More allocator work

Former-commit-id: 57ce723ec2
This commit is contained in:
Phillip Stephens 2022-09-19 21:35:24 -07:00
parent b32c6018e8
commit 57bb02906e
16 changed files with 700 additions and 74 deletions

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
.section .data
.balign 8
.global lbl_803EF6D8
.global __vt__14CGameAllocator
# ROM: 0x3EC6D8
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
@ -26,11 +26,8 @@ lbl_803EF6D8:
.section .sbss, "wa"
.balign 8
.global lbl_805A95D8
.skip 0x8
.global lbl_805A95E0
.global gAllocatorTime
.skip 0x4
.global lbl_805A95E4
@ -1054,11 +1051,11 @@ lbl_80351EC0:
/* 80351EC0 0034EE20 28 18 00 00 */ cmplwi r24, 0
/* 80351EC4 0034EE24 41 82 00 20 */ beq lbl_80351EE4
/* 80351EC8 0034EE28 48 03 34 F9 */ bl OSGetTick
/* 80351ECC 0034EE2C 80 0D AA 20 */ lwz r0, lbl_805A95E0@sda21(r13)
/* 80351ECC 0034EE2C 80 0D AA 20 */ lwz r0, gAllocatorTime@sda21(r13)
/* 80351ED0 0034EE30 7C 99 18 50 */ subf r4, r25, r3
/* 80351ED4 0034EE34 7F 03 C3 78 */ mr r3, r24
/* 80351ED8 0034EE38 7C 00 22 14 */ add r0, r0, r4
/* 80351EDC 0034EE3C 90 0D AA 20 */ stw r0, lbl_805A95E0@sda21(r13)
/* 80351EDC 0034EE3C 90 0D AA 20 */ stw r0, gAllocatorTime@sda21(r13)
/* 80351EE0 0034EE40 48 00 02 84 */ b lbl_80352164
/* 80351EE4 0034EE44 38 60 00 19 */ li r3, 0x19
@ -1073,7 +1070,7 @@ lbl_80351EF4:
/* 80351F04 0034EE64 41 81 01 08 */ bgt lbl_8035200C
/* 80351F08 0034EE68 57 60 07 FF */ clrlwi. r0, r27, 0x1f
/* 80351F0C 0034EE6C 40 82 01 00 */ bne lbl_8035200C
/* 80351F10 0034EE70 4B FF ED CD */ bl sub_80350cdc
/* 80351F10 0034EE70 4B FF ED CD */ bl HasPuddles__16CMediumAllocPoolCFv
/* 80351F14 0034EE74 54 60 06 3F */ clrlwi. r0, r3, 0x18
/* 80351F18 0034EE78 40 82 00 20 */ bne lbl_80351F38
/* 80351F1C 0034EE7C 80 7F 00 74 */ lwz r3, 0x74(r31)
@ -1081,7 +1078,7 @@ lbl_80351EF4:
/* 80351F24 0034EE84 80 BF 00 78 */ lwz r5, 0x78(r31)
/* 80351F28 0034EE88 38 80 10 00 */ li r4, 0x1000
/* 80351F2C 0034EE8C 38 C0 00 00 */ li r6, 0
/* 80351F30 0034EE90 4B FF EA 61 */ bl AddPuddle__16CMediumAllocPoolFUiPvPvi
/* 80351F30 0034EE90 4B FF EA 61 */ bl AddPuddle__16CMediumAllocPoolFUiPvi
/* 80351F34 0034EE94 92 FF 00 78 */ stw r23, 0x78(r31)
/* 80351F38 0034EE98 80 7F 00 74 */ lwz r3, 0x74(r31)
@ -1112,7 +1109,7 @@ lbl_80351F38:
/* 80351F9C 0034EEFC 7C 05 03 78 */ mr r5, r0
/* 80351FA0 0034EF00 38 80 10 00 */ li r4, 0x1000
/* 80351FA4 0034EF04 38 C0 00 01 */ li r6, 1
/* 80351FA8 0034EF08 4B FF E9 E9 */ bl AddPuddle__16CMediumAllocPoolFUiPvPvi
/* 80351FA8 0034EF08 4B FF E9 E9 */ bl AddPuddle__16CMediumAllocPoolFUiPvi
/* 80351FAC 0034EF0C 80 7F 00 74 */ lwz r3, 0x74(r31)
/* 80351FB0 0034EF10 7F 44 D3 78 */ mr r4, r26
/* 80351FB4 0034EF14 4B FF EC 85 */ bl Alloc__16CMediumAllocPoolFUi
@ -1121,11 +1118,11 @@ lbl_80351FBC:
/* 80351FBC 0034EF1C 28 17 00 00 */ cmplwi r23, 0
/* 80351FC0 0034EF20 41 82 00 20 */ beq lbl_80351FE0
/* 80351FC4 0034EF24 48 03 33 FD */ bl OSGetTick
/* 80351FC8 0034EF28 80 0D AA 20 */ lwz r0, lbl_805A95E0@sda21(r13)
/* 80351FC8 0034EF28 80 0D AA 20 */ lwz r0, gAllocatorTime@sda21(r13)
/* 80351FCC 0034EF2C 7C 99 18 50 */ subf r4, r25, r3
/* 80351FD0 0034EF30 7E E3 BB 78 */ mr r3, r23
/* 80351FD4 0034EF34 7C 00 22 14 */ add r0, r0, r4
/* 80351FD8 0034EF38 90 0D AA 20 */ stw r0, lbl_805A95E0@sda21(r13)
/* 80351FD8 0034EF38 90 0D AA 20 */ stw r0, gAllocatorTime@sda21(r13)
/* 80351FDC 0034EF3C 48 00 01 88 */ b lbl_80352164
/* 80351FE0 0034EF40 88 1F 00 7C */ lbz r0, 0x7c(r31)
@ -1229,11 +1226,11 @@ lbl_8035213C:
/* 80352144 0034F0A4 7E C5 B3 78 */ mr r5, r22
/* 80352148 0034F0A8 4B FF F8 21 */ bl UpdateAllocDebugStats__14CGameAllocatorFUiUiUi
/* 8035214C 0034F0AC 48 03 32 75 */ bl OSGetTick
/* 80352150 0034F0B0 80 0D AA 20 */ lwz r0, lbl_805A95E0@sda21(r13)
/* 80352150 0034F0B0 80 0D AA 20 */ lwz r0, gAllocatorTime@sda21(r13)
/* 80352154 0034F0B4 7C 99 18 50 */ subf r4, r25, r3
/* 80352158 0034F0B8 38 78 00 20 */ addi r3, r24, 0x20
/* 8035215C 0034F0BC 7C 00 22 14 */ add r0, r0, r4
/* 80352160 0034F0C0 90 0D AA 20 */ stw r0, lbl_805A95E0@sda21(r13)
