SKIP: FAILED struct BST { int data; int leftIndex; int rightIndex; }; struct Obj { float odd_numbers[10]; float even_numbers[10]; }; static BST tree_1[10] = (BST[10])0; cbuffer cbuffer_x_27 : register(b0, space0) { uint4 x_27[1]; }; static float4 gl_FragCoord = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); static float4 x_GLF_color = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); void makeTreeNode_struct_BST_i1_i1_i11_i1_(inout BST tree, inout int data) { const int x_74 = data; = x_74; tree.leftIndex = -1; tree.rightIndex = -1; return; } void insert_i1_i1_(inout int treeIndex, inout int data_1) { int baseIndex = 0; BST param = (BST)0; int param_1 = 0; BST param_2 = (BST)0; int param_3 = 0; int GLF_live8i = 0; float GLF_live8A[50] = (float[50])0; baseIndex = 0; [loop] while (true) { const int x_75 = baseIndex; const int x_76 = treeIndex; if ((x_75 <= x_76)) { } else { break; } const int x_77 = data_1; const int x_79 = tree_1[baseIndex].data; if ((x_77 <= x_79)) { const int x_81 = tree_1[baseIndex].leftIndex; if ((x_81 == -1)) { const int x_82 = baseIndex; const int x_83 = treeIndex; tree_1[x_82].leftIndex = x_83; const int x_84 = treeIndex; const BST x_350 = tree_1[x_84]; param = x_350; const int x_85 = data_1; param_1 = x_85; makeTreeNode_struct_BST_i1_i1_i11_i1_(param, param_1); tree_1[x_84] = param; return; } else { const int x_87 = tree_1[baseIndex].leftIndex; baseIndex = x_87; continue; } } else { const int x_89 = tree_1[baseIndex].rightIndex; if ((x_89 == -1)) { const int x_90 = baseIndex; const int x_91 = treeIndex; tree_1[x_90].rightIndex = x_91; const int x_92 = treeIndex; const BST x_362 = tree_1[x_92]; param_2 = x_362; const int x_93 = data_1; param_3 = x_93; makeTreeNode_struct_BST_i1_i1_i11_i1_(param_2, param_3); tree_1[x_92] = param_2; return; } else { GLF_live8i = 1; bool tint_tmp = (GLF_live8i >= 0); if (tint_tmp) { tint_tmp = (GLF_live8i < 50); } const int x_369 = ((tint_tmp) ? GLF_live8i : 0); const float x_371 = GLF_live8A[0]; const float x_373 = GLF_live8A[x_369]; GLF_live8A[x_369] = (x_373 + x_371); [loop] while (true) { const int x_98 = tree_1[baseIndex].rightIndex; baseIndex = x_98; { const float x_382 = asfloat(x_27[0].x); const float x_384 = asfloat(x_27[0].y); if ((x_382 > x_384)) { } else { break; } } } continue; } } } return; } int search_i1_(inout int target) { int index = 0; BST currentNode = (BST)0; int x_387 = 0; index = 0; [loop] while (true) { if ((index != -1)) { } else { break; } const BST x_395 = tree_1[index]; currentNode = x_395; const int x_101 =; const int x_102 = target; if ((x_101 == x_102)) { const int x_103 = target; return x_103; } const int x_104 = target; const int x_105 =; if ((x_104 > x_105)) { const int x_106 = currentNode.rightIndex; x_387 = x_106; } else { const int x_107 = currentNode.leftIndex; x_387 = x_107; } index = x_387; } return -1; } float makeFrame_f1_(inout float v) { int param_5 = 0; int param_6 = 0; int param_7 = 0; const float x_418 = v; v = (x_418 * 6.5f); const float x_420 = v; if ((x_420 < 1.5f)) { param_5 = 100; const int x_110 = search_i1_(param_5); return float(x_110); } const float x_425 = v; if ((x_425 < 4.0f)) { return 0.0f; } const float x_429 = v; param_6 = 6; const int x_111 = search_i1_(param_6); if ((x_429 < float(x_111))) { return 1.0f; } param_7 = 30; const int x_112 = search_i1_(param_7); return (10.0f + float(x_112)); } float3 hueColor_f1_(inout float angle) { float nodeData = 0.0f; int param_4 = 0; param_4 = 15; const int x_109 = search_i1_(param_4); nodeData = float(x_109); const float x_409 = angle; return ((float3(30.0f, 30.0f, 30.0f) + (float3(1.0f, 5.0f, nodeData) * x_409)) / float3(50.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f)); } void main_1() { int treeIndex_1 = 0; BST param_8 = (BST)0; int param_9 = 0; int param_10 = 0; int param_11 = 0; int GLF_live1_looplimiter2 = 0; int GLF_live1i = 0; int param_12 = 0; int param_13 = 0; int param_14 = 0; int param_15 = 0; int param_16 = 0; int param_17 = 0; int param_18 = 0; int param_19 = 0; int param_20 = 0; int param_21 = 0; int param_22 = 0; int param_23 = 0; int GLF_live4_looplimiter3 = 0; int GLF_live4i = 0; int GLF_live4index = 0; Obj GLF_live4obj = (Obj)0; int param_24 = 0; int param_25 = 0; int param_26 = 0; int param_27 = 0; float2 z = float2(0.0f, 0.0f); float x_1 = 