SKIP: FAILED Validation Failure: Texture3D arg_0 : register(t0, space1); void textureLoad_62d125() { float4 res = arg_0.Load(int4(0)); } void vertex_main() { textureLoad_62d125(); return; } void fragment_main() { textureLoad_62d125(); return; } [numthreads(1, 1, 1)] void compute_main() { textureLoad_62d125(); return; } tint_Q3PltH:4:32: error: too few elements in vector initialization (expected 4 elements, have 1) float4 res = arg_0.Load(int4(0)); ^ tint_Q3PltH:4:32: error: too few elements in vector initialization (expected 4 elements, have 1) float4 res = arg_0.Load(int4(0)); ^ tint_Q3PltH:4:32: error: too few elements in vector initialization (expected 4 elements, have 1) float4 res = arg_0.Load(int4(0)); ^