// Copyright 2020 The Tint Authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "src/ast/variable.h" #include "src/ast/override_decoration.h" #include "src/program_builder.h" #include "src/sem/variable.h" TINT_INSTANTIATE_TYPEINFO(tint::ast::Variable); namespace tint { namespace ast { Variable::Variable(ProgramID program_id, const Source& source, const Symbol& sym, StorageClass declared_storage_class, Access declared_access, const ast::Type* type, bool is_const, Expression* constructor, DecorationList decorations) : Base(program_id, source), symbol_(sym), type_(type), is_const_(is_const), constructor_(constructor), decorations_(std::move(decorations)), declared_storage_class_(declared_storage_class), declared_access_(declared_access) { TINT_ASSERT(AST, symbol_.IsValid()); TINT_ASSERT_PROGRAM_IDS_EQUAL_IF_VALID(AST, symbol_, program_id); TINT_ASSERT_PROGRAM_IDS_EQUAL_IF_VALID(AST, constructor, program_id); } Variable::Variable(Variable&&) = default; Variable::~Variable() = default; Variable::BindingPoint Variable::binding_point() const { GroupDecoration* group = nullptr; BindingDecoration* binding = nullptr; for (auto* deco : decorations()) { if (auto* g = deco->As()) { group = g; } else if (auto* b = deco->As()) { binding = b; } } return BindingPoint{group, binding}; } Variable* Variable::Clone(CloneContext* ctx) const { auto src = ctx->Clone(source()); auto sym = ctx->Clone(symbol()); auto* ty = ctx->Clone(type()); auto* ctor = ctx->Clone(constructor()); auto decos = ctx->Clone(decorations()); return ctx->dst->create(src, sym, declared_storage_class(), declared_access(), ty, is_const_, ctor, decos); } void Variable::info_to_str(const sem::Info& sem, std::ostream& out, size_t indent) const { auto* var_sem = sem.Get(this); make_indent(out, indent); out << symbol_.to_str() << std::endl; make_indent(out, indent); out << (var_sem ? var_sem->StorageClass() : declared_storage_class()) << std::endl; make_indent(out, indent); out << declared_access_ << std::endl; make_indent(out, indent); if (type_) { out << type_->type_name(); } out << std::endl; } void Variable::constructor_to_str(const sem::Info& sem, std::ostream& out, size_t indent) const { if (constructor_ == nullptr) return; make_indent(out, indent); out << "{" << std::endl; constructor_->to_str(sem, out, indent + 2); make_indent(out, indent); out << "}" << std::endl; } void Variable::to_str(const sem::Info& sem, std::ostream& out, size_t indent) const { make_indent(out, indent); out << "Variable"; if (is_const()) { out << "Const"; } out << "{" << std::endl; if (!decorations_.empty()) { make_indent(out, indent + 2); out << "Decorations{" << std::endl; for (auto* deco : decorations_) { deco->to_str(sem, out, indent + 4); } make_indent(out, indent + 2); out << "}" << std::endl; } info_to_str(sem, out, indent + 2); constructor_to_str(sem, out, indent + 2); make_indent(out, indent); out << "}" << std::endl; } } // namespace ast } // namespace tint