
575 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2017 The Dawn Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "common/Log.h"
#include "dawn/dawn_proc_table.h"
#include "dawn/webgpu_cpp.h"
#include "dawn_native/DawnNative.h"
#include <dawn_platform/DawnPlatform.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
2018-07-18 13:28:38 +00:00
// Getting data back from Dawn is done in an async manners so all expectations are "deferred"
// until the end of the test. Also expectations use a copy to a MapRead buffer to get the data
// so resources should have the CopySrc allowed usage bit if you want to add expectations on
// them.
#define EXPECT_BUFFER(buffer, offset, size, expectation) \
AddBufferExpectation(__FILE__, __LINE__, buffer, offset, size, expectation)
#define EXPECT_BUFFER_U16_EQ(expected, buffer, offset) \
EXPECT_BUFFER(buffer, offset, sizeof(uint16_t), new ::detail::ExpectEq<uint16_t>(expected))
#define EXPECT_BUFFER_U16_RANGE_EQ(expected, buffer, offset, count) \
EXPECT_BUFFER(buffer, offset, sizeof(uint16_t) * (count), \
new ::detail::ExpectEq<uint16_t>(expected, count))
2017-07-04 14:53:42 +00:00
#define EXPECT_BUFFER_U32_EQ(expected, buffer, offset) \
EXPECT_BUFFER(buffer, offset, sizeof(uint32_t), new ::detail::ExpectEq<uint32_t>(expected))
#define EXPECT_BUFFER_U32_RANGE_EQ(expected, buffer, offset, count) \
EXPECT_BUFFER(buffer, offset, sizeof(uint32_t) * (count), \
new ::detail::ExpectEq<uint32_t>(expected, count))
#define EXPECT_BUFFER_U64_EQ(expected, buffer, offset) \
EXPECT_BUFFER(buffer, offset, sizeof(uint64_t), new ::detail::ExpectEq<uint64_t>(expected))
#define EXPECT_BUFFER_U64_RANGE_EQ(expected, buffer, offset, count) \
EXPECT_BUFFER(buffer, offset, sizeof(uint64_t) * (count), \
new ::detail::ExpectEq<uint64_t>(expected, count))
#define EXPECT_BUFFER_FLOAT_EQ(expected, buffer, offset) \
EXPECT_BUFFER(buffer, offset, sizeof(float), new ::detail::ExpectEq<float>(expected))
#define EXPECT_BUFFER_FLOAT_RANGE_EQ(expected, buffer, offset, count) \
EXPECT_BUFFER(buffer, offset, sizeof(float) * (count), \
new ::detail::ExpectEq<float>(expected, count))
2017-06-27 04:11:16 +00:00
// Test a pixel of the mip level 0 of a 2D texture.
#define EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_EQ(expected, texture, x, y) \
AddTextureExpectation(__FILE__, __LINE__, expected, texture, x, y)
#define EXPECT_TEXTURE_RGBA8_EQ(expected, texture, x, y, width, height, level, slice) \
AddTextureExpectation(__FILE__, __LINE__, expected, texture, x, y, width, height, level, slice)
2017-06-27 04:11:16 +00:00
#define EXPECT_PIXEL_FLOAT_EQ(expected, texture, x, y) \
AddTextureExpectation(__FILE__, __LINE__, expected, texture, x, y)
#define EXPECT_TEXTURE_FLOAT_EQ(expected, texture, x, y, width, height, level, slice) \
AddTextureExpectation(__FILE__, __LINE__, expected, texture, x, y, width, height, level, slice)
#define EXPECT_PIXEL_RGBA8_BETWEEN(color0, color1, texture, x, y) \
AddTextureBetweenColorsExpectation(__FILE__, __LINE__, color0, color1, texture, x, y)
// TODO(enga): Migrate other texure expectation helpers to this common one.
#define EXPECT_TEXTURE_EQ(...) AddTextureExpectation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
// Should only be used to test validation of function that can't be tested by regular validation
// tests;
#define ASSERT_DEVICE_ERROR(statement) \
StartExpectDeviceError(); \
statement; \
FlushWire(); \
if (!EndExpectDeviceError()) { \
FAIL() << "Expected device error in:\n " << #statement; \
} \
do { \
} while (0)
2017-06-27 04:11:16 +00:00
struct RGBA8 {
constexpr RGBA8() : RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 0) {
constexpr RGBA8(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a) : r(r), g(g), b(b), a(a) {
2017-06-27 04:11:16 +00:00
bool operator==(const RGBA8& other) const;
bool operator!=(const RGBA8& other) const;
bool operator<=(const RGBA8& other) const;
bool operator>=(const RGBA8& other) const;
2017-06-27 04:11:16 +00:00
uint8_t r, g, b, a;
static const RGBA8 kZero;
static const RGBA8 kBlack;
static const RGBA8 kRed;
static const RGBA8 kGreen;
static const RGBA8 kBlue;
static const RGBA8 kYellow;
static const RGBA8 kWhite;
2017-06-27 04:11:16 +00:00
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const RGBA8& color);
2017-06-27 04:11:16 +00:00
struct BackendTestConfig {
BackendTestConfig(wgpu::BackendType backendType,
std::initializer_list<const char*> forceEnabledWorkarounds = {},
std::initializer_list<const char*> forceDisabledWorkarounds = {});
wgpu::BackendType backendType;
std::vector<const char*> forceEnabledWorkarounds;
std::vector<const char*> forceDisabledWorkarounds;
struct TestAdapterProperties : wgpu::AdapterProperties {
TestAdapterProperties(const wgpu::AdapterProperties& properties, bool selected);
std::string adapterName;
bool selected;
// This may be temporary, so it is copied into |adapterName| and made private.
