
121 lines
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2022-03-23 14:22:48 -07:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Usage: file.s
# Dumps all incbin data and prints the revised file to stdout.
import os
import re
import sys
# Reads a bytearray from baserom.dol
def read_baserom(start, size):
with open('baserom.dol', 'rb') as f:, os.SEEK_SET)
return bytearray(
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print('Usage: %s ASM_FILE' % sys.argv[0])
# reads a 32-bit big endian value starting at pos
def read_u32(data, pos):
return (data[pos]<<24) | (data[pos+1]<<16) | (data[pos+2]<<8) | (data[pos+3])
def is_ascii(code):
if code >= 0x20 and code <= 0x7E: # normal characters
return True
if code in [0x09, 0x0A]: # tab, newline
return True
return False
# reads a string starting at pos
def read_string(data, pos):
text = ''
while pos < len(data) and is_ascii(data[pos]):
text += chr(data[pos])
pos += 1
if pos < len(data) and data[pos] == 0:
return text
return ''
# escapes special characters in the string for use in a C string literal
def escape_string(text):
return text.replace('\\','\\\\').replace('"','\\"').replace('\n','\\n').replace('\t','\\t')
# returns True if value is 4-byte aligned
def is_aligned(num):
return num % 4 == 0
# returns True if value is a possible pointer
def is_pointer(num):
return num >= 0x80003100 and num <= 0x802F6C80
# returns True if all elements are zero
def is_all_zero(arr):
for val in arr:
if val != 0:
return False
return True
# returns string of comma-separated hex bytes
def hex_bytes(data):
return ', '.join('0x%02X' % n for n in data)
def convert_data(data, offset):
text = ''
size = len(data)
pos = 0
while pos < size:
# pad unaligned
pad = []
while not is_aligned(offset + pos) and pos < size:
pos += 1
if len(pad) > 0:
if is_all_zero(pad):
text += '\t.balign 4\n'
text += '\t.byte %s\n' % hex_bytes(pad)
# string?
string = read_string(data, pos)
if len(string) > 3:
text += '\t.asciz "%s"\n' % escape_string(string)
pos += len(string) + 1
assert(is_aligned(offset + pos))
if pos + 4 <= size:
val = read_u32(data, pos)
if is_pointer(val):
text += '\t.4byte 0x%08X ;# ptr\n' % val
elif val == 0:
text += '\t.4byte 0\n'
text += '\t.4byte 0x%08X\n' % val
pos += 4
return text
currSection = ''
with open(sys.argv[1], 'rt') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
line = line.rstrip()
# Section directive
m = re.match(r'\s*\.section\s+([\._A-Za-z0-9]+)', line)
if m:
currSection = m.groups()[0]
elif currSection in ['.rodata', '.data', '.sdata', '.sdata2', '.ctors', '.dtors', 'extab_', 'extabindex_']:
# Incbin directive
m = re.match(r'\s*\.incbin\s+"baserom.dol"\s*,\s*([^,]+),\s*([^,]+)', line)
if m:
g = m.groups()
start = int(g[0], 0)
size = int(g[1], 0)
data = read_baserom(start, size)
print('\t# ROM: 0x%X' % start)
print(convert_data(data, start))