Add CHudBallInterface

This commit is contained in:
Henrique Gemignani Passos Lima 2022-11-07 19:06:11 +02:00
parent f084095190
commit cab29870fd
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: E224F951761145F8
15 changed files with 965 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ LIBS = [
["MetroidPrime/Weapons/GunController/CGunController", False],
["MetroidPrime/Weapons/GunController/CGSFreeLook", False],
["MetroidPrime/HUD/CHudBallInterface", False],
["MetroidPrime/CHealthInfo", True],

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#include "GuiSys/CGuiWidget.hpp"
class CGuiCamera : public CGuiWidget {
#endif // _CGUICAMERA

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#include "GuiSys/CGuiWidget.hpp"
class CGuiCompoundWidget : public CGuiWidget {
FourCC GetWidgetTypeID() const override { return -1; }
void OnVisibleChange() override;
void OnActiveChange() override;
virtual CGuiWidget* GetWorkerWidget(int id) const;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#ifndef _CGUIFRAME
#define _CGUIFRAME
#include "rstl/string.hpp"
class CGuiWidget;
class CGuiCamera;
class CGuiFrame {
CGuiWidget* FindWidget(const char* name) const;
CGuiWidget* FindWidget(const rstl::string& name) const;
CGuiCamera* GetFrameCamera() const { return x14_camera; }
char x0_pad[0x14];
CGuiCamera* x14_camera;
#endif // _CGUIFRAME

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#ifndef _CGUIGROUP
#define _CGUIGROUP
#include "GuiSys/CGuiCompoundWidget.hpp"
class CGuiGroup : public CGuiCompoundWidget {
FourCC GetWidgetTypeID() const override { return 'GRUP'; }
void SelectWorkerWidget(int workerId, bool setActive, bool setVisible);
CGuiWidget* GetSelectedWidget();
const CGuiWidget* GetSelectedWidget() const;
bool AddWorkerWidget(CGuiWidget* worker) override;
void OnActiveChange() override;
uint xb8_workerCount;
int xbc_selectedWorker;
bool xc0_b;
#endif // _CGUIGROUP

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#ifndef _CGUIMODEL
#define _CGUIMODEL
#include "GuiSys/CGuiWidget.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/SObjectTag.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/TToken.hpp"
class CModel;
class CGuiModel : public CGuiWidget {
CGuiModel(const CGuiWidgetParms& parms, CSimplePool* sp, CAssetId modelId, uint lightMask,
bool flag);
const TLockedToken< CModel >& GetModel() const { return xb8_model; }
bool GetIsFinishedLoadingWidgetSpecific() override;
void Touch() override;
void Draw(const CGuiWidgetDrawParms& parms) override;
bool TestCursorHit(const CMatrix4f& vp, const CVector2f& point) const override;
TLockedToken< CModel > xb8_model;
CAssetId xc8_modelId;
uint xcc_lightMask;
#endif // _CGUIMODEL

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#include "Kyoto/Math/CTransform4f.hpp"
class CGuiWidgetDrawParms;
class CMatrix4f;
class CVector2f;
class CGuiObject {
virtual ~CGuiObject();
virtual void Update(float dt);
virtual void Draw(const CGuiWidgetDrawParms& parms);
virtual bool TestCursorHit(const CMatrix4f& vp, const CVector2f& point) const { return false; }
virtual void Initialize() = 0;
void RecalculateTransforms();
const CVector3f& GetLocalPosition() const;
void SetLocalTransform(const CTransform4f& xf) {
x4_localXF = xf;
CTransform4f x4_localXF;
CTransform4f x34_worldXF;
CGuiObject* x64_parent;
CGuiObject* x68_child;
CGuiObject* x6c_nextSibling;
CHECK_SIZEOF(CGuiObject, 0x70)
#endif // _CGUIOBJECT

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#ifndef _CGUIPANE
#define _CGUIPANE
#include "GuiSys/CGuiWidget.hpp"
class CGuiPane : public CGuiWidget {
CGuiPane(const CGuiWidgetParms& parms, const CVector2f& dim, const CVector3f& scaleCenter);
void Draw(const CGuiWidgetDrawParms& parms) override;
virtual void ScaleDimensions(const CVector3f& scale);
virtual void SetDimensions(const CVector2f& dim, bool initVBO);
virtual CVector2f GetDimensions() const;
virtual void InitializeBuffers();
virtual void WriteData(COutputStream& out, bool flag) const;
CVector2f xb8_dim;
uchar xc0_pad[8];
CVector3f xc8_scaleCenter;
CHECK_SIZEOF(CGuiPane, 0xd4)
#endif // _CGUIPANE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#include "GuiSys/CGuiPane.hpp"
#include "GuiSys/CGuiTextSupport.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/SObjectTag.hpp"
class CSimplePool;
class CColor;
class CGuiTextProperties;
class CGuiTextPane : public CGuiPane {
CGuiTextPane(const CGuiWidgetParms& parms, CSimplePool* sp, const CVector2f& dim, const CVector3f& vec,
CAssetId fontId, const CGuiTextProperties& props, const CColor& col1, const CColor& col2,
int padX, int padY, CAssetId jpFontId, int jpExtentX, int jpExtentY);
CGuiTextSupport& TextSupport() { return xd4_textSupport; }
const CGuiTextSupport& GetTextSupport() const { return xd4_textSupport; }