/* 80352160 0034F0C0 90 0D AA 20 */ stw r0, gAllocatorTime@sda21(r13)
/* 80352164 0034F0C4 BA C1 00 18 */ lmw r22, 0x18(r1)
/* 80352168 0034F0C8 80 01 00 44 */ lwz r0, 0x44(r1)
@ -1502,8 +1499,8 @@ __dt__14CGameAllocatorFv:
/* 80352558 0034F4B8 93 C1 00 08 */ stw r30, 8(r1)
/* 8035255C 0034F4BC 7C 7E 1B 79 */ or. r30, r3, r3
/* 80352560 0034F4C0 41 82 00 50 */ beq lbl_803525B0
/* 80352564 0034F4C4 3C 60 80 3F */ lis r3, lbl_803EF6D8@ha
/* 80352568 0034F4C8 38 03 F6 D8 */ addi r0, r3, lbl_803EF6D8@l
/* 80352564 0034F4C4 3C 60 80 3F */ lis r3, __vt__14CGameAllocator@ha
/* 80352568 0034F4C8 38 03 F6 D8 */ addi r0, r3, __vt__14CGameAllocator@l
/* 8035256C 0034F4CC 90 1E 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r30)
/* 80352570 0034F4D0 80 7E 00 74 */ lwz r3, 0x74(r30)
/* 80352574 0034F4D4 28 03 00 00 */ cmplwi r3, 0
@ -1534,11 +1531,11 @@ lbl_803525B0:
.global __ct__14CGameAllocatorFv
/* 803525CC 0034F52C 3C A0 80 3F */ lis r5, __vt__10IAllocator@ha
/* 803525D0 0034F530 3C 80 80 3F */ lis r4, lbl_803EF6D8@ha
/* 803525D0 0034F530 3C 80 80 3F */ lis r4, __vt__14CGameAllocator@ha
/* 803525D4 0034F534 38 A5 D9 C0 */ addi r5, r5, __vt__10IAllocator@l
/* 803525D8 0034F538 38 00 00 00 */ li r0, 0
/* 803525DC 0034F53C 90 A3 00 00 */ stw r5, 0(r3)
/* 803525E0 0034F540 38 84 F6 D8 */ addi r4, r4, lbl_803EF6D8@l
/* 803525E0 0034F540 38 84 F6 D8 */ addi r4, r4, __vt__14CGameAllocator@l
/* 803525E4 0034F544 90 83 00 00 */ stw r4, 0(r3)
/* 803525E8 0034F548 98 03 00 04 */ stb r0, 4(r3)
/* 803525EC 0034F54C 90 03 00 08 */ stw r0, 8(r3)
@ -1581,7 +1578,7 @@ GetMemInfoFromBlockPtr__14CGameAllocatorCFPCv:
.global lbl_805AE9B8
# ROM: 0x3FB258
.4byte 0x3BA3D70A
.float 0.005
.4byte 0
@ -1591,21 +1588,15 @@ lbl_805AE9B8:
# ROM: 0x3D5248
.asciz "<NULL>"
.byte 0x3C
.4byte 0x004D6564
.asciz "iumAllocMainData "
.asciz ""
.asciz "MediumAllocMainData "
.asciz " - Ignore"
.byte 0x4D, 0x65
.asciz "mHead"
.byte 0x4D, 0x65
.asciz "mTail"
.byte 0x53, 0x6D
.asciz "allAllocMainData "
.asciz "MemHead"
.asciz "MemTail"
.asciz "SmallAllocMainData "
.asciz "SmallAllocBookKeeping"
.byte 0x53, 0x6D
.asciz "allAllocClass "
.asciz "SmallAllocClass "
.asciz "MediumAllocClass "
.balign 4
.4byte 0
.balign 8

View File

@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
.include ""
.section .sbss, "ax"
.balign 8
.global gMediumAllocPtr__16CMediumAllocPool
.skip 0x4
.section .text, "ax"
.global sub_80350540
.global InitBookKeeping__18SMediumAllocPuddleFPvUi
/* 80350540 0034D4A0 54 85 04 3E */ clrlwi r5, r4, 0x10
/* 80350544 0034D4A4 28 05 00 04 */ cmplwi r5, 4
/* 80350548 0034D4A8 40 80 00 48 */ bge lbl_80350590
@ -36,8 +43,8 @@ lbl_80350590:
/* 803505A8 0034D508 98 05 FF FF */ stb r0, -1(r5)
/* 803505AC 0034D50C 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global sub_803505b0
.global GetBlockOffset_18SMediumAllocPuddleFCPvCPv
/* 803505B0 0034D510 7C 03 20 50 */ subf r0, r3, r4
/* 803505B4 0034D514 2C 00 00 01 */ cmpwi r0, 1
/* 803505B8 0034D518 40 81 00 0C */ ble lbl_803505C4
@ -66,8 +73,8 @@ lbl_80350604:
/* 80350604 0034D564 54 03 04 3E */ clrlwi r3, r0, 0x10
/* 80350608 0034D568 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global sub_8035060c
.global Free_18SMediumAllocPuddleFCPv
/* 8035060C 0034D56C 94 21 FF E0 */ stwu r1, -0x20(r1)
/* 80350610 0034D570 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 80350614 0034D574 90 01 00 24 */ stw r0, 0x24(r1)
@ -132,13 +139,13 @@ lbl_803506DC:
/* 803506E8 0034D648 88 03 00 00 */ lbz r0, 0(r3)
/* 803506EC 0034D64C 54 00 06 31 */ rlwinm. r0, r0, 0, 0x18, 0x18
/* 803506F0 0034D650 40 81 00 10 */ ble lbl_80350700
/* 803506F4 0034D654 4B FF FE BD */ bl sub_803505b0
/* 803506F4 0034D654 4B FF FE BD */ bl GetBlockOffset_18SMediumAllocPuddleFCPvCPv
/* 803506F8 0034D658 7C 1D 1A 14 */ add r0, r29, r3
/* 803506FC 0034D65C 54 1D 04 3E */ clrlwi r29, r0, 0x10
/* 80350700 0034D660 7F C3 F3 78 */ mr r3, r30
/* 80350704 0034D664 57 A4 04 3E */ clrlwi r4, r29, 0x10
/* 80350708 0034D668 4B FF FE 39 */ bl sub_80350540
/* 80350708 0034D668 4B FF FE 39 */ bl InitBookKeeping__18SMediumAllocPuddleFPvUi
