Split data.s

Former-commit-id: 4c74f8856b
This commit is contained in:
Phillip Stephens 2022-04-17 21:19:18 -07:00
parent aec2c4c2c9
commit 45963b5ba7
395 changed files with 28317 additions and 27532 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,21 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803ECAD0
# ROM: 0x3E9AD0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte GetTableIndex__16CCollidableAABoxCFv
.4byte SetMaterial__19CCollisionPrimitiveFRC13CMaterialList
.4byte GetMaterial__19CCollisionPrimitiveCFv
.4byte CalculateAABox__16CCollidableAABoxCFRC12CTransform4f
.4byte CalculateLocalAABox__16CCollidableAABoxCFv
.4byte GetPrimType__16CCollidableAABoxCFv
.4byte __dt__16CCollidableAABoxFv
.4byte CastRayInternal__16CCollidableAABoxCFRC25CInternalRayCastStructure
.section .bss .section .bss
.global lbl_80479498 .global lbl_80479498

View File

@ -1,5 +1,69 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803ECAF8
# ROM: 0x3E9AF8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte GetTableIndex__17CCollidableSphereCFv
.4byte SetMaterial__19CCollisionPrimitiveFRC13CMaterialList
.4byte GetMaterial__19CCollisionPrimitiveCFv
.4byte CalculateAABox__17CCollidableSphereCFRC12CTransform4f
.4byte CalculateLocalAABox__17CCollidableSphereCFv
.4byte GetPrimType__17CCollidableSphereCFv
.4byte __dt__17CCollidableSphere
.4byte CastRayInternal__17CCollidableSphereCFRC25CInternalRayCastStructure
.global lbl_803ECB20
# ROM: 0x3E9B20
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D4FA0
.4byte lbl_802D4FBC
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D4FD8
.4byte lbl_802D4EC0
.4byte lbl_802D4EDC
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D4FF4
.4byte lbl_802D4EF8
.4byte lbl_802D4F14
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D5010
.4byte lbl_802D4E50
.4byte lbl_802D4E6C
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D4E88
.4byte lbl_802D4DE0
.4byte lbl_802D4DCC
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D4EA4
.4byte lbl_802D4DB8
.4byte lbl_802D4DA0
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D502C
.4byte lbl_802D4F30
.4byte lbl_802D4F4C
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D4F68
.4byte lbl_802D4E3C
.4byte lbl_802D4E24
.4byte lbl_802D5044
.4byte lbl_802D4F84
.4byte lbl_802D4E0C
.4byte lbl_802D4DF0
.4byte 0
.section .bss .section .bss
.global lbl_80479558 .global lbl_80479558

View File

@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global AIVersion
.asciz "<< Dolphin SDK - AI\trelease build: Sep 5 2002 05:34:25 (0x2301) >>"
.4byte 0
.section .sdata .section .sdata
.global lbl_805A8A68 .global lbl_805A8A68
lbl_805A8A68: lbl_805A8A68:
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x3F6408, 0x8 .4byte AIVersion
.4byte 0
.section .sbss .section .sbss
lbl_805A96B8: lbl_805A96B8:

View File

@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global ARVersionString
.asciz "<< Dolphin SDK - AR\trelease build: Sep 5 2002 05:34:27 (0x2301) >>"
.4byte 0
.section .sdata .section .sdata
.global lbl_805A8A70 .global lbl_805A8A70
lbl_805A8A70: lbl_805A8A70:
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x3F6410, 0x8 .4byte ARVersionString
.4byte 0
.section .sbss .section .sbss
.global lbl_805A96F8 .global lbl_805A96F8

View File

@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global ARQVersionString
.asciz "<< Dolphin SDK - ARQ\trelease build: Sep 5 2002 05:34:29 (0x2301) >>"
.balign 4
.section .sdata .section .sdata
.global lbl_805A8A78 .global lbl_805A8A78
lbl_805A8A78: lbl_805A8A78:
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x3F6418, 0x8 .4byte ARQVersionString
.4byte 0
.section .sbss .section .sbss
.global lbl_805A9718 .global lbl_805A9718

View File

@ -5,11 +5,6 @@
lbl_803D8588: lbl_803D8588:
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x3D5588, 0x10 .incbin "baserom.dol", 0x3D5588, 0x10
.global lbl_803D8598
.incbin "baserom.dol", 0x3D5598, 0x10
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global ClampStick .global ClampStick

View File

@ -1,5 +1,27 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803ECA50
# ROM: 0x3E9A50
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__16CAuiEnergyBarT01Fv
.4byte Update__16CAuiEnergyBarT01Ff
.4byte Draw__16CAuiEnergyBarT01CFRC19CGuiWidgetDrawParms
.4byte Initialize__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte ProcessUserInput__10CGuiWidgetFRC11CFinalInput
.4byte Touch__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte GetIsVisible__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte sub_80020464
.4byte GetWidgetTypeID__16CAuiEnergyBarT01CFv
.4byte AddWorkerWidget__10CGuiWidgetFP10CGuiWidget
.4byte GetIsFinishedLoadingWidgetSpecific__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte OnVisible__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte OnActivate__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte 0
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global GetWidgetTypeID__16CAuiEnergyBarT01CFv .global GetWidgetTypeID__16CAuiEnergyBarT01CFv

View File

@ -1,5 +1,28 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803ECA90
# ROM: 0x3E9A90
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__13CAuiImagePaneFv
.4byte Update__13CAuiImagePaneFf
.4byte Draw__13CAuiImagePaneCFRC19CGuiWidgetDrawParms
.4byte Initialize__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte ProcessUserInput__10CGuiWidgetFRC11CFinalInput
.4byte Touch__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte GetIsVisible__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte sub_80020464
.4byte GetWidgetTypeID__13CAuiImagePaneCFv
.4byte AddWorkerWidget__10CGuiWidgetFP10CGuiWidget
.4byte GetIsFinishedLoadingWidgetSpecific__13CAuiImagePaneCFv
.4byte OnVisible__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte OnActivate__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte WriteData__13CAuiImagePaneCFR13COutputStreamb
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global __dt__13CAuiImagePaneFv .global __dt__13CAuiImagePaneFv

View File

@ -1,5 +1,27 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EC6F8
# ROM: 0x3E96F8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__9CAuiMeterFv
.4byte Update__10CGuiWidgetFf
.4byte Draw__10CGuiWidgetCFRC19CGuiWidgetDrawParms
.4byte Initialize__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte ProcessUserInput__10CGuiWidgetFRC11CFinalInput
.4byte Touch__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte GetIsVisible__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte sub_80020464
.4byte GetWidgetTypeID__9CAuiMeterCFv
.4byte AddWorkerWidget__9CAuiMeterFP10CGuiWidget
.4byte GetIsFinishedLoadingWidgetSpecific__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte OnVisible__9CAuiMeterFv
.4byte OnActivate__9CGuiGroupFv
.4byte GetWorkerWidget__9CAuiMeterFi
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global __dt__9CAuiMeterFv .global __dt__9CAuiMeterFv

