CONFIG += staticlib c++11 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 TEMPLATE= lib DESTDIR = ./lib INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/include # Uncomment this if you wish to use Qt with libAthena #DEFINES += ATHENA_USE_QT contains(DEFINES, ATHENA_USE_QT){ QT += qt core } else { QT = } CONFIG(debug, debug|release): { DEFINES += DEBUG TARGET=Athena-d # We don't want the objects, # in the project directory, so tell qmake # where to put them OBJECTS_DIR = obj/debug } CONFIG(release, release|debug): { DEFINES -= DEBUG TARGET=Athena # We don't want the objects, # in the project directory, so tell qmake # where to put them OBJECTS_DIR = obj/release } ATHENA_PRO=true include(Athena.pri) OTHER_FILES += \ .travis.yml