SKIP: FAILED #version 310 es precision mediump float; struct buf2 { float one; }; struct tint_padded_array_element { float el; }; struct buf0 { tint_padded_array_element x_GLF_uniform_float_values[1]; }; struct tint_padded_array_element_1 { int el; }; struct buf1 { tint_padded_array_element_1 x_GLF_uniform_int_values[4]; }; mat4x2 m = mat4x2(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); layout (binding = 2) uniform buf2_1 { float one; } x_10; layout (binding = 0) uniform buf0_1 { tint_padded_array_element x_GLF_uniform_float_values[1]; } x_12; vec4 tint_symbol = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); layout (binding = 1) uniform buf1_1 { tint_padded_array_element_1 x_GLF_uniform_int_values[4]; } x_16; vec4 x_GLF_color = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); void func0_i1_(inout int x) { int i = 0; bool x_137 = false; bool x_138 = false; bool x_138_phi = false; bool x_139_phi = false; int x_124 = x; bool x_125 = (x_124 < 1); x_139_phi = x_125; if (!(x_125)) { int x_129 = x; bool x_130 = (x_129 > 1); x_138_phi = x_130; if (x_130) { float x_134 =; float x_136 = x_12.x_GLF_uniform_float_values[0].el; x_137 = (x_134 > x_136); x_138_phi = x_137; } x_138 = x_138_phi; x_139_phi = x_138; } if (x_139_phi) { return; } float x_143 =; float x_145 = x_12.x_GLF_uniform_float_values[0].el; if ((x_143 == x_145)) { i = 0; while (true) { if ((i < 2)) { } else { break; } { int x_154 = x; int x_155 = clamp(x_154, 0, 3); int x_156 = i; float x_158 = x_12.x_GLF_uniform_float_values[0].el; float x_160 = m[x_155][x_156]; m[x_155][x_156] = (x_160 + x_158); i = (i + 1); } } } return; } void func1_() { int param = 0; float x_167 = tint_symbol.y; if ((x_167 < 0.0f)) { return; } param = 1; func0_i1_(param); return; } void main_1() { m = mat4x2(vec2(0.0f, 0.0f), vec2(0.0f, 0.0f), vec2(0.0f, 0.0f), vec2(0.0f, 0.0f)); func1_(); func1_(); mat4x2 x_54 = m; int x_56 = x_16.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[0].el; int x_59 = x_16.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[0].el; int x_62 = x_16.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[1].el; int x_65 = x_16.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[1].el; int x_68 = x_16.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[0].el; int x_71 = x_16.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[0].el; int x_74 = x_16.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[0].el; int x_77 = x_16.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[0].el; mat4x2 x_83 = mat4x2(vec2(float(x_56), float(x_59)), vec2(float(x_62), float(x_65)), vec2(float(x_68), float(x_71)), vec2(float(x_74), float(x_77))); if ((((all(equal(x_54[0u], x_83[0u])) & all(equal(x_54[1u], x_83[1u]))) & all(equal(x_54[2u], x_83[2u]))) & all(equal(x_54[3u], x_83[3u])))) { int x_107 = x_16.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[3].el; int x_110 = x_16.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[0].el; int x_113 = x_16.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[0].el; int x_116 = x_16.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[3].el; x_GLF_color = vec4(float(x_107), float(x_110), float(x_113), float(x_116)); } else { int x_120 = x_16.x_GLF_uniform_int_values[0].el; float x_121 = float(x_120); x_GLF_color = vec4(x_121, x_121, x_121, x_121); } return; } struct main_out { vec4 x_GLF_color_1; }; struct tint_symbol_4 { vec4 tint_symbol_2; }; struct tint_symbol_5 { vec4 x_GLF_color_1; }; main_out tint_symbol_1_inner(vec4 tint_symbol_2) { tint_symbol = tint_symbol_2; main_1(); main_out tint_symbol_6 = main_out(x_GLF_color); return tint_symbol_6; } tint_symbol_5 tint_symbol_1(tint_symbol_4 tint_symbol_3) { main_out inner_result = tint_symbol_1_inner(tint_symbol_3.tint_symbol_2); tint_symbol_5 wrapper_result = tint_symbol_5(vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); wrapper_result.x_GLF_color_1 = inner_result.x_GLF_color_1; return wrapper_result; } out vec4 x_GLF_color_1; void main() { tint_symbol_4 inputs; inputs.tint_symbol_2 = gl_FragCoord; tint_symbol_5 outputs; outputs = tint_symbol_1(inputs); x_GLF_color_1 = outputs.x_GLF_color_1; } Error parsing GLSL shader: ERROR: 0:106: '&' : wrong operand types: no operation '&' exists that takes a left-hand operand of type ' global bool' and a right operand of type ' global bool' (or there is no acceptable conversion) ERROR: 0:106: '' : compilation terminated ERROR: 2 compilation errors. No code generated.