View File

@ -1,5 +1,78 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
#TODO: Split this up properly (need to split CGuiCamera and CGuiCompoundWidget)
.section .data
.global lbl_803EC738
# ROM: 0x3E9738
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__10CGuiCameraFv
.4byte Update__10CGuiWidgetFf
.4byte Draw__10CGuiCameraCFRC19CGuiWidgetDrawParms
.4byte Initialize__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte ProcessUserInput__10CGuiWidgetFRC11CFinalInput
.4byte Touch__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte GetIsVisible__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte sub_80020464
.4byte GetWidgetTypeID__10CGuiCameraCFv
.4byte AddWorkerWidget__10CGuiWidgetFP10CGuiWidget
.4byte GetIsFinishedLoadingWidgetSpecific__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte OnVisible__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte OnActivate__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte 0
.global lbl_803EC778
# ROM: 0x3E9778
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__18CGuiCompoundWidgetFv
.4byte Update__10CGuiWidgetFf
.4byte Draw__10CGuiWidgetCFRC19CGuiWidgetDrawParms
.4byte Initialize__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte ProcessUserInput__10CGuiWidgetFRC11CFinalInput
.4byte Touch__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte GetIsVisible__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte sub_80020464
.4byte GetWidgetTypeID__18CGuiCompoundWidgetCFv
.4byte AddWorkerWidget__10CGuiWidgetFP10CGuiWidget
.4byte GetIsFinishedLoadingWidgetSpecific__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte OnVisible__18CGuiCompoundWidgetFv
.4byte OnActivate__18CGuiCompoundWidgetFb
.4byte GetWorkerWidget__18CGuiCompoundWidgetFi
.global lbl_803EC7B8
# ROM: 0x3E97B8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte "__dt__36TObjOwnerDerivedFromIObj<9CGuiFrame>Fv"
.4byte 0
.global lbl_803EC7C8
# ROM: 0x3E97C8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__9CGuiGroupFv
.4byte Update__10CGuiWidgetFf
.4byte Draw__10CGuiWidgetCFRC19CGuiWidgetDrawParms
.4byte Initialize__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte ProcessUserInput__10CGuiWidgetFRC11CFinalInput
.4byte Touch__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte GetIsVisible__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte sub_80020464
.4byte GetWidgetTypeID__9CGuiGroupCFv
.4byte AddWorkerWidget__9CGuiGroupFP10CGuiWidget
.4byte GetIsFinishedLoadingWidgetSpecific__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte OnVisible__18CGuiCompoundWidgetFv
.4byte OnActivate__9CGuiGroupFv
.4byte GetWorkerWidget__18CGuiCompoundWidgetFi
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global __dt__9CGuiGroupFv .global __dt__9CGuiGroupFv
@ -359,7 +432,7 @@ __ct__10CGuiCameraFRCQ210CGuiWidget15CGuiWidgetParmsffff:
/* 802C16C0 002BE620 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0 /* 802C16C0 002BE620 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 802C16C4 002BE624 90 01 00 44 */ stw r0, 0x44(r1) /* 802C16C4 002BE624 90 01 00 44 */ stw r0, 0x44(r1)
/* 802C16C8 002BE628 39 61 00 40 */ addi r11, r1, 0x40 /* 802C16C8 002BE628 39 61 00 40 */ addi r11, r1, 0x40
/* 802C16CC 002BE62C 48 0C 83 15 */ bl func_803899E0 /* 802C16CC 002BE62C 48 0C 83 15 */ bl _savefpr_26
/* 802C16D0 002BE630 93 E1 00 0C */ stw r31, 0xc(r1) /* 802C16D0 002BE630 93 E1 00 0C */ stw r31, 0xc(r1)
/* 802C16D4 002BE634 FF 40 08 90 */ fmr f26, f1 /* 802C16D4 002BE634 FF 40 08 90 */ fmr f26, f1
/* 802C16D8 002BE638 7C 7F 1B 78 */ mr r31, r3 /* 802C16D8 002BE638 7C 7F 1B 78 */ mr r31, r3
@ -382,7 +455,7 @@ __ct__10CGuiCameraFRCQ210CGuiWidget15CGuiWidgetParmsffff:
/* 802C171C 002BE67C D3 DF 00 CC */ stfs f30, 0xcc(r31) /* 802C171C 002BE67C D3 DF 00 CC */ stfs f30, 0xcc(r31)
/* 802C1720 002BE680 D3 FF 00 D0 */ stfs f31, 0xd0(r31) /* 802C1720 002BE680 D3 FF 00 D0 */ stfs f31, 0xd0(r31)
/* 802C1724 002BE684 39 61 00 40 */ addi r11, r1, 0x40 /* 802C1724 002BE684 39 61 00 40 */ addi r11, r1, 0x40
/* 802C1728 002BE688 48 0C 83 05 */ bl func_80389A2C /* 802C1728 002BE688 48 0C 83 05 */ bl _restfpr_26
/* 802C172C 002BE68C 80 01 00 44 */ lwz r0, 0x44(r1) /* 802C172C 002BE68C 80 01 00 44 */ lwz r0, 0x44(r1)
/* 802C1730 002BE690 83 E1 00 0C */ lwz r31, 0xc(r1) /* 802C1730 002BE690 83 E1 00 0C */ lwz r31, 0xc(r1)
/* 802C1734 002BE694 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0 /* 802C1734 002BE694 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0
@ -446,7 +519,7 @@ Create__10CGuiCameraFP9CGuiFrameR12CInputStreamb:
/* 802C1804 002BE764 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0 /* 802C1804 002BE764 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 802C1808 002BE768 90 01 00 84 */ stw r0, 0x84(r1) /* 802C1808 002BE768 90 01 00 84 */ stw r0, 0x84(r1)
/* 802C180C 002BE76C 39 61 00 80 */ addi r11, r1, 0x80 /* 802C180C 002BE76C 39 61 00 80 */ addi r11, r1, 0x80
/* 802C1810 002BE770 48 0C 81 D1 */ bl func_803899E0 /* 802C1810 002BE770 48 0C 81 D1 */ bl _savefpr_26
/* 802C1814 002BE774 93 E1 00 4C */ stw r31, 0x4c(r1) /* 802C1814 002BE774 93 E1 00 4C */ stw r31, 0x4c(r1)
/* 802C1818 002BE778 93 C1 00 48 */ stw r30, 0x48(r1) /* 802C1818 002BE778 93 C1 00 48 */ stw r30, 0x48(r1)
/* 802C181C 002BE77C 93 A1 00 44 */ stw r29, 0x44(r1) /* 802C181C 002BE77C 93 A1 00 44 */ stw r29, 0x44(r1)
@ -562,7 +635,7 @@ lbl_802C19A8:
/* 802C19C4 002BE924 48 00 90 C5 */ bl ParseBaseInfo__10CGuiWidgetFP9CGuiFrameR12CInputStreamRCQ210CGuiWidget15CGuiWidgetParms /* 802C19C4 002BE924 48 00 90 C5 */ bl ParseBaseInfo__10CGuiWidgetFP9CGuiFrameR12CInputStreamRCQ210CGuiWidget15CGuiWidgetParms
/* 802C19C8 002BE928 7F A3 EB 78 */ mr r3, r29 /* 802C19C8 002BE928 7F A3 EB 78 */ mr r3, r29
/* 802C19CC 002BE92C 39 61 00 80 */ addi r11, r1, 0x80 /* 802C19CC 002BE92C 39 61 00 80 */ addi r11, r1, 0x80
/* 802C19D0 002BE930 48 0C 80 5D */ bl func_80389A2C /* 802C19D0 002BE930 48 0C 80 5D */ bl _restfpr_26
/* 802C19D4 002BE934 80 01 00 84 */ lwz r0, 0x84(r1) /* 802C19D4 002BE934 80 01 00 84 */ lwz r0, 0x84(r1)
/* 802C19D8 002BE938 83 E1 00 4C */ lwz r31, 0x4c(r1) /* 802C19D8 002BE938 83 E1 00 4C */ lwz r31, 0x4c(r1)
/* 802C19DC 002BE93C 83 C1 00 48 */ lwz r30, 0x48(r1) /* 802C19DC 002BE93C 83 C1 00 48 */ lwz r30, 0x48(r1)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,27 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EC808
# ROM: 0x3E9808
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__14CGuiHeadWidgetFv
.4byte Update__10CGuiWidgetFf
.4byte Draw__10CGuiWidgetCFRC19CGuiWidgetDrawParms
.4byte Initialize__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte ProcessUserInput__10CGuiWidgetFRC11CFinalInput
.4byte Touch__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte GetIsVisible__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte sub_80020464
.4byte GetWidgetTypeID__14CGuiHeadWidgetCFv
.4byte AddWorkerWidget__10CGuiWidgetFP10CGuiWidget
.4byte GetIsFinishedLoadingWidgetSpecific__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte OnVisible__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte OnActivate__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte 0
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global __ct__14CGuiHeadWidgetFRCQ210CGuiWidget15CGuiWidgetParms .global __ct__14CGuiHeadWidgetFRCQ210CGuiWidget15CGuiWidgetParms