using wgpu::AdapterProperties::name;
struct AdapterTestParam {
AdapterTestParam(const BackendTestConfig& config,
const TestAdapterProperties& adapterProperties);
TestAdapterProperties adapterProperties;
std::vector<const char*> forceEnabledWorkarounds;
std::vector<const char*> forceDisabledWorkarounds;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AdapterTestParam& param);
BackendTestConfig D3D12Backend(std::initializer_list<const char*> forceEnabledWorkarounds = {},
std::initializer_list<const char*> forceDisabledWorkarounds = {});
BackendTestConfig MetalBackend(std::initializer_list<const char*> forceEnabledWorkarounds = {},
std::initializer_list<const char*> forceDisabledWorkarounds = {});
BackendTestConfig NullBackend(std::initializer_list<const char*> forceEnabledWorkarounds = {},
std::initializer_list<const char*> forceDisabledWorkarounds = {});
BackendTestConfig OpenGLBackend(std::initializer_list<const char*> forceEnabledWorkarounds = {},
std::initializer_list<const char*> forceDisabledWorkarounds = {});
BackendTestConfig OpenGLESBackend(std::initializer_list<const char*> forceEnabledWorkarounds = {},
std::initializer_list<const char*> forceDisabledWorkarounds = {});
BackendTestConfig VulkanBackend(std::initializer_list<const char*> forceEnabledWorkarounds = {},
std::initializer_list<const char*> forceDisabledWorkarounds = {});
struct GLFWwindow;
namespace utils {
class PlatformDebugLogger;
class TerribleCommandBuffer;
class WireHelper;
} // namespace utils
namespace detail {
class Expectation;
template <typename T>
class ExpectEq;
template <typename T>
class ExpectBetweenColors;
} // namespace detail
namespace dawn_wire {
class CommandHandler;
class WireClient;
class WireServer;
} // namespace dawn_wire
void InitDawnEnd2EndTestEnvironment(int argc, char** argv);
class DawnTestEnvironment : public testing::Environment {
DawnTestEnvironment(int argc, char** argv);
~DawnTestEnvironment() override;
static void SetEnvironment(DawnTestEnvironment* env);
std::vector<AdapterTestParam> GetAvailableAdapterTestParamsForBackends(
const BackendTestConfig* params,
size_t numParams);
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
bool UsesWire() const;
dawn_native::BackendValidationLevel GetBackendValidationLevel() const;
dawn_native::Instance* GetInstance() const;
bool HasVendorIdFilter() const;
uint32_t GetVendorIdFilter() const;
bool HasBackendTypeFilter() const;
wgpu::BackendType GetBackendTypeFilter() const;
const char* GetWireTraceDir() const;
GLFWwindow* GetOpenGLWindow() const;
GLFWwindow* GetOpenGLESWindow() const;
const std::vector<std::string>& GetEnabledToggles() const;
const std::vector<std::string>& GetDisabledToggles() const;
std::unique_ptr<dawn_native::Instance> mInstance;
void ParseArgs(int argc, char** argv);
std::unique_ptr<dawn_native::Instance> CreateInstanceAndDiscoverAdapters();
void SelectPreferredAdapterProperties(const dawn_native::Instance* instance);
void PrintTestConfigurationAndAdapterInfo(dawn_native::Instance* instance) const;
bool mUseWire = false;
dawn_native::BackendValidationLevel mBackendValidationLevel =
bool mBeginCaptureOnStartup = false;
bool mHasVendorIdFilter = false;
uint32_t mVendorIdFilter = 0;
bool mHasBackendTypeFilter = false;
wgpu::BackendType mBackendTypeFilter;
std::string mWireTraceDir;
std::vector<std::string> mEnabledToggles;
std::vector<std::string> mDisabledToggles;
std::vector<dawn_native::DeviceType> mDevicePreferences;
std::vector<TestAdapterProperties> mAdapterProperties;
std::unique_ptr<utils::PlatformDebugLogger> mPlatformDebugLogger;
GLFWwindow* mOpenGLWindow;
GLFWwindow* mOpenGLESWindow;
class DawnTestBase {
friend class DawnPerfTestBase;
DawnTestBase(const AdapterTestParam& param);
virtual ~DawnTestBase();
void SetUp();
void TearDown();
bool IsD3D12() const;
bool IsMetal() const;
bool IsNull() const;
bool IsOpenGL() const;
bool IsOpenGLES() const;
bool IsVulkan() const;
bool IsAMD() const;
bool IsARM() const;
bool IsImgTec() const;
bool IsIntel() const;
bool IsNvidia() const;
bool IsQualcomm() const;
bool IsSwiftshader() const;
bool IsANGLE() const;
bool IsWARP() const;
bool IsWindows() const;
bool IsLinux() const;
bool IsMacOS() const;
bool UsesWire() const;
bool IsBackendValidationEnabled() const;
bool HasWGSL() const;
bool IsAsan() const;
bool HasToggleEnabled(const char* workaround) const;
void StartExpectDeviceError();
bool EndExpectDeviceError();
bool HasVendorIdFilter() const;
uint32_t GetVendorIdFilter() const;
bool HasBackendTypeFilter() const;
wgpu::BackendType GetBackendTypeFilter() const;
wgpu::Instance GetInstance() const;
dawn_native::Adapter GetAdapter() const;
virtual std::unique_ptr<dawn_platform::Platform> CreateTestPlatform();
wgpu::Device device;
wgpu::Queue queue;
DawnProcTable backendProcs = {};
WGPUDevice backendDevice = nullptr;
size_t mLastWarningCount = 0;
// Helper methods to implement the EXPECT_ macros
std::ostringstream& AddBufferExpectation(const char* file,
int line,
const wgpu::Buffer& buffer,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t size,
detail::Expectation* expectation);
template <typename T>
std::ostringstream& AddTextureExpectation(const char* file,
int line,
const T* expectedData,
const wgpu::Texture& texture,
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
uint32_t width = 1,
uint32_t height = 1,
uint32_t level = 0,
uint32_t slice = 0,
wgpu::TextureAspect aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::All,
uint32_t bytesPerRow = 0) {
return AddTextureExpectationImpl(
file, line, new detail::ExpectEq<T>(expectedData, width * height), texture, x, y, width,
height, level, slice, aspect, sizeof(T), bytesPerRow);
template <typename T>
std::ostringstream& AddTextureExpectation(const char* file,
int line,
const T& expectedData,
const wgpu::Texture& texture,
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
uint32_t level = 0,
uint32_t slice = 0,
wgpu::TextureAspect aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::All,
uint32_t bytesPerRow = 0) {
return AddTextureExpectationImpl(file, line, new detail::ExpectEq<T>(expectedData), texture,
x, y, 1, 1, level, slice, aspect, sizeof(T), bytesPerRow);
template <typename T>
std::ostringstream& AddTextureBetweenColorsExpectation(
const char* file,
int line,
const T& color0,
const T& color1,
const wgpu::Texture& texture,
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
uint32_t level = 0,
uint32_t slice = 0,
wgpu::TextureAspect aspect = wgpu::TextureAspect::All,
uint32_t bytesPerRow = 0) {
return AddTextureExpectationImpl(
file, line, new detail::ExpectBetweenColors<T>(color0, color1), texture, x, y, 1, 1,
level, slice, aspect, sizeof(T), bytesPerRow);
void WaitABit();
void FlushWire();
void WaitForAllOperations();
bool SupportsExtensions(const std::vector<const char*>& extensions);
// Called in SetUp() to get the extensions required to be enabled in the tests. The tests must
// check if the required extensions are supported by the adapter in this function and guarantee
// the returned extensions are all supported by the adapter. The tests may provide different
// code path to handle the situation when not all extensions are supported.