0.0f; float param_28 = 0.0f; float y_1 = 0.0f; float param_29 = 0.0f; int sum = 0; int target_1 = 0; int result = 0; int param_30 = 0; float a = 0.0f; float3 x_235 = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float param_31 = 0.0f; treeIndex_1 = 0; const BST x_237 = tree_1[0]; param_8 = x_237; param_9 = 9; makeTreeNode_struct_BST_i1_i1_i11_i1_(param_8, param_9); tree_1[0] = param_8; treeIndex_1 = (treeIndex_1 + 1); param_10 = treeIndex_1; param_11 = 5; insert_i1_i1_(param_10, param_11); treeIndex_1 = (treeIndex_1 + 1); GLF_live1_looplimiter2 = 0; GLF_live1i = 0; { [loop] for(; true; GLF_live1i = (GLF_live1i + 1)) { if ((GLF_live1_looplimiter2 >= 7)) { break; } GLF_live1_looplimiter2 = (GLF_live1_looplimiter2 + 1); } } param_12 = treeIndex_1; param_13 = 12; insert_i1_i1_(param_12, param_13); treeIndex_1 = (treeIndex_1 + 1); param_14 = treeIndex_1; param_15 = 15; insert_i1_i1_(param_14, param_15); treeIndex_1 = (treeIndex_1 + 1); param_16 = treeIndex_1; param_17 = 7; insert_i1_i1_(param_16, param_17); treeIndex_1 = (treeIndex_1 + 1); param_18 = treeIndex_1; param_19 = 8; insert_i1_i1_(param_18, param_19); treeIndex_1 = (treeIndex_1 + 1); param_20 = treeIndex_1; param_21 = 2; insert_i1_i1_(param_20, param_21); treeIndex_1 = (treeIndex_1 + 1); param_22 = treeIndex_1; param_23 = 6; insert_i1_i1_(param_22, param_23); treeIndex_1 = (treeIndex_1 + 1); GLF_live4_looplimiter3 = 0; GLF_live4i = 0; { [loop] for(; true; GLF_live4i = (GLF_live4i + 1)) { if ((GLF_live4_looplimiter3 >= 3)) { break; } GLF_live4_looplimiter3 = (GLF_live4_looplimiter3 + 1); GLF_live4index = 1; const int x_144 = GLF_live4index; const int x_145 = GLF_live4index; const int x_146 = GLF_live4index; const float x_269 = GLF_live4obj.even_numbers[1]; bool tint_tmp_1 = (x_144 >= 0); if (tint_tmp_1) { tint_tmp_1 = (x_145 < 10); } GLF_live4obj.even_numbers[((tint_tmp_1) ? x_146 : 0)] = x_269; bool tint_tmp_2 = (GLF_live4i >= 0); if (tint_tmp_2) { tint_tmp_2 = (GLF_live4i < 10); } GLF_live4obj.even_numbers[((tint_tmp_2) ? GLF_live4i : 0)] = 1.0f; } } param_24 = treeIndex_1; param_25 = 17; insert_i1_i1_(param_24, param_25); const float x_278 = asfloat(x_27[0].x); const float x_280 = asfloat(x_27[0].y); if ((x_278 > x_280)) { return; } treeIndex_1 = (treeIndex_1 + 1); param_26 = treeIndex_1; param_27 = 13; insert_i1_i1_(param_26, param_27); const float4 x_285 = gl_FragCoord; z = (float2(x_285.y, x_285.x) / float2(256.0f, 256.0f)); const float x_289 = z.x; param_28 = x_289; const float x_290 = makeFrame_f1_(param_28); x_1 = x_290; const float x_292 = z.y; param_29 = x_292; const float x_293 = makeFrame_f1_(param_29); y_1 = x_293; sum = -100; target_1 = 0; { [loop] for(; (target_1 < 20); target_1 = (target_1 + 1)) { param_30 = target_1; const int x_158 = search_i1_(param_30); result = x_158; if ((result > 0)) { } else { switch(result) { case 0: { return; break; } case -1: { sum = (sum + 1); break; } default: { break; } } } } } a = (x_1 + (y_1 * float(sum))); const float x_313 = asfloat(x_27[0].x); const float x_315 = asfloat(x_27[0].y); if ((x_313 < x_315)) { x_235 = float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } else { param_31 = a; const float3 x_321 = hueColor_f1_(param_31); x_235 = x_321; } const float3 x_322 = x_235; x_GLF_color = float4(x_322.x, x_322.y, x_322.z, 1.0f); return; } struct main_out { float4 x_GLF_color_1; }; struct tint_symbol_1 { float4 gl_FragCoord_param : SV_Position; }; struct tint_symbol_2 { float4 x_GLF_color_1 : SV_Target0; }; main_out main_inner(float4 gl_FragCoord_param) { gl_FragCoord = gl_FragCoord_param; main_1(); const main_out tint_symbol_4 = {x_GLF_color}; return tint_symbol_4; } tint_symbol_2 main(tint_symbol_1 tint_symbol) { const main_out inner_result = main_inner(tint_symbol.gl_FragCoord_param); tint_symbol_2 wrapper_result = (tint_symbol_2)0; wrapper_result.x_GLF_color_1 = inner_result.x_GLF_color_1; return wrapper_result; } C:\src\tint\test\Shader@0x000001C987F87080(35,10-21): warning X3557: loop only executes for 0 iteration(s), consider removing [loop] C:\src\tint\test\Shader@0x000001C987F87080(282,7-64): warning X3550: array reference cannot be used as an l-value; not natively addressable, forcing loop to unroll C:\src\tint\test\Shader@0x000001C987F87080(263,12-53): error X3531: can't unroll loops marked with loop attribute