View File

@ -1,5 +1,27 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EC848
# ROM: 0x3E9848
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__9CGuiLightFv
.4byte Update__10CGuiWidgetFf
.4byte Draw__10CGuiWidgetCFRC19CGuiWidgetDrawParms
.4byte Initialize__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte ProcessUserInput__10CGuiWidgetFRC11CFinalInput
.4byte Touch__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte GetIsVisible__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte sub_80020464
.4byte GetWidgetTypeID__9CGuiLightCFv
.4byte AddWorkerWidget__10CGuiWidgetFP10CGuiWidget
.4byte GetIsFinishedLoadingWidgetSpecific__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte OnVisible__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte OnActivate__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte SetIsVisible__9CGuiLightFb
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global GetWidgetTypeID__9CGuiLightCFv .global GetWidgetTypeID__9CGuiLightCFv
@ -385,7 +407,7 @@ Create__9CGuiLightFP9CGuiFrameR12CInputStreamb:
/* 802C3CC8 002C0C28 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0 /* 802C3CC8 002C0C28 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 802C3CCC 002C0C2C 90 01 02 74 */ stw r0, 0x274(r1) /* 802C3CCC 002C0C2C 90 01 02 74 */ stw r0, 0x274(r1)
/* 802C3CD0 002C0C30 39 61 02 70 */ addi r11, r1, 0x270 /* 802C3CD0 002C0C30 39 61 02 70 */ addi r11, r1, 0x270
/* 802C3CD4 002C0C34 48 0C 5D 0D */ bl func_803899E0 /* 802C3CD4 002C0C34 48 0C 5D 0D */ bl _savefpr_26
/* 802C3CD8 002C0C38 BF 61 02 2C */ stmw r27, 0x22c(r1) /* 802C3CD8 002C0C38 BF 61 02 2C */ stmw r27, 0x22c(r1)
/* 802C3CDC 002C0C3C 7C 7E 1B 78 */ mr r30, r3 /* 802C3CDC 002C0C3C 7C 7E 1B 78 */ mr r30, r3
/* 802C3CE0 002C0C40 7C 9F 23 78 */ mr r31, r4 /* 802C3CE0 002C0C40 7C 9F 23 78 */ mr r31, r4
@ -551,7 +573,7 @@ lbl_802C3F24:
/* 802C3F40 002C0EA0 4B FF E5 FD */ bl AddLight__9CGuiFrameFP9CGuiLight /* 802C3F40 002C0EA0 4B FF E5 FD */ bl AddLight__9CGuiFrameFP9CGuiLight
/* 802C3F44 002C0EA4 7F 63 DB 78 */ mr r3, r27 /* 802C3F44 002C0EA4 7F 63 DB 78 */ mr r3, r27
/* 802C3F48 002C0EA8 39 61 02 70 */ addi r11, r1, 0x270 /* 802C3F48 002C0EA8 39 61 02 70 */ addi r11, r1, 0x270
/* 802C3F4C 002C0EAC 48 0C 5A E1 */ bl func_80389A2C /* 802C3F4C 002C0EAC 48 0C 5A E1 */ bl _restfpr_26
/* 802C3F50 002C0EB0 BB 61 02 2C */ lmw r27, 0x22c(r1) /* 802C3F50 002C0EB0 BB 61 02 2C */ lmw r27, 0x22c(r1)
/* 802C3F54 002C0EB4 80 01 02 74 */ lwz r0, 0x274(r1) /* 802C3F54 002C0EB4 80 01 02 74 */ lwz r0, 0x274(r1)
/* 802C3F58 002C0EB8 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0 /* 802C3F58 002C0EB8 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0

View File

@ -1,5 +1,27 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EC888
# ROM: 0x3E9888
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__9CGuiModelFv
.4byte Update__10CGuiWidgetFf
.4byte Draw__9CGuiModelCFRC19CGuiWidgetDrawParms
.4byte Initialize__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte ProcessUserInput__10CGuiWidgetFRC11CFinalInput
.4byte Touch__9CGuiModelCFv
.4byte GetIsVisible__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte sub_80020464
.4byte GetWidgetTypeID__9CGuiModelCFv
.4byte AddWorkerWidget__10CGuiWidgetFP10CGuiWidget
.4byte GetIsFinishedLoadingWidgetSpecific__9CGuiModelCFv
.4byte OnVisible__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte OnActivate__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte GetModelAssets__9CGuiModelCFv
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global GetWidgetTypeID__9CGuiModelCFv .global GetWidgetTypeID__9CGuiModelCFv

View File

@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EC8C8
# ROM: 0x3E98C8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__10CGuiObjectFv
.4byte Update__10CGuiObjectFf
.4byte Draw__10CGuiObjectCFRC19CGuiWidgetDrawParms
.4byte 0
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global SetO2WTransform__10CGuiObjectFRC12CTransform4f .global SetO2WTransform__10CGuiObjectFRC12CTransform4f

View File

@ -1,5 +1,31 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EC8E0
# ROM: 0x3E98E0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__8CGuiPaneFv
.4byte Update__10CGuiWidgetFf
.4byte Draw__8CGuiPaneCFRC19CGuiWidgetDrawParms
.4byte Initialize__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte ProcessUserInput__10CGuiWidgetFRC11CFinalInput
.4byte Touch__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte GetIsVisible__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte sub_80020464
.4byte GetWidgetTypeID__8CGuiPaneCFv
.4byte AddWorkerWidget__10CGuiWidgetFP10CGuiWidget
.4byte GetIsFinishedLoadingWidgetSpecific__10CGuiWidgetCFv
.4byte OnVisible__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte OnActivate__10CGuiWidgetFv
.4byte ScaleDimensions__8CGuiPaneFRC9CVector3f
.4byte SetDimensions__8CGuiPaneFRC9CVector2fb
.4byte GetDimensions__8CGuiPaneCFv
.4byte InitializeBuffers__8CGuiPaneFv
.4byte WriteData__8CGuiPaneCFR13COutputStreamb
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
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@ -388,7 +414,7 @@ Create__8CGuiPaneFP9CGuiFrameR12CInputStreamb:
/* 802C5A50 002C29B0 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0 /* 802C5A50 002C29B0 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 802C5A54 002C29B4 90 01 00 84 */ stw r0, 0x84(r1) /* 802C5A54 002C29B4 90 01 00 84 */ stw r0, 0x84(r1)
/* 802C5A58 002C29B8 39 61 00 80 */ addi r11, r1, 0x80 /* 802C5A58 002C29B8 39 61 00 80 */ addi r11, r1, 0x80
/* 802C5A5C 002C29BC 48 0C 3F 89 */ bl func_803899E4 /* 802C5A5C 002C29BC 48 0C 3F 89 */ bl _savefpr_27
/* 802C5A60 002C29C0 93 E1 00 54 */ stw r31, 0x54(r1) /* 802C5A60 002C29C0 93 E1 00 54 */ stw r31, 0x54(r1)
/* 802C5A64 002C29C4 93 C1 00 50 */ stw r30, 0x50(r1) /* 802C5A64 002C29C4 93 C1 00 50 */ stw r30, 0x50(r1)
/* 802C5A68 002C29C8 93 A1 00 4C */ stw r29, 0x4c(r1) /* 802C5A68 002C29C8 93 A1 00 4C */ stw r29, 0x4c(r1)
@ -459,7 +485,7 @@ lbl_802C5B58:
/* 802C5B68 002C2AC8 48 00 4F 21 */ bl ParseBaseInfo__10CGuiWidgetFP9CGuiFrameR12CInputStreamRCQ210CGuiWidget15CGuiWidgetParms /* 802C5B68 002C2AC8 48 00 4F 21 */ bl ParseBaseInfo__10CGuiWidgetFP9CGuiFrameR12CInputStreamRCQ210CGuiWidget15CGuiWidgetParms
/* 802C5B6C 002C2ACC 7F A3 EB 78 */ mr r3, r29 /* 802C5B6C 002C2ACC 7F A3 EB 78 */ mr r3, r29
/* 802C5B70 002C2AD0 39 61 00 80 */ addi r11, r1, 0x80 /* 802C5B70 002C2AD0 39 61 00 80 */ addi r11, r1, 0x80
/* 802C5B74 002C2AD4 48 0C 3E BD */ bl func_80389A30 /* 802C5B74 002C2AD4 48 0C 3E BD */ bl _restfpr_27
/* 802C5B78 002C2AD8 80 01 00 84 */ lwz r0, 0x84(r1) /* 802C5B78 002C2AD8 80 01 00 84 */ lwz r0, 0x84(r1)
/* 802C5B7C 002C2ADC 83 E1 00 54 */ lwz r31, 0x54(r1) /* 802C5B7C 002C2ADC 83 E1 00 54 */ lwz r31, 0x54(r1)
/* 802C5B80 002C2AE0 83 C1 00 50 */ lwz r30, 0x50(r1) /* 802C5B80 002C2AE0 83 C1 00 50 */ lwz r30, 0x50(r1)

