use std::{ io::{stdout, Write}, path::PathBuf, }; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use argp::FromArgs; use crossterm::{ cursor::{Hide, MoveRight, MoveTo, Show}, event, event::{ DisableMouseCapture, EnableMouseCapture, Event, KeyCode, KeyEventKind, MouseButton, MouseEventKind, }, style::{Color, PrintStyledContent, Stylize}, terminal::{ disable_raw_mode, enable_raw_mode, size as terminal_size, Clear, ClearType, EnterAlternateScreen, LeaveAlternateScreen, SetTitle, }, }; use event::KeyModifiers; use objdiff_core::{ diff, diff::display::{display_diff, DiffText}, obj, obj::{ObjInfo, ObjInsArgValue, ObjInsDiffKind, ObjSection, ObjSectionKind, ObjSymbol}, }; use crate::util::term::crossterm_panic_handler; #[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)] /// Diff two object files. #[argp(subcommand, name = "diff")] pub struct Args { #[argp(positional)] /// Target object file target: PathBuf, #[argp(positional)] /// Base object file base: PathBuf, #[argp(option, short = 's')] /// Function symbol to diff symbol: String, } pub fn run(args: Args) -> Result<()> { let mut target = obj::elf::read(& .with_context(|| format!("Loading {}",; let mut base = obj::elf::read(&args.base).with_context(|| format!("Loading {}", args.base.display()))?; let config = diff::DiffObjConfig::default(); diff::diff_objs(&config, Some(&mut target), Some(&mut base))?; let left_sym = find_function(&target, &args.symbol); let right_sym = find_function(&base, &args.symbol); let max_len = match (left_sym, right_sym) { (Some((_, l)), Some((_, r))) => l.instructions.len().max(r.instructions.len()), (Some((_, l)), None) => l.instructions.len(), (None, Some((_, r))) => r.instructions.len(), (None, None) => bail!("Symbol not found: {}", args.symbol), }; crossterm_panic_handler(); enable_raw_mode()?; crossterm::queue!( stdout(), EnterAlternateScreen, SetTitle(format!("{} - objdiff", args.symbol)), Hide, EnableMouseCapture, )?; let mut clear = true; let mut redraw = true; let mut skip = 0; let mut click_xy = None; let mut highlight = HighlightKind::None; let (mut sx, mut sy) = terminal_size()?; loop { let y_offset = 2; let per_page = sy as usize - y_offset; if redraw { let mut w = stdout().lock(); if clear { crossterm::queue!(w, Clear(ClearType::All))?; } crossterm::queue!( w, MoveTo(0, 0), PrintStyledContent(args.symbol.clone().with(Color::White)), MoveTo(0, 1), PrintStyledContent(" ".repeat(sx as usize).underlined()), MoveTo(0, 1), PrintStyledContent("TARGET ".underlined()), MoveTo(sx / 2, 0), PrintStyledContent("Last built: 18:24:20".with(Color::White)), MoveTo(sx / 2, 1), PrintStyledContent("BASE ".underlined()), )?; if let Some(percent) = right_sym.and_then(|(_, s)| s.match_percent) { crossterm::queue!( w, PrintStyledContent( format!("{:.2}%", percent).with(match_percent_color(percent)).underlined() ) )?; } if skip > max_len - per_page { skip = max_len - per_page; } let mut new_highlight = None; if let Some((_, symbol)) = left_sym { let h = print_sym( &mut w, symbol, 0, y_offset as u16, sx / 2 - 1, sy, skip, &mut highlight, click_xy, )?; if let Some(h) = h { new_highlight = Some(h); } } if let Some((_, symbol)) = right_sym { let h = print_sym( &mut w, symbol, sx / 2, y_offset as u16, sx, sy, skip, &mut highlight, click_xy, )?; if let Some(h) = h { new_highlight = Some(h); } } w.flush()?; if let Some(new_highlight) = new_highlight { highlight = new_highlight; redraw = true; click_xy = None; clear = false; continue; // Redraw now } else { redraw = false; click_xy = None; clear = true; } } match event::read()? { Event::Key(event) if matches!(event.kind, KeyEventKind::Press | KeyEventKind::Repeat) => { match event.code { // Quit KeyCode::Esc | KeyCode::Char('q') => break, // Page up KeyCode::PageUp => { skip = skip.saturating_sub(per_page); redraw = true; } // Page up (shift + space) KeyCode::Char(' ') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::SHIFT) => { skip = skip.saturating_sub(per_page); redraw = true; } // Page down KeyCode::Char(' ') | KeyCode::PageDown => { skip += per_page; redraw = true; } KeyCode::Char('f') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => { skip += per_page; redraw = true; } KeyCode::Char('b') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => { skip = skip.saturating_sub(per_page); redraw = true; } KeyCode::Char('d') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => { skip += per_page / 2; redraw = true; } KeyCode::Char('u') if event.modifiers.contains(KeyModifiers::CONTROL) => { skip = skip.saturating_sub(per_page / 2); redraw = true; } // Scroll down KeyCode::Down | KeyCode::Char('j') => { skip += 1; redraw = true; } // Scroll up KeyCode::Up | KeyCode::Char('k') => { skip = skip.saturating_sub(1); redraw = true; } // Scroll to start KeyCode::Char('g') => { skip = 0; redraw = true; } // Scroll to end KeyCode::Char('G') => { skip = max_len; redraw = true; } _ => {} } } Event::Mouse(event) => match event.kind { MouseEventKind::ScrollDown => { skip += 3; redraw = true; } MouseEventKind::ScrollUp => { skip = skip.saturating_sub(3); redraw = true; } MouseEventKind::Down(MouseButton::Left) => { click_xy = Some((event.column, event.row)); redraw = true; } _ => {} }, Event::Resize(x, y) => { sx = x; sy = y; redraw = true; } _ => {} } } // Reset terminal crossterm::execute!