void Update(float dt) override;
bool GetIsFinishedLoadingWidgetSpecific() override;
void SetDimensions(const CVector2f& dim, bool initVBO) override;
void ScaleDimensions(const CVector3f& scale) override;
void Draw(const CGuiWidgetDrawParms& parms) override;
bool TestCursorHit(const CMatrix4f& vp, const CVector2f& point) const override;
CGuiTextSupport xd4_textSupport;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#include "rstl/string.hpp"
class CColor;
class CGuiTextSupport {
void SetText(const rstl::string&, bool multipage = false);
void SetOutlineColor(const CColor& col);
void SetFontColor(const CColor& col);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#include "GuiSys/CGuiObject.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/SObjectTag.hpp"
class CColor;
class CFinalInput;
enum ETraversalMode { kTM_ChildrenAndSiblings = 0, kTM_Children = 1, kTM_Single = 2 };
class CGuiWidget : public CGuiObject {
enum EGuiModelDrawFlags { kGMDF_Shadeless = 0, kGMDF_Opaque = 1, kGMDF_Alpha = 2, kGMDF_Additive = 3, kGMDF_AlphaAdditiveOverdraw = 4 };
class CGuiWidgetParms {};
void Update(float dt) override;
void Draw(const CGuiWidgetDrawParms& drawParms) override;
void Initialize() override;
virtual void Reset(ETraversalMode mode);
virtual void ProcessUserInput(const CFinalInput& input);
virtual void Touch();
virtual bool GetIsVisible() const;
virtual bool GetIsActive() const;
virtual bool GetMouseActive() const;
virtual FourCC GetWidgetTypeID() const { return 'BWIG'; }
virtual bool AddWorkerWidget(CGuiWidget* worker);
virtual bool GetIsFinishedLoadingWidgetSpecific();
virtual void OnVisibleChange();
virtual void OnActiveChange();
void SetColor(const CColor& color);
void SetVisibility(bool visible, ETraversalMode mode);
short x70_selfId;
short x72_parentId;
CTransform4f x74_transform;
CColor xa4_color;
CColor xa8_color2;
EGuiModelDrawFlags xac_drawFlags;
CGuiFrame* xb0_frame;
short xb4_workerId;
bool xb6_24_pg : 1;
bool xb6_25_isVisible : 1;
bool xb6_26_isActive : 1;
bool xb6_27_isSelectable : 1;
bool xb6_28_eventLock : 1;
bool xb6_29_cullFaces : 1;
bool xb6_30_depthGreater : 1;
bool xb6_31_depthTest : 1;
bool xb7_24_depthWrite : 1;
bool xb7_25_ : 1;
CHECK_SIZEOF(CGuiWidget, 0xb8)
#endif // _CGUIWIDGET

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#include "Kyoto/Math/CVector3f.hpp"
#include "rstl/reserved_vector.hpp"
class CGuiCamera;
class CGuiFrame;
class CGuiModel;
class CGuiTextPane;
class CGuiWidget;
class CHudBallInterface {
CHudBallInterface(CGuiFrame& selHud, int pbAmount, int pbCapacity, int availableBombs, bool hasBombs, bool hasPb);
void SetBombParams(int pbAmount, int pbCapacity, int availableBombs, bool hasBombs, bool hasPb, bool init);
void SetBallModeFactor(float t);
CGuiCamera* x0_camera;
CGuiWidget* x4_basewidget_bombstuff;
CGuiWidget* x8_basewidget_bombdeco;
CGuiModel* xc_model_bombicon;
CGuiTextPane* x10_textpane_bombdigits;
rstl::reserved_vector<CGuiWidget*, 3> x14_group_bombfilled;
rstl::reserved_vector<CGuiWidget*, 3> x24_group_bombempty;
CVector3f x34_camPos;
int x40_pbAmount;
int x44_pbCapacity;
int x48_availableBombs;
bool x4c_hasPb;
void UpdatePowerBombReadoutColors();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
#ifndef _CTWEAKGUI
#define _CTWEAKGUI
#include "MetroidPrime/Tweaks/ITweakObject.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/Graphics/CColor.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/Math/CVector3f.hpp"
#include "rstl/reserved_vector.hpp"
#include "rstl/string.hpp"
class CTweakGui : public ITweakObject {
enum EHudVisMode { kHud_Zero, kHud_One, kHud_Two, kHud_Three };
enum EHelmetVisMode {
float GetMapAlphaInterpolant() const override { return x8_mapAlphaInterp; }
float GetPauseBlurFactor() const override { return xc_pauseBlurFactor; }
float GetRadarXYRadius() const override { return x10_radarXYRadius; }
float GetRadarZRadius() const override { return x24_radarZRadius; }
float GetRadarZCloseRadius() const override { return x28_radarZCloseRadius; }
float GetEnergyBarFilledSpeed() const override { return x34_energyBarFilledSpeed; }
float GetEnergyBarShadowSpeed() const override { return x38_energyBarShadowSpeed; }
float GetEnergyBarDrainDelay() const override { return x3c_energyBarDrainDelay; }
bool GetEnergyBarAlwaysResetDelay() const override { return x40_energyBarAlwaysResetDelay; }
float GetHudDamagePracticalsGainConstant() const override { return x44_hudDamagePracticalsGainConstant; }
float GetHudDamagePracticalsGainLinear() const override { return x48_hudDamagePracticalsGainLinear; }
float GetHudDamagePracticalsInitConstant() const override { return x4c_hudDamagePracticalsInitConstant; }
float GetHudDamagePracticalsInitLinear() const override { return x50_hudDamagePracticalsInitLinear; }
float GetHudDamageLightSpotAngle() const override { return x54_hudDamageLightSpotAngle; }
float GetDamageLightAngleC() const override { return x58_damageLightAngleC; }
float GetDamageLightAngleL() const override { return x5c_damageLightAngleL; }
float GetDamageLightAngleQ() const override { return x60_damageLightAngleQ; }
CVector3f GetDamageLightPreTranslate() const override { return x64_damageLightPreTranslate; }
CVector3f GetDamageLightCenterTranslate() const override { return x70_damageLightCenterTranslate; }
float GetDamageLightXfXAngle() const override { return x7c_damageLightXfXAngle; }
float GetDamageLightXfZAngle() const override { return x80_damageLightXfZAngle; }
float GetHudDecoShakeTranslateVelConstant() const override { return x84_hudDecoShakeTranslateVelConstant; }
float GetHudDecoShakeTranslateVelLinear() const override { return x88_hudDecoShakeTranslateVelLinear; }
float GetMaxDecoDamageShakeTranslate() const override { return x8c_maxDecoDamageShakeTranslate; }
float GetDecoDamageShakeDeceleration() const override { return x90_decoDamageShakeDeceleration; }
float GetDecoShakeGainConstant() const override { return x94_decoShakeGainConstant; }
float GetDecoShakeGainLinear() const override { return x98_decoShakeGainLinear; }
float GetDecoShakeInitConstant() const override { return x9c_decoShakeInitConstant; }
float GetDecoShakeInitLinear() const override { return xa0_decoShakeInitLinear; }
float GetMaxDecoDamageShakeRotate() const override { return xa4_maxDecoDamageShakeRotate; }
uint GetHudCamFovTweak() const override { return xa8_hudCamFovTweak; }
uint GetHudCamYTweak() const override { return xac_hudCamYTweak; }
uint GetHudCamZTweak() const override { return xb0_hudCamZTweak; }
float GetBeamVisorMenuAnimTime() const override { return xc0_beamVisorMenuAnimTime; }
float GetVisorBeamMenuItemActiveScale() const override { return xc4_visorBeamMenuItemActiveScale; }
float GetVisorBeamMenuItemInactiveScale() const override { return xc8_visorBeamMenuItemInactiveScale; }
float GetVisorBeamMenuItemTranslate() const override { return xcc_visorBeamMenuItemTranslate; }
float GetThreatRange() const override { return xe4_threatRange; }
float GetRadarScopeCoordRadius() const override { return xe8_radarScopeCoordRadius; }
float GetRadarPlayerPaintRadius() const override { return xec_radarPlayerPaintRadius; }
float GetRadarEnemyPaintRadius() const override { return xf0_radarEnemyPaintRadius; }
float GetMissileArrowVisTime() const override { return xf4_missileArrowVisTime; }
EHudVisMode GetHudVisMode() const override { return xf8_hudVisMode; }
EHelmetVisMode GetHelmetVisMode() const override { return xfc_helmetVisMode; }
uint GetEnableAutoMapper() const override { return x100_enableAutoMapper; }
uint GetEnableTargetingManager() const override { return x108_enableTargetingManager; }
uint GetEnablePlayerVisor() const override { return x10c_enablePlayerVisor; }
float GetThreatWarningFraction() const override { return x110_threatWarningFraction; }
float GetMissileWarningFraction() const override { return x114_missileWarningFraction; }
float GetFreeLookFadeTime() const override { return x118_freeLookFadeTime; }
float GetFreeLookSfxPitchScale() const override { return x12c_freeLookSfxPitchScale; }
bool GetNoAbsoluteFreeLookSfxPitch() const override { return x130_noAbsoluteFreeLookSfxPitch; }
float GetFaceReflectionOrthoWidth() const override { return x13c_faceReflectionOrthoWidth; }
float GetFaceReflectionOrthoHeight() const override { return x140_faceReflectionOrthoHeight; }
float GetFaceReflectionDistance() const override { return x144_faceReflectionDistance; }
float GetFaceReflectionHeight() const override { return x148_faceReflectionHeight; }
float GetFaceReflectionAspect() const override { return x14c_faceReflectionAspect; }
float GetMissileWarningPulseTime() const override { return x1a0_missileWarningPulseTime; }
float GetExplosionLightFalloffMultConstant() const override { return x1a4_explosionLightFalloffMultConstant; }
float GetExplosionLightFalloffMultLinear() const override { return x1a8_explosionLightFalloffMultLinear; }
float GetExplosionLightFalloffMultQuadratic() const override { return x1ac_explosionLightFalloffMultQuadratic; }
float GetHudDamagePeakFactor() const override { return x1b4_hudDamagePeakFactor; }
float GetHudDamageFilterGainConstant() const override { return x1b8_hudDamageFilterGainConstant; }
float GetHudDamageFilterGainLinear() const override { return x1bc_hudDamageFilterGainLinear; }
float GetHudDamageFilterInitConstant() const override { return x1c0_hudDamageFilterInitConstant; }
float GetHudDamageFilterInitLinear() const override { return x1c4_hudDamageFilterInitLinear; }
