SKIP: FAILED #version 310 es precision mediump float; struct buf0 { vec2 injectionSwitch; }; int data[10] = int[10](0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); int temp[10] = int[10](0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); layout(binding = 0) uniform buf0_1 { vec2 injectionSwitch; } x_28; vec4 tint_symbol = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); vec4 x_GLF_color = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); void merge_i1_i1_i1_(inout int from, inout int mid, inout int to) { int k = 0; int i = 0; int j = 0; int i_1 = 0; int x_255 = from; k = x_255; int x_256 = from; i = x_256; int x_257 = mid; j = (x_257 + 1); while (true) { int x_285 = 0; int x_286 = 0; int x_305 = 0; int x_306 = 0; int x_320 = 0; int x_324 = 0; int x_339 = 0; int x_338 = 0; int x_352 = 0; int x_351 = 0; int x_366 = 0; int x_365 = 0; int x_287_phi = 0; int x_307_phi = 0; int x_328_phi = 0; int x_340_phi = 0; int x_353_phi = 0; int x_367_phi = 0; float x_261 = x_28.injectionSwitch.x; if ((1.0f >= x_261)) { } else { continue; } int x_266 = i; int x_267 = mid; int x_269 = j; int x_270 = to; if (((x_266 <= x_267) & (x_269 <= x_270))) { } else { break; } int x_276 = data[i]; int x_279 = data[j]; bool x_280 = (x_276 < x_279); if (x_280) { x_285 = k; x_287_phi = x_285; } else { x_286 = 0; x_287_phi = x_286; } int x_287 = x_287_phi; int x_288 = (x_287 + 1); if (x_280) { k = x_288; float x_293 = x_28.injectionSwitch.x; if (!((1.0f <= x_293))) { } else { continue; } } float x_297 = x_28.injectionSwitch.y; if ((x_297 >= 0.0f)) { } else { continue; } int x_300 = 0; if (x_280) { x_305 = i; x_307_phi = x_305; } else { x_306 = 0; x_307_phi = x_306; } int x_309 = (x_280 ? x_307_phi : x_300); if (x_280) { i = (x_309 + 1); } int x_315 = 0; if (x_280) { x_320 = data[x_309]; float x_322 = x_28.injectionSwitch.y; x_328_phi = x_320; if (!((0.0f <= x_322))) { continue; } } else { x_324 = 0; float x_326 = x_28.injectionSwitch.y; x_328_phi = x_324; if (!((x_326 < 0.0f))) { } else { continue; } } int x_328 = x_328_phi; if (x_280) { temp[x_287] = (x_280 ? x_328 : x_315); } if (x_280) { x_339 = 0; x_340_phi = x_339; } else { x_338 = k; x_340_phi = x_338; } int x_340 = x_340_phi; if (x_280) { } else { k = (x_340 + 1); } float x_345 = x_28.injectionSwitch.x; if (!((1.0f <= x_345))) { } else { continue; } if (x_280) { x_352 = 0; x_353_phi = x_352; } else { x_351 = j; x_353_phi = x_351; } int x_357 = (x_280 ? 0 : x_353_phi); if (x_280) { } else { j = (x_357 + 1); } if (x_280) { x_366 = 0; x_367_phi = x_366; } else { x_365 = data[x_357]; x_367_phi = x_365; } int x_367 = x_367_phi; if (x_280) { } else { temp[x_340] = x_367; } } while (true) { int x_376 = i; int x_378 = i; int x_379 = mid; if (((x_376 < 10) & (x_378 <= x_379))) { } else { break; } int x_383 = k; k = (x_383 + 1); int x_385 = i; i = (x_385 + 1); int x_388 = data[x_385]; temp[x_383] = x_388; } int x_390 = from; i_1 = x_390; while (true) { int x_395 = i_1; int x_396 = to; if ((x_395 <= x_396)) { } else { break; } int x_399 = i_1; int x_402 = temp[i_1]; data[x_399] = x_402; { i_1 = (i_1 + 1); } } return; } void mergeSort_() { int low = 0; int high = 0; int m = 0; int i_2 = 0; int from_1 = 0; int mid_1 = 0; int to_1 = 0; int param = 0; int param_1 = 0; int param_2 = 0; low = 0; high = 9; m = 1; { for(; (m <= high); m = (2 * m)) { i_2 = low; { for(; (i_2 < high); i_2 = (i_2 + (2 * m))) { from_1 = i_2; mid_1 = ((i_2 + m) - 1); to_1 = min(((i_2 + (2 * m)) - 1), high); param = from_1; param_1 = mid_1; param_2 = to_1; merge_i1_i1_i1_(param, param_1, param_2); } } } } return; } void main_1() { int i_3 = 0; int j_1 = 0; float grey = 0.0f; float x_88 = x_28.injectionSwitch.x; i_3 = int(x_88); while (true) { switch(i_3) { case 9: { data[i_3] = -5; break; } case 8: { data[i_3] = -4; break; } case 7: { data[i_3] = -3; break; } case 6: { data[i_3] = -2; break; } case 5: { data[i_3] = -1; break; } case 4: { data[i_3] = 0; break; } case 3: { data[i_3] = 1; break; } case 2: { data[i_3] = 2; break; } case 1: { data[i_3] = 3; break; } case 0: { data[i_3] = 4; break; } default: { break; } } i_3 = (i_3 + 1); { if ((i_3 < 10)) { } else { break; } } } j_1 = 0; { for(; (j_1 < 10); j_1 = (j_1 + 1)) { int x_137 = j_1; int x_140 = data[j_1]; temp[x_137] = x_140; } } mergeSort_(); float x_146 = tint_symbol.y; if ((int(x_146) < 30)) { int x_153 = data[0]; grey = (0.5f + (float(x_153) / 10.0f)); } else { float x_158 = tint_symbol.y; if ((int(x_158) < 60)) { int x_165 = data[1]; grey = (0.5f + (float(x_165) / 10.0f)); } else { float x_170 = tint_symbol.y; if ((int(x_170) < 90)) { int x_177 = data[2]; grey = (0.5f + (float(x_177) / 10.0f)); } else { float x_182 = tint_symbol.y; if ((int(x_182) < 120)) { int x_189 = data[3]; grey = (0.5f + (float(x_189) / 10.0f)); } else { float x_194 = tint_symbol.y; if ((int(x_194) < 150)) { discard; } else { float x_201 = tint_symbol.y; if ((int(x_201) < 180)) { int x_208 = data[5]; grey = (0.5f + (float(x_208) / 10.0f)); } else { float x_213 = tint_symbol.y; if ((int(x_213) < 210)) { int x_220 = data[6]; grey = (0.5f + (float(x_220) / 10.0f)); } else { float x_225 = tint_symbol.y; if ((int(x_225) < 240)) { int x_232 = data[7]; grey = (0.5f + (float(x_232) / 10.0f)); } else { float x_237 = tint_symbol.y; if ((int(x_237) < 270)) { int x_244 = data[8]; grey = (0.5f + (float(x_244) / 10.0f)); } else { discard; } } } } } } } } } float x_248 = grey; vec3 x_249 = vec3(x_248, x_248, x_248); x_GLF_color = vec4(x_249.x, x_249.y, x_249.z, 1.0f); return; } struct main_out { vec4 x_GLF_color_1; }; struct tint_symbol_4 { vec4 tint_symbol_2; }; struct tint_symbol_5 { vec4 x_GLF_color_1; }; main_out tint_symbol_1_inner(vec4 tint_symbol_2) { tint_symbol = tint_symbol_2; main_1(); main_out tint_symbol_6 = main_out(x_GLF_color); return tint_symbol_6; } tint_symbol_5 tint_symbol_1(tint_symbol_4 tint_symbol_3) { main_out inner_result = tint_symbol_1_inner(tint_symbol_3.tint_symbol_2); tint_symbol_5 wrapper_result = tint_symbol_5(vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); wrapper_result.x_GLF_color_1 = inner_result.x_GLF_color_1; return wrapper_result; } layout(location = 0) out vec4 x_GLF_color_1; void main() { tint_symbol_4 inputs; inputs.tint_symbol_2 = gl_FragCoord; tint_symbol_5 outputs; outputs = tint_symbol_1(inputs); x_GLF_color_1 = outputs.x_GLF_color_1; } Error parsing GLSL shader: ERROR: 0:55: '&' : wrong operand types: no operation '&' exists that takes a left-hand operand of type ' temp bool' and a right operand of type ' temp bool' (or there is no acceptable conversion) ERROR: 0:55: '' : compilation terminated ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated.