# `symbols.txt` This file contains all symbols for a module, one per line. Example line: ``` __dt__13mDoExt_bckAnmFv = .text:0x800DD2EC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:global align:4 ``` ## Format Numbers can be written as decimal or hexadecimal. Hexadecimal numbers must be prefixed with `0x`. Comment lines starting with `//` or `#` are permitted, but are currently **not** preserved when updating the file. ``` symbol_name = section:address; // [attributes] ``` - `symbol_name` - The name of the symbol. (For C++, this is the mangled name, e.g. `__dt__13mDoExt_bckAnmFv`) - `section` - The section the symbol is in. - `address` - The address of the symbol. For DOLs, this is the absolute address (e.g. `0x80001234`). For RELs, this is the section-relative address (e.g. `0x1234`). ### Attributes All attributes are optional, and are separated by spaces. - `type:` The symbol type. `function`, `object`, or `label`. - `size:` The size of the symbol. - `scope:` The symbol's visibility. `global` (default), `local` or `weak`. - `align:` The symbol's alignment. - `data:` The data type used when writing disassembly. `byte`, `2byte`, `4byte`, `8byte`, `float`, `double`, `string`, `wstring`, `string_table`, or `wstring_table`. - `hidden` Marked as "hidden" in the generated object. (Only used for extab) - `force_active` Marked as ["exported"](comment_section.md) in the generated object, and added to `FORCEACTIVE` in the generated `ldscript.lcf`. Prevents the symbol from being deadstripped. - `noreloc` Prevents the _contents_ of the symbol from being interpreted as addresses. Used for objects containing data that look like pointers, but aren't. - `noexport` When `export_all` is enabled, this excludes the symbol from being exported. Used for symbols that are affected by linker `-code_merging`. - `stripped` Indicates a symbol that was stripped by the linker. Used for symbols that affect the [common BSS inflation bug](common_bss.md), despite not existing in the final binary.