virtual std::vector<const char*> GetRequiredExtensions();
const wgpu::AdapterProperties& GetAdapterProperties() const;
AdapterTestParam mParam;
std::unique_ptr<utils::WireHelper> mWireHelper;
// Tracking for validation errors
static void OnDeviceError(WGPUErrorType type, const char* message, void* userdata);
static void OnDeviceLost(const char* message, void* userdata);
bool mExpectError = false;
bool mError = false;
std::ostringstream& AddTextureExpectationImpl(const char* file,
int line,
detail::Expectation* expectation,
const wgpu::Texture& texture,
uint32_t x,
uint32_t y,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint32_t level,
uint32_t slice,
wgpu::TextureAspect aspect,
uint32_t dataSize,
uint32_t bytesPerRow);
// MapRead buffers used to get data for the expectations
struct ReadbackSlot {
wgpu::Buffer buffer;
uint64_t bufferSize;
const void* mappedData = nullptr;
std::vector<ReadbackSlot> mReadbackSlots;
// Maps all the buffers and fill ReadbackSlot::mappedData
void MapSlotsSynchronously();
static void SlotMapCallback(WGPUBufferMapAsyncStatus status, void* userdata);
size_t mNumPendingMapOperations = 0;
// Reserve space where the data for an expectation can be copied
struct ReadbackReservation {
wgpu::Buffer buffer;
size_t slot;
uint64_t offset;
ReadbackReservation ReserveReadback(uint64_t readbackSize);
struct DeferredExpectation {
const char* file;
int line;
size_t readbackSlot;
uint64_t readbackOffset;
uint64_t size;
uint32_t rowBytes;
uint32_t bytesPerRow;
std::unique_ptr<detail::Expectation> expectation;
// https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=54316
// Use unique_ptr because of missing move/copy constructors on std::basic_ostringstream
std::unique_ptr<std::ostringstream> message;
std::vector<DeferredExpectation> mDeferredExpectations;
// Assuming the data is mapped, checks all expectations
void ResolveExpectations();
dawn_native::Adapter mBackendAdapter;
std::unique_ptr<dawn_platform::Platform> mTestPlatform;
// Skip a test when the given condition is satisfied.
#define DAWN_SKIP_TEST_IF(condition) \
do { \
if (condition) { \
dawn::InfoLog() << "Test skipped: " #condition "."; \
return; \
} \
} while (0)
do { \
if (UsesWire()) { \
statement; \
} else { \
size_t warningsBefore = \
dawn_native::GetDeprecationWarningCountForTesting(device.Get()); \
statement; \
size_t warningsAfter = \
dawn_native::GetDeprecationWarningCountForTesting(device.Get()); \
EXPECT_EQ(mLastWarningCount, warningsBefore); \
if (!HasToggleEnabled("skip_validation")) { \
EXPECT_EQ(warningsAfter, warningsBefore + 1); \
} \
mLastWarningCount = warningsAfter; \
} \
} while (0)
template <typename Params = AdapterTestParam>
class DawnTestWithParams : public DawnTestBase, public ::testing::TestWithParam<Params> {
~DawnTestWithParams() override = default;
void SetUp() override {
void TearDown() override {
template <typename Params>
DawnTestWithParams<Params>::DawnTestWithParams() : DawnTestBase(this->GetParam()) {
using DawnTest = DawnTestWithParams<>;
// Helpers to get the first element of a __VA_ARGS__ without triggering empty __VA_ARGS__ warnings.