/* 8035070C 0034D66C 57 80 06 3F */ clrlwi. r0, r28, 0x18
/* 80350710 0034D670 41 82 00 24 */ beq lbl_80350734
/* 80350714 0034D674 7C 1E F8 40 */ cmplw r30, r31
@ -157,8 +164,8 @@ lbl_80350734:
/* 80350740 0034D6A0 38 21 00 20 */ addi r1, r1, 0x20
/* 80350744 0034D6A4 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global sub_80350748
.global FindFreeEntry__18SMediumAllocPuddleFUi
/* 80350748 0034D6A8 94 21 FF E0 */ stwu r1, -0x20(r1)
/* 8035074C 0034D6AC 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 80350750 0034D6B0 90 01 00 24 */ stw r0, 0x24(r1)
@ -194,7 +201,7 @@ lbl_803507B0:
/* 803507B8 0034D718 7F 83 E3 78 */ mr r3, r28
/* 803507BC 0034D71C 7F A4 EB 78 */ mr r4, r29
/* 803507C0 0034D720 4B FF FD F1 */ bl sub_803505b0
/* 803507C0 0034D720 4B FF FD F1 */ bl GetBlockOffset_18SMediumAllocPuddleFCPvCPv
/* 803507C4 0034D724 54 60 04 3E */ clrlwi r0, r3, 0x10
/* 803507C8 0034D728 7C 00 D8 40 */ cmplw r0, r27
/* 803507CC 0034D72C 41 80 00 24 */ blt lbl_803507F0
@ -202,7 +209,7 @@ lbl_803507B8:
/* 803507D4 0034D734 54 04 04 3F */ clrlwi. r4, r0, 0x10
/* 803507D8 0034D738 41 82 00 0C */ beq lbl_803507E4
/* 803507DC 0034D73C 7C 7C DA 14 */ add r3, r28, r27
/* 803507E0 0034D740 4B FF FD 61 */ bl sub_80350540
/* 803507E0 0034D740 4B FF FD 61 */ bl InitBookKeeping__18SMediumAllocPuddleFPvUi
/* 803507E4 0034D744 93 9A 00 0C */ stw r28, 0xc(r26)
/* 803507E8 0034D748 7F 83 E3 78 */ mr r3, r28
@ -235,7 +242,7 @@ FindFree__16CMediumAllocPoolFi:
/* 80350838 0034D798 7C 9F 23 78 */ mr r31, r4
/* 8035083C 0034D79C 93 C1 00 08 */ stw r30, 8(r1)
/* 80350840 0034D7A0 7C 7E 1B 78 */ mr r30, r3
/* 80350844 0034D7A4 4B FF FF 05 */ bl sub_80350748
/* 80350844 0034D7A4 4B FF FF 05 */ bl FindFreeEntry__18SMediumAllocPuddleFUi
/* 80350848 0034D7A8 28 03 00 00 */ cmplwi r3, 0
/* 8035084C 0034D7AC 40 82 00 0C */ bne lbl_80350858
/* 80350850 0034D7B0 38 60 00 00 */ li r3, 0
@ -293,8 +300,8 @@ lbl_803508F0:
/* 80350904 0034D864 38 21 00 10 */ addi r1, r1, 0x10
/* 80350908 0034D868 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global __ct__18SMediumAllocPuddleFUiPvPv
.global __ct__18SMediumAllocPuddleFUiPv
/* 8035090C 0034D86C 94 21 FF F0 */ stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
/* 80350910 0034D870 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 80350914 0034D874 38 E0 00 00 */ li r7, 0
@ -321,7 +328,7 @@ __ct__18SMediumAllocPuddleFUiPvPv:
/* 80350968 0034D8C8 50 C0 3E 30 */ rlwimi r0, r6, 7, 0x18, 0x18
/* 8035096C 0034D8CC 98 1F 00 20 */ stb r0, 0x20(r31)
/* 80350970 0034D8D0 80 7F 00 08 */ lwz r3, 8(r31)
/* 80350974 0034D8D4 4B FF FB CD */ bl sub_80350540
/* 80350974 0034D8D4 4B FF FB CD */ bl InitBookKeeping__18SMediumAllocPuddleFPvUi
/* 80350978 0034D8D8 80 01 00 14 */ lwz r0, 0x14(r1)
/* 8035097C 0034D8DC 7F E3 FB 78 */ mr r3, r31
/* 80350980 0034D8E0 83 E1 00 0C */ lwz r31, 0xc(r1)
@ -329,18 +336,18 @@ __ct__18SMediumAllocPuddleFUiPvPv:
/* 80350988 0034D8E8 38 21 00 10 */ addi r1, r1, 0x10
/* 8035098C 0034D8EC 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global AddPuddle__16CMediumAllocPoolFUiPvPvi
.global AddPuddle__16CMediumAllocPoolFUiPvi
/* 80350990 0034D8F0 94 21 FF C0 */ stwu r1, -0x40(r1)
/* 80350994 0034D8F4 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 80350998 0034D8F8 90 01 00 44 */ stw r0, 0x44(r1)
/* 8035099C 0034D8FC 93 E1 00 3C */ stw r31, 0x3c(r1)
/* 803509A0 0034D900 7C 7F 1B 78 */ mr r31, r3
/* 803509A4 0034D904 38 61 00 08 */ addi r3, r1, 8
/* 803509A8 0034D908 4B FF FF 65 */ bl __ct__18SMediumAllocPuddleFUiPvPv
/* 803509A8 0034D908 4B FF FF 65 */ bl __ct__18SMediumAllocPuddleFUiPv
/* 803509AC 0034D90C 7F E3 FB 78 */ mr r3, r31
/* 803509B0 0034D910 38 81 00 08 */ addi r4, r1, 8
/* 803509B4 0034D914 48 00 00 39 */ bl sub_803509ec
/* 803509B4 0034D914 48 00 00 39 */ bl "push_back__Q24rstl53list<18SMediumAllocPuddle,Q24rstl17rmemory_allocator>FRC18SMediumAllocPuddle"
/* 803509B8 0034D918 38 61 00 08 */ addi r3, r1, 8
/* 803509BC 0034D91C 38 80 FF FF */ li r4, -1
/* 803509C0 0034D920 4B FF FE E9 */ bl __dt__18SMediumAllocPuddleFv
