# Copyright 2017 The Dawn Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(dawn C CXX) # List TARGET_OBJECTS in SOURCES target property. cmake_policy(SET CMP0051 NEW) if(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "In-source builds are unsupported. Use another directory, like build/, " "as your CMake build directory.\n" "Note: CMakeFiles/ and CMakeCache.txt may have been generated in the " "source directory. These may be removed.") endif() if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug" CACHE STRING "Build type (Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel)" FORCE) endif() ################################################################################ # Configuration options ################################################################################ option(DAWN_USE_WERROR "Treat warnings as error (useful for CI)" 0) # Default values for the backend-enabling options set(ENABLE_D3D12 OFF) set(ENABLE_METAL OFF) if (WIN32) set(ENABLE_D3D12 ON) elseif(APPLE) set(ENABLE_METAL ON) endif() option(DAWN_ENABLE_D3D12 "Enable compilation of the D3D12 backend" ${ENABLE_D3D12}) option(DAWN_ENABLE_METAL "Enable compilation of the Metal backend" ${ENABLE_METAL}) option(DAWN_ENABLE_NULL "Enable compilation of the Null backend" ON) option(DAWN_ENABLE_OPENGL "Enable compilation of the OpenGL backend" ON) option(DAWN_ENABLE_VULKAN "Enable compilation of the Vulkan backend" OFF) option(DAWN_ALWAYS_ASSERT "Enable assertions on all build types" OFF) option(DAWN_USE_CPP17 "Use some optional C++17 features for compile-time checks" OFF) ################################################################################ # Precompute compile flags and defines, functions to set them ################################################################################ set(DAWN_FLAGS "") set(DAWN_DEFS "") set(DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "") set(DAWN_INTERNAL_DEFS "") set(DAWN_GENERATED_FLAGS "") set(DAWN_ENABLE_ASSERTS $,$>) list(APPEND DAWN_DEFS $<${DAWN_ENABLE_ASSERTS}:DAWN_ENABLE_ASSERTS>) if (DAWN_USE_CPP17) list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_DEFS "DAWN_CPP_VERSION=17") else() list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_DEFS "DAWN_CPP_VERSION=14") endif() if (DAWN_ENABLE_D3D12) list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_DEFS "DAWN_ENABLE_BACKEND_D3D12") endif() if (DAWN_ENABLE_METAL) list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_DEFS "DAWN_ENABLE_BACKEND_METAL") endif() if (DAWN_ENABLE_NULL) list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_DEFS "DAWN_ENABLE_BACKEND_NULL") endif() if (DAWN_ENABLE_OPENGL) list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_DEFS "DAWN_ENABLE_BACKEND_OPENGL") endif() if (DAWN_ENABLE_VULKAN) list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_DEFS "DAWN_ENABLE_BACKEND_VULKAN") endif() if (WIN32) # Define NOMINMAX to prevent conflicts between std::min/max and the min/max macros in WinDef.h list(APPEND DAWN_DEFS "NOMINMAX") # Avoid Windows.h including a lot of headers list(APPEND DAWN_DEFS "WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN") # Remove compile error where the mock Dawn creates too many sections for the old obj format. list(APPEND DAWN_FLAGS "/bigobj") endif() if (MSVC) list(APPEND DAWN_FLAGS "/std:c++14") list(APPEND DAWN_FLAGS "/EHsc") list(APPEND DAWN_FLAGS "/MP") list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "/W4") # Allow declarations hiding members as it is used all over Dawn list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "/wd4458") list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "/wd4996") # Allow deprecated functions like strncpy list(APPEND DAWN_GENERATED_FLAGS "/wd4702") # Allow unreachable code list(APPEND DAWN_GENERATED_FLAGS "/wd4189") # Allow unused variable if(DAWN_USE_WERROR) list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "/WX") endif() else() # Activate C++14 only on C++ files, not C files. list(APPEND DAWN_FLAGS "$<$:-std=c++14>") # enable -Wold-style-cast on C++ list(APPEND DAWN_FLAGS "$<$:-Wold-style-cast>") list(APPEND DAWN_FLAGS "-fPIC") list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "-Wall" "-Wextra") list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "-pedantic") list(APPEND DAWN_GENERATED_FLAGS "-Wno-unused-variable" "-Wno-unused-function") if("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "Clang") # don't