#define DAWN_INTERNAL_PP_GET_HEAD(firstParam, ...) firstParam
// Instantiate the test once for each backend provided after the first argument. Use it like this:
// DAWN_INSTANTIATE_TEST(MyTestFixture, MetalBackend, OpenGLBackend)
#define DAWN_INSTANTIATE_TEST(testName, ...) \
const decltype(DAWN_PP_GET_HEAD(__VA_ARGS__)) testName##params[] = {__VA_ARGS__}; \
, testName, \
testing::ValuesIn(::detail::GetAvailableAdapterTestParamsForBackends( \
testName##params, sizeof(testName##params) / sizeof(testName##params[0]))), \
Rolling 7 dependencies Roll build/ c10077be5..787a783b9 (444 commits) https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/build/+log/c10077be589b..787a783b9651 $ git log c10077be5..787a783b9 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-11-02 sdefresne [ios] Add Swift compatibility library directory to lib_dirs 2020-11-02 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201101.3.1 to 0.20201102.1.1 2020-11-02 benmason Revert "Android: Enable use_debug_fission for official builds" 2020-11-02 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201101.2.1 to 0.20201101.3.1 2020-11-01 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201101.1.1 to 0.20201101.2.1 2020-11-01 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201031.3.1 to 0.20201101.1.1 2020-11-01 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201031.2.1 to 0.20201031.3.1 2020-10-31 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201031.0.1 to 0.20201031.2.1 2020-10-31 dpranke Win tooling fixes for Python 3 compatibility. 2020-10-31 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201030.2.1 to 0.20201031.0.1 2020-10-31 bjoyce Run junit tests on multiple threads. 2020-10-31 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201030.1.1 to 0.20201030.2.1 2020-10-30 dpranke Fix incorrect path in python2 GN templates. 2020-10-30 wenbinzhang Revert "Re-enabling aar .info file checker" 2020-10-30 thakis android+chromeos: Make sure 32-bit android arm builds use -mfloat-abi=softfp. 2020-10-30 agrieve Android: Add logging to proguard.py build step 2020-10-30 smaier Re-enabling aar .info file checker 2020-10-30 bjoyce Add option to print classpath to script. 2020-10-30 thakis ios: Pass -Wextra-semi to ObjC files with Xcode clang too. 2020-10-30 thakis ios: Disable -Wgnu-folding-constant for .m files. 2020-10-30 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201029.3.1 to 0.20201030.1.1 2020-10-30 agrieve Android: Enable use_debug_fission for official builds 2020-10-30 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201029.2.1 to 0.20201029.3.1 2020-10-30 agrieve Android: Fix use_debug_fission logic. 2020-10-30 agrieve Reland "Android: Enable vertical class merging in R8" 2020-10-29 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201029.0.1 to 0.20201029.2.1 2020-10-29 smaier Using R8's built-in -checkdiscard ignoring 2020-10-29 agrieve Revert "Reland "Enable JDK library desugaring by default"" 2020-10-29 sdefresne [ios] Fix a typo in variable name 2020-10-29 sdefresne [ios] Add support for toolchain using 14.0 deployment target 2020-10-29 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201028.4.1 to 0.20201029.0.1 2020-10-29 dpranke Have Android bin/run_ wrappers call test_env.py directly. 2020-10-29 bjoyce Fix comment. 2020-10-29 dpranke Have ChromeOS bin/run wrappers call test_env.py directly 2020-10-29 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201028.1.1 to 0.20201028.4.1 2020-10-28 dpranke Have fuchsia bin/run wrappers call test_env.py directly 2020-10-28 bpastene chromeos: Add basic RDB integration for all Tast results. 2020-10-28 sdefresne [ios] Update packaging rules to support "catalyst" environment 2020-10-28 dpranke Change test wrapper script arg handling. 2020-10-28 bpastene android: Allow custom artifacts to be passed to result_sink.Post(). 2020-10-28 sdefresne [ios] Fix compiler and linker flags for "catalyst" environment 2020-10-28 sdefresne [ios] Remove ios_sdk_platform_abs_path gn variable 2020-10-28 ythjkt Lacros: Define BUILDFLAG(IS_CHROMSOS_ASH|LACROS). 2020-10-28 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201027.3.1 to 0.20201028.1.1 2020-10-28 thakis build: Disallow explicitly setting concurrent_links in lto builds. 2020-10-28 ganesh midl.py remove legacy |dynamic_guid|, replace with new |dynamic_guids|. 2020-10-28 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20201027.1.1 to 0.20201027.3.1 2020-10-27 ganesh midl.py multiple guid substitution enhancements. 2020-10-27 chonggu [Fuchsia] Change result and filter file locations 2020-10-27 harringtond Allow -check directives that R8 ignores (...) 2020-09-11 dpranke Reland "Rename wrapper_scripts for generated_script tests in MB." 2020-09-11 svenzheng [lacros] Runner retry for gsutil copy 2020-09-11 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200911.0.1 to 0.20200911.1.1 2020-09-11 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200910.2.2 to 0.20200911.0.1 2020-09-10 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200910.1.1 to 0.20200910.2.2 2020-09-10 svenzheng Adds android_sync_integration_tests to CI 2020-09-10 daniel.l Improve support for Python3 in Mac, iOS build 2020-09-10 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200910.0.1 to 0.20200910.1.1 2020-09-10 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200909.2.1 to 0.20200910.0.1 2020-09-10 agrieve Add GN assert for enable_resource_allowlist_generation 2020-09-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200909.1.1 to 0.20200909.2.1 2020-09-09 agrieve Revert "Increase android32_ndk_api_level 16 -> 21" 2020-09-09 liaoyuke [lacros] Retry starting ash-chrome 2020-09-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200909.0.1 to 0.20200909.1.1 