/* See COPYING.txt for the full license governing this code. */ /** * \file windows_screenshot.c * * Source file for the screenshot API on windows. */ #include "SDL_visualtest_process.h" #include #include #if defined(__CYGWIN__) #include #endif #if defined(__WIN32__) #include void LogLastError(char* str); static int img_num; static SDL_ProcessInfo screenshot_pinfo; /* Saves a bitmap to a file using hdc as a device context */ static int SaveBitmapToFile(HDC hdc, HBITMAP hbitmap, char* filename) { BITMAP bitmap; BITMAPFILEHEADER bfh; BITMAPINFOHEADER bih; DWORD bmpsize, bytes_written; HANDLE hdib, hfile; char* bmpdata; int return_code = 1; if(!hdc) { SDLTest_LogError("hdc argument is NULL"); return 0; } if(!hbitmap) { SDLTest_LogError("hbitmap argument is NULL"); return 0; } if(!filename) { SDLTest_LogError("filename argument is NULL"); return 0; } if(!GetObject(hbitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), (void*)&bitmap)) { SDLTest_LogError("GetObject() failed"); return_code = 0; goto savebitmaptofile_cleanup_generic; } bih.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bih.biWidth = bitmap.bmWidth; bih.biHeight = bitmap.bmHeight; bih.biPlanes = 1; bih.biBitCount = 32; bih.biCompression = BI_RGB; bih.biSizeImage = 0; bih.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bih.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bih.biClrUsed = 0; bih.biClrImportant = 0; bmpsize = ((bitmap.bmWidth * bih.biBitCount + 31) / 32) * 4 * bitmap.bmHeight; hdib = GlobalAlloc(GHND, bmpsize); if(!hdib) { LogLastError("GlobalAlloc() failed"); return_code = 0; goto savebitmaptofile_cleanup_generic; } bmpdata = (char*)GlobalLock(hdib); if(!bmpdata) { LogLastError("GlobalLock() failed"); return_code = 0; goto savebitmaptofile_cleanup_hdib; } if(!GetDIBits(hdc, hbitmap, 0, (UINT)bitmap.bmHeight, bmpdata, (LPBITMAPINFO)&bih, DIB_RGB_COLORS)) { SDLTest_LogError("GetDIBits() failed"); return_code = 0; goto savebitmaptofile_cleanup_unlockhdib; } hfile = CreateFile(filename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LogLastError("CreateFile()"); return_code = 0; goto savebitmaptofile_cleanup_unlockhdib; } bfh.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bfh.bfSize = bmpsize + bfh.bfOffBits; bfh.bfType = 0x4D42; bytes_written = 0; if(!WriteFile(hfile, (void*)&bfh, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), &bytes_written, NULL) || !WriteFile(hfile, (void*)&bih, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), &bytes_written, NULL) || !WriteFile(hfile, (void*)bmpdata, bmpsize, &bytes_written, NULL)) { LogLastError("WriteFile() failed"); return_code = 0; goto savebitmaptofile_cleanup_hfile; } savebitmaptofile_cleanup_hfile: CloseHandle(hfile); /* make the screenshot file writable on cygwin, since it could be overwritten later */ #if defined(__CYGWIN__) if(chmod(filename, 0777) == -1) { SDLTest_LogError("chmod() failed"); return_code = 0; } #endif savebitmaptofile_cleanup_unlockhdib: GlobalUnlock(hdib); savebitmaptofile_cleanup_hdib: GlobalFree(hdib); savebitmaptofile_cleanup_generic: return return_code; } /* Takes the screenshot of a window and saves it to a file. If only_client_area is true, then only the client area of the window is considered */ static int ScreenshotWindow(HWND hwnd, char* filename, SDL_bool only_client_area) { int width, height; RECT dimensions; HDC windowdc, capturedc; HBITMAP capturebitmap; HGDIOBJ select_success; BOOL blt_success; int return_code = 1; if(!filename) { SDLTest_LogError("filename argument cannot be NULL"); return_code = 0; goto screenshotwindow_cleanup_generic; } if(!hwnd) { SDLTest_LogError("hwnd argument cannot be NULL"); return_code = 0; goto screenshotwindow_cleanup_generic; } if(!GetWindowRect(hwnd, &dimensions)) { LogLastError("GetWindowRect() failed"); return_code = 0; goto