(stdout(), LeaveAlternateScreen, Show, DisableMouseCapture)?; disable_raw_mode()?; Ok(()) } fn find_function<'a>(obj: &'a ObjInfo, name: &str) -> Option<(&'a ObjSection, &'a ObjSymbol)> { for section in &obj.sections { if section.kind != ObjSectionKind::Code { continue; } for symbol in §ion.symbols { if == name { return Some((section, symbol)); } } } None } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn print_sym( w: &mut W, symbol: &ObjSymbol, sx: u16, mut sy: u16, max_sx: u16, max_sy: u16, skip: usize, highlight: &mut HighlightKind, click_xy: Option<(u16, u16)>, ) -> Result> where W: Write, { let base_addr = symbol.address as u32; let mut new_highlight = None; for ins_diff in symbol.instructions.iter().skip(skip) { let mut sx = sx; if ins_diff.kind != ObjInsDiffKind::None && sx > 2 { crossterm::queue!(w, MoveTo(sx - 2, sy))?; let s = match ins_diff.kind { ObjInsDiffKind::Delete => "< ", ObjInsDiffKind::Insert => "> ", _ => "| ", }; crossterm::queue!(w, PrintStyledContent(s.with(Color::DarkGrey)))?; } else { crossterm::queue!(w, MoveTo(sx, sy))?; } display_diff(ins_diff, base_addr, |text| -> Result<()> { let mut label_text; let mut base_color = match ins_diff.kind { ObjInsDiffKind::None | ObjInsDiffKind::OpMismatch | ObjInsDiffKind::ArgMismatch => { Color::Grey } ObjInsDiffKind::Replace => Color::DarkCyan, ObjInsDiffKind::Delete => Color::DarkRed, ObjInsDiffKind::Insert => Color::DarkGreen, }; let mut pad_to = 0; let mut highlight_kind = HighlightKind::None; match text { DiffText::Basic(text) => { label_text = text.to_string(); } DiffText::BasicColor(s, idx) => { label_text = s.to_string(); base_color = COLOR_ROTATION[idx % COLOR_ROTATION.len()]; } DiffText::Line(num) => { label_text = format!("{num} "); base_color = Color::DarkGrey; pad_to = 5; } DiffText::Address(addr) => { label_text = format!("{:x}:", addr); pad_to = 5; highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Address(addr); } DiffText::Opcode(mnemonic, op) => { label_text = mnemonic.to_string(); if ins_diff.kind == ObjInsDiffKind::OpMismatch { base_color = Color::Blue; } pad_to = 8; highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Opcode(op); } DiffText::Argument(arg, diff) => { label_text = arg.to_string(); if let Some(diff) = diff { base_color = COLOR_ROTATION[diff.idx % COLOR_ROTATION.len()] } highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Arg(arg.clone()); } DiffText::BranchTarget(addr) => { label_text = format!("{addr:x}"); highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Address(addr); } DiffText::Symbol(sym) => { let name = sym.demangled_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&; label_text = name.clone(); base_color = Color::White; highlight_kind = HighlightKind::Symbol(name.clone()); } DiffText::Spacing(n) => { crossterm::queue!(w, MoveRight(n as u16))?; sx += n as u16; return Ok(()); } DiffText::Eol => { sy += 1; return Ok(()); } } let len = label_text.len(); if sx >= max_sx { return Ok(()); } let highlighted = highlight == &highlight_kind; if let Some((cx, cy)) = click_xy { if cx >= sx && cx < sx + len as u16 && cy == sy { if highlighted { new_highlight = Some(HighlightKind::None); } else { new_highlight = Some(highlight_kind); } } } label_text.truncate(max_sx as usize - sx as usize); let mut content = label_text.with(base_color); if highlighted { content = content.on_dark_grey(); } crossterm::queue!(w, PrintStyledContent(content))?; sx += len as u16; if pad_to > len { let pad = (pad_to - len) as u16; crossterm::queue!(w, MoveRight(pad))?; sx += pad; } Ok(()) })?; if sy >= max_sy { break; } } Ok(new_highlight) } pub const COLOR_ROTATION: [Color; 8] = [ Color::Magenta, Color::Cyan, Color::Green, Color::Red, Color::Yellow, Color::DarkMagenta, Color::Blue, Color::Green, ]; pub fn match_percent_color(match_percent: f32) -> Color { if match_percent == 100.0 { Color::Green } else if match_percent >= 50.0 { Color::Blue } else { Color::Red } } #[derive(Default)] pub enum HighlightKind { #[default] None, Opcode(u8), Arg(ObjInsArgValue), Symbol(String), Address(u32), } impl PartialEq for HighlightKind { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { match (self, other) { (HighlightKind::None, HighlightKind::None) => false, (HighlightKind::Opcode(a), HighlightKind::Opcode(b)) => a == b, (HighlightKind::Arg(a), HighlightKind::Arg(b)) => a.loose_eq(b), (HighlightKind::Symbol(a), HighlightKind::Symbol(b)) => a == b, (HighlightKind::Address(a), HighlightKind::Address(b)) => a == b, _ => false, } } }