SKIP: FAILED static uint x_1 = 0u; static bool x_7 = false; static bool x_8 = false; void main_1() { const bool x_101 = x_7; const bool x_102 = x_8; [loop] while (true) { uint x_2_phi = 0u; if (x_101) { break; } if (x_102) { x_2_phi = 0u; { x_1 = x_2_phi; } continue; } else { x_2_phi = 1u; { x_1 = x_2_phi; } continue; } { x_1 = x_2_phi; } } return; } void main() { main_1(); return; } DXC validation failure: warning: DXIL.dll not found. Resulting DXIL will not be signed for use in release environments. error: validation errors shader.hlsl:33: error: Loop must have break. Validation failed.