use std::{collections::BTreeMap, fs, io::Cursor, path::Path}; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result}; use byteorder::{BigEndian, ReadBytesExt}; use cwdemangle::demangle; use flagset::Flags; use object::{ elf, Architecture, File, Object, ObjectSection, ObjectSymbol, RelocationKind, RelocationTarget, SectionIndex, SectionKind, Symbol, SymbolKind, SymbolSection, }; use crate::obj::{ ObjArchitecture, ObjInfo, ObjReloc, ObjRelocKind, ObjSection, ObjSectionKind, ObjSymbol, ObjSymbolFlagSet, ObjSymbolFlags, }; fn to_obj_section_kind(kind: SectionKind) -> Option { match kind { SectionKind::Text => Some(ObjSectionKind::Code), SectionKind::Data | SectionKind::ReadOnlyData => Some(ObjSectionKind::Data), SectionKind::UninitializedData => Some(ObjSectionKind::Bss), _ => None, } } fn to_obj_symbol(obj_file: &File<'_>, symbol: &Symbol<'_, '_>, addend: i64) -> Result { let mut name ="Failed to process symbol name")?; if name.is_empty() { println!("Found empty sym: {symbol:?}"); name = "?"; } let mut flags = ObjSymbolFlagSet(ObjSymbolFlags::none()); if symbol.is_global() { flags = ObjSymbolFlagSet(flags.0 | ObjSymbolFlags::Global); } if symbol.is_local() { flags = ObjSymbolFlagSet(flags.0 | ObjSymbolFlags::Local); } if symbol.is_common() { flags = ObjSymbolFlagSet(flags.0 | ObjSymbolFlags::Common); } if symbol.is_weak() { flags = ObjSymbolFlagSet(flags.0 | ObjSymbolFlags::Weak); } let section_address = if let Some(section) = symbol.section_index().and_then(|idx| obj_file.section_by_index(idx).ok()) { symbol.address() - section.address() } else { symbol.address() }; Ok(ObjSymbol { name: name.to_string(), demangled_name: demangle(name, &Default::default()), address: symbol.address(), section_address, size: symbol.size(), size_known: symbol.size() != 0, flags, addend, diff_symbol: None, instructions: vec![], match_percent: None, }) } fn filter_sections(obj_file: &File<'_>) -> Result> { let mut result = Vec::::new(); for section in obj_file.sections() { if section.size() == 0 { continue; } let Some(kind) = to_obj_section_kind(section.kind()) else { continue; }; let name ="Failed to process section name")?; let data = section.uncompressed_data().context("Failed to read section data")?; result.push(ObjSection { name: name.to_string(), kind, address: section.address(), size: section.size(), data: data.to_vec(), index: section.index().0, symbols: Vec::new(), relocations: Vec::new(), data_diff: vec![], match_percent: 0.0, }); } result.sort_by(|a, b|; Ok(result) } fn symbols_by_section(obj_file: &File<'_>, section: &ObjSection) -> Result> { let mut result = Vec::::new(); for symbol in obj_file.symbols() { if symbol.kind() == SymbolKind::Section { continue; } if let Some(index) = symbol.section().index() { if index.0 == section.index { if symbol.is_local() && section.kind == ObjSectionKind::Code { // TODO strip local syms in diff? let name ="Failed to process symbol name")?; if symbol.size() == 0 || name.starts_with("lbl_") { continue; } } result.push(to_obj_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, 0)?); } } } result.sort_by_key(|v| v.address); let mut iter = result.iter_mut().peekable(); while let Some(symbol) = { if symbol.size == 0 { if let Some(next_symbol) = iter.peek() { symbol.size = next_symbol.address - symbol.address; } else { symbol.size = (section.address + section.size) - symbol.address; } } } Ok(result) } fn common_symbols(obj_file: &File<'_>) -> Result> { obj_file.symbols() .filter(Symbol::is_common) .map(|symbol| to_obj_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, 0)) .collect::>>() } fn find_section_symbol( obj_file: &File<'_>, target: &Symbol<'_, '_>, address: u64, ) -> Result { let section_index = target.section_index().ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg("Unknown section index"))?; let section = obj_file.section_by_index(section_index)?; let mut closest_symbol: Option> = None; for symbol in obj_file.symbols() { if !matches!(symbol.section_index(), Some(idx) if idx == section_index) { continue; } if symbol.kind() == SymbolKind::Section || symbol.address() != address { if symbol.address() < address && symbol.size() != 0 && (closest_symbol.is_none() || matches!