float GetEnergyDrainModPeriod() const override { return x1c8_energyDrainModPeriod; }
bool GetEnergyDrainSinusoidalPulse() const override { return x1cc_energyDrainSinusoidalPulse; }
bool GetEnergyDrainFilterAdditive() const override { return x1cd_energyDrainFilterAdditive; }
float GetHudDamagePulseDuration() const override { return x1d0_hudDamagePulseDuration; }
float GetHudDamageColorGain() const override { return x1d4_hudDamageColorGain; }
float GetHudDecoShakeTranslateGain() const override { return x1d8_hudDecoShakeTranslateGain; }
float GetHudLagOffsetScale() const override { return x1dc_hudLagOffsetScale; }
float GetXrayBlurScaleLinear() const override { return x204_xrayBlurScaleLinear; }
float GetXrayBlurScaleQuadratic() const override { return x208_xrayBlurScaleQuadratic; }
float GetScanSidesAngle() const override { return x210_scanSidesAngle; }
float GetScanSidesXScale() const override { return x214_scanSidesXScale; }
float GetScanSidesPositionEnd() const override { return x218_scanSidesPositionEnd; }
float GetScanSidesDuration() const override { return x220_scanSidesDuration; }
float GetScanSidesStartTime() const override { return x224_scanSidesStartTime; }
float GetScanSidesEndTime() const override { return x228_scanSidesEndTime; }
float GetScanDataDotRadius() const override { return x22c_scanDataDotRadius; }
float GetScanDataDotPosRandMagnitude() const override { return x230_scanDataDotPosRandMag; }
float GetScanDataDotSeekDurationMin() const override { return x234_scanDataDotSeekDurationMin; }
float GetScanDataDotSeekDurationMax() const override { return x238_scanDataDotSeekDurationMax; }
float GetScanDataDotHoldDurationMin() const override { return x23c_scanDataDotHoldDurationMin; }
float GetScanDataDotHoldDurationMax() const override { return x240_scanDataDotHoldDurationMax; }
float GetScanAppearanceDuration() const override { return x244_scanAppearanceDuration; }
float GetScanPaneFlashFactor() const override { return x248_scanPaneFlashFactor; }
float GetScanPaneFadeInTime() const override { return x24c_scanPaneFadeInTime; }
float GetScanPaneFadeOutTime() const override { return x250_scanPaneFadeOutTime; }
float GetBallViewportYReduction() const override { return x254_ballViewportYReduction; }
float GetScanWindowIdleWidth() const override { return x258_scanWindowIdleW; }
float GetScanWindowIdleHeight() const override { return x25c_scanWindowIdleH; }
float GetScanWindowActiveWidth() const override { return x260_scanWindowActiveW; }
float GetScanWindowActiveHeight() const override { return x264_scanWindowActiveH; }
float GetScanWindowMagnification() const override { return x268_scanWindowMagnification; }
float GetScanWindowScanningAspect() const override { return x26c_scanWindowScanningAspect; }
float GetScanSidesPositionStart() const override { return x270_scanSidesPositionStart; }
bool GetShowAutomapperInMorphball() const override { return x274_showAutomapperInMorphball; }
bool GetLatchArticleText() const override { return x275_latchArticleText; }
float GetWorldTransManagerCharsPerSfx() const override { return x278_wtMgrCharsPerSfx; }
uint GetXRayFogMode() const override { return x27c_xrayFogMode; }
float GetXRayFogNearZ() const override { return x280_xrayFogNearZ; }
float GetXRayFogFarZ() const override { return x284_xrayFogFarZ; }
const CColor& GetXRayFogColor() const override { return x288_xrayFogColor; }
float GetThermalVisorLevel() const override { return x28c_thermalVisorLevel; }
const CColor& GetThermalVisorColor() const override { return x290_thermalVisorColor; }
const CColor& GetVisorHudLightAdd(int v) const override { return x294_hudLightAddPerVisor[v]; }
const CColor& GetVisorHudLightMultiply(int v) const override { return x2a4_hudLightMultiplyPerVisor[v]; }
const CColor& GetHudReflectivityLightColor() const override { return x2b4_hudReflectivityLightColor; }
float GetHudLightAttMulConstant() const override { return x2b8_hudLightAttMulConstant; }
float GetHudLightAttMulLinear() const override { return x2bc_hudLightAttMulLinear; }
float GetHudLightAttMulQuadratic() const override { return x2c0_hudLightAttMulQuadratic; }
const rstl::string& GetCreditsTable() const override { return x2d0_creditsTable; }
const rstl::string& GetCreditsFont() const override { return x2e0_creditsFont; }
const rstl::string& GetJapaneseCreditsFont() const override { return x2f0_japaneseCreditsFont; }
const CColor& GetCreditsTextFontColor() const override { return x300_; }
const CColor& GetCreditsTextBorderColor() const override { return x304_; }
bool x4_;
float x8_mapAlphaInterp;
float xc_pauseBlurFactor;
float x10_radarXYRadius;
float x14_;
float x18_;
float x1c_;
float x20_;
float x24_radarZRadius;
float x28_radarZCloseRadius;
uint x2c_;
float x30_;
float x34_energyBarFilledSpeed;
