//* Copyright 2021 The Dawn Authors //* //* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); //* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. //* You may obtain a copy of the License at //* //* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 //* //* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software //* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, //* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. //* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and //* limitations under the License. #include "dawn_native/webgpu_absl_format_autogen.h" #include "dawn_native/Device.h" #include "dawn_native/ObjectBase.h" #include "dawn_native/ObjectType_autogen.h" #include "dawn_native/Texture.h" namespace dawn_native { // // Structs (Manually written) // absl::FormatConvertResult AbslFormatConvert(const Color* value, const absl::FormatConversionSpec& spec, absl::FormatSink* s) { if (value == nullptr) { s->Append("[null]"); return {true}; } s->Append(absl::StrFormat("[Color r:%f, g:%f, b:%f, a:%f]", value->r, value->g, value->b, value->a)); return {true}; } absl::FormatConvertResult AbslFormatConvert(const Extent3D* value, const absl::FormatConversionSpec& spec, absl::FormatSink* s) { if (value == nullptr) { s->Append("[null]"); return {true}; } s->Append(absl::StrFormat("[Extent3D width:%u, height:%u, depthOrArrayLayers:%u]", value->width, value->height, value->depthOrArrayLayers)); return {true}; } // // Objects // absl::FormatConvertResult AbslFormatConvert(const DeviceBase* value, const absl::FormatConversionSpec& spec, absl::FormatSink* s) { if (value == nullptr) { s->Append("[null]"); return {true}; } s->Append("[Device"); const std::string& label = value->GetLabel(); if (!label.empty()) { s->Append(absl::StrFormat(" \"%s\"", label)); } s->Append("]"); return {true}; } absl::FormatConvertResult AbslFormatConvert(const ApiObjectBase* value, const absl::FormatConversionSpec& spec, absl::FormatSink* s) { if (value == nullptr) { s->Append("[null]"); return {true}; } s->Append("["); s->Append(ObjectTypeAsString(value->GetType())); const std::string& label = value->GetLabel(); if (!label.empty()) { s->Append(absl::StrFormat(" \"%s\"", label)); } s->Append("]"); return {true}; } absl::FormatConvertResult AbslFormatConvert(const TextureViewBase* value, const absl::FormatConversionSpec& spec, absl::FormatSink* s) { if (value == nullptr) { s->Append("[null]"); return {true}; } s->Append("["); s->Append(ObjectTypeAsString(value->GetType())); const std::string& label = value->GetLabel(); if (!label.empty()) { s->Append(absl::StrFormat(" \"%s\"", label)); } const std::string& textureLabel = value->GetTexture()->GetLabel(); if (!textureLabel.empty()) { s->Append(absl::StrFormat(" of Texture \"%s\"", textureLabel)); } s->Append("]"); return {true}; } // // Descriptors // {% for type in by_category["structure"] %} {% for member in type.members %} {% if member.name.canonical_case() == "label" %} absl::FormatConvertResult AbslFormatConvert(const {{as_cppType(type.name)}}* value, const absl::FormatConversionSpec& spec, absl::FormatSink* s) { if (value == nullptr) { s->Append("[null]"); return {true}; } s->Append("[{{as_cppType(type.name)}}"); if (value->label != nullptr) { s->Append(absl::StrFormat(" \"%s\"", value->label)); } s->Append("]"); return {true}; } {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} } // namespace dawn_native namespace wgpu { // // Enums // {% for type in by_category["enum"] %} absl::FormatConvertResult AbslFormatConvert({{as_cppType(type.name)}} value, const absl::FormatConversionSpec& spec, absl::FormatSink* s) { s->Append("{{as_cppType(type.name)}}::"); switch (value) { {% for value in type.values %} case {{as_cppType(type.name)}}::{{as_cppEnum(value.name)}}: s->Append("{{as_cppEnum(value.name)}}"); break; {% endfor %} default: s->Append(absl::StrFormat("%x", static_cast::type>(value))); } return {true}; } {% endfor %} // // Bitmasks // {% for type in by_category["bitmask"] %} absl::FormatConvertResult AbslFormatConvert({{as_cppType(type.name)}} value, const absl::FormatConversionSpec& spec, absl::FormatSink* s) { s->Append("{{as_cppType(type.name)}}::"); if (!static_cast(value)) { {% for value in type.values if value.value == 0 %} // 0 is often explicitly declared as None. s->Append("{{as_cppEnum(value.name)}}"); {% else %} s->Append(absl::StrFormat("{{as_cppType(type.name)}}::%x", 0)); {% endfor %} return {true}; } bool moreThanOneBit = !HasZeroOrOneBits(value); if (moreThanOneBit) { s->Append("("); } bool first = true; {% for value in type.values if value.value != 0 %} if (value & {{as_cppType(type.name)}}::{{as_cppEnum(value.name)}}) { if (!first) { s->Append("|"); } first = false; s->Append("{{as_cppEnum(value.name)}}"); value &= ~{{as_cppType(type.name)}}::{{as_cppEnum(value.name)}}; } {% endfor %} if (static_cast(value)) { if (!first) { s->Append("|"); } s->Append(absl::StrFormat("{{as_cppType(type.name)}}::%x", static_cast::type>(value))); } if (moreThanOneBit) { s->Append(")"); } return {true}; } {% endfor %} } // namespace wgpu