2020-09-09 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200908.2.1 to 0.20200909.0.1 2020-09-09 pkotwicz [Build] Make remaining targets compatible with 'enforce_resource_overlays' 2020-09-08 benmason Fix build_vars.txt 2020-09-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200908.1.1 to 0.20200908.2.1 2020-09-08 sokcevic Update codesearch links 2020-09-08 mheikal android_resources targets can no longer create srcjars 2020-09-08 agrieve Increase android32_ndk_api_level 16 -> 21 2020-09-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200908.0.1 to 0.20200908.1.1 2020-09-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200907.2.1 to 0.20200908.0.1 2020-09-08 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200907.1.1 to 0.20200907.2.1 2020-09-07 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200907.0.1 to 0.20200907.1.1 2020-09-07 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200906.3.1 to 0.20200907.0.1 2020-09-07 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200906.2.1 to 0.20200906.3.1 2020-09-06 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200902.0.1 to 0.20200906.2.1 2020-09-04 agrieve Roll bundletool 0.13.3 -> 1.2.0 2020-09-03 hidehiko lacros: Migrate chromeos/chromeos_buildflags.h to build/chromeos_buildflags.h 2020-09-03 agrieve Grit: whitelist -> allowlist 2020-09-03 hidehiko lacros: Renamed build/lacros_buildflags.h to build/chromeos_buildflags.h 2020-09-03 aeubanks Re-enable -Wstring-concatenation 2020-09-03 bsheedy Fix handling of missing Gold links 2020-09-02 huangs [Lacros] Size dashboard: Track total and total compressed sizes. 2020-09-02 bjoyce Add summary html to test results. 2020-09-02 benmason Allow "optimize_for" param for bundletool. 2020-09-02 sdefresne [ios] Fix build/config/ios/hardlink.py when output exists 2020-09-02 huangs [Lacros] Suppress ignored params in lacros_resource_sizes.py. 2020-09-02 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200901.3.1 to 0.20200902.0.1 2020-09-02 pkotwicz [Android] Make build style more strict about resource overriding 2020-09-01 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200901.1.1 to 0.20200901.3.1 2020-09-01 yngve Specify GN not_needed() for lint deps 2020-09-01 jbudorick Use denylist throughout //build/android. 2020-09-01 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200831.3.1 to 0.20200901.1.1 2020-09-01 msisov Reland "Reland "Reland "X11 and Ozone: enable use_x11 and use_ozone""" 2020-09-01 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200831.2.1 to 0.20200831.3.1 2020-08-31 mikenichols install-build-deps: Remove redundant dev_list 2020-08-31 bjoyce Remove need for flag option. 2020-08-31 chromium-autoroll Roll Fuchsia SDK from 0.20200831.1.1 to 0.20200831.2.1 Roll buildtools/ ff93f3ea1..98881a129 (5 commits) https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/buildtools/+log/ff93f3ea1a7f..98881a129786 $ git log ff93f3ea1..98881a129 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-10-26 pnoland Revert "Roll GN from e002e68a..f5f465b5" 2020-10-26 rjascani Roll GN from e002e68a..f5f465b5 2020-09-29 normando [buildtools] Add DIR_METADATA files. 2020-09-14 sdefresne [apple] Use `!is_apple` gn variable when appropriate 2020-09-09 sdefresne Roll GN from 6f13aaac..e002e68a Roll testing/ e5ced5141..3e2640a32 (1534 commits) https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/testing/+log/e5ced5141379..3e2640a325dc $ git log e5ced5141..3e2640a32 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-11-02 yekuang Translate '--swarming' Py arg to '--server' Go arg in trigger scripts 2020-11-01 javierrobles [iOS][Biometric-Auth] Enable by default 2020-11-01 caitlinfischer Remove Windows occlusion studies from the testing config. 2020-11-01 le.hoang.q Use multiple shards for dEQP GLES3 tests on Metal 2020-10-31 ynovikov Start running tests on "Mac FYI Release (Intel UHD 630)" 2020-10-31 enga Run WebGL conformance with V8 FastCalls enabled 2020-10-30 wenbinzhang [benchmarking] Add similar time log for gtests 2020-10-30 rmhasan weblayer, skew tests: Add pie tester that runs skew tests 2020-10-30 bsheedy Retry minidump tests 2020-10-30 kdillon Remove field trial config for PrioritizeCompositingUntilBeginMainFrame. 2020-10-30 ssilkin Disable CanSetupH264VideoCallOnSupportedDevice on Android WebRTC FYI dbg. 2020-10-30 jonahr Test dEQP GLES3 on ANGLE's Metal backend 2020-10-30 andzaytsev Privacy elevated on Android: cleaned up the flag and the codepath since this the feature fully launched 2020-10-30 snijhara Delete all users through update required screen 2020-10-30 blundell [Android] Add support for overriding user data dir in Java browsertests 2020-10-30 thakis Add more test binaries to the memory bots. 2020-10-30 yekuang Reland "Add --use-swarming-go to the custom trigger scripts" 2020-10-29 lpz Make it possible to have a default --isolated-script-test-output arg. 2020-10-29 bdea Create a fieldtrial for EnhancedProtectionPromoCard. 2020-10-29 holte MetricsDownsampleConsistently trial config 2020-10-29 rockot Remove Storage Service test suites from bots 2020-10-29 meacer [Lookalikes] Fully launch punycode interstitial 2020-10-29 michaelbai ContentCapture: Implement constant streaming 2020-10-29 manukh [omnibox] [rich-autocompletion] Add fieldtrial_testing_config.json entry 2020-10-29 svenzheng [lacros] Remove all experimental flags from lacros FYI builder 2020-10-29 ynovikov Add Windows and Linux AMD RX 5500 XT GPU.FYI CI and try bots 2020-10-29 jdeblasio [Lookalikes] Enable target embedding by default on ToT. 2020-10-28 dpranke Have fuchsia bin/run wrappers call test_env.py directly 2020-10-28 wenbinzhang [benchmarking] remove shading environment variables before running gtests 2020-10-28 wanderview URLPattern: Add BUILD.gn and initial unittest. 