#include "common.h" namespace user32 { struct Resource { uint32_t id; uint32_t value; }; struct ResourceTable { char pad[12]; uint16_t nameEntryCount; uint16_t idEntryCount; Resource resources[]; }; static unsigned int searchResourceTableByID(const char *tableAddr, unsigned int id) { ResourceTable* table = (ResourceTable*)tableAddr; for (int i = 0; i < table->idEntryCount; i++) { const Resource& r = table->resources[table->nameEntryCount + i]; if (r.id == id) { return r.value; } } return 0; } static unsigned int* getResourceByID(wibo::Executable *mod, unsigned int typeID, unsigned int nameID, unsigned int languageID) { const char *rsrcBase = (const char *)mod->rsrcBase; if (rsrcBase == 0) { DEBUG_LOG("getResourceByID: no .rsrc section\n"); wibo::lastError = 1812; // ERROR_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND return 0; } unsigned int typeTable = searchResourceTableByID(rsrcBase, typeID) & 0x7FFFFFFFu; if (typeTable == 0) { DEBUG_LOG("getResourceByID: no type table with id = %s\n", typeID); wibo::lastError = 1813; // ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND return 0; } unsigned int nameTable = searchResourceTableByID(rsrcBase + typeTable, nameID) & 0x7FFFFFFFu; if (nameTable == 0) { DEBUG_LOG("getResourceByID: no name table with id = %s\n", nameID); wibo::lastError = 1814; // ERROR_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND return 0; } unsigned int langEntry = searchResourceTableByID(rsrcBase + nameTable, languageID); if (langEntry == 0) { DEBUG_LOG("getResourceByID: no lang entry with id = %s\n", languageID); wibo::lastError = 1814; // ERROR_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND return 0; } return (unsigned int*)(rsrcBase + langEntry); } static const char *getStringFromTable(unsigned int uID) { wibo::Executable *mod = wibo::mainModule; unsigned int tableID = (uID >> 4) + 1; unsigned int entryID = uID & 15; unsigned int* stringTable = getResourceByID(mod, 6, tableID, 1033); if (stringTable == 0) return 0; // what's in here? const char *str = mod->fromRVA(stringTable[0]); unsigned int size = stringTable[1]; assert(entryID < size); // skip over strings to get to the one we want for (unsigned int i = 0; i < entryID; i++) { int stringSize = *(uint16_t*)str; str += 2; str += stringSize * 2; } return str; } int WIN_FUNC LoadStringA(void* hInstance, unsigned int uID, char* lpBuffer, int cchBufferMax) { DEBUG_LOG("LoadStringA %p %d %d\n", hInstance, uID, cchBufferMax); const char* s = getStringFromTable(uID); if (!s) { return 0; } int len = *(int16_t*)s; s += 2; assert(cchBufferMax != 0); len = (len < cchBufferMax - 1 ? len : cchBufferMax - 1); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { lpBuffer[i] = s[i * 2]; } lpBuffer[len] = 0; DEBUG_LOG("returning: %s\n", lpBuffer); return len; } int WIN_FUNC MessageBoxA(void *hwnd, const char *lpText, const char *lpCaption, unsigned int uType) { printf("MESSAGE BOX: [%s] %s\n", lpCaption, lpText); fflush(stdout); return 1; } } static void *resolveByName(const char *name) { if (strcmp(name, "LoadStringA") == 0) return (void *) user32::LoadStringA; if (strcmp(name, "MessageBoxA") == 0) return (void *) user32::MessageBoxA; return nullptr; } wibo::Module lib_user32 = { (const char *[]){ "user32", "user32.dll", nullptr, }, resolveByName, nullptr, };