// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "src/transform/renamer.h" #include #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "src/transform/test_helper.h" namespace tint { namespace transform { namespace { using ::testing::ContainerEq; using RenamerTest = TransformTest; TEST_F(RenamerTest, EmptyModule) { auto* src = ""; auto* expect = ""; auto got = Run(src); EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got)); auto* data = got.data.Get(); ASSERT_EQ(data->remappings.size(), 0u); } TEST_F(RenamerTest, BasicModuleVertexIndex) { auto* src = R"( fn test(vert_idx : u32) -> u32 { return vert_idx; } [[stage(vertex)]] fn entry([[builtin(vertex_index)]] vert_idx : u32 ) -> [[builtin(position)]] vec4 { ignore(test(vert_idx)); return vec4(); } )"; auto* expect = R"( fn tint_symbol(tint_symbol_1 : u32) -> u32 { return tint_symbol_1; } [[stage(vertex)]] fn tint_symbol_2([[builtin(vertex_index)]] tint_symbol_1 : u32) -> [[builtin(position)]] vec4 { ignore(tint_symbol(tint_symbol_1)); return vec4(); } )"; auto got = Run(src); EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got)); auto* data = got.data.Get(); ASSERT_NE(data, nullptr); Renamer::Data::Remappings expected_remappings = { {"vert_idx", "tint_symbol_1"}, {"test", "tint_symbol"}, {"entry", "tint_symbol_2"}, }; EXPECT_THAT(data->remappings, ContainerEq(expected_remappings)); } TEST_F(RenamerTest, PreserveSwizzles) { auto* src = R"( [[stage(vertex)]] fn entry() -> [[builtin(position)]] vec4 { var v : vec4; var rgba : f32; var xyzw : f32; return v.zyxw + v.rgab; } )"; auto* expect = R"( [[stage(vertex)]] fn tint_symbol() -> [[builtin(position)]] vec4 { var tint_symbol_1 : vec4; var tint_symbol_2 : f32; var tint_symbol_3 : f32; return (tint_symbol_1.zyxw + tint_symbol_1.rgab); } )"; auto got = Run(src); EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got)); auto* data = got.data.Get(); ASSERT_NE(data, nullptr); Renamer::Data::Remappings expected_remappings = { {"entry", "tint_symbol"}, {"v", "tint_symbol_1"}, {"rgba", "tint_symbol_2"}, {"xyzw", "tint_symbol_3"}, }; EXPECT_THAT(data->remappings, ContainerEq(expected_remappings)); } TEST_F(RenamerTest, PreserveIntrinsics) { auto* src = R"( [[stage(vertex)]] fn entry() -> [[builtin(position)]] vec4 { var blah : vec4; return abs(blah); } )"; auto* expect = R"( [[stage(vertex)]] fn tint_symbol() -> [[builtin(position)]] vec4 { var tint_symbol_1 : vec4; return abs(tint_symbol_1); } )"; auto got = Run(src); EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got)); auto* data = got.data.Get(); ASSERT_NE(data, nullptr); Renamer::Data::Remappings expected_remappings = { {"entry", "tint_symbol"}, {"blah", "tint_symbol_1"}, }; EXPECT_THAT(data->remappings, ContainerEq(expected_remappings)); } TEST_F(RenamerTest, PreserveBuiltinTypes) { auto* src = R"( [[stage(compute), workgroup_size(1)]] fn entry() { var a = modf(1.0).whole; var b = modf(1.0).fract; var c = frexp(1.0).sig; var d = frexp(1.0).exp; } )"; auto* expect = R"( [[stage(compute), workgroup_size(1)]] fn tint_symbol() { var tint_symbol_1 = modf(1.0).whole; var tint_symbol_2 = modf(1.0).fract; var tint_symbol_3 = frexp(1.0).sig; var tint_symbol_4 = frexp(1.0).exp; } )"; auto got = Run(src); EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got)); auto* data = got.data.Get(); ASSERT_NE(data, nullptr); Renamer::Data::Remappings expected_remappings = { {"entry", "tint_symbol"}, {"a", "tint_symbol_1"}, {"b", "tint_symbol_2"}, {"c", "tint_symbol_3"}, {"d", "tint_symbol_4"}, }; EXPECT_THAT(data->remappings, ContainerEq(expected_remappings)); } TEST_F(RenamerTest, AttemptSymbolCollision) { auto* src = R"( [[stage(vertex)]] fn entry() -> [[builtin(position)]] vec4 { var tint_symbol : vec4; var tint_symbol_2 : vec4; var tint_symbol_4 : vec4; return tint_symbol + tint_symbol_2 + tint_symbol_4; } )"; auto* expect = R"( [[stage(vertex)]] fn tint_symbol() -> [[builtin(position)]] vec4 { var tint_symbol_1 : vec4; var tint_symbol_2 : vec4; var tint_symbol_3 : vec4; return ((tint_symbol_1 + tint_symbol_2) + tint_symbol_3); } )"; auto got = Run(src); EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got)); auto* data = got.data.Get(); ASSERT_NE(data, nullptr); Renamer::Data::Remappings expected_remappings = { {"entry", "tint_symbol"}, {"tint_symbol", "tint_symbol_1"}, {"tint_symbol_2", "tint_symbol_2"}, {"tint_symbol_4", "tint_symbol_3"}, }; EXPECT_THAT(data->remappings, ContainerEq(expected_remappings)); } using RenamerTestGlsl = TransformTestWithParam; using RenamerTestHlsl = TransformTestWithParam; using RenamerTestMsl = TransformTestWithParam; TEST_P(RenamerTestGlsl, Keywords) { auto keyword = GetParam(); auto src = R"( [[stage(fragment)]] fn frag_main() { var )" + keyword + R"( : i32; } )"; auto* expect = R"( [[stage(fragment)]] fn frag_main() { var tint_symbol : i32; } )"; DataMap inputs; inputs.Add(Renamer::Target::kGlslKeywords); auto got = Run(src, inputs); EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got)); } TEST_P(RenamerTestHlsl, Keywords) { auto keyword = GetParam(); auto src = R"( [[stage(fragment)]] fn frag_main() { var )" + keyword + R"( : i32; } )"; auto* expect = R"( [[stage(fragment)]] fn frag_main() { var tint_symbol : i32; } )"; DataMap inputs; inputs.Add(Renamer::Target::kHlslKeywords); auto got = Run(src, inputs); EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got)); } TEST_P(RenamerTestMsl, Keywords) { auto keyword = GetParam(); auto src = R"( [[stage(fragment)]] fn frag_main() { var )" + keyword + R"( : i32; } )"; auto* expect = R"( [[stage(fragment)]] fn frag_main() { var tint_symbol : i32; } )"; DataMap inputs; inputs.Add(Renamer::Target::kMslKeywords); auto got = Run(src, inputs); EXPECT_EQ(expect, str(got)); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(RenamerTestGlsl, RenamerTestGlsl, testing::Values("active", // "asm", // WGSL keyword "atomic_uint", "attribute", // "bool", // WGSL keyword // "break", // WGSL keyword "buffer", "bvec2", "bvec3", "bvec4", // "case", // WGSL keyword "cast", "centroid", "class", "coherent", "common", // "const", // WGSL keyword // "continue", // WGSL keyword // "default", // WGSL keyword // "discard", // WGSL keyword "dmat2", "dmat2x2", "dmat2x3", "dmat2x4", "dmat3", "dmat3x2", "dmat3x3", "dmat3x4", "dmat4", "dmat4x2", "dmat4x3", "dmat4x4", // "do", // WGSL keyword "double", "dvec2", "dvec3", "dvec4", // "else" // WGSL keyword // "enum", // WGSL keyword "extern", "external", // "false", // WGSL keyword "filter", "fixed", "flat", "float", // "for", // WGSL keyword "fvec2", "fvec3", "fvec4", "gl_BaseInstance", "gl_BaseVertex", "gl_ClipDistance", "gl_DepthRangeParameters", "gl_DrawID", "gl_FragCoord", "gl_FragDepth", "gl_FrontFacing", "gl_GlobalInvocationID", "gl_InstanceID", "gl_LocalInvocationID", "gl_LocalInvocationIndex", "gl_NumSamples", "gl_NumWorkGroups", "gl_PerVertex", "gl_PointCoord", "gl_PointSize", "gl_Position", "gl_PrimitiveID", "gl_SampleID", "gl_SampleMask", "gl_SampleMaskIn", "gl_SamplePosition", "gl_VertexID", "gl_WorkGroupID", "gl_WorkGroupSize", "goto", "half", "highp", "hvec2", "hvec3", "hvec4", // "if", // WGSL keyword "iimage1D", "iimage1DArray", "iimage2D", "iimage2DArray", "iimage2DMS", "iimage2DMSArray", "iimage2DRect", "iimage3D", "iimageBuffer", "iimageCube", "iimageCubeArray", "image1D", "image1DArray", "image2D", "image2DArray", "image2DMS", "image2DMSArray", "image2DRect", "image3D", "imageBuffer", "imageCube", "imageCubeArray", "in", "inline", "inout", "input", "int", "interface", "invariant", "isampler1D", "isampler1DArray", "isampler2D", "isampler2DArray", "isampler2DMS", "isampler2DMSArray", "isampler2DRect", "isampler3D", "isamplerBuffer", "isamplerCube", "isamplerCubeArray", "ivec2", "ivec3", "ivec4", "layout", "long", "lowp", // "mat2x2", // WGSL keyword // "mat2x3", // WGSL keyword // "mat2x4", // WGSL keyword // "mat2", "mat3", // "mat3x2", // WGSL keyword // "mat3x3", // WGSL keyword // "mat3x4", // WGSL keyword "mat4", // "mat4x2", // WGSL keyword // "mat4x3", // WGSL keyword // "mat4x4", // WGSL keyword "mediump", "namespace", "noinline", "noperspective", "out", "output", "partition", "patch", "precise", "precision", "public", "readonly", "resource", "restrict", // "return", // WGSL keyword "sample", "sampler1D", "sampler1DArray", "sampler1DArrayShadow", "sampler1DShadow", "sampler2D", "sampler2DArray", "sampler2DArrayShadow", "sampler2DMS", "sampler2DMSArray", "sampler2DRect", "sampler2DRectShadow", "sampler2DShadow", "sampler3D", "sampler3DRect", "samplerBuffer", "samplerCube", "samplerCubeArray", "samplerCubeArrayShadow", "samplerCubeShadow", "shared", "short", "sizeof", "smooth", "static", // "struct", // WGSL keyword "subroutine", "superp", // "switch", // WGSL keyword "template", "this", // "true", // WGSL keyword // "typedef", // WGSL keyword "uimage1D", "uimage1DArray", "uimage2D", "uimage2DArray", "uimage2DMS", "uimage2DMSArray", "uimage2DRect", "uimage3D", "uimageBuffer", "uimageCube", "uimageCubeArray", "uint", // "uniform", // WGSL keyword "union", "unsigned", "usampler1D", "usampler1DArray", "usampler2D", "usampler2DArray", "usampler2DMS", "usampler2DMSArray", "usampler2DRect", "usampler3D", "usamplerBuffer", "usamplerCube", "usamplerCubeArray", // "using", // WGSL keyword "uvec2", "uvec3", "uvec4", "varying", // "vec2", // WGSL keyword // "vec3", // WGSL keyword // "vec4", // WGSL keyword // "void", // WGSL keyword "volatile", // "while", // WGSL keyword "writeonly")); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(RenamerTestHlsl, RenamerTestHlsl, testing::Values("AddressU", "AddressV", "AddressW", "AllMemoryBarrier", "AllMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync", "AppendStructuredBuffer", "BINORMAL", "BLENDINDICES", "BLENDWEIGHT", "BlendState", "BorderColor", "Buffer", "ByteAddressBuffer", "COLOR", "CheckAccessFullyMapped", "ComparisonFunc", "CompileShader", "ComputeShader", "ConsumeStructuredBuffer", "D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4", "DEPTH", "DepthStencilState", "DepthStencilView", "DeviceMemoryBarrier", "DeviceMemroyBarrierWithGroupSync", "DomainShader", "EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid", "EvaluateAttributeAtSample", "EvaluateAttributeSnapped", "FOG", "Filter", "GeometryShader", "GetRenderTargetSampleCount", "GetRenderTargetSamplePosition", "GroupMemoryBarrier", "GroupMemroyBarrierWithGroupSync", "Hullshader", "InputPatch", "InterlockedAdd", "InterlockedAnd", "InterlockedCompareExchange", "InterlockedCompareStore", "InterlockedExchange", "InterlockedMax", "InterlockedMin", "InterlockedOr", "InterlockedXor", "LineStream", "MaxAnisotropy", "MaxLOD", "MinLOD", "MipLODBias", "NORMAL", "NULL", "Normal", "OutputPatch", "POSITION", "POSITIONT", "PSIZE", "PixelShader", "PointStream", "Process2DQuadTessFactorsAvg", "Process2DQuadTessFactorsMax", "Process2DQuadTessFactorsMin", "ProcessIsolineTessFactors", "ProcessQuadTessFactorsAvg", "ProcessQuadTessFactorsMax", "ProcessQuadTessFactorsMin", "ProcessTriTessFactorsAvg", "ProcessTriTessFactorsMax", "ProcessTriTessFactorsMin", "RWBuffer", "RWByteAddressBuffer", "RWStructuredBuffer", "RWTexture1D", "RWTexture1DArray", "RWTexture2D", "RWTexture2DArray", "RWTexture3D", "RasterizerState", "RenderTargetView", "SV_ClipDistance", "SV_Coverage", "SV_CullDistance", "SV_Depth", "SV_DepthGreaterEqual", "SV_DepthLessEqual", "SV_DispatchThreadID", "SV_DomainLocation", "SV_GSInstanceID", "SV_GroupID", "SV_GroupIndex", "SV_GroupThreadID", "SV_InnerCoverage", "SV_InsideTessFactor", "SV_InstanceID", "SV_IsFrontFace", "SV_OutputControlPointID", "SV_Position", "SV_PrimitiveID", "SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex", "SV_SampleIndex", "SV_StencilRef", "SV_Target", "SV_TessFactor", "SV_VertexArrayIndex", "SV_VertexID", "Sampler", "Sampler1D", "Sampler2D", "Sampler3D", "SamplerCUBE", "SamplerComparisonState", "SamplerState", "StructuredBuffer", "TANGENT", "TESSFACTOR", "TEXCOORD", "Texcoord", "Texture", "Texture1D", "Texture1DArray", "Texture2D", "Texture2DArray", "Texture2DMS", "Texture2DMSArray", "Texture3D", "TextureCube", "TextureCubeArray", "TriangleStream", "VFACE", "VPOS", "VertexShader", "abort", // "abs", // WGSL intrinsic // "acos", // WGSL intrinsic // "all", // WGSL intrinsic "allow_uav_condition", // "any", // WGSL intrinsic "asdouble", "asfloat", // "asin", // WGSL intrinsic "asint", // "asm", // WGSL keyword "asm_fragment", "asuint", // "atan", // WGSL intrinsic // "atan2", // WGSL intrinsic "auto", // "bool", // WGSL keyword "bool1", "bool1x1", "bool1x2", "bool1x3", "bool1x4", "bool2", "bool2x1", "bool2x2", "bool2x3", "bool2x4", "bool3", "bool3x1", "bool3x2", "bool3x3", "bool3x4", "bool4", "bool4x1", "bool4x2", "bool4x3", "bool4x4", "branch", // "break", // WGSL keyword // "call", // WGSL intrinsic // "case", // WGSL keyword "catch", "cbuffer", // "ceil", // WGSL intrinsic "centroid", "char", // "clamp", // WGSL intrinsic "class", "clip", "column_major", "compile", "compile_fragment", // "const", // WGSL keyword "const_cast", // "continue", // WGSL keyword // "cos", // WGSL intrinsic // "cosh", // WGSL intrinsic "countbits", // "cross", // WGSL intrinsic "ddx", "ddx_coarse", "ddx_fine", "ddy", "ddy_coarse", "ddy_fine", // "default", // WGSL keyword "degrees", "delete", // "determinant", // WGSL intrinsic // "discard", // WGSL keyword // "distance", // WGSL intrinsic // "do", // WGSL keyword // "dot", // WGSL intrinsic "double", "double1", "double1x1", "double1x2", "double1x3", "double1x4", "double2", "double2x1", "double2x2", "double2x3", "double2x4", "double3", "double3x1", "double3x2", "double3x3", "double3x4", "double4", "double4x1", "double4x2", "double4x3", "double4x4", "dst", "dword", "dword1", "dword1x1", "dword1x2", "dword1x3", "dword1x4", "dword2", "dword2x1", "dword2x2", "dword2x3", "dword2x4", "dword3", "dword3x1", "dword3x2", "dword3x3", "dword3x4", "dword4", "dword4x1", "dword4x2", "dword4x3", "dword4x4", "dynamic_cast", // "else", // WGSL keyword // "enum", // WGSL keyword "errorf", // "exp", // WGSL intrinsic // "exp2", // WGSL intrinsic "explicit", "export", "extern", "f16to32", "f32tof16", // "faceforward", // WGSL intrinsic // "false", // WGSL keyword "fastopt", "firstbithigh", "firstbitlow", "flatten", "float", "float1", "float1x1", "float1x2", "float1x3", "float1x4", "float2", "float2x1", "float2x2", "float2x3", "float2x4", "float3", "float3x1", "float3x2", "float3x3", "float3x4", "float4", "float4x1", "float4x2", "float4x3", "float4x4", // "floor", // WGSL intrinsic // "fma", // WGSL intrinsic "fmod", // "for", // WGSL keyword "forcecase", "frac", // "frexp", // WGSL intrinsic "friend", // "fwidth", // WGSL intrinsic "fxgroup", "goto", "groupshared", "half", "half1", "half1x1", "half1x2", "half1x3", "half1x4", "half2", "half2x1", "half2x2", "half2x3", "half2x4", "half3", "half3x1", "half3x2", "half3x3", "half3x4", "half4", "half4x1", "half4x2", "half4x3", "half4x4", // "if", // WGSL keyword // "in", // WGSL keyword "inline", "inout", "int", "int1", "int1x1", "int1x2", "int1x3", "int1x4", "int2", "int2x1", "int2x2", "int2x3", "int2x4", "int3", "int3x1", "int3x2", "int3x3", "int3x4", "int4", "int4x1", "int4x2", "int4x3", "int4x4", "interface", "isfinite", "isinf", "isnan", // "ldexp", // WGSL intrinsic // "length", // WGSL intrinsic "lerp", "line", "lineadj", "linear", "lit", // "log", // WGSL intrinsic "log10", // "log2", // WGSL intrinsic "long", // "loop", // WGSL keyword "mad", "matrix", // "max", // WGSL intrinsic // "min", // WGSL intrinsic "min10float", "min10float1", "min10float1x1", "min10float1x2", "min10float1x3", "min10float1x4", "min10float2", "min10float2x1", "min10float2x2", "min10float2x3", "min10float2x4", "min10float3", "min10float3x1", "min10float3x2", "min10float3x3", "min10float3x4", "min10float4", "min10float4x1", "min10float4x2", "min10float4x3", "min10float4x4", "min12int", "min12int1", "min12int1x1", "min12int1x2", "min12int1x3", "min12int1x4", "min12int2", "min12int2x1", "min12int2x2", "min12int2x3", "min12int2x4", "min12int3", "min12int3x1", "min12int3x2", "min12int3x3", "min12int3x4", "min12int4", "min12int4x1", "min12int4x2", "min12int4x3", "min12int4x4", "min16float", "min16float1", "min16float1x1", "min16float1x2", "min16float1x3", "min16float1x4", "min16float2", "min16float2x1", "min16float2x2", "min16float2x3", "min16float2x4", "min16float3", "min16float3x1", "min16float3x2", "min16float3x3", "min16float3x4", "min16float4", "min16float4x1", "min16float4x2", "min16float4x3", "min16float4x4", "min16int", "min16int1", "min16int1x1", "min16int1x2", "min16int1x3", "min16int1x4", "min16int2", "min16int2x1", "min16int2x2", "min16int2x3", "min16int2x4", "min16int3", "min16int3x1", "min16int3x2", "min16int3x3", "min16int3x4", "min16int4", "min16int4x1", "min16int4x2", "min16int4x3", "min16int4x4", "min16uint", "min16uint1", "min16uint1x1", "min16uint1x2", "min16uint1x3", "min16uint1x4", "min16uint2", "min16uint2x1", "min16uint2x2", "min16uint2x3", "min16uint2x4", "min16uint3", "min16uint3x1", "min16uint3x2", "min16uint3x3", "min16uint3x4", "min16uint4", "min16uint4x1", "min16uint4x2", "min16uint4x3", "min16uint4x4", // "modf", // WGSL