Match and link OSTime

This commit is contained in:
Phillip Stephens 2022-10-25 22:00:49 -07:00
parent 1bb8002205
commit 2263c6843f
4 changed files with 149 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ LIBS = [
["Dolphin/os/OSRtc", False],
["Dolphin/os/OSSync", True],
["Dolphin/os/OSTime", True],
["Dolphin/os/__ppc_eabi_init", True],

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@ -67,17 +67,17 @@ OSTime OSGetTime();
OSTick OSGetTick();
typedef struct OSCalendarTime {
int x0_sec; // seconds after the minute [0, 61]
int x4_min; // minutes after the hour [0, 59]
int x8_hour; // hours since midnight [0, 23]
int xc_mday; // day of the month [1, 31]
int x10_mon; // month since January [0, 11]
int x14_year; // years in AD [1, ...]
int x18_wday; // days since Sunday [0, 6]
int x1c_yday; // days since January 1 [0, 365]
int sec; // seconds after the minute [0, 61]
int min; // minutes after the hour [0, 59]
int hour; // hours since midnight [0, 23]
int mday; // day of the month [1, 31]
int mon; // month since January [0, 11]
int year; // years in AD [1, ...]
int wday; // days since Sunday [0, 6]
int yday; // days since January 1 [0, 365]
int x20_msec; // milliseconds after the second [0,999]
int x24_usec; // microseconds after the millisecond [0,999]
int msec; // milliseconds after the second [0,999]
int usec; // microseconds after the millisecond [0,999]
} OSCalendarTime;
OSTime OSCalendarTimeToTicks( OSCalendarTime* td );

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@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ OS_FILES :=\

src/Dolphin/os/OSTime.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
#include <dolphin/os.h>
#define OS_TIME_MONTH_MAX 12
#define OS_TIME_YEAR_DAY_MAX 365
// End of each month in standard year
static s32 YearDays[OS_TIME_MONTH_MAX] = {0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334};
// End of each month in leap year
static s32 LeapYearDays[OS_TIME_MONTH_MAX] = {0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152,
182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335};
asm OSTime OSGetTime(void) {
// clang-format off
mftbu r3
mftb r4
// Check for possible carry from TBL to TBU
mftbu r5
cmpw r3, r5
bne OSGetTime
// clang-format on
asm OSTick OSGetTick(void){
// clang-format off
mftb r3
// clang-format on
OSTime __OSGetSystemTime(void) {
BOOL enabled;
OSTime* timeAdjustAddr = (OSTime*)(OS_BASE_CACHED + OS_SYSTEMTIME_BASE);
OSTime result;
enabled = OSDisableInterrupts();
result = *timeAdjustAddr + OSGetTime();
return result;
OSTime __OSTimeToSystemTime(OSTime time) {
BOOL enabled;
OSTime* timeAdjustAddr = (OSTime*)(OS_BASE_CACHED + OS_SYSTEMTIME_BASE);
OSTime result;
enabled = OSDisableInterrupts();
result = *timeAdjustAddr + time;
return result;
static BOOL IsLeapYear(s32 year) { return (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0); }
static s32 GetYearDays(s32 year, s32 mon) {
return (IsLeapYear(year) ? LeapYearDays : YearDays)[mon];
static s32 GetLeapDays(s32 year) {
if (year < 1) {
return 0;
return (year + 3) / 4 - (year - 1) / 100 + (year - 1) / 400;
static void GetDates(s32 days, OSCalendarTime* cal) {
s32 year;
s32 totalDays;
s32* p_days;
s32 month;
cal->wday = (days + 6) % OS_TIME_WEEK_DAY_MAX;
for (year = days / OS_TIME_YEAR_DAY_MAX;
days < (totalDays = year * OS_TIME_YEAR_DAY_MAX + GetLeapDays(year));) {
days -= totalDays;
cal->year = year;
cal->yday = days;
p_days = IsLeapYear(year) ? LeapYearDays : YearDays;
while (days < p_days[--month]) {
cal->mon = month;
cal->mday = days - p_days[month] + 1;
#define BIAS (2000 * 365 + (2000 + 3) / 4 - (2000 - 1) / 100 + (2000 - 1) / 400)
#pragma push
#pragma dont_inline on
void OSTicksToCalendarTime(OSTime ticks, OSCalendarTime* td) {
int days;
int secs;
OSTime d;
d = ticks % OSSecondsToTicks(1);
if (d < 0) {
d += OSSecondsToTicks(1);
td->usec = (int)(OSTicksToMicroseconds(d) % 1000);
td->msec = (int)(OSTicksToMilliseconds(d) % 1000);
ticks -= d;
days = (int)(OSTicksToSeconds(ticks) / 86400 + BIAS);
secs = (int)(OSTicksToSeconds(ticks) % 86400);
if (secs < 0) {
days -= 1;
secs += 24 * 60 * 60;
GetDates(days, td);
td->hour = secs / 60 / 60;
td->min = (secs / 60) % 60;
td->sec = secs % 60;
#pragma dont_inline reset
OSTime OSCalendarTimeToTicks(OSCalendarTime* time) {