@ -355,8 +362,8 @@ AddPuddle__16CMediumAllocPoolFUiPvPvi:
/* 803509E4 0034D944 38 21 00 40 */ addi r1, r1, 0x40
/* 803509E8 0034D948 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global sub_803509ec
.global "push_back__Q24rstl53list<18SMediumAllocPuddle,Q24rstl17rmemory_allocator>FRC18SMediumAllocPuddle"
/* 803509EC 0034D94C 94 21 FF F0 */ stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
/* 803509F0 0034D950 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 803509F4 0034D954 7C 85 23 78 */ mr r5, r4
@ -502,7 +509,7 @@ lbl_80350BB0:
/* 80350BC0 0034DB20 54 00 28 34 */ slwi r0, r0, 5
/* 80350BC4 0034DB24 7C 05 00 40 */ cmplw r5, r0
/* 80350BC8 0034DB28 40 80 00 48 */ bge lbl_80350C10
/* 80350BCC 0034DB2C 4B FF FA 41 */ bl sub_8035060c
/* 80350BCC 0034DB2C 4B FF FA 41 */ bl Free_18SMediumAllocPuddleFCPv
/* 80350BD0 0034DB30 80 1F 00 20 */ lwz r0, 0x20(r31)
/* 80350BD4 0034DB34 28 00 00 00 */ cmplwi r0, 0
/* 80350BD8 0034DB38 40 82 00 30 */ bne lbl_80350C08
@ -584,8 +591,8 @@ lbl_80350CC0:
/* 80350CD4 0034DC34 38 21 00 20 */ addi r1, r1, 0x20
/* 80350CD8 0034DC38 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global sub_80350cdc
.global HasPuddles__16CMediumAllocPoolCFv
/* 80350CDC 0034DC3C 80 63 00 14 */ lwz r3, 0x14(r3)
/* 80350CE0 0034DC40 7C 03 00 D0 */ neg r0, r3
/* 80350CE4 0034DC44 7C 00 1B 78 */ or r0, r0, r3
@ -620,7 +627,7 @@ lbl_80350D3C:
/* 80350D3C 0034DC9C 7C 04 F8 40 */ cmplw r4, r31
/* 80350D40 0034DCA0 40 82 FF F0 */ bne lbl_80350D30
/* 80350D44 0034DCA4 38 00 00 00 */ li r0, 0
/* 80350D48 0034DCA8 90 0D AA 18 */ stw r0, lbl_805A95D8@sda21(r13)
/* 80350D48 0034DCA8 90 0D AA 18 */ stw r0, gMediumAllocPtr__16CMediumAllocPool@sda21(r13)
/* 80350D4C 0034DCAC 80 01 00 14 */ lwz r0, 0x14(r1)
/* 80350D50 0034DCB0 83 E1 00 0C */ lwz r31, 0xc(r1)
/* 80350D54 0034DCB4 83 C1 00 08 */ lwz r30, 8(r1)
@ -639,7 +646,7 @@ __ct__16CMediumAllocPoolFv:
/* 80350D7C 0034DCDC 90 03 00 14 */ stw r0, 0x14(r3)
/* 80350D80 0034DCE0 80 03 00 04 */ lwz r0, 4(r3)
/* 80350D84 0034DCE4 90 03 00 18 */ stw r0, 0x18(r3)
/* 80350D88 0034DCE8 90 6D AA 18 */ stw r3, lbl_805A95D8@sda21(r13)
/* 80350D88 0034DCE8 90 6D AA 18 */ stw r3, gMediumAllocPtr__16CMediumAllocPool@sda21(r13)
/* 80350D8C 0034DCEC 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global "erase__Q24rstl53list<18SMediumAllocPuddle,Q24rstl17rmemory_allocator>FRCQ34rstl53list<18SMediumAllocPuddle,Q24rstl17rmemory_allocator>8iteratorRCQ34rstl53list<18SMediumAllocPuddle,Q24rstl17rmemory_allocator>8iterator"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
static const int kPointerSize = sizeof(void*);
static const int kPointerBits = kPointerSize * 8;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#ifndef __CCALLSTACK_HPP__
#define __CCALLSTACK_HPP__
class CCallStack {
CCallStack(uint lineNum, const char* lineStr, const char* type);
const char* GetFileAndLineText() const;
const char* GetTypeText() const;
const char* x0_line;
const char* x4_type;
#endif // __CCALLSTACK_HPP__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
#include <types.h>
#include <Kyoto/Alloc/IAllocator.hpp>
#include <Kyoto/Alloc/CMediumAllocPool.hpp>
class CSmallAllocPool;
class CMediumAllocPool;
class COsContext;
class CGameAllocator : public IAllocator {
class SGameMemInfo {
SGameMemInfo(SGameMemInfo* prev, SGameMemInfo* next, SGameMemInfo* nextFree, uint len, const char* fileAndLine, const char* type)
: x0_priorGuard(0xefefefef)
, x4_len(len)
, x8_fileAndLine(fileAndLine)
, xc_type(type)
, x10_prev(prev)
, x14_next(next)
, x18_nextFree(nextFree)
, x1c_postGuard(0xeaeaeaea) {}
SGameMemInfo* GetPrev() { return (SGameMemInfo*)((size_t)x10_prev & ~31); }
void SetPrev(SGameMemInfo* prev) {
void* ptr = x10_prev;
x10_prev = prev;
x10_prev = (SGameMemInfo*)(((size_t)ptr & 31) | ((size_t)x10_prev & ~31));
SGameMemInfo* GetNext() const { return (SGameMemInfo*)((size_t)x14_next & ~31); }
void SetNext(SGameMemInfo* next) {
void* ptr = x14_next;
x14_next = next;
x14_next = (SGameMemInfo*)(((size_t)ptr & 31) | ((size_t)x14_next & ~31));