2020-10-28 chonggu Add --isolate-map-file Flag to generate_buildbot_json.py script. 2020-10-28 dpranke Change test wrapper script arg handling. 2020-10-28 drott Revert "Add --use-swarming-go to the custom trigger scripts" 2020-10-28 tasak Added "Enabled_V3" to PartitionAllocGigaCage. 2020-10-28 yekuang Add --use-swarming-go to the custom trigger scripts 2020-10-28 hypan Add LUCI+mb+test configs for the CI and trybot win10-inverse-fieldtrials-fyi-rel 2020-10-28 jomag Revert "Custom builder for EA SWA" 2020-10-28 zhaoyangli [iOS] Roll iOS14 beta bots to Xcode 12.2 beta 3 (12b5035g) 2020-10-28 ynovikov Add "Mac FYI Release (Intel UHD 630)" GPU.FYI CI bot and trybot 2020-10-28 cassew Update field trial config for TurnOffStreamingMediaCaching experiment 2020-10-27 leszeks [v8] Add off-thread finalization field trial 2020-10-27 zhaoyangli [code coverage] Add 2 coverage try builders mirroring iOS CQ builders 2020-10-27 kmilka Add share features to testing config 2020-10-27 johnchen Roll Catapult from 4f6c1bb4191b to a01dd2af4292 (1 revision) 2020-10-27 harrisonsean [iOS][Safety Check] Add fieldtrial for safety check ios 2020-10-27 smcgruer [wptrunner] Enable status=test features for run_wpt_tests.py 2020-10-27 rushans Add the experiment to fieldtrial_testing_config 2020-10-27 caitlinfischer Remove DialMediaRouteProvider from testing config. 2020-10-27 thestig Fix field trial testing config for PDFViewerUpdate. 2020-10-27 shaktisahu Query Tiles : Updated finch config to match the launch group (...) 2020-04-23 svenzheng Revert "Re-enable TwoClientDictionarySyncTest.Sanity_E2ETest test" 2020-04-23 agable Use linux hosts for all mac triggered testers 2020-04-22 xinghuilu [Android] Add real time check for all devices in field trial config. 2020-04-22 hypan android: add an alternative dimension for kitkat mixins 2020-04-22 lindsayw [ios] Add optional dimensions for MacOS10.15 in ios upstream waterfall 2020-04-22 steveroe [fuchsia] Save the fuchsia system log by default. 2020-04-22 msramek Add the PasswordCheck study to fieldtrial_testing_config.json 2020-04-22 agable Don't restrict Mac10.15 Tests to non-gpu testers 2020-04-22 xiaochengh Add field trial entry for FontPreloadingDelaysRendering 2020-04-22 bsheedy Make Win Intel Exp mixin have 2 GPUs 2020-04-22 bsheedy Switch service account for -dev swarming 2020-04-22 anastasiian Add fieldtrial testing config for EduCoexistence 2020-04-22 agable Only run Mac non-isolated scripts in compile tasks 2020-04-22 eseckler infra: Add CI+trybot configuration for linux-perfetto-rel 2020-04-22 pmarko sheriff: Add two shards to browser_tests on Linux ChromiumOS MSan Tests bot 2020-04-22 svenzheng Re-enable TwoClientDictionarySyncTest.Sanity_E2ETest test 2020-04-22 rogerta Create a field trial testing config for Webprotect alpha. 2020-04-22 chonggu [Fuchsia] Enable media_blink and gin unittests on Fuchsia FYI bots. 2020-04-22 agable Run FYI Mac non-isolated scripts in compile task 2020-04-21 agable Don't run non-isolated scripts on Mac10.15 Tests 2020-04-21 bpastene Add a note to //testing/buildbot/OWNERS regarding CQ changes. 2020-04-21 liaoyuke Set up win64-chrome official ci and try bots 2020-04-21 wez Revert "[Fuchsia] Enable cc_unittests on Fuchsia x64 CI bot." 2020-04-21 boliu Add weblayer_unittests to main ci/cq 2020-04-20 jeffyoon [pgo] system_health.common_desktop benchmark for PGO builders 2020-04-20 chonggu [Fuchsia] Add stable unittests to Fuchsia CI bots. 2020-04-20 mvanouwerkerk Add RemoteCopy to testing config. 2020-04-20 chonggu [Fuchsia] Enable cc_unittests on Fuchsia x64 CI bot. 2020-04-20 bsheedy Switch Win10 Intel Exp builder to single pool 2020-04-20 guidou [AudioService] Update field trial config. 2020-04-19 hypan Revert "android: Add AR test to android-10-arm64-rel builder" 2020-04-18 hypan android: Add AR test to android-10-arm64-rel builder 2020-04-18 bpastene Strip chrome before deploying it when running disk-usage Tast test. 2020-04-17 mmenke Update PartitionConnectionsByNetworkIsolationKey field trial config. 2020-04-17 chouinard Disable RenderTests on Android CFI bot 2020-04-17 bsheedy Switch Win10 Intel Exp to 2 pools 2020-04-17 xinghuilu Add SafeBrowsingRealTimeUrlLookupEnabledWithToken in field trial config. 2020-04-17 caitlinfischer Enable demographics features by default on iOS. 2020-04-17 olivierrobin Add PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER in xcode attributes 2020-04-17 michaelbai Add components_junit_tests target 2020-04-17 sophiechang Add fieldtrial testing config for Client-Side Reactive Preconnect 2020-04-16 estaab Add weblayer skew tests to android-weblayer-pie-x86-fyi-rel. 2020-04-16 jessemckenna Add SlowDCTimerInterruptsWin field-trial config 2020-04-16 bsheedy Remove Gold service account from -dev bots 2020-04-16 treib Add "ios" to fieldtrial testing config for SyncInstanceIDTokenTTL 2020-04-15 jeffreycohen [ShareButtonInTopToolbar] match finch experiment params. 