break the build on older clang versions list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "-Wno-error=unknown-warning-option") # GCC's conversion warnings are less useful than clang's list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "-Wconversion" "-Wno-sign-conversion") # disable a clang-only -pedantic warning list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "-Wno-gnu-zero-variadic-macro-arguments") # additional potentially useful warnings (feel free to remove if they prove un-useful) list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "-Wextra-semi") list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "-Wstrict-aliasing") list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "-Wunreachable-code") list(APPEND DAWN_GENERATED_FLAGS "-Wno-unreachable-code") # Probably okay to enable if we establish a field naming convention: #list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "-Wshadow") endif() if(DAWN_USE_WERROR) list(APPEND DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS "-Werror") endif() endif() function(DawnExternalTarget folder target) set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS ${DAWN_FLAGS}) set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ${DAWN_DEFS}) set_property(TARGET ${target} PROPERTY FOLDER "dawn/${folder}") endfunction() function(DawnInternalTarget folder target) DawnExternalTarget("${folder}" ${target}) set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS ${DAWN_INTERNAL_FLAGS}) set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ${DAWN_INTERNAL_DEFS}) # Common include directories shared by all internal targets target_include_directories(${target} PRIVATE ${SRC_DIR} ${GENERATED_DIR} ${INCLUDE_DIR}) # All internal targets require the headers to have been generated add_dependencies(${target} dawn_headers) # Group the target sources by folder to have folders show in Visual Studio if (MSVC) get_target_property(targetSources ${target} SOURCES) foreach(sourceFile IN ITEMS ${targetSources}) if (IS_ABSOLUTE "${sourceFile}") file(RELATIVE_PATH sourceFile "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${sourceFile}") endif() get_filename_component(sourceDir "${sourceFile}" PATH) string(REPLACE "/" "\\" sourceDir "${sourceDir}") source_group("${sourceDir}" FILES "${sourceFile}") endforeach() endif() endfunction() # Enable the creation of folders for Visual Studio projects set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) # Output shared libs and executables directly in the build directory set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) ################################################################################ # Generate the C and C++ Dawn APIs ################################################################################ set(INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/include) set(SRC_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src) add_subdirectory(generator) # Dawn header generation is in its own target so that it can be set as a build dependency for all # internal targets Generate( LIB_NAME dawn_headers LIB_TYPE OBJECT FOLDER "" PRINT_NAME "Dawn headers" COMMAND_LINE_ARGS ${GENERATOR_COMMON_ARGS} -T dawn_headers ) # Older versions of CMake aren't able to know which linker to use without this and fail. set_property(TARGET dawn_headers PROPERTY LINKER_LANGUAGE "CXX") # libdawn.so/dll/dylib which contains the static proctable C interface and its C++ wrapper Generate( LIB_NAME libdawn_autogen LIB_TYPE OBJECT FOLDER "libdawn" PRINT_NAME "libdawn" COMMAND_LINE_ARGS ${GENERATOR_COMMON_ARGS} -T libdawn ) target_compile_definitions(libdawn_autogen PRIVATE DAWN_IMPLEMENTATION) add_library(libdawn SHARED $ ${INCLUDE_DIR}/dawn/dawn_export.h ${INCLUDE_DIR}/dawn/dawn_wsi.h ${INCLUDE_DIR}/dawn/EnumClassBitmasks.h ) set_property(TARGET libdawn PROPERTY OUTPUT_NAME "dawn") target_include_directories(libdawn PUBLIC ${GENERATED_DIR} ${INCLUDE_DIR}) DawnInternalTarget("libdawn" libdawn) ################################################################################ # Call to other CMakeLists.txt ################################################################################ add_subdirectory(third_party) add_subdirectory(src/common) add_subdirectory(src/dawn_native) add_subdirectory(src/wire) add_subdirectory(src/utils) add_subdirectory(src/tests) add_subdirectory(examples)