float x38_energyBarShadowSpeed;
float x3c_energyBarDrainDelay;
bool x40_energyBarAlwaysResetDelay;
float x44_hudDamagePracticalsGainConstant;
float x48_hudDamagePracticalsGainLinear;
float x4c_hudDamagePracticalsInitConstant;
float x50_hudDamagePracticalsInitLinear;
float x54_hudDamageLightSpotAngle;
float x58_damageLightAngleC;
float x5c_damageLightAngleL;
float x60_damageLightAngleQ;
CVector3f x64_damageLightPreTranslate;
CVector3f x70_damageLightCenterTranslate;
float x7c_damageLightXfXAngle;
float x80_damageLightXfZAngle;
float x84_hudDecoShakeTranslateVelConstant;
float x88_hudDecoShakeTranslateVelLinear;
float x8c_maxDecoDamageShakeTranslate;
float x90_decoDamageShakeDeceleration;
float x94_decoShakeGainConstant;
float x98_decoShakeGainLinear;
float x9c_decoShakeInitConstant;
float xa0_decoShakeInitLinear;
float xa4_maxDecoDamageShakeRotate;
uint xa8_hudCamFovTweak;
uint xac_hudCamYTweak;
uint xb0_hudCamZTweak;
float xb4_;
float xb8_;
float xbc_;
float xc0_beamVisorMenuAnimTime;
float xc4_visorBeamMenuItemActiveScale;
float xc8_visorBeamMenuItemInactiveScale;
float xcc_visorBeamMenuItemTranslate;
float xd0_;
uint xd4_;
float xd8_;
float xdc_;
float xe0_;
float xe4_threatRange;
float xe8_radarScopeCoordRadius;
float xec_radarPlayerPaintRadius;
float xf0_radarEnemyPaintRadius;
float xf4_missileArrowVisTime;
EHudVisMode xf8_hudVisMode;
EHelmetVisMode xfc_helmetVisMode;
uint x100_enableAutoMapper;
uint x104_;
uint x108_enableTargetingManager;
uint x10c_enablePlayerVisor;
float x110_threatWarningFraction;
float x114_missileWarningFraction;
float x118_freeLookFadeTime;
float x11c_;
float x120_;
float x124_;
float x128_;
float x12c_freeLookSfxPitchScale;
bool x130_noAbsoluteFreeLookSfxPitch;
float x134_;
float x138_;
uint x13c_faceReflectionOrthoWidth;
uint x140_faceReflectionOrthoHeight;
uint x144_faceReflectionDistance;
uint x148_faceReflectionHeight;
uint x14c_faceReflectionAspect;
rstl::string x150_;
rstl::string x160_;
rstl::string x170_;
rstl::string x180_;
rstl::string x190_;
float x1a0_missileWarningPulseTime;
float x1a4_explosionLightFalloffMultConstant;
float x1a8_explosionLightFalloffMultLinear;
float x1ac_explosionLightFalloffMultQuadratic;
float x1b0_;
float x1b4_hudDamagePeakFactor;
float x1b8_hudDamageFilterGainConstant;
float x1bc_hudDamageFilterGainLinear;
float x1c0_hudDamageFilterInitConstant;
float x1c4_hudDamageFilterInitLinear;
float x1c8_energyDrainModPeriod;
bool x1cc_energyDrainSinusoidalPulse;
bool x1cd_energyDrainFilterAdditive;
float x1d0_hudDamagePulseDuration;
float x1d4_hudDamageColorGain;
float x1d8_hudDecoShakeTranslateGain;
float x1dc_hudLagOffsetScale;
float x1e0_;
float x1e4_;
float x1e8_;
float x1ec_;
float x1f0_;
float x1f4_;
float x1f8_;
float x1fc_;
CColor x200_;
float x204_xrayBlurScaleLinear;
float x208_xrayBlurScaleQuadratic;
float x20c_;
float x210_scanSidesAngle;
float x214_scanSidesXScale;
float x218_scanSidesPositionEnd;
float x21c_;
float x220_scanSidesDuration;
float x224_scanSidesStartTime;
float x228_scanSidesEndTime;
float x22c_scanDataDotRadius;
float x230_scanDataDotPosRandMag;
float x234_scanDataDotSeekDurationMin;
float x238_scanDataDotSeekDurationMax;
float x23c_scanDataDotHoldDurationMin;
float x240_scanDataDotHoldDurationMax;
float x244_scanAppearanceDuration;
float x248_scanPaneFlashFactor;
float x24c_scanPaneFadeInTime;
float x250_scanPaneFadeOutTime;
float x254_ballViewportYReduction;
float x258_scanWindowIdleW;
float x25c_scanWindowIdleH;
float x260_scanWindowActiveW;
float x264_scanWindowActiveH;
float x268_scanWindowMagnification;
float x26c_scanWindowScanningAspect;
float x270_scanSidesPositionStart;
bool x274_showAutomapperInMorphball;
bool x275_latchArticleText;
float x278_wtMgrCharsPerSfx;
uint x27c_xrayFogMode;
float x280_xrayFogNearZ;
float x284_xrayFogFarZ;
CColor x288_xrayFogColor;
float x28c_thermalVisorLevel;
CColor x290_thermalVisorColor;
CColor x294_hudLightAddPerVisor[4];
CColor x2a4_hudLightMultiplyPerVisor[4];
CColor x2b4_hudReflectivityLightColor;
float x2b8_hudLightAttMulConstant;
float x2bc_hudLightAttMulLinear;
float x2c0_hudLightAttMulQuadratic;
rstl::reserved_vector< float, 2 > x2c4_scanSpeeds;
rstl::string x2d0_creditsTable;
rstl::string x2e0_creditsFont;
rstl::string x2f0_japaneseCreditsFont;
CColor x300_;
CColor x304_;
float x308_;
float x30c_;
float x310_;
rstl::string x314_;
rstl::string x324_;
rstl::string x334_;
CColor x344_;
CColor x348_;
CColor x34c_;
CColor x350_;
CColor x354_;
CColor x358_;
float x35c_;
float x360_;
float x364_;
extern CTweakGui* gpTweakGui;
#endif // _CTWEAKGUI

View File

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
#include "MetroidPrime/Tweaks/ITweakObject.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/Graphics/CColor.hpp"
