bug/fxc/gradient_in_varying_loop/1112.wgsl:23:33 warning: 'textureSample' must only be called from uniform control flow let sampleDepth : f32 = textureSample(depthTexture, Sampler, offset.xy).r; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ bug/fxc/gradient_in_varying_loop/1112.wgsl:8:29 note: return value of 'textureSample' may be non-uniform let random: vec3 = textureSample(randomTexture, Sampler, vUV).rgb; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #version 310 es precision mediump float; layout(location = 0) in vec2 vUV_1; layout(location = 0) out vec4 value; uniform highp sampler2D randomTexture_Sampler; uniform highp sampler2D depthTexture_Sampler; vec4 tint_symbol(vec2 vUV) { vec3 random = texture(randomTexture_Sampler, vUV).rgb; int i = 0; while (true) { if ((i < 1)) { } else { break; } vec3 offset = vec3(random.x); bool tint_tmp_2 = (offset.x < 0.0f); if (!tint_tmp_2) { tint_tmp_2 = (offset.y < 0.0f); } bool tint_tmp_1 = (tint_tmp_2); if (!tint_tmp_1) { tint_tmp_1 = (offset.x > 1.0f); } bool tint_tmp = (tint_tmp_1); if (!tint_tmp) { tint_tmp = (offset.y > 1.0f); } if ((tint_tmp)) { i = (i + 1); continue; } float sampleDepth = texture(depthTexture_Sampler, offset.xy).r; i = (i + 1); } return vec4(1.0f); } void main() { vec4 inner_result = tint_symbol(vUV_1); value = inner_result; return; }