View File

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.4byte Update__15CGuiSliderGroupFf
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/* 802C61E4 002C3144 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0 /* 802C61E4 002C3144 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
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/* 802C61EC 002C314C 39 61 00 30 */ addi r11, r1, 0x30 /* 802C61EC 002C314C 39 61 00 30 */ addi r11, r1, 0x30
/* 802C61F0 002C3150 48 0C 37 F9 */ bl sub_803899e8 /* 802C61F0 002C3150 48 0C 37 F9 */ bl _savefpr_28
/* 802C61F4 002C3154 93 E1 00 0C */ stw r31, 0xc(r1) /* 802C61F4 002C3154 93 E1 00 0C */ stw r31, 0xc(r1)
/* 802C61F8 002C3158 FF 80 08 90 */ fmr f28, f1 /* 802C61F8 002C3158 FF 80 08 90 */ fmr f28, f1
/* 802C61FC 002C315C 7C 7F 1B 78 */ mr r31, r3 /* 802C61FC 002C315C 7C 7F 1B 78 */ mr r31, r3
@ -533,7 +556,7 @@ lbl_802C6254:
/* 802C6280 002C31E0 50 80 3E 30 */ rlwimi r0, r4, 7, 0x18, 0x18 /* 802C6280 002C31E0 50 80 3E 30 */ rlwimi r0, r4, 7, 0x18, 0x18
/* 802C6284 002C31E4 98 1F 00 F4 */ stb r0, 0xf4(r31) /* 802C6284 002C31E4 98 1F 00 F4 */ stb r0, 0xf4(r31)
/* 802C6288 002C31E8 39 61 00 30 */ addi r11, r1, 0x30 /* 802C6288 002C31E8 39 61 00 30 */ addi r11, r1, 0x30
/* 802C628C 002C31EC 48 0C 37 A9 */ bl sub_80389a34 /* 802C628C 002C31EC 48 0C 37 A9 */ bl _restfpr_28
/* 802C6290 002C31F0 80 01 00 34 */ lwz r0, 0x34(r1) /* 802C6290 002C31F0 80 01 00 34 */ lwz r0, 0x34(r1)
/* 802C6294 002C31F4 83 E1 00 0C */ lwz r31, 0xc(r1) /* 802C6294 002C31F4 83 E1 00 0C */ lwz r31, 0xc(r1)
/* 802C6298 002C31F8 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0 /* 802C6298 002C31F8 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0

View File

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View File

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.4byte 0
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View File

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.4byte SetBlendingWeight__14CAnimTreeBlendFf
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/* 802F2718 002EF678 38 7E 00 14 */ addi r3, r30, 0x14 /* 802F2718 002EF678 38 7E 00 14 */ addi r3, r30, 0x14
/* 802F271C 002EF67C 4B D3 E8 85 */ bl sub_80030fa0 /* 802F271C 002EF67C 4B D3 E8 85 */ bl sub_80030fa0
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lbl_802F2720: lbl_802F2720:
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VGetBestUnblendedChild__19CAnimTreeTransitionCFv: VGetBestUnblendedChild__19CAnimTreeTransitionCFv:

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.4byte GetType__13CMetaAnimPlayCFv
.4byte WriteAnimData__13CMetaAnimPlayCFR13COutputStream
.4byte VGetAnimationTree__13CMetaAnimPlayCFRC15CAnimSysContextRC24CMetaAnimTreeBuildOrders
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.4byte WriteAnimData__15CMetaAnimRandomCFR13COutputStream
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# ROM: 0x3E9D70
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.4byte GetAnimationTree__9IMetaAnimCFRC15CAnimSysContextRC24CMetaAnimTreeBuildOrders
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.4byte WriteAnimData__17CMetaAnimSequenceCFR13COutputStream
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# ROM: 0x3E9DA8
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.4byte GetType__20CMetaTransPhaseTransCFv
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.4byte GetType__14CMetaTransSnapCFv
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# ROM: 0x3E9DD8
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# ROM: 0x3EA4D0
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.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
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.4byte 0
.4byte 0
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# ROM: 0x3E9DF0
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# ROM: 0x3E9E10
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.4byte UpdateEmitter__Q211CSfxManager11CSfxWrapperFv
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# ROM: 0x3E9E74
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# ROM: 0x3E9E80
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.4byte IsInArea__Q211CSfxManager15CBaseSfxWrapperCFv
.4byte UseAcoustics__Q211CSfxManager15CBaseSfxWrapperCFv
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.4byte UpdateEmitterSilent__Q211CSfxManager18CSfxEmitterWrapperFv
.4byte UpdateEmitter__Q211CSfxManager18CSfxEmitterWrapperFv
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.4byte IsActive__Q211CSfxManager15CBaseSfxWrapperCFv
.4byte IsInArea__Q211CSfxManager15CBaseSfxWrapperCFv
.4byte UseAcoustics__Q211CSfxManager15CBaseSfxWrapperCFv
.4byte GetRank__Q211CSfxManager15CBaseSfxWrapperCFv
.4byte GetPriority__Q211CSfxManager15CBaseSfxWrapperCFv
.4byte GetArea__Q211CSfxManager15CBaseSfxWrapperCFv
.4byte GetSfxHandle__Q211CSfxManager15CBaseSfxWrapperCFv
.4byte 0
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.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
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View File

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# ROM: 0x3EA594
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.4byte CanBuild__11CResFactoryFRC10SObjectTag
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# ROM: 0x3EC738
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte "__dt__15TToken<6CModel>Fv"
.4byte 0
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global UpdateLastFrame__6CModelFv .global UpdateLastFrame__6CModelFv
UpdateLastFrame__6CModelFv: UpdateLastFrame__6CModelFv:

