Link IAllocator.cpp

Former-commit-id: 0680c9d62d
This commit is contained in:
Phillip Stephens 2022-07-20 21:47:03 -07:00
parent d26b7a4753
commit e11b88ea1e
5 changed files with 123 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -1531,9 +1531,9 @@ lbl_803525B0:
.global __ct__14CGameAllocatorFv .global __ct__14CGameAllocatorFv
__ct__14CGameAllocatorFv: __ct__14CGameAllocatorFv:
/* 803525CC 0034F52C 3C A0 80 3F */ lis r5, lbl_803ED9C0@ha /* 803525CC 0034F52C 3C A0 80 3F */ lis r5, __vt__10IAllocator@ha
/* 803525D0 0034F530 3C 80 80 3F */ lis r4, lbl_803EF6D8@ha /* 803525D0 0034F530 3C 80 80 3F */ lis r4, lbl_803EF6D8@ha
/* 803525D4 0034F534 38 A5 D9 C0 */ addi r5, r5, lbl_803ED9C0@l /* 803525D4 0034F534 38 A5 D9 C0 */ addi r5, r5, __vt__10IAllocator@l
/* 803525D8 0034F538 38 00 00 00 */ li r0, 0 /* 803525D8 0034F538 38 00 00 00 */ li r0, 0
/* 803525DC 0034F53C 90 A3 00 00 */ stw r5, 0(r3) /* 803525DC 0034F53C 90 A3 00 00 */ stw r5, 0(r3)
/* 803525E0 0034F540 38 84 F6 D8 */ addi r4, r4, lbl_803EF6D8@l /* 803525E0 0034F540 38 84 F6 D8 */ addi r4, r4, lbl_803EF6D8@l

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
.section .data .section .data
.global lbl_803ED9C0 .global __vt__10IAllocator
lbl_803ED9C0: __vt__10IAllocator:
# ROM: 0x3EA9C0 # ROM: 0x3EA9C0
.4byte 0 .4byte 0
.4byte 0 .4byte 0
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ __dt__10IAllocatorFv:
/* 80315CA4 00312C04 93 E1 00 0C */ stw r31, 0xc(r1) /* 80315CA4 00312C04 93 E1 00 0C */ stw r31, 0xc(r1)
/* 80315CA8 00312C08 7C 7F 1B 79 */ or. r31, r3, r3 /* 80315CA8 00312C08 7C 7F 1B 79 */ or. r31, r3, r3
/* 80315CAC 00312C0C 41 82 00 1C */ beq lbl_80315CC8 /* 80315CAC 00312C0C 41 82 00 1C */ beq lbl_80315CC8
/* 80315CB0 00312C10 3C A0 80 3F */ lis r5, lbl_803ED9C0@ha /* 80315CB0 00312C10 3C A0 80 3F */ lis r5, __vt__10IAllocator@ha
/* 80315CB4 00312C14 7C 80 07 35 */ extsh. r0, r4 /* 80315CB4 00312C14 7C 80 07 35 */ extsh. r0, r4
/* 80315CB8 00312C18 38 05 D9 C0 */ addi r0, r5, lbl_803ED9C0@l /* 80315CB8 00312C18 38 05 D9 C0 */ addi r0, r5, __vt__10IAllocator@l
/* 80315CBC 00312C1C 90 1F 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r31) /* 80315CBC 00312C1C 90 1F 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r31)
/* 80315CC0 00312C20 40 81 00 08 */ ble lbl_80315CC8 /* 80315CC0 00312C20 40 81 00 08 */ ble lbl_80315CC8
/* 80315CC4 00312C24 4B FF FC 6D */ bl Free__7CMemoryFPCv /* 80315CC4 00312C24 4B FF FC 6D */ bl Free__7CMemoryFPCv

