Athena IO Library
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAthena::ALTTPFileA Link to the Past data container class class
 CAthena::ALTTPQuestA Link to the Past Quest container class
 CAthena::error::ExceptionThe baseclass for all Exceptions
 CAthena::error::FileNotFoundExceptionAn excpeption thrown when a file could not be found at the given path
 CAthena::error::InvalidDataExceptionAn exception thrown on Invalid Data calls
 CAthena::error::InvalidOperationExceptionAn excpeption thrown on Invalid Operations calls
 CAthena::error::IOExceptionAn excpeption thrown on inappropriate IO calls
 CAthena::io::ALTTPFileReaderA Link to the Past save data reader class
 CAthena::io::MCFileReaderThe Minish Cap Save save data reader class
 CAthena::io::WiiSaveReaderWii data.bin reader class
 CAthena::io::ZQuestFileReaderThe ZQuestFileReader class
 CAthena::io::ALTTPFileWriterA Link to the Past save data writer class
 CAthena::io::MCFileWriterThe Minish Cap Save save data writer class
 CAthena::io::WiiSaveWriterWii data.bin writer class
 CAthena::io::ZQuestFileWriterThe ZQuestFileWriter class
 CAthena::MCFileThe Minish Cap data container class class
 CAthena::Sakura::Vector2D< T >
 CAthena::WiiBannerWii banner container class
 CAthena::WiiFileWii file container class
 CAthena::WiiImageThe WiiImage class
 CAthena::WiiSaveWii data.bin container class
 CAthena::ZQuestFileZQuestFile is an export format for save data
 CBinaryReaderA Stream class for reading binary data
 CBinaryWriterA Stream class for writing binary data
 CAthena::Sakura::Vector2D< float >
 CAthena::Sakura::Vector2D< int >