/* See LICENSE.txt for the full license governing this code. */ /** * \file harness_argparser.c * * Source file for functions to parse arguments to the test harness. */ #include #include #include #include "SDL_visualtest_harness_argparser.h" #include "SDL_visualtest_rwhelper.h" /** Maximum length of one line in the config file */ #define MAX_CONFIG_LINE_LEN 400 /** Default value for the timeout after which the SUT is forcefully killed */ #define DEFAULT_SUT_TIMEOUT (60 * 1000) /* String compare s1 and s2 ignoring leading hyphens */ static int StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen(char* s1, char* s2) { /* treat NULL pointer as empty strings */ if(!s1) s1 = ""; if(!s2) s2 = ""; while(*s1 == '-') s1++; while(*s2 == '-') s2++; return SDL_strcasecmp(s1, s2); } /* parser an argument, updates the state object and returns the number of arguments processed; returns -1 on failure */ static int ParseArg(char** argv, int index, SDLVisualTest_HarnessState* state) { if(!argv || !argv[index] || !state) return 0; if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("sutapp", argv[index]) == 0) { index++; if(!argv[index]) { SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for sutapp."); return -1; } SDL_strlcpy(state->sutapp, argv[index], MAX_PATH_LEN); SDLTest_Log("SUT Application: %s", state->sutapp); return 2; } else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("output-dir", argv[index]) == 0) { index++; if(!argv[index]) { SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for output-dir."); return -1; } SDL_strlcpy(state->output_dir, argv[index], MAX_PATH_LEN); SDLTest_Log("Screenshot Output Directory: %s", state->output_dir); return 2; } else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("verify-dir", argv[index]) == 0) { index++; if(!argv[index]) { SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for verify-dir."); return -1; } SDL_strlcpy(state->verify_dir, argv[index], MAX_PATH_LEN); SDLTest_Log("Screenshot Verification Directory: %s", state->verify_dir); return 2; } else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("sutargs", argv[index]) == 0) { index++; if(!argv[index]) { SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for sutargs."); return -1; } SDL_strlcpy(state->sutargs, argv[index], MAX_SUT_ARGS_LEN); SDLTest_Log("SUT Arguments: %s", state->sutargs); return 2; } else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("timeout", argv[index]) == 0) { int hr, min, sec; index++; if(!argv[index] || SDL_sscanf(argv[index], "%d:%d:%d", &hr, &min, &sec) != 3) { SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for timeout."); return -1; } state->timeout = (((hr * 60) + min) * 60 + sec) * 1000; SDLTest_Log("Maximum Timeout for each SUT run: %d milliseconds", state->timeout); return 2; } else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("parameter-config", argv[index]) == 0) { index++; if(!argv[index]) { SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for parameter-config."); return -1; } SDLTest_Log("SUT Parameters file: %s", argv[index]); SDLVisualTest_FreeSUTConfig(&state->sut_config); if(!SDLVisualTest_ParseSUTConfig(argv[index], &state->sut_config)) { SDLTest_LogError("Failed to parse SUT parameters file"); return -1; } return 2; } else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("variator", argv[index]) == 0) { index++; if(!argv[index]) { SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for variator."); return -1; } SDLTest_Log("Variator: %s", argv[index]); if(SDL_strcasecmp("exhaustive", argv[index]) == 0) state->variator_type = SDL_VARIATOR_EXHAUSTIVE; else if(SDL_strcasecmp("random", argv[index]) == 0) state->variator_type = SDL_VARIATOR_RANDOM; else { SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid variator name."); return -1; } return 2; } else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("num-variations", argv[index]) == 0) { index++; if(!argv[index]) { SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: Invalid argument for num-variations."); return -1; } state->num_variations = SDL_atoi(argv[index]); SDLTest_Log("Number of variations to run: %d", state->num_variations); if(state->num_variations <= 0) { SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: num-variations must be positive."); return -1; } return 2; } else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("no-launch", argv[index]) == 0) { state->no_launch = SDL_TRUE; SDLTest_Log("SUT will not be launched."); return 1; } else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("action-config", argv[index]) == 0) { index++; if(!argv[index]) { SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: invalid argument for action-config"); return -1; } SDLTest_Log("Action Config file: %s", argv[index]); SDLVisualTest_EmptyActionQueue(&state->action_queue); if(!SDLVisualTest_ParseActionConfig(argv[index], &state->action_queue)) { SDLTest_LogError("SDLVisualTest_ParseActionConfig() failed"); return -1; } return 2; } else if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("config", argv[index]) == 0) { index++; if(!argv[index]) { SDLTest_LogError("Arguments parsing error: invalid argument for config"); return -1; } /* do nothing, this option has already been handled */ return 2; } return 0; } /* TODO: Trailing/leading spaces and spaces between equals sign not supported. */ static int ParseConfig(char* file, SDLVisualTest_HarnessState* state) { SDL_RWops* rw; SDLVisualTest_RWHelperBuffer buffer; char line[MAX_CONFIG_LINE_LEN]; rw = SDL_RWFromFile(file, "r"); if(!rw) { SDLTest_LogError("SDL_RWFromFile() failed"); return 0; } SDLVisualTest_RWHelperResetBuffer(&buffer); while(SDLVisualTest_RWHelperReadLine(rw, line, MAX_CONFIG_LINE_LEN, &buffer, '#')) { char** argv; int i, num_params; /* count number of parameters and replace the trailing newline with 0 */ num_params = 1; for(i = 0; line[i]; i++) { if(line[i] == '=') { num_params = 2; break; } } /* populate argv */ argv = (char**)SDL_malloc((num_params + 1) * sizeof(char*)); if(!argv) { SDLTest_LogError("malloc() failed."); SDL_RWclose(rw); return 0; } argv[num_params] = NULL; for(i = 0; i < num_params; i++) { argv[i] = strtok(i == 0 ? line : NULL, "="); } if(ParseArg(argv, 0, state) == -1) { SDLTest_LogError("ParseArg() failed"); SDL_free(argv); SDL_RWclose(rw); return 0; } SDL_free(argv); } SDL_RWclose(rw); if(!state->sutapp[0]) return 0; return 1; } int SDLVisualTest_ParseHarnessArgs(char** argv, SDLVisualTest_HarnessState* state) { int i; SDLTest_Log("Parsing commandline arguments.."); if(!argv) { SDLTest_LogError("argv is NULL"); return 0; } if(!state) { SDLTest_LogError("state is NULL"); return 0; } /* initialize the state object */ state->sutargs[0] = '\0'; state->sutapp[0] = '\0'; state->output_dir[0] = '\0'; state->verify_dir[0] = '\0'; state->timeout = DEFAULT_SUT_TIMEOUT; SDL_memset(&state->sut_config, 0, sizeof(SDLVisualTest_SUTConfig)); SDL_memset(&state->action_queue, 0, sizeof(SDLVisualTest_ActionQueue)); state->variator_type = SDL_VARIATOR_RANDOM; state->num_variations = -1; state->no_launch = SDL_FALSE; /* parse config file if passed */ for(i = 0; argv[i]; i++) { if(StrCaseCmpIgnoreHyphen("config", argv[i]) == 0) { if(!argv[i + 1]) { SDLTest_Log("Arguments parsing error: invalid argument for config."); return 0; } if(!ParseConfig(argv[i + 1], state)) { SDLTest_LogError("ParseConfig() failed"); return 0; } } } /* parse the arguments */ for(i = 0; argv[i];) { int consumed = ParseArg(argv, i, state); if(consumed == -1 || consumed == 0) { SDLTest_LogError("ParseArg() failed"); return 0; } i += consumed; } if(state->variator_type == SDL_VARIATOR_RANDOM && state->num_variations == -1) state->num_variations = 1; /* check to see if required options have been passed */ if(!state->sutapp[0]) { SDLTest_LogError("sutapp must be passed."); return 0; } if(!state->sutargs[0] && !state->sut_config.options) { SDLTest_LogError("Either sutargs or parameter-config must be passed."); return 0; } if(!state->output_dir[0]) { SDL_strlcpy(state->output_dir, "./output", MAX_PATH_LEN); } if(!state->verify_dir[0]) { SDL_strlcpy(state->verify_dir, "./verify", MAX_PATH_LEN); } return 1; } void SDLVisualTest_FreeHarnessState(SDLVisualTest_HarnessState* state) { if(state) { SDLVisualTest_EmptyActionQueue(&state->action_queue); SDLVisualTest_FreeSUTConfig(&state->sut_config); } }