#!/usr/bin/env python3 ################################################################################ # Description # ################################################################################ # calcprogress: Used to calculate the progress of the Metroid Prime decomp. # # Prints to stdout for now, but eventually will have some form of storage, # # i.e. CSV, so that it can be used for a webpage display. # # # # Usage: No arguments needed # ################################################################################ ############################################### # # # Imports # # # ############################################### import os import sys import struct import re import math ############################################### # # # Constants # # # ############################################### DOL_PATH = sys.argv[1] MAP_PATH = sys.argv[2] MEM1_HI = 0x81200000 MEM1_LO = 0x80004000 MW_WII_SYMBOL_REGEX = r"^\s*"\ r"(?P<SectOfs>\w{8})\s+"\ r"(?P<Size>\w{6})\s+"\ r"(?P<VirtOfs>\w{8})\s+"\ r"(?P<FileOfs>\w{8})\s+"\ r"(\w{1,2})\s+"\ r"(?P<Symbol>[0-9A-Za-z_<>$@.*]*)\s*"\ r"(?P<Object>\S*)" MW_GC_SYMBOL_REGEX = r"^\s*"\ r"(?P<SectOfs>\w{8})\s+"\ r"(?P<Size>\w{6})\s+"\ r"(?P<VirtOfs>\w{8})\s+"\ r"(\w{1,2})\s+"\ r"(?P<Symbol>[0-9A-Za-z_<>$@.*]*)\s*"\ r"(?P<Object>\S*)" REGEX_TO_USE = MW_GC_SYMBOL_REGEX TEXT_SECTIONS = ["init", "text"] DATA_SECTIONS = [ "rodata", "data", "bss", "sdata", "sbss", "sdata2", "sbss2", "ctors", "_ctors", "dtors", "ctors$99", "_ctors$99", "ctors$00", "dtors$99", "extab", "extabindex", "extab_", "extabindex_", "_extab", "_exidx" ] # DOL info TEXT_SECTION_COUNT = 7 DATA_SECTION_COUNT = 11 SECTION_TEXT = 0 SECTION_DATA = 1 # Progress flavor codeFrac = 1499 # total code "item" amount dataFrac = 250 # total data "item" amount codeItem = "energy" # code flavor item dataItem = "missiles" # data flavor item ############################################### # # # Entrypoint # # # ############################################### if __name__ == "__main__": # HACK: Check asm or src in obj_file.mk # to avoid counting .comm/.lcomm as decompiled asm_objs = [] with open('obj_files.mk', 'r') as file: for line in file: if "asm/" in line: asm_objs.append(line.strip().rsplit('/', 1)[-1].rstrip('\\')) # Sum up DOL section sizes dol_handle = open(DOL_PATH, "rb") # Seek to virtual addresses dol_handle.seek(0x48) # Read virtual addresses text_starts = list() for i in range(TEXT_SECTION_COUNT): text_starts.append(int.from_bytes(dol_handle.read(4), byteorder='big')) data_starts = list() for i in range(DATA_SECTION_COUNT): data_starts.append(int.from_bytes(dol_handle.read(4), byteorder='big')) # Read lengths text_sizes = list() for i in range(TEXT_SECTION_COUNT): text_sizes.append(int.from_bytes(dol_handle.read(4), byteorder='big')) data_sizes = list() for i in range(DATA_SECTION_COUNT): data_sizes.append(int.from_bytes(dol_handle.read(4), byteorder='big')) # BSS address + length bss_start = int.from_bytes(dol_handle.read(4), byteorder='big') bss_size = int.from_bytes(dol_handle.read(4), byteorder='big') bss_end = bss_start + bss_size dol_code_size = 0 dol_data_size = 0 for i in range(DATA_SECTION_COUNT): # Ignore sections inside BSS if (data_starts[i] >= bss_start) and (data_starts[i] + data_sizes[i] <= bss_end): continue dol_data_size += data_sizes[i] dol_data_size += bss_size for i in text_sizes: dol_code_size += i # Open map file mapfile = open(MAP_PATH, "r") symbols = mapfile.readlines() decomp_code_size = 0 decomp_data_size = 0 section_type = None # Find first section first_section = 0 while (symbols[first_section].startswith(".") == False and "section layout" not in symbols[first_section]): first_section += 1 assert(first_section < len(symbols)), "Map file contains no sections!!!" cur_object = None cur_size = 0 j = 0 for i in range(first_section, len(symbols)): # New section if (symbols[i].startswith(".") == True or "section layout" in symbols[i]): # Grab section name (i.e. ".init section layout" -> "init") sectionName = re.search(r"\.*(?P<Name>\w+)\s", symbols[i]).group("Name") # Determine type of section section_type = SECTION_DATA if (sectionName in DATA_SECTIONS) else SECTION_TEXT # Parse symbols until we hit the next section declaration else: if "UNUSED" in symbols[i]: continue if "entry of" in symbols[i]: if j == i - 1: if section_type == SECTION_TEXT: decomp_code_size -= cur_size else: decomp_data_size -= cur_size cur_size = 0 #print(f"Line* {j}: {symbols[j]}") #print(f"Line {i}: {symbols[i]}") continue assert(section_type != None), f"Symbol found outside of a section!!!\n{symbols[i]}" match_obj = re.search(REGEX_TO_USE, symbols[i]) # Should be a symbol in ASM (so we discard it) if (match_obj == None): #print(f"Line {i}: {symbols[i]}") continue # Has the object file changed? last_object = cur_object cur_object = match_obj.group("Object").strip() if last_object != cur_object or cur_object in asm_objs: continue # Is the symbol a file-wide section? symb = match_obj.group("Symbol") if (symb.startswith("*fill*")) or (symb.startswith(".") and symb[1:] in TEXT_SECTIONS or symb[1:] in DATA_SECTIONS): continue # For sections that don't start with "." if (symb in DATA_SECTIONS): continue # If not, we accumulate the file size cur_size = int(match_obj.group("Size"), 16) j = i if (section_type == SECTION_TEXT): decomp_code_size += cur_size else: decomp_data_size += cur_size # Calculate percentages codeCompletionPcnt = (decomp_code_size / dol_code_size) # code completion percent dataCompletionPcnt = (decomp_data_size / dol_data_size) # data completion percent bytesPerCodeItem = dol_code_size / codeFrac # bytes per code item bytesPerDataItem = dol_data_size / dataFrac # bytes per data item codeCount = math.floor(decomp_code_size / bytesPerCodeItem) dataCount = math.floor(decomp_data_size / bytesPerDataItem) print("Progress:") print(f"\tCode sections: {decomp_code_size} / {dol_code_size}\tbytes in src ({codeCompletionPcnt:%})") print(f"\tData sections: {decomp_data_size} / {dol_data_size}\tbytes in src ({dataCompletionPcnt:%})") print("\nYou have {} out of {} {} and collected {} out of {} {}.".format(codeCount, codeFrac, codeItem, dataCount, dataFrac, dataItem))