screenshotwindow_cleanup_generic; } if(only_client_area) { RECT crect; if(!GetClientRect(hwnd, &crect)) { SDLTest_LogError("GetClientRect() failed"); return_code = 0; goto screenshotwindow_cleanup_generic; } width = crect.right; height = crect.bottom; windowdc = GetDC(hwnd); if(!windowdc) { SDLTest_LogError("GetDC() failed"); return_code = 0; goto screenshotwindow_cleanup_generic; } } else { width = dimensions.right - dimensions.left; height = dimensions.bottom - dimensions.top; windowdc = GetWindowDC(hwnd); if(!windowdc) { SDLTest_LogError("GetWindowDC() failed"); return_code = 0; goto screenshotwindow_cleanup_generic; } } capturedc = CreateCompatibleDC(windowdc); if(!capturedc) { SDLTest_LogError("CreateCompatibleDC() failed"); return_code = 0; goto screenshotwindow_cleanup_windowdc; } capturebitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(windowdc, width, height); if(!capturebitmap) { SDLTest_LogError("CreateCompatibleBitmap() failed"); return_code = 0; goto screenshotwindow_cleanup_capturedc; } select_success = SelectObject(capturedc, capturebitmap); if(!select_success || select_success == HGDI_ERROR) { SDLTest_LogError("SelectObject() failed"); return_code = 0; goto screenshotwindow_cleanup_capturebitmap; } blt_success = BitBlt(capturedc, 0, 0, width, height, windowdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY|CAPTUREBLT); if(!blt_success) { LogLastError("BitBlt() failed"); return_code = 0; goto screenshotwindow_cleanup_capturebitmap; } /* save bitmap as file */ if(!SaveBitmapToFile(windowdc, capturebitmap, filename)) { SDLTest_LogError("SaveBitmapToFile() failed"); return_code = 0; goto screenshotwindow_cleanup_capturebitmap; } /* free resources */ screenshotwindow_cleanup_capturebitmap: if(!DeleteObject(capturebitmap)) { SDLTest_LogError("DeleteObjectFailed"); return_code = 0; } screenshotwindow_cleanup_capturedc: if(!DeleteDC(capturedc)) { SDLTest_LogError("DeleteDC() failed"); return_code = 0; } screenshotwindow_cleanup_windowdc: if(!ReleaseDC(hwnd, windowdc)) { SDLTest_LogError("ReleaseDC() failed"); return_code = 0;; } screenshotwindow_cleanup_generic: return return_code; } /* Takes the screenshot of the entire desktop and saves it to a file */ int SDLVisualTest_ScreenshotDesktop(char* filename) { HWND hwnd; hwnd = GetDesktopWindow(); return ScreenshotWindow(hwnd, filename, SDL_FALSE); } /* take screenshot of a window and save it to a file */ static BOOL CALLBACK ScreenshotHwnd(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lparam) { int len; DWORD pid; char* prefix; char* filename; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid); if(pid != screenshot_pinfo.pi.dwProcessId) return TRUE; if(!IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) return TRUE; prefix = (char*)lparam; len = SDL_strlen(prefix) + 100; filename = (char*)SDL_malloc(len * sizeof(char)); if(!filename) { SDLTest_LogError("malloc() failed"); return FALSE; } /* restore the window and bring it to the top */ ShowWindowAsync(hwnd, SW_RESTORE); /* restore is not instantaneous */ SDL_Delay(500); /* take a screenshot of the client area */ if(img_num == 1) SDL_snprintf(filename, len, "%s.bmp", prefix); else SDL_snprintf(filename, len, "%s_%d.bmp", prefix, img_num); img_num++; ScreenshotWindow(hwnd, filename, SDL_TRUE); SDL_free(filename); return TRUE; } /* each window of the process will have a screenshot taken. The file name will be prefix-i.png for the i'th window. */ int SDLVisualTest_ScreenshotProcess(SDL_ProcessInfo* pinfo, char* prefix) { if(!pinfo) { SDLTest_LogError("pinfo argument cannot be NULL"); return 0; } if(!prefix) { SDLTest_LogError("prefix argument cannot be NULL"); return 0; } img_num = 1; screenshot_pinfo = *pinfo; if(!EnumWindows(ScreenshotHwnd, (LPARAM)prefix)) { SDLTest_LogError("EnumWindows() failed"); return 0; } return 1; } #endif