intrinsic "msad4", "mul", "mutable", "namespace", "new", "nointerpolation", "noise", "noperspective", // "normalize", // WGSL intrinsic "numthreads", "operator", // "out", // WGSL keyword "packoffset", "pass", "pixelfragment", "pixelshader", "point", // "pow", // WGSL intrinsic "precise", "printf", // "private", // WGSL keyword "protected", "public", "radians", "rcp", // "reflect", // WGSL intrinsic "refract", "register", "reinterpret_cast", // "return", // WGSL keyword // "reversebits", // WGSL intrinsic // "round", // WGSL intrinsic "row_major", "rsqrt", "sample", "sampler1D", "sampler2D", "sampler3D", "samplerCUBE", "sampler_state", "saturate", "shared", "short", // "sign", // WGSL intrinsic "signed", // "sin", // WGSL intrinsic "sincos", // "sinh", // WGSL intrinsic "sizeof", // "smoothstep", // WGSL intrinsic "snorm", // "sqrt", // WGSL intrinsic "stateblock", "stateblock_state", "static", "static_cast", // "step", // WGSL intrinsic "string", // "struct", // WGSL keyword // "switch", // WGSL keyword // "tan", // WGSL intrinsic // "tanh", // WGSL intrinsic "tbuffer", "technique", "technique10", "technique11", "template", "tex1D", "tex1Dbias", "tex1Dgrad", "tex1Dlod", "tex1Dproj", "tex2D", "tex2Dbias", "tex2Dgrad", "tex2Dlod", "tex2Dproj", "tex3D", "tex3Dbias", "tex3Dgrad", "tex3Dlod", "tex3Dproj", "texCUBE", "texCUBEbias", "texCUBEgrad", "texCUBElod", "texCUBEproj", "texture", "texture1D", "texture1DArray", "texture2D", "texture2DArray", "texture2DMS", "texture2DMSArray", "texture3D", "textureCube", "textureCubeArray", "this", "throw", "transpose", "triangle", "triangleadj", // "true", // WGSL keyword // "trunc", // WGSL intrinsic "try", // "typedef", // WGSL keyword "typename", "uint", "uint1", "uint1x1", "uint1x2", "uint1x3", "uint1x4", "uint2", "uint2x1", "uint2x2", "uint2x3", "uint2x4", "uint3", "uint3x1", "uint3x2", "uint3x3", "uint3x4", "uint4", "uint4x1", "uint4x2", "uint4x3", "uint4x4", // "uniform", // WGSL keyword "union", "unorm", "unroll", "unsigned", // "using", // WGSL reserved keyword "vector", "vertexfragment", "vertexshader", "virtual", // "void", // WGSL keyword "volatile")); // "while" // WGSL reserved keyword INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P( RenamerTestMsl, RenamerTestMsl, testing::Values( // c++14 spec "alignas", "alignof", "and", "and_eq", // "asm", // Also reserved in WGSL "auto", "bitand", "bitor", // "bool", // Also used in WGSL // "break", // Also used in WGSL // "case", // Also used in WGSL "catch", "char", "char16_t", "char32_t", "class", "compl", // "const", // Also used in WGSL "const_cast", "constexpr", // "continue", // Also used in WGSL "decltype", // "default", // Also used in WGSL "delete", // "do", // Also used in WGSL "double", "dynamic_cast", // "else", // Also used in WGSL // "enum", // Also used in WGSL "explicit", "extern", // "false", // Also used in WGSL "final", "float", // "for", // Also used in WGSL "friend", "goto", // "if", // Also used in WGSL "inline", "int", "long", "mutable", "namespace", "new", "noexcept", "not", "not_eq", "nullptr", "operator", "or", "or_eq", "override", // "private", // Also used in WGSL "protected", "public", "register", "reinterpret_cast", // "return", // Also used in WGSL "short", "signed", "sizeof", "static", "static_assert", "static_cast", // "struct", // Also used in WGSL // "switch", // Also used in WGSL "template", "this", "thread_local", "throw", // "true", // Also used in WGSL "try", // "typedef", // Also used in WGSL "typeid", "typename", "union", "unsigned", // "using", // WGSL reserved keyword "virtual", // "void", // Also used in WGSL "volatile", "wchar_t", // "while", // WGSL reserved keyword "xor", "xor_eq", // Metal Spec "access", // "array", // Also used in WGSL "array_ref", "as_type", // "atomic", // Also used in WGSL "atomic_bool", "atomic_int", "atomic_uint", "bool2", "bool3", "bool4", "buffer", "char2", "char3", "char4", "const_reference", "constant", "depth2d", "depth2d_array", "depth2d_ms", "depth2d_ms_array", "depthcube", "depthcube_array", "device", "discard_fragment", "float2", "float2x2", "float2x3", "float2x4", "float3", "float3x2", "float3x3", "float3x4", "float4", "float4x2", "float4x3", "float4x4", "fragment", "half", "half2", "half2x2", "half2x3", "half2x4", "half3", "half3x2", "half3x3", "half3x4", "half4", "half4x2", "half4x3", "half4x4", "imageblock", "int16_t", "int2", "int3", "int32_t", "int4", "int64_t", "int8_t", "kernel", "long2", "long3", "long4", "main", // No functions called main "matrix", "metal", // The namespace "packed_bool2", "packed_bool3", "packed_bool4", "packed_char2", "packed_char3", "packed_char4", "packed_float2", "packed_float3", "packed_float4", "packed_half2", "packed_half3", "packed_half4", "packed_int2", "packed_int3", "packed_int4", "packed_short2", "packed_short3", "packed_short4", "packed_uchar2", "packed_uchar3", "packed_uchar4", "packed_uint2", "packed_uint3", "packed_uint4", "packed_ushort2", "packed_ushort3", "packed_ushort4", "patch_control_point", "ptrdiff_t", "r16snorm", "r16unorm", // "r8unorm", // Also used in WGSL "reference", "rg11b10f", "rg16snorm", "rg16unorm", // "rg8snorm", // Also used in WGSL // "rg8unorm", // Also used in WGSL "rgb10a2", "rgb9e5", "rgba16snorm", "rgba16unorm", // "rgba8snorm", // Also used in WGSL // "rgba8unorm", // Also used in WGSL // "sampler", // Also used in WGSL "short2", "short3", "short4", "size_t", "srgba8unorm", "texture", "texture1d", "texture1d_array", "texture2d", "texture2d_array", "texture2d_ms", "texture2d_ms_array", "texture3d", "texture_buffer", "texturecube", "texturecube_array", "thread", "threadgroup", "threadgroup_imageblock", "uchar", "uchar2", "uchar3", "uchar4", "uint", "uint16_t", "uint2", "uint3", "uint32_t", "uint4", "uint64_t", "uint8_t", "ulong2", "ulong3", "ulong4", // "uniform", // Also used in WGSL "ushort", "ushort2", "ushort3", "ushort4", // "vec", // WGSL reserved keyword "vertex", // https://developer.apple.com/metal/Metal-Shading-Language-Specification.pdf // Table 6.5. Constants for single-precision floating-point math // functions "MAXFLOAT", "HUGE_VALF", "INFINITY", "infinity", "NAN", "M_E_F", "M_LOG2E_F", "M_LOG10E_F", "M_LN2_F", "M_LN10_F", "M_PI_F", "M_PI_2_F", "M_PI_4_F", "M_1_PI_F", "M_2_PI_F", "M_2_SQRTPI_F", "M_SQRT2_F", "M_SQRT1_2_F", "MAXHALF", "HUGE_VALH", "M_E_H", "M_LOG2E_H", "M_LOG10E_H", "M_LN2_H", "M_LN10_H", "M_PI_H", "M_PI_2_H", "M_PI_4_H", "M_1_PI_H", "M_2_PI_H", "M_2_SQRTPI_H", "M_SQRT2_H", "M_SQRT1_2_H")); } // namespace } // namespace transform } // namespace tint