2020-04-15 bsheedy Allow Skia Gold Use In Android Tests 2020-04-15 jeffreycohen [ShareButtonInToolbar] add field trial for android experiment 2020-04-15 jeffyoon [ios/infra] ios13-sdk-simulator missed an iPhone X 13.3->13.4 2020-04-15 lpz Copy wpt output to full_results.json, which allows hooking into legacy results viewer. Roll third_party/googletest/ a09ea700d..282877317 (132 commits) https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/google/googletest/+log/a09ea700d32b..2828773179fa $ git log a09ea700d..282877317 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-10-27 absl-team Googletest export 2020-10-26 absl-team Googletest export 2020-10-20 sonzogniarthur Fix typo "definedin in" => "defined in" 2020-10-15 absl-team Googletest export 2020-10-15 absl-team Googletest export 2020-10-15 dmauro Googletest export 2020-10-14 absl-team Googletest export 2020-10-14 dmauro Googletest export 2020-10-14 dmauro Googletest export 2020-10-14 absl-team Googletest export 2020-10-14 dmauro Googletest export 2020-10-14 absl-team Googletest export 2020-10-13 dmauro Googletest export 2020-10-13 dmauro Googletest export 2020-10-13 absl-team Googletest export 2020-10-13 absl-team Googletest export 2020-10-09 ofats Googletest export 2020-10-09 absl-team Googletest export 2020-10-08 absl-team Googletest export 2020-10-12 peternewman Fix a typo 2020-10-07 manavrion Improve FilePath::Normalize method 2020-10-07 pravin1992 Issue 2135: Change template args in NiceMock, NaggyMock and StrictMock from A1, A2, ... to TArg1, TArg2,... to avoid clash with legacy header files 2020-09-29 absl-team Googletest export 2020-10-01 63450189+ranodeepbanerjee A slight Gramatical change. 2020-09-29 dmauro Googletest export 2020-09-29 absl-team Googletest export 2020-09-25 absl-team Googletest export 2020-09-27 56075233+keshavgbpecdelhi Update cook_book.md 2020-09-23 absl-team Googletest export 2020-09-23 absl-team Googletest export 2020-09-21 absl-team Googletest export 2020-09-24 thomas.barbier Fix warning maybe-uninitialized 2020-09-18 absl-team Googletest export 2020-09-17 absl-team Googletest export 2020-09-18 63900998+JethroSama Update README.md, added missing 'a' 2020-09-08 absl-team Googletest export 2020-09-02 dmauro Googletest export 2020-09-01 absl-team Googletest export 2020-09-01 absl-team Googletest export 2020-08-26 absl-team Googletest export 2020-08-25 27jf Add timestamp to in old method mock macro guide 2020-08-20 absl-team Googletest export 2020-08-17 absl-team Googletest export 2020-08-12 krzysio Googletest export 2020-08-12 robert.earhart Export LICENSE 2020-08-11 absl-team Googletest export 2020-08-11 dmauro Googletest export 2020-08-10 absl-team Googletest export 2020-08-05 absl-team Googletest export 2020-08-03 absl-team Googletest export (...) 2020-06-19 amatanhead Make EXPECT_THROW and EXPECT_NO_THROW macros more informative 2020-06-19 mayur.shingote Updated googletest issue tracker url. 2020-06-17 absl-team Googletest export 2020-06-15 absl-team Googletest export 2018-05-01 lantw44 Avoid using environ on FreeBSD 2020-06-12 dmauro Googletest export 2020-06-10 absl-team Googletest export 2020-06-08 absl-team Googletest export 2020-06-08 absl-team Googletest export 2020-06-05 dmauro Googletest export 2020-06-10 rharrison Fix build issue for MinGW 2020-06-04 dmauro Googletest export 2020-06-03 absl-team Googletest export 2020-06-02 absl-team Googletest export 2020-06-01 absl-team Googletest export 2020-05-30 eli fix compilation on OpenBSD 6.7 2020-03-07 krystian.kuzniarek make UniversalPrinter<std::any> support RTTI 2020-03-07 krystian.kuzniarek specialize UniversalPrinter<> for std::any (without support for RTTI) 2020-03-07 krystian.kuzniarek specialize UniversalPrinter<> for std::optional 2020-03-07 krystian.kuzniarek specialize UniversalPrinter<> for std::variant 2020-05-28 dmauro Googletest export 2020-05-28 dmauro Googletest export 2020-05-27 absl-team Googletest export 2020-05-27 dmauro Googletest export 2020-05-19 absl-team Googletest export 2020-05-18 absl-team Googletest export 2020-05-18 durandal Googletest export 2020-05-18 absl-team Googletest export 2020-05-14 absl-team Googletest export 2020-05-25 invalid_ms_user Use count function instead of handwritten loop 2020-05-10 mate.pek README.dm: Renamed related open source project name: Catch2 and Google Test Explorer -> C++ TestMate 2020-05-13 absl-team Googletest export 2020-05-13 absl-team Googletest export 2020-05-11 absl-team Googletest export 2020-05-08 martin Remove an explicit include of debugapi.h 2020-05-08 martin Revert "Googletest export" 2020-05-05 igor.n.nazarenko Detect proto messages based on presense of DebugString. 2020-03-26 mvoorsluys Fix test with stack. 2020-03-29 verdoialaurent Fix --gtest_print_time coloring 2020-03-26 mvoorsluys Fixed xml unit-tests and added extra tests 2020-03-26 mvoorsluys Fix multiple \n characters in xml file when using GTEST_SKIP. 2020-03-26 mvoorsluys Only write ">\n" once when there is failure and skipped tests. 2020-03-26 mvoorsluys Output skipped information in the xml file. 2020-03-21 ngompa13 Set the version for the libraries 2020-02-21 nini16041988-gitbucket Add missing call for gtest_list_output_unittest_ unitTest. Add unitTest for fixed TEST_P line number. Use CodeLocation TestInfo struct. 2020-02-18 nini16041988-gitbucket Fix: shadow member 2020-02-18 nini16041988-gitbucket Add correct line number to TEST_P test cases for gtest_output. 2020-02-06 59134746+aribibek fix a link to documentation 2020-01-17 hgsilverman Fix always false condition and clean function body 2020-01-22 mjvk Fixes extensions missing for QNX Roll third_party/jinja2/ b41863e42..a82a4944a (4 commits) https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/third_party/jinja2/+log/b41863e42637..a82a4944a7f2 $ git log b41863e42..a82a4944a --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-09-18 keishi Update COMPONENT for jinja2 and mako 2020-04-03 adetaylor remove copybara initialization artifacts 2020-04-03 adetaylor Copybara Service Migration Initialization. 