u32 GetPrevMaskedFlags();
u32 GetNextMaskedFlags();
void SetTopOfHeapAllocated(bool topOfHeap);
size_t GetLength() const { return x4_len; }
SGameMemInfo* GetNextFree() const { return (SGameMemInfo*)((size_t)x18_nextFree & ~31); }
void SetNextFree(SGameMemInfo* info) {
void* ptr = x18_nextFree;
x18_nextFree = info;
x18_nextFree = (SGameMemInfo*)(((size_t)ptr & 31) | ((size_t)x18_nextFree & ~31));
bool IsAllocated() const { return ((size_t)x10_prev) & 1; }
int x0_priorGuard;
size_t x4_len;
const char* x8_fileAndLine;
const char* xc_type;
SGameMemInfo* x10_prev;
SGameMemInfo* x14_next;
SGameMemInfo* x18_nextFree;
int x1c_postGuard;
SGameMemInfo* GetMemInfoFromBlockPtr(const void* ptr) const;
bool Initialize(COsContext& ctx);
void Shutdown();
void* Alloc(size_t, EHint, EScope, EType, const CCallStack&) override;
SGameMemInfo* FindFreeBlock(uint);
SGameMemInfo* FindFreeBlockFromTopOfHeap(uint);
uint FixupAllocPtrs(SGameMemInfo*, uint, uint, EHint, const CCallStack&);
void UpdateAllocDebugStats(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
bool Free(const void* ptr) override;
bool FreeNormalAllocation(const void* ptr);
void ReleaseAll() override;
void* AllocSecondary(size_t, IAllocator::EHint, IAllocator::EScope, IAllocator::EType, const CCallStack&) override;
bool FreeSecondary(const void* ptr) override;
void ReleaseAllSecondary() override;
void SetOutOfMemoryCallback(FOutOfMemoryCb cb, const void* target) override;
void EnumAllocations(FEnumAllocationsCb func, const void* ptr, bool b) const override;
SAllocInfo GetAllocInfo(const void* ptr) const override;
SMetrics GetMetrics() const override;
void OffsetFakeStatics(int offset) override;
static uint GetFreeBinEntryForSize(uint);
void AddFreeEntryToFreeList(SGameMemInfo*);
void RemoveFreeEntryFromFreeList(SGameMemInfo*);
void DumpAllocations() const;
size_t GetLargestFreeChunk() const;
SGameMemInfo** GetBinPtr(u32 bin) { return &x14_bins[bin]; }
u8 x4_;
u8 x5_;
u8 x6_;
u8 x7_;
u32 x8_heapSize;
SGameMemInfo* xc_first;
SGameMemInfo* x10_last;
SGameMemInfo* x14_bins[16];
u32 x54_;
FOutOfMemoryCb x58_oomCallback;
const void* x5c_oomTarget;
CSmallAllocPool* x60_smallAllocPool;
void* x64_smallAllocMainData;
void* x68_smallAllocBookKeeping;
bool x6c_;
int x70_;
CMediumAllocPool* x74_mediumPool;
void* x78_;
bool x7c_;
uint x80_;
uint x84_;
uint x88_;
uint x8c_;
uint x90_heapSize2;
uint x94_;
uint x98_;
uint x9c_;
uint xa0_;
uint xa4_;
uint xa8_;
uint xac_;
mutable uint xb0_;
void* xb4_physicalAddr;
uint xb8_fakeStatics;
uint xbc_;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#include <rstl/list.hpp>
class CMediumAllocPool {
struct SMediumAllocPuddle {
u8 unk;
void* x4_mainData;
void* x8_bookKeeping;
void* xc_cachedBookKeepingOffset;
int x10_;
int x14_numBlocks;
int x18_numAllocs;
int x1c_numEntries;
rstl::list<SMediumAllocPuddle> x0_list;
/*rstl::list_node<SMediumAllocPuddle>* x18_lastNodePrev; */
void* x18_lastNodePrev;
void* Alloc(uint size);
bool HasPuddles() const;
void AddPuddle(uint, void*, int);
void ClearPuddles();
s32 Free(const void* ptr);
uint GetTotalEntries();
uint GetNumBlocksAvailable();
uint GetNumAllocs();

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
#include <types.h>
static const int kPointerSize = sizeof(void*);
#include <Kyoto/Alloc/AllocatorCommon.hpp>
class CSmallAllocPool {
CSmallAllocPool(uint len, void* mainData, void* bookKeeping);
@ -12,13 +13,21 @@ public:
bool Free(const void* ptr);
uint GetIndexFromPtr(const void* ptr) const {
return ((const u8*)ptr - x0_mainData) / kPointerSize;
bool PtrWithinPool(const void* ptr) const {
return u32((reinterpret_cast< const u8* >(ptr) - reinterpret_cast< u8* >(x0_mainData)) / 4) < x8_numBlocks;
uint GetIndexFromPtr(const void* ptr) const { return ((const u8*)ptr - x0_mainData) / kPointerSize; }
long GetEntryValue(uint idx) const { return (long)*((u8*)x4_bookKeeping + idx); }
u8* GetPtrFromIndex(unsigned int idx) const {
return static_cast< u8* >(x0_mainData) + (idx << 3);
u8* GetPtrFromIndex(unsigned int idx) const { return static_cast< u8* >(x0_mainData) + (idx << 3); }
uint GetNumBlocksAvailable() const { return x18_numBlocksAvailable; }
uint GetTotalEntries() const { return x8_numBlocks; }
uint GetAllocatedSize() const { return x8_numBlocks - x18_numBlocksAvailable; }
uint GetNumAllocs() const { return x1c_numAllocs; }
void* x0_mainData;
void* x4_bookKeeping;
int x8_numBlocks;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "Kyoto/Alloc/CMemory.hpp"
#include "types.h"
#include <stddef.h>
class COsContext;
class CCallStack;
@ -10,13 +11,20 @@ class CCallStack;
class IAllocator {
enum EHint {
kHI_Unk = (1 << 0),
kHI_None = 0,
kHI_TopOfHeap = (1 << 0),
kHI_RoundUpLen = (1 << 1),
enum EScope {
enum EType {
enum EType { kTP_Unk0 };
struct SMetrics {
uint x0_heapSize;
@ -46,6 +54,7 @@ public:
uint smallAllocAllocatedSize, uint smallAllocRemainingSize, uint mediumAllocNumAllocs,
uint mediumAllocAllocatedSize, uint mediumAllocBlocksAvailable, uint unk10, uint unk11,
uint unk12, uint mediumAllocTotalAllocated, uint fakeStatics);
SMetrics(const SMetrics& other);
struct SAllocInfo {
@ -57,7 +66,7 @@ public:
const char* x10_type;
typedef const bool (*FOutOfMemoryCb)(void*, uint);
typedef const bool (*FOutOfMemoryCb)(const void*, uint);
typedef const bool (*FEnumAllocationsCb)(const SAllocInfo& info, const void* ptr);
virtual ~IAllocator();
@ -65,11 +74,11 @@ public:
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
virtual void* Alloc(unsigned long size, EHint hint, EScope scope, EType type,
const CCallStack& cs) = 0;
virtual void Free(const void* ptr) = 0;
virtual bool Free(const void* ptr) = 0;
virtual void ReleaseAll() = 0;
virtual void* AllocSecondary(unsigned long size, EHint hint, EScope scope, EType type,
const CCallStack& cs) = 0;
virtual void FreeSecondary(const void* ptr) = 0;
virtual bool FreeSecondary(const void* ptr) = 0;
virtual void ReleaseAllSecondary() = 0;
virtual void SetOutOfMemoryCallback(FOutOfMemoryCb cb, const void* data) = 0;
virtual void EnumAllocations(FEnumAllocationsCb func, const void* ptr, bool b) const = 0;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#include <stddef.h>
#include "types.h"
#include <dolphin/gx/GXStruct.h>
@ -10,6 +12,12 @@ public:
COsContext(bool, bool);
uint GetBaseFreeRam() const {
size_t hiAddr = reinterpret_cast< size_t >(x1c_arenaHi);
size_t loAddr = reinterpret_cast< size_t >(x20_arenaLo2);
return ((hiAddr & ~31) - ((loAddr + 31) & ~31));
int x0_right;
int x4_bottom;

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ public:
return (mData.GetCPUCycles() - x0_startTime) / mData.GetTimerFreqO1M();
static void Wait(f32);
static CSWData mData;
static CStopwatch mGlobalTimer;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

View File

@ -52,7 +52,16 @@ u32 __OSCoreClock AT_ADDRESS(OS_BASE_CACHED | 0x00FC); // sync with OSLoMem.h
#define OSRoundUp32B(v) (((u32)(v + 31) & ~31))
void* OSGetArenaHi(void);
void* OSGetArenaLo(void);
void OSSetArenaHi(void* newHi);
void OSSetArenaLo(void* newLo);
void* OSAllocFromArenaLo(u32 size, u32 align);
void* OSAllocFromArenaHi(u32 size, u32 align);
OSTime OSGetTime();
OSTick OSGetTick();
void OSReport(const char* msg, ...);
void OSPanic(const char* file, int line, const char* msg, ...);

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ METROIDPRIME :=\

View File

@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
#include <Kyoto/Alloc/CGameAllocator.hpp>
#include <Kyoto/Alloc/CCallStack.hpp>
#include <Kyoto/Alloc/CMediumAllocPool.hpp>
#include <Kyoto/Alloc/CSmallAllocPool.hpp>
#include <Kyoto/Basics/COsContext.hpp>
#include <Kyoto/Basics/CStopwatch.hpp>
/* Here just to make sure the data section matches */
static const char* string_NULL = "<NULL>";
static const char* string_ = "";
static int gAllocatorTime = 0;
template < typename U1, typename U2 >
static inline U1 T_round_up(U2 val, int align) {
return (val + (align - 1)) & ~(align - 1);
CGameAllocator::SGameMemInfo* CGameAllocator::GetMemInfoFromBlockPtr(const void* ptr) const {
return (SGameMemInfo*)(const_cast< u8* >(ptr) - sizeof(SGameMemInfo));
