use std::{ env, fs, io, io::BufWriter, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use clap::{clap_app, AppSettings}; use file_size; use nod::{ disc::{new_disc_base, PartReadStream}, fst::NodeType, io::{has_extension, new_disc_io}, Result, }; fn main() -> Result<()> { let matches = clap_app!(nodtool => (settings: &[ AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp, AppSettings::GlobalVersion, AppSettings::DeriveDisplayOrder, AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands, ]) (global_settings: &[ AppSettings::ColoredHelp, AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage, ]) (version: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) (author: "Luke Street ") (about: "Tool for reading GameCube and Wii disc images.") (long_about: "Tool for reading GameCube and Wii disc images. Based on , original authors: Jack Andersen (jackoalan) Phillip Stephens (Antidote)") (@subcommand extract => (about: "Extract GameCube & Wii disc images") (@arg FILE: +required "Path to disc image (ISO or NFS)") (@arg DIR: "Output directory (optional)") (@arg quiet: -q "Quiet output") ) ) .get_matches(); if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("extract") { let file: PathBuf = PathBuf::from(matches.value_of("FILE").unwrap()); let output_dir: PathBuf; if let Some(dir) = matches.value_of("DIR") { output_dir = PathBuf::from(dir); } else if has_extension(file.as_path(), "nfs") { // Special logic to extract from content/hif_*.nfs to extracted/.. if let Some(parent) = file.parent() { output_dir = parent.with_file_name("extracted"); } else { output_dir = file.with_extension(""); } } else { output_dir = file.with_extension(""); } let mut disc_io = new_disc_io(file.as_path())?; let disc_base = new_disc_base(disc_io.as_mut())?; let mut partition = disc_base.get_data_partition(disc_io.as_mut())?; let header = partition.read_header()?; extract_node(header.root_node(), partition.as_mut(), output_dir.as_path())?; } Result::Ok(()) } fn extract_node( node: &NodeType, partition: &mut dyn PartReadStream, base_path: &Path, ) -> io::Result<()> { match node { NodeType::File(v) => { let mut file_path = base_path.to_owned(); file_path.push(; println!( "Extracting {} (size: {})", file_path.to_string_lossy(), file_size::fit_4(v.length as u64) ); let file = fs::File::create(file_path)?; let mut buf_writer = BufWriter::with_capacity(partition.ideal_buffer_size(), file); io::copy(&mut partition.begin_file_stream(v)?, &mut buf_writer)?; } NodeType::Directory(v, c) => { if { fs::create_dir_all(base_path)?; for x in c { extract_node(x, partition, base_path)?; } } else { let mut new_base = base_path.to_owned(); new_base.push(; fs::create_dir_all(&new_base)?; for x in c { extract_node(x, partition, new_base.as_path())?; } } } } io::Result::Ok(()) }