View File

@ -1,5 +1,38 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803ED968
# ROM: 0x3EA968
.4byte lbl_8030E9C8
.4byte lbl_8030E9D4
.4byte lbl_8030E9E0
.4byte lbl_8030E9EC
.4byte lbl_8030E9A4
.4byte lbl_8030E9B0
.4byte lbl_8030E9BC
.4byte lbl_8030E9F8
.4byte lbl_8030EA04
.4byte lbl_8030EA10
.4byte lbl_8030EA1C
.global lbl_803ED994
# ROM: 0x3EA994
.4byte lbl_8030EB24
.4byte lbl_8030EB2C
.4byte lbl_8030EB2C
.4byte lbl_8030EB34
.4byte lbl_8030EB24
.4byte lbl_8030EB2C
.4byte lbl_8030EB34
.4byte lbl_8030EB34
.4byte lbl_8030EB34
.4byte lbl_8030EB3C
.4byte lbl_8030EB24
.section .bss .section .bss
.global lbl_804BFD10 .global lbl_804BFD10

View File

@ -1,5 +1,29 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EF6A0
# ROM: 0x3EC6A0
.4byte 0x01000200
.4byte 0x04000800
.4byte 0x10000010
.4byte 0x00080002
.4byte 0x00040001
.4byte 0x00400020
.global lbl_803EF6B8
# ROM: 0x3EC6B8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__18CDolphinControllerFv
.4byte Poll__18CDolphinControllerFv
.4byte GetDeviceCount__18CDolphinControllerCFv
.4byte GetGamepadData__18CDolphinControllerFi
.4byte GetControllerType__18CDolphinControllerFi
.4byte SetMotorState__18CDolphinControllerF7EIOPort11EMotorState
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global GetAnalogStickMaxValue__18CDolphinControllerCF8EJoyAxis .global GetAnalogStickMaxValue__18CDolphinControllerCF8EJoyAxis
@ -38,8 +62,8 @@ SetMotorState__18CDolphinControllerF7EIOPort11EMotorState:
/* 8034F0C0 0034C020 38 21 00 10 */ addi r1, r1, 0x10 /* 8034F0C0 0034C020 38 21 00 10 */ addi r1, r1, 0x10
/* 8034F0C4 0034C024 4E 80 00 20 */ blr /* 8034F0C4 0034C024 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global sub_8034f0c8 .global GetControllerType__18CDolphinControllerFi
sub_8034f0c8: GetControllerType__18CDolphinControllerFi:
/* 8034F0C8 0034C028 54 80 10 3A */ slwi r0, r4, 2 /* 8034F0C8 0034C028 54 80 10 3A */ slwi r0, r4, 2
/* 8034F0CC 0034C02C 7C 63 02 14 */ add r3, r3, r0 /* 8034F0CC 0034C02C 7C 63 02 14 */ add r3, r3, r0
/* 8034F0D0 0034C030 80 63 01 A4 */ lwz r3, 0x1a4(r3) /* 8034F0D0 0034C030 80 63 01 A4 */ lwz r3, 0x1a4(r3)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EF680
# ROM: 0x3EC680
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__11IControllerFv
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global Create__11IControllerFRC10COsContext .global Create__11IControllerFRC10COsContext

View File

@ -1,5 +1,35 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EE318
# ROM: 0x3EB318
.4byte lbl_803373E0
.4byte lbl_8033741C
.4byte lbl_80337458
.4byte lbl_80337490
.4byte lbl_803374A0
.4byte lbl_803374DC
.4byte lbl_803374EC
.4byte lbl_803374FC
.global lbl_803EE338
# ROM: 0x3EB338
.4byte lbl_80337EF4
.4byte lbl_80337FDC
.4byte lbl_803380C4
.4byte lbl_803381AC
.4byte lbl_80338294
.4byte lbl_80338308
.4byte lbl_8033837C
.4byte lbl_803383F0
.4byte lbl_80337F68
.4byte lbl_80338050
.4byte lbl_80338138
.4byte lbl_80338220
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global ClosestPointAlongVector__6CAABoxCFRC9CVector3f .global ClosestPointAlongVector__6CAABoxCFRC9CVector3f

View File

@ -1,5 +1,71 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EDA00
# ROM: 0x3EAA00
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__16CCEParticleColor
.4byte GetValue__16CCEParticleColor
.global lbl_803EDA10
# ROM: 0x3EAA10
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__18CCEKeyframeEmitterFv
.4byte GetValue__18CCEKeyframeEmitterCFiR6CColor
.global lbl_803EDA20
# ROM: 0x3EAA20
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__8CCEPulseFv
.4byte GetValue__8CCEPulseCFiR6CColor
.global lbl_803EDA30
# ROM: 0x3EAA30
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__12CCETimeChainFv
.4byte GetValue__12CCETimeChainCFiR6CColor
.global lbl_803EDA40
# ROM: 0x3EAA40
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__10CCEFadeEndFv
.4byte GetValue__10CCEFadeEndCFiR6CColor
.global lbl_803EDA50
# ROM: 0x3EAA50
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__7CCEFadeFv
.4byte GetValue__7CCEFadeCFiR6CColor
.global lbl_803EDA60
# ROM: 0x3EAA60
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__15CCEFastConstantFv
.4byte GetValue__15CCEFastConstantCFiR6CColor
.global lbl_803EDA70
# ROM: 0x3EAA70
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__11CCEConstantFv
.4byte GetValue__11CCEConstantCFiR6CColor
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global __dt__16CCEParticleColor .global __dt__16CCEParticleColor

