SKIP: FAILED struct BST { int data; int leftIndex; int rightIndex; }; cbuffer cbuffer_x_8 : register(b0, space0) { uint4 x_8[1]; }; static float4 gl_FragCoord = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); static float4 x_GLF_color = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); void main_1() { BST tree[10] = (BST[10])0; bool x_67 = false; bool x_114 = false; int x_572 = 0; bool x_67_phi = false; int x_70_phi = 0; bool x_116_phi = false; int x_119_phi = 0; int x_569_phi = 0; int x_572_phi = 0; int x_574_phi = 0; const BST tint_symbol_5 = {9, -1, -1}; tree[0] = tint_symbol_5; switch(0u) { default: { x_67_phi = false; x_70_phi = 0; while (true) { int x_95 = 0; int x_87 = 0; bool x_68 = false; int x_71 = 0; bool x_68_phi = false; int x_71_phi = 0; x_67 = x_67_phi; const int x_70 = x_70_phi; x_116_phi = x_67; if ((x_70 <= 1)) { } else { break; } const int x_76 = tree[x_70].data; if ((5 <= x_76)) { bool x_114_phi = false; const int x_89_save = x_70; const int x_90 = tree[x_89_save].leftIndex; if ((x_90 == -1)) { const float x_97 = asfloat(x_8[0].y); const float x_99 = asfloat(x_8[0].x); if ((x_97 < x_99)) { while (true) { discard; } return; } tree[x_89_save].leftIndex = 1; const BST tint_symbol_6 = {5, -1, -1}; tree[1] = tint_symbol_6; while (true) { x_114_phi = x_67; if ((0 < int(x_97))) { } else { break; } x_114_phi = true; break; } x_114 = x_114_phi; x_116_phi = x_114; if (x_114) { break; } } else { x_95 = tree[x_89_save].leftIndex; x_68_phi = x_67; x_71_phi = x_95; { x_68 = x_68_phi; x_71 = x_71_phi; x_67_phi = x_68; x_70_phi = x_71; } continue; } } else { const int x_81_save = x_70; const int x_82 = tree[x_81_save].rightIndex; if ((x_82 == -1)) { tree[x_81_save].rightIndex = 1; const BST tint_symbol_7 = {5, -1, -1}; tree[1] = tint_symbol_7; x_116_phi = true; break; } else { x_87 = tree[x_81_save].rightIndex; x_68_phi = x_67; x_71_phi = x_87; { x_68 = x_68_phi; x_71 = x_71_phi; x_67_phi = x_68; x_70_phi = x_71; } continue; } return; } x_68_phi = x_114; x_71_phi = x_70; { x_68 = x_68_phi; x_71 = x_71_phi; x_67_phi = x_68; x_70_phi = x_71; } } if (x_116_phi) { break; } break; } } x_119_phi = 0; while (true) { bool x_133 = false; int x_120 = 0; bool x_134_phi = false; const int x_119 = x_119_phi; const float x_125 = gl_FragCoord.y; const bool x_126 = (x_125 < 0.0f); x_134_phi = x_126; if (!(x_126)) { const float x_131 = asfloat(x_8[0].y); x_133 = (x_119 != int(x_131)); x_134_phi = x_133; } if (x_134_phi) { } else { break; } bool x_139 = false; bool x_186 = false; bool x_139_phi = false; int x_142_phi = 0; bool x_188_phi = false; switch(0u) { default: { x_139_phi = false; x_142_phi = 0; while (true) { int x_167 = 0; int x_159 = 0; bool x_140 = false; int x_143 = 0; bool x_140_phi = false; int x_143_phi = 0; x_139 = x_139_phi; const int x_142 = x_142_phi; x_188_phi = x_139; if ((x_142 <= 2)) { } else { break; } const int x_148 = tree[x_142].data; if ((12 <= x_148)) { bool x_186_phi = false; const int x_161_save = x_142; const int x_162 = tree[x_161_save].leftIndex; if ((x_162 == -1)) { const float x_169 = asfloat(x_8[0].y); const float x_171 = asfloat(x_8[0].x); if ((x_169 < x_171)) { while (true) { discard; } return; } tree[x_161_save].leftIndex = 2; const BST tint_symbol_8 = {12, -1, -1}; tree[2] = tint_symbol_8; while (true) { x_186_phi = x_139; if ((0 < int(x_169))) { } else { break; } x_186_phi = true; break; } x_186 = x_186_phi; x_188_phi = x_186; if (x_186) { break; } } else { x_167 = tree[x_161_save].leftIndex; x_140_phi = x_139; x_143_phi = x_167; { x_140 = x_140_phi; x_143 = x_143_phi; x_139_phi = x_140; x_142_phi = x_143; } continue; } } else { const int x_153_save = x_142; const int x_154 = tree[x_153_save].rightIndex; if ((x_154 == -1)) { tree[x_153_save].rightIndex = 2; const BST tint_symbol_9 = {12, -1, -1}; tree[2] = tint_symbol_9; x_188_phi = true; break; } else { x_159 = tree[x_153_save].rightIndex; x_140_phi = x_139; x_143_phi = x_159; { x_140 = x_140_phi; x_143 = x_143_phi; x_139_phi = x_140; x_142_phi = x_143; } continue; } return; } x_140_phi = x_186; x_143_phi = x_142; { x_140 = x_140_phi; x_143 = x_143_phi; x_139_phi = x_140; x_142_phi = x_143; } } if (x_188_phi) { break; } break; } } { x_120 = (x_119 + 1); x_119_phi = x_120; } } bool x_193 = false; bool x_240 = false; bool x_193_phi = false; int x_196_phi = 0; bool x_242_phi = false; switch(0u) { default: { x_193_phi = false; x_196_phi = 0; while (true) { int x_221 = 0; int x_213 = 0; bool x_194 = false; int x_197 = 0; bool x_194_phi = false; int x_197_phi = 0; x_193 = x_193_phi; const int x_196 = x_196_phi; x_242_phi = x_193; if ((x_196 <= 3)) { } else { break; } const int x_202 = tree[x_196].data; if ((15 <= x_202)) { bool x_240_phi = false; const int x_215_save = x_196; const int x_216 = tree[x_215_save].leftIndex; if ((x_216 == -1)) { const float x_223 = asfloat(x_8[0].y); const float x_225 = asfloat(x_8[0].x); if ((x_223 < x_225)) { while (true) { discard; } return; } tree[x_215_save].leftIndex = 3; const BST tint_symbol_10 = {15, -1, -1}; tree[3] = tint_symbol_10; while (true) { x_240_phi = x_193; if ((0 < int(x_223))) { } else { break; } x_240_phi = true; break; } x_240 = x_240_phi; x_242_phi = x_240; if (x_240) { break; } } else { x_221 = tree[x_215_save].leftIndex; x_194_phi = x_193; x_197_phi = x_221; { x_194 = x_194_phi; x_197 = x_197_phi; x_193_phi = x_194; x_196_phi = x_197; } continue; } } else { const int x_207_save = x_196; const int x_208 = tree[x_207_save].rightIndex; if ((x_208 == -1)) { tree[x_207_save].rightIndex = 3; const BST tint_symbol_11 = {15, -1, -1}; tree[3] = tint_symbol_11; x_242_phi = true; break; } else { x_213 = tree[x_207_save].rightIndex; x_194_phi = x_193; x_197_phi = x_213; { x_194 = x_194_phi; x_197 = x_197_phi; x_193_phi = x_194; x_196_phi = x_197; } continue; } return; } x_194_phi = x_240; x_197_phi = x_196; { x_194 = x_194_phi; x_197 = x_197_phi; x_193_phi = x_194; x_196_phi = x_197; } } if (x_242_phi) { break; } break; } } bool x_247 = false; bool x_294 = false; bool x_247_phi = false; int x_250_phi = 0; bool x_296_phi = false; switch(0u) { default: { x_247_phi = false; x_250_phi = 0; while (true) { int x_275 = 0; int x_267 = 0; bool x_248 = false; int x_251 = 0; bool x_248_phi = false; int x_251_phi = 0; x_247 = x_247_phi; const int x_250 = x_250_phi; x_296_phi = x_247; if ((x_250 <= 4)) { } else { break; } const int x_256 = tree[x_250].data; if ((7 <= x_256)) { bool x_294_phi = false; const int x_269_save = x_250; const int x_270 = tree[x_269_save].leftIndex; if ((x_270 == -1)) { const float x_277 = asfloat(x_8[0].y); const float x_279 = asfloat(x_8[0].x); if ((x_277 < x_279)) { while (true) { discard; } return; } tree[x_269_save].leftIndex = 4; const BST tint_symbol_12 = {7, -1, -1}; tree[4] = tint_symbol_12; while (true) { x_294_phi = x_247; if ((0 < int(x_277))) { } else { break; } x_294_phi = true; break; } x_294 = x_294_phi; x_296_phi = x_294; if (x_294) { break; } } else { x_275 = tree[x_269_save].leftIndex; x_248_phi = x_247; x_251_phi = x_275; { x_248 = x_248_phi; x_251 = x_251_phi; x_247_phi = x_248; x_250_phi = x_251; } continue; } } else { const int x_261_save = x_250; const int x_262 = tree[x_261_save].rightIndex; if ((x_262 == -1)) { tree[x_261_save].rightIndex = 4; const BST tint_symbol_13 = {7, -1, -1}; tree[4] = tint_symbol_13; x_296_phi = true; break; } else { x_267 = tree[x_261_save].rightIndex; x_248_phi = x_247; x_251_phi = x_267; { x_248 = x_248_phi; x_251 = x_251_phi; x_247_phi = x_248; x_250_phi = x_251; } continue; } return; } x_248_phi = x_294; x_251_phi = x_250; { x_248 = x_248_phi; x_251 = x_251_phi; x_247_phi = x_248; x_250_phi = x_251; } } if (x_296_phi) { break; } break; } } bool x_301 = false; bool x_348 = false; bool x_301_phi = false; int x_304_phi = 0; bool x_350_phi = false; switch(0u) { default: { x_301_phi = false; x_304_phi = 0; while (true) { int x_329 = 0; int x_321 = 0; bool x_302 = false; int x_305 = 0; bool x_302_phi = false; int x_305_phi = 0; x_301 = x_301_phi; const int x_304 = x_304_phi; x_350_phi = x_301; if ((x_304 <= 5)) { } else { break; } const int x_310 = tree[x_304].data; if ((8 <= x_310)) { bool x_348_phi = false; const int x_323_save = x_304; const int x_324 = tree[x_323_save].leftIndex; if ((x_324 == -1)) { const float x_331 = asfloat(x_8[0].y); const float x_333 = asfloat(x_8[0].x); if ((x_331 < x_333)) { while (true) { discard; } return; } tree[x_323_save].leftIndex = 5; const BST tint_symbol_14 = {8, -1, -1}; tree[5] = tint_symbol_14; while (true) { x_348_phi = x_301; if ((0 < int(x_331))) { } else { break; } x_348_phi = true; break; } x_348 = x_348_phi; x_350_phi = x_348; if (x_348) { break; } } else { x_329 = tree[x_323_save].leftIndex; x_302_phi = x_301; x_305_phi = x_329; { x_302 = x_302_phi; x_305 = x_305_phi; x_301_phi = x_302; x_304_phi = x_305; } continue; } } else { const int x_315_save = x_304; const int x_316 = tree[x_315_save].rightIndex; if ((x_316 == -1)) { tree[x_315_save].rightIndex = 5; const BST tint_symbol_15 = {8, -1, -1}; tree[5] = tint_symbol_15; x_350_phi = true; break; } else { x_321 = tree[x_315_save].rightIndex; x_302_phi = x_301; x_305_phi = x_321; { x_302 = x_302_phi; x_305 = x_305_phi; x_301_phi = x_302; x_304_phi = x_305; } continue; } return; } x_302_phi = x_348; x_305_phi = x_304; { x_302 = x_302_phi; x_305 = x_305_phi; x_301_phi = x_302; x_304_phi = x_305; } } if (x_350_phi) { break; } break; } } bool x_355 = false; bool x_402 = false; bool x_355_phi = false; int x_358_phi = 0; bool x_404_phi = false; switch(0u) { default: { x_355_phi = false; x_358_phi = 0; while (true) { int x_383 = 0; int x_375 = 0; bool x_356 = false; int x_359 = 0; bool x_356_phi = false; int x_359_phi = 0; x_355 = x_355_phi; const int x_358 = x_358_phi; x_404_phi = x_355; if ((x_358 <= 6)) { } else { break; } const int x_364 = tree[x_358].data; if ((2 <= x_364)) { bool x_402_phi = false; const int x_377_save = x_358; const int x_378 = tree[x_377_save].leftIndex; if ((x_378 == -1)) { const float x_385 = asfloat(x_8[0].y); const float x_387 = asfloat(x_8[0].x); if ((x_385 < x_387)) { while (true) { discard; } return; } tree[x_377_save].leftIndex = 6; const BST tint_symbol_16 = {2, -1, -1}; tree[6] = tint_symbol_16; while (true) { x_402_phi = x_355; if ((0 < int(x_385))) { } else { break; } x_402_phi = true; break; } x_402 = x_402_phi; x_404_phi = x_402; if (x_402) { break; } } else { x_383 = tree[x_377_save].leftIndex; x_356_phi = x_355; x_359_phi = x_383; { x_356 = x_356_phi; x_359 = x_359_phi; x_355_phi = x_356; x_358_phi = x_359; } continue; } } else { const int x_369_save = x_358; const int x_370 = tree[x_369_save].rightIndex; if ((x_370 == -1)) { tree[x_369_save].rightIndex = 6; const BST tint_symbol_17 = {2, -1, -1}; tree[6] = tint_symbol_17; x_404_phi = true; break; } else { x_375 = tree[x_369_save].rightIndex; x_356_phi = x_355; x_359_phi = x_375; { x_356 = x_356_phi; x_359 = x_359_phi; x_355_phi = x_356; x_358_phi = x_359; } continue; } return; } x_356_phi = x_402; x_359_phi = x_358; { x_356 = x_356_phi; x_359 = x_359_phi; x_355_phi = x_356; x_358_phi = x_359; } } if (x_404_phi) { break; } break; } } bool x_409 = false; bool x_456 = false; bool x_409_phi = false; int x_412_phi = 0; bool x_458_phi = false; switch(0u) { default: { x_409_phi = false; x_412_phi = 0; while (true) { int x_437 = 0; int x_429 = 0; bool x_410 = false; int x_413 = 0; bool x_410_phi = false; int x_413_phi = 0; x_409 = x_409_phi; const int x_412 = x_412_phi; x_458_phi = x_409; if ((x_412 <= 7)) { } else { break; } const int x_418 = tree[x_412].data; if ((6 <= x_418)) { bool x_456_phi = false; const int x_431_save = x_412; const int x_432 = tree[x_431_save].leftIndex; if ((x_432 == -1)) { const float x_439 = asfloat(x_8[0].y); const float x_441 = asfloat(x_8[0].x); if ((x_439 < x_441)) { while (true) { discard; } return; } tree[x_431_save].leftIndex = 7; const BST tint_symbol_18 = {6, -1, -1}; tree[7] = tint_symbol_18; while (true) { x_456_phi = x_409; if ((0 < int(x_439))) { } else { break; } x_456_phi = true; break; } x_456 = x_456_phi; x_458_phi = x_456; if (x_456) { break; } } else { x_437 = tree[x_431_save].leftIndex; x_410_phi = x_409; x_413_phi = x_437; { x_410 = x_410_phi; x_413 = x_413_phi; x_409_phi = x_410; x_412_phi = x_413; } continue; } } else { const int x_423_save = x_412; const int x_424 = tree[x_423_save].rightIndex; if ((x_424 == -1)) { tree[x_423_save].rightIndex = 7; const BST tint_symbol_19 = {6, -1, -1}; tree[7] = tint_symbol_19; x_458_phi = true; break; } else { x_429 = tree[x_423_save].rightIndex; x_410_phi = x_409; x_413_phi = x_429; { x_410 = x_410_phi; x_413 = x_413_phi; x_409_phi = x_410; x_412_phi = x_413; } continue; } return; } x_410_phi = x_456; x_413_phi = x_412; { x_410 = x_410_phi; x_413 = x_413_phi; x_409_phi = x_410; x_412_phi = x_413; } } if (x_458_phi) { break; } break; } } bool x_463 = false; bool x_510 = false; bool x_463_phi = false; int x_466_phi = 0; bool x_512_phi = false; switch(0u) { default: { x_463_phi = false; x_466_phi = 0; while (true) { int x_491 = 0; int x_483 = 0; bool x_464 = false; int x_467 = 0; bool x_464_phi = false; int x_467_phi = 0; x_463 = x_463_phi; const int x_466 = x_466_phi; x_512_phi = x_463; if ((x_466 <= 8)) { } else { break; } const int x_472 = tree[x_466].data; if ((17 <= x_472)) { bool x_510_phi = false; const int x_485_save = x_466; const int x_486 = tree[x_485_save].leftIndex; if ((x_486 == -1)) { const float x_493 = asfloat(x_8[0].y); const float x_495 = asfloat(x_8[0].x); if ((x_493 < x_495)) { while (true) { discard; } return; } tree[x_485_save].leftIndex = 8; const BST tint_symbol_20 = {17, -1, -1}; tree[8] = tint_symbol_20; while (true) { x_510_phi = x_463; if ((0 < int(x_493))) { } else { break; } x_510_phi = true; break; } x_510 = x_510_phi; x_512_phi = x_510; if (x_510) { break; } } else { x_491 = tree[x_485_save].leftIndex; x_464_phi = x_463; x_467_phi = x_491; { x_464 = x_464_phi; x_467 = x_467_phi; x_463_phi = x_464; x_466_phi = x_467; } continue; } } else { const int x_477_save = x_466; const int x_478 = tree[x_477_save].rightIndex; if ((x_478 == -1)) { tree[x_477_save].rightIndex = 8; const BST tint_symbol_21 = {17, -1, -1}; tree[8] = tint_symbol_21; x_512_phi = true; break; } else { x_483 = tree[x_477_save].rightIndex; x_464_phi = x_463; x_467_phi = x_483; { x_464 = x_464_phi; x_467 = x_467_phi; x_463_phi = x_464; x_466_phi = x_467; } continue; } return; } x_464_phi = x_510; x_467_phi = x_466; { x_464 = x_464_phi; x_467 = x_467_phi; x_463_phi = x_464; x_466_phi = x_467; } } if (x_512_phi) { break; } break; } } bool x_517 = false; bool x_564 = false; bool x_517_phi = false; int x_520_phi = 0; bool x_566_phi = false; switch(0u) { default: { x_517_phi = false; x_520_phi = 0; while (true) { int x_545 = 0; int x_537 = 0; bool x_518 = false; int x_521 = 0; bool x_518_phi = false; int x_521_phi = 0; x_517 = x_517_phi; const int x_520 = x_520_phi; x_566_phi = x_517; if ((x_520 <= 9)) { } else { break; } const int x_526 = tree[x_520].data; if ((13 <= x_526)) { bool x_564_phi = false; const int x_539_save = x_520; const int x_540 = tree[x_539_save].leftIndex; if ((x_540 == -1)) { const float x_547 = asfloat(x_8[0].y); const float x_549 = asfloat(x_8[0].x); if ((x_547 < x_549)) { while (true) { discard; } return; } tree[x_539_save].leftIndex = 9; const BST tint_symbol_22 = {13, -1, -1}; tree[9] = tint_symbol_22; while (true) { x_564_phi = x_517; if ((0 < int(x_547))) { } else { break; } x_564_phi = true; break; } x_564 = x_564_phi; x_566_phi = x_564; if (x_564) { break; } } else { x_545 = tree[x_539_save].leftIndex; x_518_phi = x_517; x_521_phi = x_545; { x_518 = x_518_phi; x_521 = x_521_phi; x_517_phi = x_518; x_520_phi = x_521; } continue; } } else { const int x_531_save = x_520; const int x_532 = tree[x_531_save].rightIndex; if ((x_532 == -1)) { tree[x_531_save].rightIndex = 9; const BST tint_symbol_23 = {13, -1, -1}; tree[9] = tint_symbol_23; x_566_phi = true; break; } else { x_537 = tree[x_531_save].rightIndex; x_518_phi = x_517; x_521_phi = x_537; { x_518 = x_518_phi; x_521 = x_521_phi; x_517_phi = x_518; x_520_phi = x_521; } continue; } return; } x_518_phi = x_564; x_521_phi = x_520; { x_518 = x_518_phi; x_521 = x_521_phi; x_517_phi = x_518; x_520_phi = x_521; } } if (x_566_phi) { break; } break; } } x_569_phi = 0; x_572_phi = 0; x_574_phi = 0; while (true) { int x_597 = 0; int x_607 = 0; int x_612 = 0; int x_575 = 0; int x_570_phi = 0; int x_573_phi = 0; const int x_569 = x_569_phi; x_572 = x_572_phi; const int x_574 = x_574_phi; if ((x_574 < 20)) { } else { break; } int x_582_phi = 0; int x_597_phi = 0; bool x_598_phi = false; switch(0u) { default: { x_582_phi = 0; while (true) { const int x_582 = x_582_phi; x_597_phi = x_569; x_598_phi = false; if ((x_582 != -1)) { } else { break; } const BST x_589 = tree[x_582]; const int x_590 =; const int x_591 = x_589.leftIndex; const int x_592 = x_589.rightIndex; if ((x_590 == x_574)) { x_597_phi = x_574; x_598_phi = true; break; } { x_582_phi = ((x_574 > x_590) ? x_592 : x_591); } } x_597 = x_597_phi; const bool x_598 = x_598_phi; x_570_phi = x_597; if (x_598) { break; } x_570_phi = -1; break; } } int x_570 = 0; int x_606 = 0; int x_611 = 0; int x_607_phi = 0; int x_612_phi = 0; x_570 = x_570_phi; switch(x_574) { case 2: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 12: case 13: case 15: case 17: { x_607_phi = x_572; if ((x_570 == asint(x_574))) { x_606 = asint((x_572 + asint(1))); x_607_phi = x_606; } x_607 = x_607_phi; x_573_phi = x_607; break; } default: { x_612_phi = x_572; if ((x_570 == asint(-1))) { x_611 = asint((x_572 + asint(1))); x_612_phi = x_611; } x_612 = x_612_phi; x_573_phi = x_612; break; } } const int x_573 = x_573_phi; { x_575 = (x_574 + 1); x_569_phi = x_570; x_572_phi = x_573; x_574_phi = x_575; } } if ((x_572 == asint(20))) { x_GLF_color = float4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } else { x_GLF_color = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } return; } struct main_out { float4 x_GLF_color_1; }; struct tint_symbol_1 { float4 gl_FragCoord_param : SV_Position; }; struct tint_symbol_2 { float4 x_GLF_color_1 : SV_Target0; }; tint_symbol_2 main(tint_symbol_1 tint_symbol) { const float4 gl_FragCoord_param = tint_symbol.gl_FragCoord_param; gl_FragCoord = gl_FragCoord_param; main_1(); const main_out tint_symbol_3 = {x_GLF_color}; const tint_symbol_2 tint_symbol_24 = {tint_symbol_3.x_GLF_color_1}; return tint_symbol_24; } T:\tmp\uq0.0:1053:20: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality] if ((x_570 == asint(x_574))) { ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T:\tmp\uq0.0:1053:20: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning if ((x_570 == asint(x_574))) { ~ ^ ~ T:\tmp\uq0.0:1053:20: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment if ((x_570 == asint(x_574))) { ^~ = T:\tmp\uq0.0:1063:20: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality] if ((x_570 == asint(-1))) { ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ T:\tmp\uq0.0:1063:20: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning if ((x_570 == asint(-1))) { ~ ^ ~ T:\tmp\uq0.0:1063:20: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment if ((x_570 == asint(-1))) { ^~ = T:\tmp\uq0.0:1080:14: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality] if ((x_572 == asint(20))) { ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ T:\tmp\uq0.0:1080:14: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning if ((x_572 == asint(20))) { ~ ^ ~ T:\tmp\uq0.0:1080:14: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment if ((x_572 == asint(20))) { ^~ = error: validation errors T:\tmp\uq0.0:1098: error: Loop must have break. T:\tmp\uq0.0:1098: error: Loop must have break. T:\tmp\uq0.0:1098: error: Loop must have break. T:\tmp\uq0.0:1098: error: Loop must have break. T:\tmp\uq0.0:1098: error: Loop must have break. T:\tmp\uq0.0:1098: error: Loop must have break. T:\tmp\uq0.0:1098: error: Loop must have break. T:\tmp\uq0.0:1098: error: Loop must have break. T:\tmp\uq0.0:1098: error: Loop must have break. Validation failed.