# `splits.txt` This file contains file splits for a module. Example: ``` path/to/file.cpp: .text start:0x80047E5C end:0x8004875C .ctors start:0x803A54C4 end:0x803A54C8 .data start:0x803B1B40 end:0x803B1B60 .bss start:0x803DF828 end:0x803DFA8C .bss start:0x8040D4AC end:0x8040D4D8 common ``` ## Format ``` path/to/file.cpp: [file attributes] section [section attributes] ... ``` - `path/to/file.cpp` The name of the source file, usually relative to `src`. The file does **not** need to exist to start. This corresponds to an entry in `configure.py` for specifying compiler flags and other options. ### File attributes - `comment:` Overrides the `mw_comment_version` setting in [`config.yml`](/config/GAMEID/config.example.yml) for this file. See [Comment section](comment_section.md). `comment:0` is used to disable `.comment` section generation for a file that wasn't compiled with `mwcc`. Example: `TRK_MINNOW_DOLPHIN/ppc/Export/targsupp.s: comment:0` This file was assembled and only contains label symbols. Generating a `.comment` section for it will crash `mwld`. ### Section attributes - `start:` The start address of the section within the file. For DOLs, this is the absolute address (e.g. `0x80001234`). For RELs, this is the section-relative address (e.g. `0x1234`). - `end:` The end address of the section within the file. - `align:` Specifies the alignment of the section. If not specified, the default alignment for the section is used. - `rename:` Writes this section under a different name when generating the split object. Used for `.ctors$10`, etc. - `common` Only valid for `.bss`. See [Common BSS](common_bss.md). - `skip` Skips this data when writing the object file. Used for ignoring data that's linker-generated.