class CTweakGuiColors : public ITweakObject {
const CColor& GetPauseBlurFilterColor() const override { return x4_pauseBlurFilterColor; }
const CColor& GetRadarStuffColor() const override { return x8_radarStuffColor; }
const CColor& GetRadarPlayerPaintColor() const override { return xc_radarPlayerPaintColor; }
const CColor& GetRadarEnemyPaintColor() const override { return x10_radarEnemyPaintColor; }
const CColor& GetHudMessageFill() const override { return x14_hudMessageFill; }
const CColor& GetHudMessageOutline() const override { return x18_hudMessageOutline; }
const CColor& GetHudFrameColor() const override { return x1c_hudFrameColor; }
const CColor& GetMissileIconColorActive() const override { return x28_missileIconColorActive; }
const CColor& GetVisorBeamMenuItemActive() const override { return x2c_visorBeamMenuItemActive; }
const CColor& GetVisorBeamMenuItemInactive() const override { return x30_visorBeamMenuColorInactive; }
const CColor& GetEnergyBarFilledLowEnergy() const override { return x34_energyBarFilledLowEnergy; }
const CColor& GetEnergyBarShadowLowEnergy() const override { return x38_energyBarShadowLowEnergy; }
const CColor& GetEnergyBarEmptyLowEnergy() const override { return x3c_energyBarEmptyLowEnergy; }
const CColor& GetHudDamageLightColor() const override { return x40_hudDamageLightColor; }
const CColor& GetVisorMenuTextFont() const override { return x4c_visorMenuTextFont; }
const CColor& GetVisorMenuTextOutline() const override { return x50_visorMenuTextOutline; }
const CColor& GetBeamMenuTextFont() const override { return x54_beamMenuTextFont; }
const CColor& GetBeamMenuTextOutline() const override { return x58_beamMenuTextOutline; }
const CColor& GetEnergyWarningFont() const override { return x5c_energyWarningFont; }
const CColor& GetThreatWarningFont() const override { return x60_threatWarningFont; }
const CColor& GetMissileWarningFont() const override { return x64_missileWarningFont; }
const CColor& GetThreatBarFilled() const override { return x68_threatBarFilled; }
const CColor& GetThreatBarShadow() const override { return x6c_threatBarShadow; }
const CColor& GetThreatBarEmpty() const override { return x70_threatBarEmpty; }
const CColor& GetMissileBarFilled() const override { return x74_missileBarFilled; }
const CColor& GetMissileBarShadow() const override { return x78_missileBarShadow; }
const CColor& GetMissileBarEmpty() const override { return x7c_missileBarEmpty; }
const CColor& GetThreatIconColor() const override { return x80_threatIconColor; }
const CColor& GetTickDecoColor() const override { return x88_tickDecoColor; }
const CColor& GetHelmetLightColor() const override { return x8c_helmetLightColor; }
const CColor& GetThreatIconSafeColor() const override { return x90_threatIconSafeColor; }
const CColor& GetMissileIconColorInactive() const override { return x94_missileIconColorInactive; }
const CColor& GetMissileIconColorChargedCanAlt() const override { return x98_missileIconColorChargedCanAlt; }
const CColor& GetMissileIconColorChargedNoAlt() const override { return x9c_missileIconColorChargedNoAlt; }
const CColor& GetMissileIconColorDepleteAlt() const override { return xa0_missileIconColorDepleteAlt; }
const CColor& GetVisorBeamMenuLozColor() const override { return xb0_visorBeamMenuLozColor; }
const CColor& GetEnergyWarningOutline() const override { return xb4_energyWarningOutline; }
const CColor& GetThreatWarningOutline() const override { return xb8_threatWarningOutline; }
const CColor& GetMissileWarningOutline() const override { return xbc_missileWarningOutline; }
const CColor& GetDamageAmbientColor() const override { return xc4_damageAmbientColor; }
const CColor& GetScanFrameInactiveColor() const override { return xc8_scanFrameInactiveColor; }
const CColor& GetScanFrameActiveColor() const override { return xcc_scanFrameActiveColor; }
const CColor& GetScanFrameImpulseColor() const override { return xd0_scanFrameImpulseColor; }
const CColor& GetScanVisorHudLightMultiply() const override { return xd4_scanVisorHudLightMultiply; }
const CColor& GetScanVisorScreenDimColor() const override { return xd8_scanVisorScreenDimColor; }
const CColor& GetThermalVisorHudLightMultiply() const override { return xdc_thermalVisorHudLightMultiply; }
const CColor& GetEnergyDrainFilterColor() const override { return xe0_energyDrainFilterColor; }
const CColor& GetDamageAmbientPulseColor() const override { return xe4_damageAmbientPulseColor; }
const CColor& GetEnergyBarFlashColor() const override { return xe8_energyBarFlashColor; }
const CColor& GetXRayEnergyDecoColor() const override { return x100_xrayEnergyDecoColor; }
const CColor& GetScanDataDotColor() const override { return x138_scanDataDotColor; }