View File

@ -1,5 +1,341 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
#TODO: Resplit, this has CIntElement, CModVectorElement and CParticleDataFactory in it, that can't be right
.section .data
.global lbl_803EDA80
# ROM: 0x3EAA80
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__11CElementGenFv
.4byte Update__11CElementGenFd
.4byte Render__11CElementGenFv
.4byte SetOrientation__11CElementGenFRC12CTransform4f
.4byte SetTranslation__11CElementGenFRC9CVector3f
.4byte SetGlobalOrientation__11CElementGenFRC12CTransform4f
.4byte SetGlobalTranslation__11CElementGenFRC9CVector3f
.4byte SetGlobalScale__11CElementGenFRC9CVector3f
.4byte SetLocalScale__11CElementGenFRC9CVector3f
.4byte SetParticleEmission__11CElementGenFb
.4byte SetModulationColor__11CElementGenFRC6CColor
.4byte SetGeneratorRate__11CElementGenFf
.4byte GetOrientation__11CElementGenCFv
.4byte GetTranslation__11CElementGenCFv
.4byte GetGlobalOrientation__11CElementGenCFv
.4byte GetGlobalTranslation__11CElementGenCFv
.4byte GetGlobalScale__11CElementGenCFv
.4byte GetParticleEmission__11CElementGenCFv
.4byte GetModulationColor__11CElementGenCFv
.4byte GetGeneratorRate__11CElementGenCFv
.4byte IsSystemDeletable__11CElementGenCFv
.4byte GetBounds__11CElementGenCFv
.4byte GetParticleCount__11CElementGenCFv
.4byte SystemHasLight__11CElementGenCFv
.4byte GetLight__11CElementGenCFv
.4byte DestroyParticles__11CElementGenFv
.4byte AddModifier__12CParticleGenFP5CWarp
.4byte Get4CharId__11CElementGenCF
.global lbl_803EDAF8
# ROM: 0x3EAAF8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__7CIEGEMT
.4byte GetValue__7CIEGEMTCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDB08
# ROM: 0x3EAB08
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__7CIEGAPC
.4byte GetValue__7CIEGAPCCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDB18
# ROM: 0x3EAB18
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__7CIEGTCP
.4byte GetValue__7CIEGTCPCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDB28
# ROM: 0x3EAB28
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__12CIERealToInt
.4byte GetValue__12CIERealToIntCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDB38
# ROM: 0x3EAB38
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__11CIESubtract
.4byte GetValue__11CIESubtractCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDB48
# ROM: 0x3EAB48
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__18CIEKeyframeEmitter
.4byte GetValue__18CIEKeyframeEmitterCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDB58
# ROM: 0x3EAB58
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__18CIELifetimePercent
.4byte GetValue__18CIELifetimePercentCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDB68
# ROM: 0x3EAB68
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__8CIEPulse
.4byte GetValue__8CIEPulseCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDB78
# ROM: 0x3EAB78
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__8CIEClamp
.4byte GetValue__8CIEClampCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDB88
# ROM: 0x3EAB88
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__12CIETimeChain
.4byte GetValue__12CIETimeChainCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDB98
# ROM: 0x3EAB98
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__16CIEInitialRandom
.4byte GetValue__16CIEInitialRandomCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDBA8
# ROM: 0x3EABA8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__12CIETimeScale
.4byte GetValue__12CIETimescaleCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDBB8
# ROM: 0x3EABB8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__10CIEImpulse
.4byte GetValue__10CIEImpulseCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDBC8
# ROM: 0x3EABC8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__16CIESampleAndHold
.4byte GetValue__16CIESampleAndHoldCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDBD8
# ROM: 0x3EABD8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__9CIERandom
.4byte GetValue__9CIERandomCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDBE8
# ROM: 0x3EABE8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__9CIEModulo
.4byte GetValue__9CIEModuloCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDBF8
# ROM: 0x3EABF8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__11CIEMultiply
.4byte GetValue__11CIEMultiplyCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDC08
# ROM: 0x3EAC08
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__6CIEAdd
.4byte GetValue__6CIEAddCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDC18
# ROM: 0x3EAC18
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__8CIEDeath
.4byte GetValue__8CIEDeathCFiRi
.global lbl_803EDC28
# ROM: 0x3EAC28
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__11CIEConstant
.4byte sub_80322868
.global lbl_803EDC38
# ROM: 0x3EAC38
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__15CMVESetPositionFv
.4byte GetValue__15CMVESetPositionCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EDC48
# ROM: 0x3EAC48
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__10CMVEBounceFv
.4byte GetValue__10CMVEBounceCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EDC58
# ROM: 0x3EAC58
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__9CMVESwirlFv
.4byte GetValue__9CMVESwirlCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EDC68
# ROM: 0x3EAC68
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__24CMVEExponentialImplosionFv
.4byte GetValue__24CMVEExponentialImplosionCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EDC78
# ROM: 0x3EAC78
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__19CMVELinearImplosionFv
.4byte GetValue__19CMVELinearImplosionCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EDC88
# ROM: 0x3EAC88
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__13CMVEImplosionFv
.4byte GetValue__13CMVEImplosionCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EDC98
# ROM: 0x3EAC98
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__9CMVEPulseFv
.4byte GetValue__9CMVEPulseCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EDCA8
# ROM: 0x3EACA8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__13CMVETimeChainFv
.4byte GetValue__13CMVETimeChainCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EDCB8
# ROM: 0x3EACB8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__11CMVEExplodeFv
.4byte GetValue__11CMVEExplodeCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EDCC8
# ROM: 0x3EACC8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__8CMVEWindFv
.4byte GetValue__8CMVEWindCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EDCD8
# ROM: 0x3EACD8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__11CMVEGravityFv
.4byte GetValue__11CMVEGravityCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EDCE8
# ROM: 0x3EACE8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__16CMVEFastConstantFv
.4byte GetValue__16CMVEFastConstantCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EDCF8
# ROM: 0x3EACF8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__12CMVEConstantFv
.4byte GetValue__12CMVEConstantCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EDD08
# ROM: 0x3EAD08
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte SetGeneratorRate__12CParticleGenFf
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte GetGeneratorRate__12CParticleGenCFv
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte AddModifier__12CParticleGenFP5CWarp
.4byte 0
.section .bss .section .bss
.global lbl_804BFE28 .global lbl_804BFE28

View File

@ -1,5 +1,40 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EF748
# ROM: 0x3EC748
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__14CVEAngleSphereFv
.4byte GetValue__14CVEAngleSphereCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EF758
# ROM: 0x3EC758
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__15CEmitterElement
.4byte 0
.global lbl_803EF768
# ROM: 0x3EC768
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__9CVESphereFv
.4byte GetValue__9CVESphereCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.global lbl_803EF778
# ROM: 0x3EC778
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__16CEESimpleEmitterFv
.4byte GetValue__16CEESimpleEmitterCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global GetValue__14CVEAngleSphereCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f .global GetValue__14CVEAngleSphereCFiR9CVector3fR9CVector3f

View File

@ -1,5 +1,41 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EF7B8
# ROM: 0x3EC7B8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__17CParticleElectricFv
.4byte Update__17CParticleElectricFd
.4byte Render__17CParticleElectricFv
.4byte SetOrientation__17CParticleElectricFRC12CTransform4f
.4byte SetTranslation__17CParticleElectricFRC9CVector3f
.4byte SetGlobalOrientation__17CParticleElectricFRC12CTransform4f
.4byte SetGlobalTranslation__17CParticleElectricFRC9CVector3f
.4byte SetGlobalScale__17CParticleElectricFRC9CVector3f
.4byte SetLocalScale__17CParticleElectricFRC9CVector3f
.4byte SetParticleEmission__17CParticleElectricFb
.4byte SetModulationColor__17CParticleElectricFRC6CColor
.4byte SetGeneratorRate__12CParticleGenFf
.4byte GetOrientation__17CParticleElectricCFv
.4byte GetTranslation__17CParticleElectricCFv
.4byte GetGlobalOrientation__17CParticleElectricCFv
.4byte GetGlobalTranslation__17CParticleElectricCFv
.4byte GetGlobalScale__17CParticleElectricFv
.4byte GetParticleEmission__17CParticleElectricFv
.4byte GetModulationColor__17CParticleElectricFv
.4byte GetGeneratorRate__12CParticleGenCFv
.4byte IsSystemDeletable__17CParticleElectricFv
.4byte GetBounds__17CParticleElectricFv
.4byte GetParticleCount__17CParticleElectricFv
.4byte SystemHasLight__17CParticleElectricFv
.4byte GetLight__17CParticleElectricFv
.4byte DestroyParticles__17CParticleElectricFv
.4byte AddModifier__12CParticleGenFP5CWarp
.4byte Get4CharId__17CParticleElectricFv
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global GetTranslation__17CParticleElectricCFv .global GetTranslation__17CParticleElectricCFv

