// Copyright 2021 The Tint Authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "src/tint/ast/builtin.h" #include "src/tint/ast/builtin_attribute.h" #include "src/tint/ast/location_attribute.h" #include "src/tint/ast/return_statement.h" #include "src/tint/ast/stage_attribute.h" #include "src/tint/ast/storage_class.h" #include "src/tint/ast/variable.h" #include "src/tint/program.h" #include "src/tint/sem/f32.h" #include "src/tint/sem/vector.h" #include "src/tint/writer/spirv/builder.h" #include "src/tint/writer/spirv/spv_dump.h" #include "src/tint/writer/spirv/test_helper.h" using namespace tint::number_suffixes; // NOLINT namespace tint::writer::spirv { namespace { using BuilderTest = TestHelper; TEST_F(BuilderTest, EntryPoint_Parameters) { // @fragment // fn frag_main(@builtin(position) coord : vec4, // @location(1) loc1 : f32) { // var col : f32 = (coord.x * loc1); // } auto* coord = Param("coord", ty.vec4(), {Builtin(ast::Builtin::kPosition)}); auto* loc1 = Param("loc1", ty.f32(), {Location(1u)}); auto* mul = Mul(Expr(MemberAccessor("coord", "x")), Expr("loc1")); auto* col = Var("col", ty.f32(), ast::StorageClass::kNone, mul); Func("frag_main", {coord, loc1}, ty.void_(), {WrapInStatement(col)}, { Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment), }); spirv::Builder& b = SanitizeAndBuild(); ASSERT_TRUE(b.Build()); // Test that "coord" and "loc1" get hoisted out to global variables with the // Input storage class, retaining their decorations. EXPECT_EQ(DumpBuilder(b), R"(OpCapability Shader OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 OpEntryPoint Fragment %19 "frag_main" %1 %5 OpExecutionMode %19 OriginUpperLeft OpName %1 "coord_1" OpName %5 "loc1_1" OpName %9 "frag_main_inner" OpName %10 "coord" OpName %11 "loc1" OpName %15 "col" OpName %19 "frag_main" OpDecorate %1 BuiltIn FragCoord OpDecorate %5 Location 1 %4 = OpTypeFloat 32 %3 = OpTypeVector %4 4 %2 = OpTypePointer Input %3 %1 = OpVariable %2 Input %6 = OpTypePointer Input %4 %5 = OpVariable %6 Input %8 = OpTypeVoid %7 = OpTypeFunction %8 %3 %4 %16 = OpTypePointer Function %4 %17 = OpConstantNull %4 %18 = OpTypeFunction %8 %9 = OpFunction %8 None %7 %10 = OpFunctionParameter %3 %11 = OpFunctionParameter %4 %12 = OpLabel %15 = OpVariable %16 Function %17 %13 = OpCompositeExtract %4 %10 0 %14 = OpFMul %4 %13 %11 OpStore %15 %14 OpReturn OpFunctionEnd %19 = OpFunction %8 None %18 %20 = OpLabel %22 = OpLoad %3 %1 %23 = OpLoad %4 %5 %21 = OpFunctionCall %8 %9 %22 %23 OpReturn OpFunctionEnd )"); Validate(b); } TEST_F(BuilderTest, EntryPoint_ReturnValue) { // @fragment // fn frag_main(@location(0) @interpolate(flat) loc_in : u32) // -> @location(0) f32 { // if (loc_in > 10) { // return 0.5; // } // return 1.0; // } auto* loc_in = Param("loc_in", ty.u32(), {Location(0), Flat()}); auto* cond = create(ast::BinaryOp::kGreaterThan, Expr("loc_in"), Expr(10_u)); Func("frag_main", {loc_in}, ty.f32(), { If(cond, Block(Return(0.5_f))), Return(1_f), }, { Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment), }, {Location(0)}); spirv::Builder& b = SanitizeAndBuild(); ASSERT_TRUE(b.Build()); // Test that the return value gets hoisted out to a global variable with the // Output storage class, and the return statements are replaced with stores. EXPECT_EQ(DumpBuilder(b), R"(OpCapability Shader OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 OpEntryPoint Fragment %21 "frag_main" %1 %4 OpExecutionMode %21 OriginUpperLeft OpName %1 "loc_in_1" OpName %4 "value" OpName %9 "frag_main_inner" OpName %10 "loc_in" OpName %21 "frag_main" OpDecorate %1 Location 0 OpDecorate %1 Flat OpDecorate %4 Location 0 %3 = OpTypeInt 32 0 %2 = OpTypePointer Input %3 %1 = OpVariable %2 Input %6 = OpTypeFloat 32 %5 = OpTypePointer Output %6 %7 = OpConstantNull %6 %4 = OpVariable %5 Output %7 %8 = OpTypeFunction %6 %3 %12 = OpConstant %3 10 %14 = OpTypeBool %17 = OpConstant %6 0.5 %18 = OpConstant %6 1 %20 = OpTypeVoid %19 = OpTypeFunction %20 %9 = OpFunction %6 None %8 %10 = OpFunctionParameter %3 %11 = OpLabel %13 = OpUGreaterThan %14 %10 %12 OpSelectionMerge %15 None OpBranchConditional %13 %16 %15 %16 = OpLabel OpReturnValue %17 %15 = OpLabel OpReturnValue %18 OpFunctionEnd %21 = OpFunction %20 None %19 %22 = OpLabel %24 = OpLoad %3 %1 %23 = OpFunctionCall %6 %9 %24 OpStore %4 %23 OpReturn OpFunctionEnd )"); Validate(b); } TEST_F(BuilderTest, EntryPoint_SharedStruct) { // struct Interface { // @location(1) value : f32; // @builtin(position) pos : vec4; // }; // // @vertex // fn vert_main() -> Interface { // return Interface(42.0, vec4()); // } // // @fragment // fn frag_main(inputs : Interface) -> @builtin(frag_depth) f32 { // return inputs.value; // } auto* interface = Structure( "Interface", { Member("value", ty.f32(), {Location(1u)}), Member("pos", ty.vec4(), {Builtin(ast::Builtin::kPosition)}), }); auto* vert_retval = Construct(ty.Of(interface), 42_f, Construct(ty.vec4())); Func("vert_main", {}, ty.Of(interface), {Return(vert_retval)}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kVertex)}); auto* frag_inputs = Param("inputs", ty.Of(interface)); Func("frag_main", {frag_inputs}, ty.f32(), { Return(MemberAccessor(Expr("inputs"), "value")), }, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)}, {Builtin(ast::Builtin::kFragDepth)}); spirv::Builder& b = SanitizeAndBuild(); ASSERT_TRUE(b.Build()) << b.error(); EXPECT_EQ(DumpBuilder(b), R"(OpCapability Shader OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 OpEntryPoint Vertex %23 "vert_main" %1 %5 %9 OpEntryPoint Fragment %34 "frag_main" %10 %12 %14 OpExecutionMode %34 OriginUpperLeft OpExecutionMode %34 DepthReplacing OpName %1 "value_1" OpName %5 "pos_1" OpName %9 "vertex_point_size" OpName %10 "value_2" OpName %12 "pos_2" OpName %14 "value_3" OpName %16 "Interface" OpMemberName %16 0 "value" OpMemberName %16 1 "pos" OpName %17 "vert_main_inner" OpName %23 "vert_main" OpName %30 "frag_main_inner" OpName %31 "inputs" OpName %34 "frag_main" OpDecorate %1 Location 1 OpDecorate %5 BuiltIn Position OpDecorate %9 BuiltIn PointSize OpDecorate %10 Location 1 OpDecorate %12 BuiltIn FragCoord OpDecorate %14 BuiltIn FragDepth OpMemberDecorate %16 0 Offset 0 OpMemberDecorate %16 1 Offset 16 %3 = OpTypeFloat 32 %2 = OpTypePointer Output %3 %4 = OpConstantNull %3 %1 = OpVariable %2 Output %4 %7 = OpTypeVector %3 4 %6 = OpTypePointer Output %7 %8 = OpConstantNull %7 %5 = OpVariable %6 Output %8 %9 = OpVariable %2 Output %4 %11 = OpTypePointer Input %3 %10 = OpVariable %11 Input %13 = OpTypePointer Input %7 %12 = OpVariable %13 Input %14 = OpVariable %2 Output %4 %16 = OpTypeStruct %3 %7 %15 = OpTypeFunction %16 %19 = OpConstant %3 42 %20 = OpConstantComposite %16 %19 %8 %22 = OpTypeVoid %21 = OpTypeFunction %22 %28 = OpConstant %3 1 %29 = OpTypeFunction %3 %16 %17 = OpFunction %16 None %15 %18 = OpLabel OpReturnValue %20 OpFunctionEnd %23 = OpFunction %22 None %21 %24 = OpLabel %25 = OpFunctionCall %16 %17 %26 = OpCompositeExtract %3 %25 0 OpStore %1 %26 %27 = OpCompositeExtract %7 %25 1 OpStore %5 %27 OpStore %9 %28 OpReturn OpFunctionEnd %30 = OpFunction %3 None %29 %31 = OpFunctionParameter %16 %32 = OpLabel %33 = OpCompositeExtract %3 %31 0 OpReturnValue %33 OpFunctionEnd %34 = OpFunction %22 None %21 %35 = OpLabel %37 = OpLoad %3 %10 %38 = OpLoad %7 %12 %39 = OpCompositeConstruct %16 %37 %38 %36 = OpFunctionCall %3 %30 %39 OpStore %14 %36 OpReturn OpFunctionEnd )"); Validate(b); } TEST_F(BuilderTest, SampleIndex_SampleRateShadingCapability) { Func("main", {Param("sample_index", ty.u32(), {Builtin(ast::Builtin::kSampleIndex)})}, ty.void_(), {}, {Stage(ast::PipelineStage::kFragment)}); spirv::Builder& b = SanitizeAndBuild(); ASSERT_TRUE(b.Build()) << b.error(); // Make sure we generate the SampleRateShading capability. EXPECT_EQ(DumpInstructions(b.capabilities()), R"(OpCapability Shader OpCapability SampleRateShading )"); EXPECT_EQ(DumpInstructions(b.annots()), R"(OpDecorate %1 BuiltIn SampleId OpDecorate %1 Flat )"); } } // namespace } // namespace tint::writer::spirv