const CColor& GetPowerBombDigitAvailableFont() const override { return x13c_powerBombDigitAvailableFont; }
const CColor& GetPowerBombDigitAvailableOutline() const override { return x140_powerBombDigitAvailableOutline; }
const CColor& GetBallBombFilledColor() const override { return x148_ballBombFilled; }
const CColor& GetBallBombEmptyColor() const override { return x14c_ballBombEmpty; }
const CColor& GetPowerBombIconAvailableColor() const override { return x150_powerBombIconAvailable; }
const CColor& GetBallBombEnergyColor() const override { return x158_ballEnergyDeco; }
const CColor& GetBallBombDecoColor() const override { return x15c_ballBombDeco; }
const CColor& GetPowerBombDigitDelpetedFont() const override { return x160_powerBombDigitDepletedFont; }
const CColor& GetPowerBombDigitDelpetedOutline() const override { return x164_powerBombDigitDepletedOutline; }
const CColor& GetPowerBombIconDepletedColor() const override { return x168_powerBombIconUnavailable; }
const CColor& GetScanDisplayImagePaneColor() const override { return x174_scanDisplayImagePaneColor; }
const CColor& GetThreatIconWarningColor() const override { return x17c_threatIconWarningColor; }
const CColor& GetHudCounterFill() const override { return x180_hudCounterFill; }
const CColor& GetHudCounterOutline() const override { return x184_hudCounterOutline; }
const CColor& GetScanIconCriticalColor() const override { return x188_scanIconCriticalColor; }
const CColor& GetScanIconCriticalDimColor() const override { return x18c_scanIconCriticalDimColor; }
const CColor& GetScanIconNoncriticalColor() const override { return x190_scanIconNoncriticalColor; }
const CColor& GetScanIconNoncriticalDimColor() const override { return x194_scanIconNoncriticalDimColor; }
const CColor& GetScanReticuleColor() const override { return x198_scanReticuleColor; }
const CColor& GetThreatDigitsFont() const override { return x19c_threatDigitsFont; }
const CColor& GetThreatDigitsOutline() const override { return x1a0_threatDigitsOutline; }
const CColor& GetMissileDigitsFont() const override { return x1a4_missileDigitsFont; }
const CColor& GetMissileDigitsOutline() const override { return x1a8_missileDigitsOutline; }
const CColor& GetThermalDecoColor() const override { return x1ac_thermalDecoColor; }
const CColor& GetThermalOutlinesColor() const override { return x1b0_thermalOutlinesColor; }
const CColor& GetThermalLockColor() const override { return x1b8_thermalLockColor; }
const CColor& GetPauseItemAmberColor() const override { return x1bc_pauseItemAmber; }
const CColor& GetPauseItemBlueColor() const override { return x1c0_pauseItemBlue; }
CColor x4_pauseBlurFilterColor;
CColor x8_radarStuffColor;
CColor xc_radarPlayerPaintColor;
CColor x10_radarEnemyPaintColor;
CColor x14_hudMessageFill;
CColor x18_hudMessageOutline;
CColor x1c_hudFrameColor;
CColor x20_;
CColor x24_;
CColor x28_missileIconColorActive;
CColor x2c_visorBeamMenuItemActive;
CColor x30_visorBeamMenuColorInactive;
CColor x34_energyBarFilledLowEnergy;
CColor x38_energyBarShadowLowEnergy;
CColor x3c_energyBarEmptyLowEnergy;
CColor x40_hudDamageLightColor;
CColor x44_;
CColor x48_;
CColor x4c_visorMenuTextFont;
CColor x50_visorMenuTextOutline;
CColor x54_beamMenuTextFont;
CColor x58_beamMenuTextOutline;
CColor x5c_energyWarningFont;
CColor x60_threatWarningFont;
CColor x64_missileWarningFont;
CColor x68_threatBarFilled;
CColor x6c_threatBarShadow;
CColor x70_threatBarEmpty;
CColor x74_missileBarFilled;
CColor x78_missileBarShadow;
CColor x7c_missileBarEmpty;
CColor x80_threatIconColor;
CColor x84_;
CColor x88_tickDecoColor;
CColor x8c_helmetLightColor;
CColor x90_threatIconSafeColor;
CColor x94_missileIconColorInactive;
CColor x98_missileIconColorChargedCanAlt;
CColor x9c_missileIconColorChargedNoAlt;
CColor xa0_missileIconColorDepleteAlt;
CColor xa4_;
CColor xa8_;
CColor xac_;
CColor xb0_visorBeamMenuLozColor;
CColor xb4_energyWarningOutline;
CColor xb8_threatWarningOutline;
CColor xbc_missileWarningOutline;
CColor xc0_;
CColor xc4_damageAmbientColor;
CColor xc8_scanFrameInactiveColor;
CColor xcc_scanFrameActiveColor;
CColor xd0_scanFrameImpulseColor;
CColor xd4_scanVisorHudLightMultiply;
CColor xd8_scanVisorScreenDimColor;
CColor xdc_thermalVisorHudLightMultiply;
CColor xe0_energyDrainFilterColor;
CColor xe4_damageAmbientPulseColor;
CColor xe8_energyBarFlashColor;
CColor xec_;
CColor xf0_;
CColor xf4_;
CColor xf8_;
CColor xfc_;
CColor x100_xrayEnergyDecoColor;
CColor x104_;
CColor x108_;
CColor x10c_;
CColor x110_;
CColor x114_;
CColor x118_;
CColor x11c_;
CColor x120_;
CColor x124_;
CColor x128_;
CColor x12c_;
CColor x130_;
CColor x134_;
CColor x138_scanDataDotColor;
CColor x13c_powerBombDigitAvailableFont;
CColor x140_powerBombDigitAvailableOutline;
CColor x144_;
CColor x148_ballBombFilled;