(&closest_symbol, Some(s) if s.address() <= symbol.address())) { closest_symbol = Some(symbol); } continue; } return to_obj_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, 0); } let (name, offset) = closest_symbol .and_then(|s||n| (n, s.address())).ok()) .or_else(|||n| (n, section.address())).ok()) .unwrap_or(("", 0)); let offset_addr = address - offset; Ok(ObjSymbol { name: name.to_string(), demangled_name: None, address: offset, section_address: address - section.address(), size: 0, size_known: false, flags: Default::default(), addend: offset_addr as i64, diff_symbol: None, instructions: vec![], match_percent: None, }) } fn relocations_by_section( arch: ObjArchitecture, obj_file: &File<'_>, section: &mut ObjSection, ) -> Result> { let obj_section = obj_file.section_by_index(SectionIndex(section.index))?; let mut relocations = Vec::::new(); for (address, reloc) in obj_section.relocations() { let symbol = match { RelocationTarget::Symbol(idx) => obj_file .symbol_by_index(idx) .context("Failed to locate relocation target symbol")?, _ => { return Err(anyhow::Error::msg(format!( "Unhandled relocation target: {:?}", ))); } }; let kind = match reloc.kind() { RelocationKind::Absolute => ObjRelocKind::Absolute, RelocationKind::Elf(kind) => match arch { ObjArchitecture::PowerPc => match kind { elf::R_PPC_ADDR16_LO => ObjRelocKind::PpcAddr16Lo, elf::R_PPC_ADDR16_HI => ObjRelocKind::PpcAddr16Hi, elf::R_PPC_ADDR16_HA => ObjRelocKind::PpcAddr16Ha, elf::R_PPC_REL24 => ObjRelocKind::PpcRel24, elf::R_PPC_REL14 => ObjRelocKind::PpcRel14, elf::R_PPC_EMB_SDA21 => ObjRelocKind::PpcEmbSda21, _ => { return Err(anyhow::Error::msg(format!( "Unhandled PPC relocation type: {kind}" ))) } }, ObjArchitecture::Mips => match kind { elf::R_MIPS_26 => ObjRelocKind::Mips26, elf::R_MIPS_HI16 => ObjRelocKind::MipsHi16, elf::R_MIPS_LO16 => ObjRelocKind::MipsLo16, elf::R_MIPS_GOT16 => ObjRelocKind::MipsGot16, elf::R_MIPS_CALL16 => ObjRelocKind::MipsCall16, elf::R_MIPS_GPREL16 => ObjRelocKind::MipsGpRel16, elf::R_MIPS_GPREL32 => ObjRelocKind::MipsGpRel32, _ => bail!("Unhandled MIPS relocation type: {kind}"), }, }, _ => { return Err(anyhow::Error::msg(format!( "Unhandled relocation type: {:?}", reloc.kind() ))) } }; let target_section = match symbol.section() { SymbolSection::Common => Some(".comm".to_string()), SymbolSection::Section(idx) => { obj_file.section_by_index(idx).and_then(|s||s| s.to_string())).ok() } _ => None, }; let addend = if reloc.has_implicit_addend() { let addend = u32::from_be_bytes([address as usize..address as usize + 4].try_into()?, ); match kind { ObjRelocKind::Absolute => addend as i64, ObjRelocKind::MipsHi16 => ((addend & 0x0000FFFF) << 16) as i32 as i64, ObjRelocKind::MipsLo16 | ObjRelocKind::MipsGot16 | ObjRelocKind::MipsCall16 | ObjRelocKind::MipsGpRel16 => (addend & 0x0000FFFF) as i16 as i64, ObjRelocKind::MipsGpRel32 => addend as i32 as i64, ObjRelocKind::Mips26 => ((addend & 0x03FFFFFF) << 2) as i64, _ => bail!("Unsupported implicit relocation {kind:?}"), } } else { reloc.addend() }; // println!("Reloc: {reloc:?}, symbol: {symbol:?}, addend: {addend:#X}"); let target = match symbol.kind() { SymbolKind::Text | SymbolKind::Data | SymbolKind::Label | SymbolKind::Unknown => { to_obj_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, addend) } SymbolKind::Section => { if addend < 0 { return Err(anyhow::Error::msg(format!("Negative addend in reloc: {addend}"))); } find_section_symbol(obj_file, &symbol, addend as u64) } kind => Err(anyhow!("Unhandled relocation symbol type {kind:?}")), }?; relocations.push(ObjReloc { kind, address, target, target_section }); } Ok(relocations) } fn line_info(obj_file: &File<'_>) -> Result>> { if let Some(section) = obj_file.section_by_name(".line") { if section.size() == 0 { return Ok(None); } let data = section.uncompressed_data()?; let mut reader = Cursor::new(data.as_ref()); let mut map = BTreeMap::new(); let size = reader.read_u32::()?; let base_address = reader.read_u32::()?; while reader.position() < size as u64 { let line_number = reader.read_u32::()?; let statement_pos = reader.read_u16::()?; if statement_pos != 0xFFFF { log::warn!("Unhandled statement pos {}", statement_pos); } let address_delta = reader.read_u32::()?; map.insert(base_address + address_delta, line_number); } println!("Line info: {map:#X?}"); return Ok(Some(map)); } Ok(None) } pub fn read(obj_path: &Path) -> Result { let data = { let file = fs::File::open(obj_path)?; unsafe { memmap2::Mmap::map(&file) }? }; let obj_file = File::parse(&*data)?; let architecture = match obj_file.architecture() { Architecture::PowerPc => ObjArchitecture::PowerPc, Architecture::Mips => ObjArchitecture::Mips, _ => { return Err(anyhow::Error::msg(format!( "Unsupported architecture: {:?}", obj_file.architecture() ))) } }; let mut result = ObjInfo { architecture, path: obj_path.to_owned(), sections: filter_sections(&obj_file)?, common: common_symbols(&obj_file)?, line_info: line_info(&obj_file)?, }; for section in &mut result.sections { section.symbols = symbols_by_section(&obj_file, section)?; section.relocations = relocations_by_section(architecture, &obj_file, section)?; } Ok(result) }