SKIP: FAILED #include using namespace metal; struct buf0 { /* 0x0000 */ packed_float2 resolution; }; struct main_out { float4 x_GLF_color_1; }; struct tint_symbol_2 { float4 x_GLF_color_1 [[color(0)]]; }; void main_1(constant buf0& x_7, thread float4* const tint_symbol_5, thread float4* const tint_symbol_6) { float3 c = 0.0f; float x_53 = 0.0f; float x_57 = 0.0f; float x_58 = 0.0f; float x_83 = 0.0f; float x_84 = 0.0f; float x_124 = 0.0f; float x_125 = 0.0f; float x_57_phi = 0.0f; int x_60_phi = 0; float x_83_phi = 0.0f; float x_84_phi = 0.0f; bool x_85_phi = false; float x_87_phi = 0.0f; float x_128_phi = 0.0f; int x_135_phi = 0; c = float3(7.0f, 8.0f, 9.0f); float const x_47 = x_7.resolution.x; float2 const x_48 = float2(1.0f, x_47); float const x_50 = rint((x_47 * 0.125f)); float2 const x_51 = float2(0.0f, -0.5f); x_53 = (*(tint_symbol_5)).x; switch(0u) { default: { x_57_phi = -0.5f; x_60_phi = 1; while (true) { float x_70 = 0.0f; float x_78 = 0.0f; int x_61 = 0; float x_58_phi = 0.0f; x_57 = x_57_phi; int const x_60 = x_60_phi; x_83_phi = 0.0f; x_84_phi = x_57; x_85_phi = false; if ((x_60 < 800)) { } else { break; } float x_77 = 0.0f; float x_78_phi = 0.0f; if (((x_60 % 32) == 0)) { x_70 = (x_57 + 0.400000006f); x_58_phi = x_70; } else { x_78_phi = x_57; if (((float(x_60) % rint(x_50)) <= 0.01f)) { x_77 = (x_57 + 100.0f); x_78_phi = x_77; } x_78 = x_78_phi; x_58_phi = x_78; } x_58 = x_58_phi; if ((float(x_60) >= x_53)) { x_83_phi = x_58; x_84_phi = x_58; x_85_phi = true; break; } { x_61 = (x_60 + 1); x_57_phi = x_58; x_60_phi = x_61; } } x_83 = x_83_phi; x_84 = x_84_phi; bool const x_85 = x_85_phi; x_87_phi = x_83; if (x_85) { break; } x_87_phi = x_84; break; } } float x_92 = 0.0f; float x_98 = 0.0f; float x_99 = 0.0f; float x_98_phi = 0.0f; int x_101_phi = 0; float x_124_phi = 0.0f; float x_125_phi = 0.0f; bool x_126_phi = false; float const x_87 = x_87_phi; float4 const x_89 = float4(x_84, 0.400000006f, x_83, 0.400000006f); c.x = x_87; x_92 = (*(tint_symbol_5)).y; switch(0u) { default: { float4 const x_95 = float4(x_51, 0.0f, x_57); float const x_96 = float3(x_48, -0.5f).z; x_98_phi = x_96; x_101_phi = 1; while (true) { float x_111 = 0.0f; float x_119 = 0.0f; int x_102 = 0; float x_99_phi = 0.0f; x_98 = x_98_phi; int const x_101 = x_101_phi; x_124_phi = 0.0f; x_125_phi = x_98; x_126_phi = false; if ((x_101 < 800)) { } else { break; } float x_118 = 0.0f; float x_119_phi = 0.0f; if (((x_101 % 32) == 0)) { x_111 = (x_98 + 0.400000006f); x_99_phi = x_111; } else { x_119_phi = x_98; if (((float(x_101) % rint(x_50)) <= 0.01f)) { x_118 = (x_98 + 100.0f); x_119_phi = x_118; } x_119 = x_119_phi; x_99_phi = x_119; } x_99 = x_99_phi; if ((float(x_101) >= x_92)) { x_124_phi = x_99; x_125_phi = x_99; x_126_phi = true; break; } { x_102 = (x_101 + 1); x_98_phi = x_99; x_101_phi = x_102; } } x_124 = x_124_phi; x_125 = x_125_phi; bool const x_126 = x_126_phi; x_128_phi = x_124; if (x_126) { break; } x_128_phi = x_125; break; } } float const x_128 = x_128_phi; c.y = x_128; float const x_130 = c.x; float const x_131 = c.y; c.z = (x_130 + x_131); x_135_phi = 0; while (true) { int x_136 = 0; int const x_135 = x_135_phi; if ((x_135 < 3)) { } else { break; } int const x_141_save = x_135; float const x_142 = c[x_141_save]; if ((x_142 >= 1.0f)) { float const x_146 = c[x_141_save]; float const x_147 = c[x_141_save]; c[x_141_save] = (x_146 * x_147); } { x_136 = (x_135 + 1); x_135_phi = x_136; } } float3 const x_149 = c; float3 const x_151 = normalize(fabs(x_149)); *(tint_symbol_6) = float4(x_151.x, x_151.y, x_151.z, 1.0f); return; } fragment tint_symbol_2 tint_symbol(float4 gl_FragCoord_param [[position]], constant buf0& x_7 [[buffer(0)]]) { thread float4 tint_symbol_7 = 0.0f; thread float4 tint_symbol_8 = 0.0f; tint_symbol_7 = gl_FragCoord_param; main_1(x_7, &(tint_symbol_7), &(tint_symbol_8)); main_out const tint_symbol_3 = {.x_GLF_color_1=tint_symbol_8}; tint_symbol_2 const tint_symbol_4 = {.x_GLF_color_1=tint_symbol_3.x_GLF_color_1}; return tint_symbol_4; } T:\tmp\u9vw.0.metal:62:29: error: invalid operands to binary expression ('float' and 'float') if (((float(x_60) % rint(x_50)) <= 0.01f)) { ~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~ T:\tmp\u9vw.0.metal:132:30: error: invalid operands to binary expression ('float' and 'float') if (((float(x_101) % rint(x_50)) <= 0.01f)) { ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~ 2 errors generated.