#ifndef LZBASE_HPP #define LZBASE_HPP #include #include "LZ77/LZLookupTable.hpp" class LZBase { public: explicit LZBase(atInt32 minimumOffset=1,atInt32 slidingWindow=4096, atInt32 minimumMatch=3, atInt32 blockSize=8); virtual ~LZBase() {} virtual atUint32 compress(const atUint8* src, atUint8*& dest, atUint32 srcLength)=0; virtual atUint32 decompress(const atUint8* src, atUint8*& dest, atUint32 srcLength)=0; void setSlidingWindow(atInt32 SlidingWindow); atInt32 slidingWindow(); void setReadAheadBuffer(atInt32 ReadAheadBuffer); atInt32 readAheadBuffer(); void setMinMatch(atInt32 minimumMatch); atInt32 minMatch(); void setBlockSize(atInt32 BlockSize); atInt32 blockSize(); void setMinimumOffset(atUint32 minimumOffset); atUint32 minimumOffset(); private: atInt32 subMatch(const atUint8* str1,const uint8_t* str2,const atInt32 len); LZLengthOffset windowSearch(atUint8* beginSearchPtr, atUint8* searchPosPtr, atUint8* endLABufferPtr, atUint8* startLBPtr); protected: LZLengthOffset search(atUint8* posPtr, atUint8* dataBegin, atUint8* dataEnd); atInt32 m_slidingWindow; atInt32 m_readAheadBuffer; atInt32 m_minMatch;//Minimum number of bytes that have to matched to go through with compression atInt32 m_blockSize; atUint32 m_minOffset; LZLookupTable m_lookupTable; }; #endif // LZBASE_HPP