//* This template itself is part of the Dawn source and follows Dawn's license, //* which is Apache 2.0. //* //* The WebGPU native API is a joint project used by Google, Mozilla, and Apple. //* It was agreed to use a BSD 3-Clause license so that it is GPLv2-compatible. //* //* As a result, the template comments using //* at the top of the file are //* removed during generation such that the resulting file starts with the //* BSD 3-Clause comment, which is inside BSD_LICENSE as included below. //* //* Copyright 2020 The Dawn Authors //* //* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); //* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. //* You may obtain a copy of the License at //* //* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 //* //* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software //* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, //* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. //* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and //* limitations under the License. //* //* {% include 'BSD_LICENSE' %} {% if 'dawn' in enabled_tags %} #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ #error "Do not include this header. Emscripten already provides headers needed for {{metadata.api}}." #endif {% endif %} #ifndef {{metadata.api.upper()}}_H_ #define {{metadata.api.upper()}}_H_ {% set c_prefix = metadata.c_prefix %} #if defined({{c_prefix}}_SHARED_LIBRARY) # if defined(_WIN32) # if defined({{c_prefix}}_IMPLEMENTATION) # define {{c_prefix}}_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) # else # define {{c_prefix}}_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport) # endif # else // defined(_WIN32) # if defined({{c_prefix}}_IMPLEMENTATION) # define {{c_prefix}}_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) # else # define {{c_prefix}}_EXPORT # endif # endif // defined(_WIN32) #else // defined({{c_prefix}}_SHARED_LIBRARY) # define {{c_prefix}}_EXPORT #endif // defined({{c_prefix}}_SHARED_LIBRARY) #include #include #include {% for constant in by_category["constant"] %} #define {{c_prefix}}_{{constant.name.SNAKE_CASE()}} {{constant.value}} {% endfor %} typedef uint32_t {{c_prefix}}Flags; {% for type in by_category["object"] %} typedef struct {{as_cType(type.name)}}Impl* {{as_cType(type.name)}}; {% endfor %} {% for type in by_category["enum"] + by_category["bitmask"] %} typedef enum {{as_cType(type.name)}} { {% for value in type.values %} {{as_cEnum(type.name, value.name)}} = 0x{{format(value.value, "08X")}}, {% if ("dawn" in enabled_tags) and (type == types["filter mode"]) %} WGPUMipmapFilterMode_{{value.name.CamelCase()}} = 0x{{format(value.value, "08X")}}, {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{as_cEnum(type.name, Name("force32"))}} = 0x7FFFFFFF } {{as_cType(type.name)}}; {% if type.category == "bitmask" %} typedef {{c_prefix}}Flags {{as_cType(type.name)}}Flags; {% endif %} {% endfor -%} // Special case definition of MipmapFilterMode for Dawn side. // TODO(lokokung) Remove once Chromium side is updated. {% if 'dawn' in enabled_tags %} typedef WGPUFilterMode WGPUMipmapFilterMode; {% endif %} typedef struct {{c_prefix}}ChainedStruct { struct {{c_prefix}}ChainedStruct const * next; {{c_prefix}}SType sType; } {{c_prefix}}ChainedStruct; typedef struct {{c_prefix}}ChainedStructOut { struct {{c_prefix}}ChainedStructOut * next; {{c_prefix}}SType sType; } {{c_prefix}}ChainedStructOut; {% for type in by_category["structure"] %} {% for root in type.chain_roots %} // Can be chained in {{as_cType(root.name)}} {% endfor %} typedef struct {{as_cType(type.name)}} { {% set Out = "Out" if type.output else "" %} {% set const = "const " if not type.output else "" %} {% if type.extensible %} {{c_prefix}}ChainedStruct{{Out}} {{const}}* nextInChain; {% endif %} {% if type.chained %} {{c_prefix}}ChainedStruct{{Out}} chain; {% endif %} {% for member in type.members %} {{as_annotated_cType(member)}}; {%- if member.optional %} // nullable{% endif %}{{""}} {% endfor %} } {{as_cType(type.name)}}; {% endfor %} {% for typeDef in by_category["typedef"] %} // {{as_cType(typeDef.name)}} is deprecated. // Use {{as_cType(typeDef.type.name)}} instead. typedef {{as_cType(typeDef.type.name)}} {{as_cType(typeDef.name)}}; {% endfor %} #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif {% for type in by_category["function pointer"] %} typedef {{as_cType(type.return_type.name)}} (*{{as_cType(type.name)}})( {%- if type.arguments == [] -%} void {%- else -%} {%- for arg in type.arguments -%} {% if not loop.first %}, {% endif %}{{as_annotated_cType(arg)}} {%- endfor -%} {%- endif -%} ); {% endfor %} #if !defined({{c_prefix}}_SKIP_PROCS) {% for function in by_category["function"] %} typedef {{as_cType(function.return_type.name)}} (*{{as_cProc(None, function.name)}})( {%- for arg in function.arguments -%} {% if not loop.first %}, {% endif %}{{as_annotated_cType(arg)}} {%- endfor -%} ); {% endfor %} {% for type in by_category["object"] if len(c_methods(type)) > 0 %} // Procs of {{type.name.CamelCase()}} {% for method in c_methods(type) %} typedef {{as_cType(method.return_type.name)}} (*{{as_cProc(type.name, method.name)}})( {{-as_cType(type.name)}} {{as_varName(type.name)}} {%- for arg in method.arguments -%} , {{as_annotated_cType(arg)}} {%- if arg.optional %} /* nullable */{% endif %} {%- endfor -%} ); {% endfor %} {% endfor %} #endif // !defined({{c_prefix}}_SKIP_PROCS) #if !defined({{c_prefix}}_SKIP_DECLARATIONS) {% for function in by_category["function"] %} {{c_prefix}}_EXPORT {{as_cType(function.return_type.name)}} {{as_cMethod(None, function.name)}}( {%- for arg in function.arguments -%} {% if not loop.first %}, {% endif %}{{as_annotated_cType(arg)}} {%- endfor -%} ); {% endfor %} {% for type in by_category["object"] if len(c_methods(type)) > 0 %} // Methods of {{type.name.CamelCase()}} {% for method in c_methods(type) %} {{c_prefix}}_EXPORT {{as_cType(method.return_type.name)}} {{as_cMethod(type.name, method.name)}}( {{-as_cType(type.name)}} {{as_varName(type.name)}} {%- for arg in method.arguments -%} , {{as_annotated_cType(arg)}} {%- if arg.optional %} /* nullable */{% endif %} {%- endfor -%} ); {% endfor %} {% endfor %} #endif // !defined({{c_prefix}}_SKIP_DECLARATIONS) #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif #endif // {{metadata.api.upper()}}_H_