View File

@ -1,5 +1,41 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EDD80
# ROM: 0x3EAD80
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__15CParticleSwooshFv
.4byte Update__15CParticleSwooshFd
.4byte Render__15CParticleSwooshFv
.4byte SetOrientation__15CParticleSwooshFRC12CTransform4f
.4byte SetTranslation__15CParticleSwooshFRC9CVector3f
.4byte SetGlobalOrientation__15CParticleSwooshFRC12CTransform4f
.4byte SetGlobalTranslation__15CParticleSwooshFRC9CVector3f
.4byte SetGlobalScale__15CParticleSwooshFRC9CVector3f
.4byte SetLocalScale__15CParticleSwooshFRC9CVector3f
.4byte SetParticleEmission__15CParticleSwooshFb
.4byte SetModulationColor__15CParticleSwooshFRC6CColor
.4byte SetGeneratorRate__12CParticleGenFf
.4byte GetOrientation__15CParticleSwooshCFv
.4byte GetTranslation__15CParticleSwooshCFv
.4byte GetGlobalOrientation__15CParticleSwooshCFv
.4byte GetGlobalTranslation__15CParticleSwooshCFv
.4byte GetGlobalScale__15CParticleSwooshCFv
.4byte GetParticleEmission__15CParticleSwooshCFv
.4byte GetModulationColor__15CParticleSwooshCFv
.4byte GetGeneratorRate__12CParticleGenCFv
.4byte IsSystemDeletable__15CParticleSwooshCFv
.4byte GetBounds__15CParticleSwooshCFv
.4byte GetParticleCount__15CParticleSwooshCFv
.4byte SystemHasLight__15CParticleSwooshCFv
.4byte GetLight__15CParticleSwooshCFv
.4byte DestroyParticles__15CParticleSwooshFv
.4byte AddModifier__12CParticleGenFP5CWarp
.4byte Get4CharId__15CParticleSwooshCF
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global GetTranslation__15CParticleSwooshCFv .global GetTranslation__15CParticleSwooshCFv
@ -1769,6 +1805,8 @@ lbl_8032C024:
/* 8032C0FC 0032905C C0 41 00 70 */ lfs f2, 0x70(r1) /* 8032C0FC 0032905C C0 41 00 70 */ lfs f2, 0x70(r1)
/* 8032C100 00329060 38 9D 00 38 */ addi r4, r29, 0x38 /* 8032C100 00329060 38 9D 00 38 */ addi r4, r29, 0x38
/* 8032C104 00329064 EC 00 E8 2A */ fadds f0, f0, f29 /* 8032C104 00329064 EC 00 E8 2A */ fadds f0, f0, f29
.global lbl_8032C108
/* 8032C108 00329068 C0 21 00 74 */ lfs f1, 0x74(r1) /* 8032C108 00329068 C0 21 00 74 */ lfs f1, 0x74(r1)
/* 8032C10C 0032906C 80 D5 01 78 */ lwz r6, 0x178(r21) /* 8032C10C 0032906C 80 D5 01 78 */ lwz r6, 0x178(r21)
/* 8032C110 00329070 EC 42 F8 2A */ fadds f2, f2, f31 /* 8032C110 00329070 EC 42 F8 2A */ fadds f2, f2, f31

View File

@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EDDF8
# ROM: 0x3EADF8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte "__dt__46TObjOwnerDerivedFromIObj<18CSwooshDescription>Fv"
.4byte 0
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global CreateWPSM__26CParticleSwooshDataFactoryFP18CSwooshDescriptionR12CInputStreamP11CSimplePool .global CreateWPSM__26CParticleSwooshDataFactoryFP18CSwooshDescriptionR12CInputStreamP11CSimplePool

View File

@ -1,5 +1,359 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803EDE08
# ROM: 0x3EAE08
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__15CREIntTimesReal
.4byte GetValue__15CREIntTimesRealCFiRf
.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
.global lbl_803EDE1C
# ROM: 0x3EAE1C
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__20CREGetComponentAlpha
.4byte GetValue__20CREGetComponentAlphaCFiRf
.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
.global lbl_803EDE30
# ROM: 0x3EAE30
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__19CREGetComponentBlue
.4byte GetValue__19CREGetComponentBlueCFiRf
.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
.global lbl_803EDE44
# ROM: 0x3EAE44
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__20CREGetComponentGreen
.4byte GetValue__20CREGetComponentGreenCFiRf
.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EAE58
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# ROM: 0x3EAE6C
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# ROM: 0x3EAE80
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# ROM: 0x3EAE94
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# ROM: 0x3EAEA8
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# ROM: 0x3EAED0
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# ROM: 0x3EAEE4
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# ROM: 0x3EAEF8
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# ROM: 0x3EAF0C
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# ROM: 0x3EAF20
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# ROM: 0x3EAF34
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# ROM: 0x3EAF48
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# ROM: 0x3EAF5C
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# ROM: 0x3EAF70
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# ROM: 0x3EAF84
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# ROM: 0x3EAF98
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.4byte 0
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.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EAFC0
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# ROM: 0x3EAFD4
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# ROM: 0x3EAFE8
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.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
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.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB010
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.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB024
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.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB038
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.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB04C
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.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB060
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.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB074
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.4byte 0
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.4byte IsConstant__16CREInitialRandomCF
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# ROM: 0x3EB088
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# ROM: 0x3EB09C
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.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB0B0
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# ROM: 0x3EB0C4
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.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB0D8
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# ROM: 0x3EB0EC
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.4byte IsConstant__12CRealElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB100
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View File

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# ROM: 0x3EB118
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.4byte HasConstantTexture__15CUVEAnimTextureFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB134
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# ROM: 0x3EB150
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.4byte IsFastConstant__14CVectorElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB164
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.4byte 0
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.4byte IsFastConstant__14CVectorElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB178
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# ROM: 0x3EB18C
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# ROM: 0x3EB1A0
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.4byte GetValue__31CVEParticleSystemOrienatationUpCFiR9CVector3f
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# ROM: 0x3EB1B4
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.4byte 0
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.4byte GetValue__33CVEParticleSystemOrientationFrontCFiR9CVector3f
.4byte IsFastConstant__14CVectorElementCFv
.global lbl_803EE1C8
# ROM: 0x3EB1C8
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.4byte 0
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.4byte GetValue__19CVEParticleVelocityCFiR9CVector3f
.4byte IsFastConstant__14CVectorElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB1DC
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.global lbl_803EE1F0
# ROM: 0x3EB1F0
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.4byte IsFastConstant__14CVectorElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB204
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.4byte IsFastConstant__14CVectorElementCFv
.global lbl_803EE218
# ROM: 0x3EB218
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.4byte 0
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# ROM: 0x3EB22C
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.4byte IsFastConstant__14CVectorElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB240
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.4byte IsFastConstant__14CVectorElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB254
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.4byte IsFastConstant__14CVectorElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB268
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.4byte 0
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.4byte GetValue__16CVECircleClusterCFiR9CVector3f
.4byte IsFastConstant__14CVectorElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB27C
.4byte 0
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.4byte IsFastConstant__14CVectorElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB290
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.4byte 0
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.4byte IsFastConstant__14CVectorElementCFv
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# ROM: 0x3EB2A4
.4byte 0
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.4byte GetValue__12CVEAngleConeCFiR9CVector3f
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# ROM: 0x3EB2B8
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.4byte 0
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# ROM: 0x3EB2CC
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.4byte 0
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.4byte GetValue__15CVEFastConstantCFiR9CVector3f
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# ROM: 0x3EB2E0
.4byte 0
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.4byte GetValue__11CVEConstantCFiR9CVector3f
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View File

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# ROM: 0x3EB2F8
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.4byte 0
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View File

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# ROM: 0x3EB388
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View File

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# ROM: 0x3EB398
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
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.global Read__15CMemoryInStreamFPvUl .global Read__15CMemoryInStreamFPvUl

View File

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# ROM: 0x3EB3A8
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.4byte 0
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View File

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# ROM: 0x3EB3B8
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View File

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# ROM: 0x3EB3C8
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View File

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# ROM: 0x3EA8C8
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# ROM: 0x3EA8E4
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View File

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# ROM: 0x3EA5B0
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View File

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# ROM: 0x3EA5D0
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# ROM: 0x3EA5F0
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View File

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View File

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View File

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.4byte lbl_802FFA4C
.4byte lbl_802FFAE8
.4byte lbl_802FFA04
.4byte lbl_802FFA14
.4byte lbl_802FFAC8
.4byte 0
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global __dt__16CLineInstructionFv .global __dt__16CLineInstructionFv

