -fp_contract on -str reuse,pool,readonly -rostr -O4,p -maxerrors 1 -use_lmw_stmw on -enum int -inline auto -MMD $(INCLUDES) CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_1.2) -gccinc ifeq ($(VERBOSE),0) # this set of ASFLAGS generates no warnings. ASFLAGS += -W endif $(BUILD_DIR)/src/os/__start.o: MWCC_VERSION := 1.2.5 $(BUILD_DIR)/src/os/__start.o: CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS_1.2) $(BUILD_DIR)/src/Dolphin/PPCArch.o: MWCC_VERSION := 1.2.5 $(BUILD_DIR)/src/Dolphin/PPCArch.o: CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS_1.2) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Recipes #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Default target ### default: all all: $(DOL) ALL_DIRS := $(sort $(dir $(O_FILES))) ifeq ($(EPILOGUE_PROCESS),1) EPI_DIRS := $(sort $(dir $(E_FILES))) endif # Make sure build directory exists before compiling anything DUMMY != mkdir -p $(ALL_DIRS) # ifeq ($(EPILOGUE_PROCESS),1) # Make sure profile directory exists before compiling anything # DUMMY != mkdir -p $(EPI_DIRS) # endif .PHONY: tools $(LDSCRIPT): ldscript.lcf $(QUIET) $(CPP) -MMD -MP -MT $@ -MF $@.d -I include/ -I . -DBUILD_DIR=$(BUILD_DIR) -o $@ $< $(DOL): $(ELF) | tools $(QUIET) $(ELF2DOL) $< $@ $(QUIET) $(SHA1SUM) -c sha1/$(NAME).$(VERSION).sha1 ifneq ($(findstring -map,$(LDFLAGS)),) $(QUIET) $(PYTHON) tools/calcprogress.py $(DOL) $(MAP) endif clean: $(RM) $(O_FILES) $(DEPENDS) $(MAKE) -C tools clean tools: $(MAKE) -C tools # ELF creation makefile instructions ifeq ($(EPILOGUE_PROCESS),1) @echo Linking ELF $@ $(ELF): $(O_FILES) $(E_FILES) $(LDSCRIPT) $(QUIET) @echo $(O_FILES) > build/o_files $(QUIET) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ -lcf $(LDSCRIPT) @build/o_files else $(ELF): $(O_FILES) $(LDSCRIPT) @echo Linking ELF $@ $(QUIET) @echo $(O_FILES) > build/o_files $(QUIET) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ -lcf $(LDSCRIPT) @build/o_files endif %.d.unix: %.d $(TRANSFORM_DEP) @echo Processing $< $(QUIET) $(PYTHON) $(TRANSFORM_DEP) $< $@ -include $(DEPENDS) $(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: %.s @echo Assembling $< $(QUIET) $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: %.c @echo "Compiling " $< $(QUIET) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(dir $@) $< $(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: %.cp @echo "Compiling " $< $(QUIET) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(dir $@) $< $(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp @echo "Compiling " $< $(QUIET) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(dir $@) $< ifeq ($(EPILOGUE_PROCESS),1) $(EPILOGUE_DIR)/%.o: %.c $(BUILD_DIR)/%.o @echo Frank is fixing $< $(QUIET) $(PYTHON) $(FRANK) $(word 2,$^) $(word 2,$^) $(EPILOGUE_DIR)/%.o: %.cp $(BUILD_DIR)/%.o @echo Frank is fixing $< $(QUIET) $(PYTHON) $(FRANK) $(word 2,$^) $(word 2,$^) $(EPILOGUE_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp $(BUILD_DIR)/%.o @echo Frank is fixing $< $(QUIET) $(PYTHON) $(FRANK) $(word 2,$^) $(word 2,$^) endif # If we need Frank, add the following after the @echo # $(QUIET) $(CC_EPI) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< ### Debug Print ### print-% : ; $(info $* is a $(flavor $*) variable set to [$($*)]) @true