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
#include "Kyoto/Alloc/CMemory.hpp"
#include "types.h"
class COsContext;
class CCallStack;
class IAllocator {
enum EHint {
kHI_Unk = (1 << 0),
kHI_RoundUpLen = (1 << 1),
enum EScope {
enum EType {
struct SMetrics {
u32 x0_heapSize;
u32 x4_;
u32 x8_;
u32 xc_;
u32 x10_;
u32 x14_heapSize2; // Remaining heap size?
u32 x18_;
u32 x1c_;
u32 x20_;
u32 x24_;
u32 x28_;
u32 x2c_smallNumAllocs;
u32 x30_smallAllocatedSize;
u32 x34_smallRemainingSize;
u32 x38_mediumNumAllocs;
u32 x3c_mediumAllocatedSize;
u32 x40_mediumBlocksAvailable;
u32 x44_;
u32 x48_;
u32 x4c_;
u32 x50_mediumTotalAllocated;
u32 x54_fakeStatics;
SMetrics(u32 heapSize, u32 unk1, u32 unk2, u32 unk3, u32 unk4, u32 heapSize2, u32 unk5, u32 unk6, u32 unk7,
u32 unk8, u32 unk9, u32 smallAllocNumAllocs, u32 smallAllocAllocatedSize, u32 smallAllocRemainingSize,
u32 mediumAllocNumAllocs, u32 mediumAllocAllocatedSize, u32 mediumAllocBlocksAvailable, u32 unk10, u32 unk11, u32 unk12,
u32 mediumAllocTotalAllocated, u32 fakeStatics);
struct SAllocInfo {
void* x0_infoPtr;
u32 x4_len;
bool x8_hasPrevious;
bool x9_;
const char* xc_fileAndLne;
const char* x10_type;
typedef const bool (*FOutOfMemoryCb)(void*, u32);
typedef const bool (*FEnumAllocationsCb)(const SAllocInfo& info, const void* ptr);
virtual ~IAllocator();
virtual bool Initialize(COsContext& ctx) = 0;
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
virtual void* Alloc(unsigned long size, EHint hint, EScope scope, EType type, const CCallStack& cs) = 0;
virtual void Free(const void* ptr) = 0;
virtual void ReleaseAll() = 0;
virtual void* AllocSecondary(unsigned long size, EHint hint, EScope scope, EType type, const CCallStack& cs) = 0;
virtual void FreeSecondary(const void* ptr) = 0;
virtual void ReleaseAllSecondary() = 0;
virtual void SetOutOfMemoryCallback(FOutOfMemoryCb cb, const void* data) = 0;
virtual void EnumAllocations(FEnumAllocationsCb func, const void* ptr, bool b) const = 0;
virtual SAllocInfo GetAllocInfo(const void* ptr) const = 0;
virtual void OffsetFakeStatics(s32 offset) = 0;
virtual SMetrics GetMetrics() const = 0;

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@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ KYOTO :=\
$(BUILD_DIR)/asm/Kyoto/CCrc32.o\ $(BUILD_DIR)/asm/Kyoto/CCrc32.o\
$(BUILD_DIR)/asm/Kyoto/Alloc/CCircularBuffer.o\ $(BUILD_DIR)/asm/Kyoto/Alloc/CCircularBuffer.o\
$(BUILD_DIR)/asm/Kyoto/Alloc/CMemory.o\ $(BUILD_DIR)/asm/Kyoto/Alloc/CMemory.o\
$(BUILD_DIR)/asm/Kyoto/Alloc/IAllocator.o\ $(BUILD_DIR)/src/Kyoto/Alloc/IAllocator.o\
$(BUILD_DIR)/asm/Kyoto/PVS/CPVSVisOctree.o\ $(BUILD_DIR)/asm/Kyoto/PVS/CPVSVisOctree.o\
$(BUILD_DIR)/asm/Kyoto/PVS/CPVSVisSet.o\ $(BUILD_DIR)/asm/Kyoto/PVS/CPVSVisSet.o\
$(BUILD_DIR)/asm/Kyoto/Particles/CColorElement.o\ $(BUILD_DIR)/asm/Kyoto/Particles/CColorElement.o\

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#include "Kyoto/Alloc/IAllocator.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/Basics/COsContext.hpp"
IAllocator::~IAllocator() {
IAllocator::SMetrics::SMetrics(u32 heapSize, u32 unk1, u32 unk2, u32 unk3, u32 unk4, u32 heapSize2, u32 unk5, u32 unk6,
u32 unk7, u32 unk8, u32 unk9, u32 smallAllocNumAllocs, u32 smallAllocAllocatedSize,
u32 smallAllocRemainingSize, u32 mediumAllocNumAllocs, u32 mediumAllocAllocatedSize,
u32 mediumAllocBlocksAvailable, u32 unk10, u32 unk11, u32 unk12,
u32 mediumAllocTotalAllocated, u32 fakeStatics)
: x0_heapSize(heapSize)
, x4_(unk1)
, x8_(unk2)
, xc_(unk3)
, x10_(unk4)
, x14_heapSize2(heapSize2)
, x18_(unk5)
, x1c_(unk6)
, x20_(unk7)
, x24_(unk8)
, x28_(unk9)
, x2c_smallNumAllocs(smallAllocNumAllocs)
, x30_smallAllocatedSize(smallAllocAllocatedSize)
, x34_smallRemainingSize(smallAllocRemainingSize)
, x38_mediumNumAllocs(mediumAllocNumAllocs)
, x3c_mediumAllocatedSize(mediumAllocAllocatedSize)
, x40_mediumBlocksAvailable(mediumAllocBlocksAvailable)
, x44_(unk10)
, x48_(unk11)
, x4c_(unk12)
, x50_mediumTotalAllocated(mediumAllocTotalAllocated)
, x54_fakeStatics(fakeStatics) {}