: x4_(0)
, x8_heapSize(0)
, xc_first(nullptr)
, x10_last(nullptr)
, x54_(0)
, x58_oomCallback(nullptr)
, x5c_oomTarget(nullptr)
, x60_smallAllocPool(nullptr)
, x64_smallAllocMainData(nullptr)
, x68_smallAllocBookKeeping(nullptr)
, x6c_(false)
, x70_(0)
, x74_mediumPool(nullptr)
, x80_(0)
, x84_(0)
, x88_(0)
, x8c_(0)
, x90_heapSize2(0)
, x94_(0)
, x98_(0)
, x9c_(0)
, xa0_(0)
, xa4_(0)
, xa8_(0)
, xac_(0)
, xb0_(0)
, xb4_physicalAddr(nullptr)
, xb8_fakeStatics(0)
, xbc_(0) {}
CGameAllocator::~CGameAllocator() {
if (x74_mediumPool) {
x74_mediumPool = nullptr;
bool CGameAllocator::Initialize(COsContext& ctx) {}
void CGameAllocator::Shutdown() {
x4_ = 0;
x54_ = 0;
void* CGameAllocator::Alloc(size_t size, EHint hint, EScope scope, EType type, const CCallStack& callstack) {
OSTick startTick = OSGetTick();
if (hint & kHI_RoundUpLen) {
size = T_round_up< size_t, size_t >(size, 32);
bool bVar1 = size <= 56 && !(hint & (kHI_RoundUpLen | kHI_TopOfHeap)) && x60_smallAllocPool;
if (bVar1 && x70_ > 0) {
bVar1 = false;
if (bVar1) {
void* buf = x60_smallAllocPool->Alloc(size);
u32 tmp = x60_smallAllocPool->GetAllocatedSize();
if (xac_ < tmp) {
xac_ = tmp;
static int sLastSmallAllocSize = 0;
if (sLastSmallAllocSize + 128 < tmp) {
sLastSmallAllocSize = tmp;
if (buf != nullptr) {
gAllocatorTime += (OSGetTick() - startTick);
return buf;
x70_ = 25;
x6c_ = true;
if (x74_mediumPool && size <= 0x400 && !(hint & kHI_TopOfHeap)) {
void* buf = nullptr;
if (!x74_mediumPool->HasPuddles()) {
void* ptr = x78_;
uint puddleSize = 0x1000;
x74_mediumPool->AddPuddle(puddleSize, ptr, 0);
x78_ = nullptr;
buf = x74_mediumPool->Alloc(size);
if (buf == nullptr) {
buf = Alloc(0x21000, kHI_None, kSC_Unk1, kTP_Unk0, CCallStack(-1, "MediumAllocMainData ", " - Ignore"));
x74_mediumPool->AddPuddle(0x1000, buf, 1);
buf = x74_mediumPool->Alloc(size);
if (buf != nullptr) {
gAllocatorTime += OSGetTick() - startTick;
return buf;
if (!x7c_) {
x7c_ = true;
size_t roundedSize = T_round_up< size_t, size_t >(size, 32);
SGameMemInfo* info = nullptr;
if (hint & kHI_TopOfHeap) {
info = FindFreeBlockFromTopOfHeap(roundedSize);
} else {
info = FindFreeBlock(roundedSize);
if (info == nullptr) {
void* mediumBuf = nullptr;
if (x58_oomCallback) {
x58_oomCallback(x5c_oomTarget, size);
static bool bTriedCallback = false;
if (!bTriedCallback) {
bTriedCallback = true;
mediumBuf = (SGameMemInfo*)Alloc(size, hint, scope, type, callstack);
bTriedCallback = false;
} else {
return nullptr;
if (mediumBuf == nullptr) {
mediumBuf = nullptr;
return nullptr;
return mediumBuf;
uint tmp = FixupAllocPtrs(info, size, roundedSize, hint, callstack);
if ((hint & kHI_TopOfHeap) != 0u && !info->IsAllocated()) {
info = info->GetNext();
UpdateAllocDebugStats(size, roundedSize, tmp);
gAllocatorTime += OSGetTick() - startTick;
((u8*)info) += sizeof(SGameMemInfo);
return info;
CGameAllocator::SGameMemInfo* CGameAllocator::FindFreeBlock(uint) {}
CGameAllocator::SGameMemInfo* CGameAllocator::FindFreeBlockFromTopOfHeap(uint size) {
SGameMemInfo* iter = x10_last;
SGameMemInfo* ret = nullptr;
while (iter != nullptr) {
if (!iter->IsAllocated() && iter->GetLength() >= size) {
ret = iter;
iter = iter->GetPrev();
return ret;
uint CGameAllocator::FixupAllocPtrs(SGameMemInfo*, uint, uint, EHint, const CCallStack&) {}
void CGameAllocator::UpdateAllocDebugStats(uint len, uint roundedLen, uint offset) {
x88_ += len;
x8c_ += roundedLen + offset;
x90_heapSize2 -= roundedLen + offset;
if (x84_ > x94_) {
x94_ = x84_;
if (x8c_ > x98_) {
x98_ = x8c_;
if (len < x9c_) {
x9c_ = len;
if (len > xa0_) {
xa0_ = len;
xa4_ = (len + xa4_ * (x80_ - 1)) / x80_;
if (len > 56) {
bool CGameAllocator::Free(const void* ptr) {
if (ptr == nullptr) {
return true;
if (x60_smallAllocPool && x60_smallAllocPool->PtrWithinPool(ptr)) {
return x60_smallAllocPool->Free(ptr);
if (x74_mediumPool) {
int tmp = x74_mediumPool->Free(ptr);
if (tmp != 1) {
return tmp > 0;
return FreeNormalAllocation(ptr);
bool CGameAllocator::FreeNormalAllocation(const void*) { return true; };
void CGameAllocator::ReleaseAll() {