2020-04-03 adetaylor Adding CPEPrefixes for more dependencies. Roll third_party/markupsafe/ 8f45f5cfa..0944e71f4 (3 commits) https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/third_party/markupsafe/+log/8f45f5cfa000..0944e71f4b2c $ git log 8f45f5cfa..0944e71f4 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-10-22 ehmaldonado Add DIR_METADATA files to directories under //third_party 2017-01-19 ymzhang remove copybara initialization artifacts 2017-01-19 ymzhang Copybara Service Migration Initialization. Roll tools/clang/ fcef86e30..eb065289a (42 commits) https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/tools/clang/+log/fcef86e30a0a..eb065289a4d9 $ git log fcef86e30..eb065289a --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s' 2020-11-02 bartekn Update class name for ClassPropertyValueSetter::property_ 2020-11-02 bartekn Add SockaddrStorage::addr to ignore list 2020-10-31 bartekn Ignore iovec::iov_base that requires .get() in a different repository 2020-10-31 bartekn Update manual-paths-to-ignore.txt 2020-10-31 bartekn Remove no longer needed fields 2020-10-30 bartekn Un-ignore UnretainedWrapper::ptr_ 2020-10-30 lukasza Go back to unconditionally skipping fields in generated files. 2020-10-30 bartekn Add to and fix TRACE_EVENT/EXPECT_THAT section 2020-10-30 thakis clang upload script: Try again to not run tricium. 2020-10-29 thakis Tell tricium to not run clang-tidy on clang rolls. 2020-10-27 lukasza Remove automatically covered cases from manual-fields-to-ignore.txt 2020-10-27 lukasza Delete "const-char" filtering rule (redundant with "global-scope" rule). 2020-10-26 lukasza "union" filtering rule should recurse into nested structs. 2020-10-26 lukasza Improve "global-destructor" filtering rule: multiple fields, arrays, ... 2020-10-26 lukasza Emit constexpr-initialized fields as candidates for exclusion. 2020-10-26 thakis clang build scripts: Explicitly disable memprof. 2020-10-23 lukasza Appending .get() to arguments of implicitly invoked constructors. 2020-10-22 davidvc blink: Add absl::variant to the blink symbol allowlist 2020-10-21 lukasza Skip more scenarios via blocklist, rather than unconditionally. 2020-10-20 hans Clang plugin build fixes after upstream https://reviews.llvm.org/D84362 2020-10-19 lukasza Add --target_os=... support to run_tool.py and generate_compdb.py 2020-10-19 omerkatz heap: Use fullpaths in clang plugin ignored/allowed directories 2020-10-16 keishi Add fields to ignore for rewrite_raw_ptr_fields 2020-10-13 keishi Add chrome/chrome_cleaner to rewrite_raw_ptr_fields manual ignore paths 2020-10-06 ehmaldonado Add DIR_METADATA files to //tools 2020-10-06 bartekn Add android_webview/public/ to manual-paths-to-ignore 2020-10-06 bartekn Fix pointer paths (missing subclass) 2020-10-05 gbiv goma_link: parse `,` from `-mllvm` args appropriately 2020-10-04 aeubanks Use downloaded gcc toolchain in compiler-rt tests 2020-10-02 thakis Re-roll clang llvmorg-12-init-5035-gd0abc757-3 : llvmorg-12-init-5627-gf086e85e-1. 2020-09-30 aeubanks Revert "Clang build.py, set shell=True in GetCommitDescription" 2020-09-30 bartekn Update manual ignore-list based on recent rewrites 2020-09-29 hans Clang build.py: Remove debug line from 69f5d9865577 2020-09-29 hans Clang build.py, set shell=True in GetCommitDescription 2020-09-22 lukasza Exclude from the rewrite directories only used in renderer processes. 2020-09-22 thakis Revert "Roll clang llvmorg-12-init-5035-gd0abc757-2 : llvmorg-12-init-5627-gf086e85e-1." 2020-09-17 lukasza Emitting union fields into a blocklist. 2020-09-16 hans Clang build script: link against rpmalloc on Windows 2020-09-14 thakis Roll clang llvmorg-12-init-5035-gd0abc757-2 : llvmorg-12-init-5627-gf086e85e-1. 2020-09-11 akhuang clang build.py: set -DLLVM_ENABLE_DIA_SDK=OFF to use the native symbolizer, and also remove DIA dependencies. 2020-09-08 thakis Roll clang llvmorg-12-init-4187-g33ce275f-1 : llvmorg-12-init-5035-gd0abc757-1. 2020-09-01 bartekn Add pointers that cause run-time issues to manual-fields-to-ignore Created with: roll-dep build buildtools testing third_party/googletest third_party/jinja2 third_party/markupsafe tools/clang Change-Id: I93e18255bc2468eb467a267d22025646d80ec0a0 Reviewed-on: https://dawn-review.googlesource.com/c/dawn/+/31567 Commit-Queue: Corentin Wallez <cwallez@chromium.org> Reviewed-by: Austin Eng <enga@chromium.org>
2020-11-04 09:44:47 +00:00
testing::PrintToStringParamName()); \
namespace detail {
// Helper functions used for DAWN_INSTANTIATE_TEST
bool IsBackendAvailable(wgpu::BackendType type);
std::vector<AdapterTestParam> GetAvailableAdapterTestParamsForBackends(
const BackendTestConfig* params,
size_t numParams);
// All classes used to implement the deferred expectations should inherit from this.
class Expectation {
virtual ~Expectation() = default;
// Will be called with the buffer or texture data the expectation should check.
virtual testing::AssertionResult Check(const void* data, size_t size) = 0;
// Expectation that checks the data is equal to some expected values.
template <typename T>
class ExpectEq : public Expectation {
ExpectEq(T singleValue);
ExpectEq(const T* values, const unsigned int count);
testing::AssertionResult Check(const void* data, size_t size) override;
std::vector<T> mExpected;
extern template class ExpectEq<uint8_t>;
extern template class ExpectEq<int16_t>;
extern template class ExpectEq<uint32_t>;
extern template class ExpectEq<uint64_t>;
2017-06-27 04:11:16 +00:00
extern template class ExpectEq<RGBA8>;
extern template class ExpectEq<float>;
template <typename T>
class ExpectBetweenColors : public Expectation {
// Inclusive for now
ExpectBetweenColors(T value0, T value1);
testing::AssertionResult Check(const void* data, size_t size) override;
std::vector<T> mLowerColorChannels;
std::vector<T> mHigherColorChannels;
// used for printing error
std::vector<T> mValues0;
std::vector<T> mValues1;
// A color is considered between color0 and color1 when all channel values are within range of
// each counterparts. It doesn't matter which value is higher or lower. Essentially color =
// lerp(color0, color1, t) where t is [0,1]. But I don't want to be too strict here.
extern template class ExpectBetweenColors<RGBA8>;
} // namespace detail