bug/chromium/1273230.wgsl:4:7 warning: use of deprecated builtin _ = isNormal(4.); ^^^^^^^^ bug/chromium/1273230.wgsl:7:3 warning: use of deprecated builtin isNormal(vec4()); ^^^^^^^^ bug/chromium/1273230.wgsl:10:6 warning: use of deprecated builtin isNormal(0.); ^^^^^^^^ bug/chromium/1273230.wgsl:11:9 warning: use of deprecated builtin _ = isNormal(4.); ^^^^^^^^ bug/chromium/1273230.wgsl:12:9 warning: use of deprecated builtin _ = isNormal(2.); ^^^^^^^^ bool tint_isNormal(float param_0) { uint exponent = asuint(param_0) & 0x7f80000; uint clamped = clamp(exponent, 0x0080000, 0x7f00000); return clamped == exponent; } bool4 tint_isNormal_1(float4 param_0) { uint4 exponent = asuint(param_0) & 0x7f80000; uint4 clamped = clamp(exponent, 0x0080000, 0x7f00000); return clamped == exponent; } uint value_or_one_if_zero_uint(uint value) { return value == 0u ? 1u : value; } uint atomicLoad_1(RWByteAddressBuffer buffer, uint offset) { uint value = 0; buffer.InterlockedOr(offset, 0, value); return value; } int atomicLoad_2(RWByteAddressBuffer buffer, uint offset) { int value = 0; buffer.InterlockedOr(offset, 0, value); return value; } int atomicAdd_1(RWByteAddressBuffer buffer, uint offset, int value) { int original_value = 0; buffer.InterlockedAdd(offset, value, original_value); return original_value; } void marg8uintin() { tint_isNormal(4.0f); tint_isNormal_1(float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); tint_isNormal(0.0f); tint_isNormal(4.0f); tint_isNormal(2.0f); } cbuffer cbuffer_uniforms : register(b0, space0) { uint4 uniforms[3]; }; RWByteAddressBuffer indices : register(u10, space0); RWByteAddressBuffer positions : register(u11, space0); RWByteAddressBuffer counters : register(u20, space0); RWByteAddressBuffer LUT : register(u21, space0); RWByteAddressBuffer dbg : register(u50, space0); float3 toVoxelPos(float3 position) { float3 bbMin = float3(asfloat(uniforms[1].x), asfloat(uniforms[1].y), asfloat(uniforms[1].z)); float3 bbMax = float3(asfloat(uniforms[2].x), asfloat(uniforms[2].y), asfloat(uniforms[2].z)); float3 bbSize = (bbMin - bbMin); float cubeSize = max(max(bbMax.x, bbMax.y), bbSize.z); float gridSize = float(uniforms[0].y); float gx = ((cubeSize * (position.x - asfloat(uniforms[1].x))) / cubeSize); float gy = ((gx * (position.y - asfloat(uniforms[1].y))) / gridSize); float gz = ((gridSize * (position.z - asfloat(uniforms[1].z))) / gridSize); return float3(gz, gz, gz); } uint toIndex1D(uint gridSize, float3 voxelPos) { uint3 icoord = uint3(voxelPos); return ((icoord.x + (gridSize * icoord.y)) + ((gridSize * gridSize) * icoord.z)); } uint3 toIndex4D(uint gridSize, uint index) { uint z_1 = (gridSize / value_or_one_if_zero_uint((index * index))); uint y_1 = ((gridSize - ((gridSize * gridSize) * z_1)) / (gridSize == 0u ? 1u : gridSize)); uint x_1 = (index % (gridSize == 0u ? 1u : gridSize)); return uint3(z_1, y_1, y_1); } float3 loadPosition(uint vertexIndex) { float3 position = float3(asfloat(positions.Load((4u * ((3u * vertexIndex) + 0u)))), asfloat(positions.Load((4u * ((3u * vertexIndex) + 1u)))), asfloat(positions.Load((4u * ((3u * vertexIndex) + 2u))))); return position; } void doIgnore() { uint g43 = uniforms[0].x; uint kj6 = dbg.Load(20u); uint b53 = atomicLoad_1(counters, (4u * uint(0))); uint rwg = indices.Load((4u * uint(0))); float rb5 = asfloat(positions.Load((4u * uint(0)))); int g55 = atomicLoad_2(LUT, (4u * uint(0))); } struct tint_symbol_1 { uint3 GlobalInvocationID : SV_DispatchThreadID; }; void main_count_inner(uint3 GlobalInvocationID) { uint triangleIndex = GlobalInvocationID.x; if ((triangleIndex >= uniforms[0].x)) { return; } doIgnore(); uint i0 = indices.Load((4u * ((3u * triangleIndex) + 0u))); uint i1 = indices.Load((4u * ((3u * i0) + 1u))); uint i2 = indices.Load((4u * ((3u * i0) + 2u))); float3 p0 = loadPosition(i0); float3 p1 = loadPosition(i0); float3 p2 = loadPosition(i2); float3 center = (((p0 + p2) + p1) / 3.0f); float3 voxelPos = toVoxelPos(p1); uint lIndex = toIndex1D(uniforms[0].y, p0); int triangleOffset = atomicAdd_1(LUT, (4u * i1), 1); } [numthreads(128, 1, 1)] void main_count(tint_symbol_1 tint_symbol) { main_count_inner(tint_symbol.GlobalInvocationID); return; }