if (x74_mediumPool) {
x74_mediumPool = nullptr;
SGameMemInfo* iter = xc_first;
while (iter != nullptr) {
SGameMemInfo* next = iter->GetNext();
if (iter->IsAllocated()) {
FreeNormalAllocation(((u8*)iter) + sizeof(SGameMemInfo));
iter = next;
xc_first = nullptr;
x10_last = nullptr;
void* CGameAllocator::AllocSecondary(size_t size, EHint hint, EScope scope, EType type, const CCallStack& callstack) {
Alloc(size, hint, scope, type, callstack);
bool CGameAllocator::FreeSecondary(const void* ptr) { return Free(ptr); };
void CGameAllocator::ReleaseAllSecondary(){};
void CGameAllocator::SetOutOfMemoryCallback(FOutOfMemoryCb cb, const void* target) {
x58_oomCallback = cb;
x5c_oomTarget = target;
IAllocator::SAllocInfo CGameAllocator::GetAllocInfo(const void* ptr) const {};
IAllocator::SMetrics CGameAllocator::GetMetrics() const {
u32 mediumAllocTotalAllocated = x74_mediumPool != nullptr ? x74_mediumPool->GetTotalEntries() * 32 : 0;
u32 mediumAllocBlocksAvailable = x74_mediumPool != nullptr ? x74_mediumPool->GetNumBlocksAvailable() : 0;
u32 mediumAllocAllocatedSize =
x74_mediumPool != nullptr ? x74_mediumPool->GetTotalEntries() - x74_mediumPool->GetNumBlocksAvailable() : 0;
u32 mediumAllocNumAllocs = x74_mediumPool != nullptr ? x74_mediumPool->GetNumAllocs() : 0;
SMetrics ret(x8_heapSize, x80_, x84_, x88_, x8c_, x90_heapSize2, x94_, x98_, x9c_, xa0_, xa4_,
x60_smallAllocPool != nullptr ? x60_smallAllocPool->GetNumAllocs() : 0,
x60_smallAllocPool != nullptr ? x60_smallAllocPool->GetAllocatedSize() : 0,
x60_smallAllocPool != nullptr ? x60_smallAllocPool->GetNumBlocksAvailable() : 0, mediumAllocNumAllocs,
mediumAllocAllocatedSize, mediumAllocBlocksAvailable, x80_ - xb0_, (uint)xb4_physicalAddr, xbc_, mediumAllocTotalAllocated,
xb0_ = x80_;
return ret;
void CGameAllocator::EnumAllocations(FEnumAllocationsCb func, const void* ptr, bool b) const {};
uint CGameAllocator::GetFreeBinEntryForSize(uint size) {
uint maxLen = 0x20;
uint bin = 0;
while (maxLen < 0x200000) {
if (size < maxLen) {
return bin;
maxLen <<= 1;
return 0xf;
void CGameAllocator::AddFreeEntryToFreeList(SGameMemInfo* info) {
uint bin = GetFreeBinEntryForSize(info->GetLength());
x14_bins[bin] = info;
void CGameAllocator::RemoveFreeEntryFromFreeList(SGameMemInfo* memInfo) {
u32 bin = GetFreeBinEntryForSize(memInfo->GetLength());
SGameMemInfo* curBin = nullptr;
SGameMemInfo* binIt = x14_bins[bin];
while (binIt != nullptr) {
if (binIt == memInfo) {
if (curBin == nullptr) {
x14_bins[bin] = binIt->GetNextFree();
} else {
curBin = binIt;
binIt = binIt->GetNextFree();
static inline bool DoWait(int v) { return (v % 4) == 0; }
void CGameAllocator::DumpAllocations() const {
u32 i = 0;
SGameMemInfo* iter = xc_first;
while (iter != nullptr) {
if (DoWait(i)) {
iter = iter->GetNext();
size_t CGameAllocator::GetLargestFreeChunk() const {
SGameMemInfo* iter = xc_first;
size_t ret = 0;
while (iter != nullptr) {
if (!iter->IsAllocated() && iter->GetLength() > ret) {
ret = iter->GetLength();
iter = iter->GetNextFree();
return ret;
void CGameAllocator::OffsetFakeStatics(int offset) { xb8_fakeStatics += offset; };

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
//#include <MetroidPrime/CMemoryDrawEnum.hpp>
#include <Kyoto/Alloc/IAllocator.hpp>
/* ODR strikes again! */
IAllocator::SMetrics::SMetrics(const SMetrics& other)
: x0_heapSize(other.x0_heapSize)
, x4_(other.x4_)
, x8_(other.x8_)
, xc_(other.xc_)
, x10_(other.x10_)
, x14_heapSize2(other.x14_heapSize2)
, x18_(other.x18_)
, x1c_(other.x1c_)
, x20_(other.x20_)
, x24_(other.x24_)
, x28_(other.x28_)
, x2c_smallNumAllocs(other.x2c_smallNumAllocs)
, x30_smallAllocatedSize(other.x30_smallAllocatedSize)
, x34_smallRemainingSize(other.x34_smallRemainingSize)
, x38_mediumNumAllocs(other.x38_mediumNumAllocs)
, x3c_mediumAllocatedSize(other.x3c_mediumAllocatedSize)
, x40_mediumBlocksAvailable(other.x40_mediumBlocksAvailable)
, x44_(other.x44_)
, x48_(other.x48_)
, x4c_(other.x4c_)
, x50_mediumTotalAllocated(other.x50_mediumTotalAllocated)
, x54_fakeStatics(other.x54_fakeStatics) {}