CColor x14c_ballBombEmpty;
CColor x150_powerBombIconAvailable;
CColor x154_;
CColor x158_ballEnergyDeco;
CColor x15c_ballBombDeco;
CColor x160_powerBombDigitDepletedFont;
CColor x164_powerBombDigitDepletedOutline;
CColor x168_powerBombIconUnavailable;
CColor x16c_;
CColor x170_;
CColor x174_scanDisplayImagePaneColor;
CColor x178_;
CColor x17c_threatIconWarningColor;
CColor x180_hudCounterFill;
CColor x184_hudCounterOutline;
CColor x188_scanIconCriticalColor;
CColor x18c_scanIconCriticalDimColor;
CColor x190_scanIconNoncriticalColor;
CColor x194_scanIconNoncriticalDimColor;
CColor x198_scanReticuleColor;
CColor x19c_threatDigitsFont;
CColor x1a0_threatDigitsOutline;
CColor x1a4_missileDigitsFont;
CColor x1a8_missileDigitsOutline;
CColor x1ac_thermalDecoColor;
CColor x1b0_thermalOutlinesColor;
CColor x1b4_;
CColor x1b8_thermalLockColor;
CColor x1bc_pauseItemAmber;
CColor x1c0_pauseItemBlue;
extern CTweakGuiColors* gpTweakGuiColors;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#include "MetroidPrime/HUD/CHudBallInterface.hpp"
#include "MetroidPrime/Tweaks/CTweakGui.hpp"
#include "MetroidPrime/Tweaks/CTweakGuiColors.hpp"
#include "GuiSys/CGuiCamera.hpp"
#include "GuiSys/CGuiFrame.hpp"
#include "GuiSys/CGuiGroup.hpp"
#include "GuiSys/CGuiModel.hpp"
#include "GuiSys/CGuiTextPane.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/Basics/CBasics.hpp"
#include "rstl/string.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
CHudBallInterface::CHudBallInterface(CGuiFrame& selHud, int pbAmount, int pbCapacity,
int availableBombs, bool hasBombs, bool hasPb)
: x34_camPos(CVector3f::Zero())
, x40_pbAmount(pbAmount)
, x44_pbCapacity(pbCapacity)
, x48_availableBombs(availableBombs)
, x4c_hasPb(hasPb) {
x0_camera = selHud.GetFrameCamera();
const char* basewidget_bombstuff = "basewidget_bombstuff";
const char* basewidget_bombdeco = "basewidget_bombdeco";
const char* model_bombicon = "model_bombicon";
const char* textpane_bombdigits = "textpane_bombdigits";
const char* basewidget_energydeco = "basewidget_energydeco";
x4_basewidget_bombstuff = selHud.FindWidget(basewidget_bombstuff);
x8_basewidget_bombdeco = selHud.FindWidget(basewidget_bombdeco);
xc_model_bombicon = static_cast< CGuiModel* >(selHud.FindWidget(model_bombicon));
x10_textpane_bombdigits = static_cast< CGuiTextPane* >(selHud.FindWidget(textpane_bombdigits));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
rstl::string groupName(CBasics::Stringize("%s%d", "group_bombcount", i));
CGuiGroup* grp = static_cast< CGuiGroup* >(selHud.FindWidget(groupName));
CGuiWidget* filled = grp->GetWorkerWidget(1);
CGuiWidget* empty = grp->GetWorkerWidget(0);
if (filled)
if (empty)
x34_camPos = x0_camera->GetLocalPosition();
if (CGuiWidget* w = selHud.FindWidget(rstl::string_l(basewidget_energydeco))) {
SetBombParams(pbAmount, pbCapacity, availableBombs, hasBombs, hasPb, true);
void CHudBallInterface::SetBombParams(int pbAmount, int pbCapacity, int availableBombs,
bool hasBombs, bool hasPb, bool init) {
if (pbAmount != x40_pbAmount || init) {
char buffer[4];
sprintf(buffer, "%02d", pbAmount);
x40_pbAmount = pbAmount;
if (pbCapacity != x44_pbCapacity || init) {
x44_pbCapacity = pbCapacity;
if (hasPb != x4c_hasPb) {
x4c_hasPb = hasPb;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
bool lit = i < availableBombs;
x14_group_bombfilled[i]->SetVisibility(lit && hasBombs, kTM_Children);
x24_group_bombempty[i]->SetVisibility(!lit && hasBombs, kTM_Children);
x48_availableBombs = availableBombs;
x8_basewidget_bombdeco->SetVisibility(hasBombs && x44_pbCapacity > 0, kTM_Children);
void CHudBallInterface::SetBallModeFactor(float t) {
float tmp = gpTweakGui->GetBallViewportYReduction() * 448.0f * 0.5f;
x34_camPos.GetX(), x34_camPos.GetY(), x34_camPos.GetZ() + (t * tmp - tmp) * 0.01f)));
void CHudBallInterface::UpdatePowerBombReadoutColors() {
CColor clear(0);
bool hasPbsAmount = x40_pbAmount > 0;
bool hasPbsCapacity = x44_pbCapacity > 0;
const CColor* fontColor = nullptr;
if (hasPbsAmount) {
fontColor = &gpTweakGuiColors->GetPowerBombDigitAvailableFont();
} else if (hasPbsCapacity) {
fontColor = &gpTweakGuiColors->GetPowerBombDigitDelpetedFont();
} else {
fontColor = &clear;
const CColor* outlineColor = nullptr;
if (hasPbsAmount) {
outlineColor = &gpTweakGuiColors->GetPowerBombDigitAvailableOutline();
} else if (hasPbsCapacity) {
outlineColor = &gpTweakGuiColors->GetPowerBombDigitDelpetedOutline();
} else {
outlineColor = &clear;
const CColor* iconColor = nullptr;
bool hasLastDisplay = false;
if (hasPbsAmount && x4c_hasPb)
hasLastDisplay = true;
if (hasLastDisplay)
iconColor = &gpTweakGuiColors->GetPowerBombIconAvailableColor();
else if (hasPbsCapacity)
iconColor = &gpTweakGuiColors->GetPowerBombIconDepletedColor();
iconColor = &clear;