View File

@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803ED678
# ROM: 0x3EA678
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__23CLineSpacingInstructionFv
.4byte Invoke__23CLineSpacingInstructionCFR16CFontRenderStateP17CTextRenderBuffer
.4byte PageInvoke__23CLineSpacingInstructionCFR16CFontRenderStateP17CTextRenderBuffer
.4byte "GetAssets__12CInstructionCFRQ24rstl42vector<6CToken,Q24rstl17rmemory_allocator>"
.4byte GetAssetCount__12CInstructionCFv
.4byte 0
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global __dt__23CLineSpacingInstructionFv .global __dt__23CLineSpacingInstructionFv

View File

@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803ED698
# ROM: 0x3EA698
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__20CPopStateInstructionFv
.4byte Invoke__20CPopStateInstructionCFR16CFontRenderStateP17CTextRenderBuffer
.4byte PageInvoke__20CPopStateInstructionCFR16CFontRenderStateP17CTextRenderBuffer
.4byte "GetAssets__12CInstructionCFRQ24rstl42vector<6CToken,Q24rstl17rmemory_allocator>"
.4byte GetAssetCount__12CInstructionCFv
.4byte 0
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global __dt__20CPopStateInstructionFv .global __dt__20CPopStateInstructionFv

View File

@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803ED6B8
# ROM: 0x3EA6B8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__21CPushStateInstructionFv
.4byte Invoke__21CPushStateInstructionCFR16CFontRenderStateP17CTextRenderBuffer
.4byte PageInvoke__21CPushStateInstructionCFR16CFontRenderStateP17CTextRenderBuffer
.4byte "GetAssets__12CInstructionCFRQ24rstl42vector<6CToken,Q24rstl17rmemory_allocator>"
.4byte GetAssetCount__12CInstructionCFv
.4byte 0
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global __dt__21CPushStateInstructionFv .global __dt__21CPushStateInstructionFv

View File

@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ __ct__11CRasterFontFR12CInputStreamR12IObjectStore:
/* 80300828 002FD788 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0 /* 80300828 002FD788 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 8030082C 002FD78C 90 01 00 F4 */ stw r0, 0xf4(r1) /* 8030082C 002FD78C 90 01 00 F4 */ stw r0, 0xf4(r1)
/* 80300830 002FD790 39 61 00 F0 */ addi r11, r1, 0xf0 /* 80300830 002FD790 39 61 00 F0 */ addi r11, r1, 0xf0
/* 80300834 002FD794 48 08 91 B5 */ bl sub_803899e8 /* 80300834 002FD794 48 08 91 B5 */ bl _savefpr_28
/* 80300838 002FD798 BE 81 00 A0 */ stmw r20, 0xa0(r1) /* 80300838 002FD798 BE 81 00 A0 */ stmw r20, 0xa0(r1)
/* 8030083C 002FD79C 7C 7E 1B 78 */ mr r30, r3 /* 8030083C 002FD79C 7C 7E 1B 78 */ mr r30, r3
/* 80300840 002FD7A0 38 C0 00 00 */ li r6, 0 /* 80300840 002FD7A0 38 C0 00 00 */ li r6, 0
@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ lbl_80300DBC:
lbl_80300DD4: lbl_80300DD4:
/* 80300DD4 002FDD34 7F C3 F3 78 */ mr r3, r30 /* 80300DD4 002FDD34 7F C3 F3 78 */ mr r3, r30
/* 80300DD8 002FDD38 39 61 00 F0 */ addi r11, r1, 0xf0 /* 80300DD8 002FDD38 39 61 00 F0 */ addi r11, r1, 0xf0
/* 80300DDC 002FDD3C 48 08 8C 59 */ bl sub_80389a34 /* 80300DDC 002FDD3C 48 08 8C 59 */ bl _restfpr_28
/* 80300DE0 002FDD40 BA 81 00 A0 */ lmw r20, 0xa0(r1) /* 80300DE0 002FDD40 BA 81 00 A0 */ lmw r20, 0xa0(r1)
/* 80300DE4 002FDD44 80 01 00 F4 */ lwz r0, 0xf4(r1) /* 80300DE4 002FDD44 80 01 00 F4 */ lwz r0, 0xf4(r1)
/* 80300DE8 002FDD48 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0 /* 80300DE8 002FDD48 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0

View File

@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803ED6D8
# ROM: 0x3EA6D8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__31CRemoveColorOverrideInstructionFv
.4byte Invoke__31CRemoveColorOverrideInstructionCFR16CFontRenderStateP17CTextRenderBuffer
.4byte PageInvoke__31CRemoveColorOverrideInstructionCFR16CFontRenderStateP17CTextRenderBuffer
.4byte "GetAssets__12CInstructionCFRQ24rstl42vector<6CToken,Q24rstl17rmemory_allocator>"
.4byte GetAssetCount__12CInstructionCFv
.4byte 0
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global __dt__31CRemoveColorOverrideInstructionFv .global __dt__31CRemoveColorOverrideInstructionFv

View File

@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803ED6F8
# ROM: 0x3EA6F8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte __dt__16CTextInstructionFv
.4byte Invoke__16CTextInstructionCFR16CFontRenderStateP17CTextRenderBuffer
.4byte PageInvoke__12CInstructionCFR16CFontRenderStateP17CTextRenderBuffer
.4byte "GetAssets__12CInstructionCFRQ24rstl42vector<6CToken,Q24rstl17rmemory_allocator>"
.4byte GetAssetCount__12CInstructionCFv
.4byte 0
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global __dt__16CTextInstructionFv .global __dt__16CTextInstructionFv

View File

@ -1,5 +1,37 @@
.include "macros.inc" .include "macros.inc"
.section .data
.global lbl_803ED718
# ROM: 0x3EA718
.string16 "font="
.string16 "image="
.string16 "fg-color="
.string16 "main-color="
.string16 "geometry-color="
.string16 "outline-color="
.string16 "color"
.string16 "no"
.string16 "line-spacing="
.string16 "line-extra-space="
.string16 "just="
.string16 "left"
.string16 "center"
.string16 "right"
.string16 "full"
.string16 "nleft"
.string16 "ncenter"
.string16 "nright"
.string16 "vjust="
.string16 "top"
.string16 "bottom"
.string16 "ntop"
.string16 "nbottom"
.string16 "push"
.string16 "pop"
.balign 8
.section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0 .section .text, "ax" # 0x80003640 - 0x803CB1C0
.global ParseColor__11CTextParserFPCwi .global ParseColor__11CTextParserFPCwi

View File

@ -1179,6 +1179,8 @@ AddImage__17CTextRenderBufferFRC9CVector2iRC13CFontImageDef:
/* 8035ABF4 00357B54 2C 00 00 01 */ cmpwi r0, 1 /* 8035ABF4 00357B54 2C 00 00 01 */ cmpwi r0, 1
/* 8035ABF8 00357B58 40 82 01 B8 */ bne lbl_8035ADB0 /* 8035ABF8 00357B58 40 82 01 B8 */ bne lbl_8035ADB0
/* 8035ABFC 00357B5C 4B FF F7 51 */ bl sub_8035a34c /* 8035ABFC 00357B5C 4B FF F7 51 */ bl sub_8035a34c
.global lbl_8035AC00
/* 8035AC00 00357B60 7C 7C 1B 78 */ mr r28, r3 /* 8035AC00 00357B60 7C 7C 1B 78 */ mr r28, r3
/* 8035AC04 00357B64 7F A3 EB 78 */ mr r3, r29 /* 8035AC04 00357B64 7F A3 EB 78 */ mr r3, r29
/* 8035AC08 00357B68 4B FF F7 7D */ bl GetOutStream__17CTextRenderBufferFv /* 8035AC08 00357B68 4B FF F7 7D */ bl GetOutStream__17CTextRenderBufferFv

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More