SKIP: FAILED static float4 gl_FragCoord = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); static float array0[3] = (float[3])0; static float array1[3] = (float[3])0; cbuffer cbuffer_x_11 : register(b0, space0) { uint4 x_11[1]; }; static float4 x_GLF_color = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); void main_1() { int q = 0; int i = 0; int c = 0; q = 0; const float x_55 = gl_FragCoord.x; i = (int(x_55) % 3); c = 0; { [loop] for(; (c < 3); c = (c + 1)) { array0[c] = 0.0f; array1[c] = 0.0f; const float x_65 = asfloat(x_11[0].x); switch((int(x_65) + q)) { case 51: { [loop] while (true) { if (true) { } else { break; } } array0[c] = 1.0f; /* fallthrough */ { array1[0] = 1.0f; array1[c] = 1.0f; } break; } case 61: { array1[0] = 1.0f; array1[c] = 1.0f; break; } case 0: { q = 61; break; } default: { break; } } } } const float x_79 = array1[i]; const float x_81 = array0[i]; const float x_83 = array0[i]; x_GLF_color = float4(x_79, x_81, x_83, 1.0f); return; } struct main_out { float4 x_GLF_color_1; }; struct tint_symbol_1 { float4 gl_FragCoord_param : SV_Position; }; struct tint_symbol_2 { float4 x_GLF_color_1 : SV_Target0; }; main_out main_inner(float4 gl_FragCoord_param) { gl_FragCoord = gl_FragCoord_param; main_1(); const main_out tint_symbol_4 = {x_GLF_color}; return tint_symbol_4; } tint_symbol_2 main(tint_symbol_1 tint_symbol) { const main_out inner_result = main_inner(tint_symbol.gl_FragCoord_param); tint_symbol_2 wrapper_result = (tint_symbol_2)0; wrapper_result.x_GLF_color_1 = inner_result.x_GLF_color_1; return wrapper_result; } FXC validation failure: C:\src\dawn\test\tint\Shader@0x0000022DCA4A8CB0(15,8-20): warning X3556: integer modulus may be much slower, try using uints if possible. C:\src\dawn\test\tint\Shader@0x0000022DCA4A8CB0(24,18-29): warning X3557: loop doesn't seem to do anything, consider removing [loop] C:\src\dawn\test\tint\Shader@0x0000022DCA4A8CB0(24,18-29): warning X3551: infinite loop detected - loop writes no values C:\src\dawn\test\tint\Shader@0x0000022DCA4A8CB0(24,18-29): warning X3557: loop doesn't seem to do anything, consider removing [loop] C:\src\dawn\test\tint\Shader@0x0000022DCA4A8CB0(24,18-29): warning X3551: infinite loop detected - loop writes no values C:\src\dawn\test\tint\Shader@0x0000022DCA4A8CB0(24,18-29): warning X3557: loop doesn't seem to do anything, consider removing [loop] C:\src\dawn\test\tint\Shader@0x0000022DCA4A8CB0(24,18-29): warning X3551: infinite loop detected - loop writes no values C:\src\dawn\test\tint\Shader@0x0000022DCA4A8CB0(24,18-29): warning X3557: loop doesn't seem to do anything, consider removing [loop] C:\src\dawn\test\tint\Shader@0x0000022DCA4A8CB0(24,18-29): warning X3551: infinite loop detected - loop writes no values C:\src\dawn\test\tint\Shader@0x0000022DCA4A8CB0(24,18-29): warning X3557: loop doesn't seem to do anything, consider removing [loop] C:\src\dawn\test\tint\Shader@0x0000022DCA4A8CB0(24,18-29): warning X3551: infinite loop detected - loop writes no values C:\src\dawn\test\tint\Shader@0x0000022DCA4A8CB0(24,18-29): warning X3557: loop doesn't seem to do anything, consider removing [loop] C:\src\dawn\test\tint\Shader@0x0000022DCA4A8CB0(24,18-29): warning X3551: infinite loop detected - loop writes no values C:\src\dawn\test\tint\Shader@0x0000022DCA4A8CB0(24,25-28): error X3696: infinite loop detected - loop never exits