# Copyright 2020 The Dawn Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import("../../../scripts/dawn_overrides_with_defaults.gni") import("${dawn_root}/scripts/dawn_features.gni") # Only expose GLFW targets on platforms where GLFW is supported: otherwise they # might get discovered by GN when another target in this file is referenced, # and GLFW will be built as part of "all" builds, causing compilation failures. assert(dawn_supports_glfw_for_windowing) glfw_dir = dawn_glfw_dir config("glfw_public") { include_dirs = [ "${glfw_dir}/include" ] if (is_win) { defines = [ "_GLFW_WIN32" ] } if (is_mac) { defines = [ "_GLFW_COCOA" ] } if (is_linux) { # ANGLE builds only libEGL.so, so tell GLFW to load that instead of # the default libEGL.so.1. defines = [ "_GLFW_X11", "_GLFW_EGL_LIBRARY=\"libEGL.so\"", ] } } static_library("glfw") { public_configs = [ ":glfw_public" ] if (dawn_has_build) { configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code" ] configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:no_chromium_code" ] } if (is_win && !is_clang) { # nonstandard extension, function/data pointer conversion in expression cflags_c = [ "/wd4152" ] } else { cflags_c = [ "-Wno-sign-compare", "-Wno-missing-field-initializers", ] } sources = [ "${glfw_dir}/include/GLFW/glfw3.h", "${glfw_dir}/include/GLFW/glfw3native.h", "${glfw_dir}/src/context.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/egl_context.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/egl_context.h", "${glfw_dir}/src/init.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/input.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/internal.h", "${glfw_dir}/src/monitor.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/osmesa_context.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/osmesa_context.h", "${glfw_dir}/src/vulkan.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/window.c", ] libs = [] if (is_win) { sources += [ "${glfw_dir}/src/wgl_context.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/wgl_context.h", "${glfw_dir}/src/win32_init.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/win32_joystick.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/win32_joystick.h", "${glfw_dir}/src/win32_monitor.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/win32_platform.h", "${glfw_dir}/src/win32_thread.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/win32_time.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/win32_window.c", ] } if (is_linux || is_mac) { sources += [ "${glfw_dir}/src/posix_thread.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/posix_thread.h", ] } if (is_linux) { sources += [ "${glfw_dir}/src/glx_context.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/glx_context.h", "${glfw_dir}/src/linux_joystick.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/linux_joystick.h", "${glfw_dir}/src/posix_time.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/posix_time.h", "${glfw_dir}/src/x11_init.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/x11_monitor.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/x11_platform.h", "${glfw_dir}/src/x11_window.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/xkb_unicode.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/xkb_unicode.h", ] libs += [ "rt", "dl", "X11", "Xcursor", "Xinerama", "Xrandr", ] } if (is_mac) { sources += [ "${glfw_dir}/src/cocoa_init.m", "${glfw_dir}/src/cocoa_joystick.h", "${glfw_dir}/src/cocoa_joystick.m", "${glfw_dir}/src/cocoa_monitor.m", "${glfw_dir}/src/cocoa_platform.h", "${glfw_dir}/src/cocoa_time.c", "${glfw_dir}/src/cocoa_window.m", "${glfw_dir}/src/nsgl_context.h", "${glfw_dir}/src/nsgl_context.m", ] frameworks = [ "Cocoa.framework", "IOKit.framework", "CoreFoundation.framework", "CoreVideo.framework", ] cflags_objc = [ "-Wno-sign-compare", "-Wno-unguarded-availability", "-Wno-objc-multiple-method-names", ] } }