Add CTweakGuiColors

Former-commit-id: 3c5e962c6a
This commit is contained in:
Henrique Gemignani Passos Lima 2022-11-10 23:39:23 +02:00
parent eea4704613
commit e61b52ceb9
6 changed files with 170 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
.section .data
.balign 8
.global lbl_803E5748
.global __vt__15CTweakGuiColors
# ROM: 0x3E2748
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ __ct__15CTweakGuiColorsFR12CInputStream:
/* 801CDA44 001CA9A4 7C 9F 23 78 */ mr r31, r4
/* 801CDA48 001CA9A8 93 C1 00 08 */ stw r30, 8(r1)
/* 801CDA4C 001CA9AC 7C 7E 1B 78 */ mr r30, r3
/* 801CDA50 001CA9B0 3C 60 80 3E */ lis r3, lbl_803E5748@ha
/* 801CDA50 001CA9B0 3C 60 80 3E */ lis r3, __vt__15CTweakGuiColors@ha
/* 801CDA54 001CA9B4 90 1E 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r30)
/* 801CDA58 001CA9B8 38 03 57 48 */ addi r0, r3, lbl_803E5748@l
/* 801CDA58 001CA9B8 38 03 57 48 */ addi r0, r3, __vt__15CTweakGuiColors@l
/* 801CDA5C 001CA9BC 38 7E 00 04 */ addi r3, r30, 4
/* 801CDA60 001CA9C0 90 1E 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r30)
/* 801CDA64 001CA9C4 48 19 59 E9 */ bl __ct__6CColorFR12CInputStream
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ __ct__15CTweakGuiColorsFR12CInputStream:
/* 801CDF98 001CAEF8 48 19 54 B5 */ bl __ct__6CColorFR12CInputStream
/* 801CDF9C 001CAEFC 7F E4 FB 78 */ mr r4, r31
/* 801CDFA0 001CAF00 38 7E 01 C4 */ addi r3, r30, 0x1c4
/* 801CDFA4 001CAF04 48 00 00 21 */ bl sub_801cdfc4
/* 801CDFA4 001CAF04 48 00 00 21 */ bl "__ct__Q24rstl55reserved_vector<Q215CTweakGuiColors15SPerVisorColors,5>FR12CInputStream"
/* 801CDFA8 001CAF08 80 01 00 14 */ lwz r0, 0x14(r1)
/* 801CDFAC 001CAF0C 7F C3 F3 78 */ mr r3, r30
/* 801CDFB0 001CAF10 83 E1 00 0C */ lwz r31, 0xc(r1)
@ -374,8 +374,8 @@ __ct__15CTweakGuiColorsFR12CInputStream:
/* 801CDFBC 001CAF1C 38 21 00 10 */ addi r1, r1, 0x10
/* 801CDFC0 001CAF20 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global sub_801cdfc4
.global "__ct__Q24rstl55reserved_vector<Q215CTweakGuiColors15SPerVisorColors,5>FR12CInputStream"
/* 801CDFC4 001CAF24 94 21 FF B0 */ stwu r1, -0x50(r1)
/* 801CDFC8 001CAF28 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 801CDFCC 001CAF2C 90 01 00 54 */ stw r0, 0x54(r1)
@ -454,9 +454,9 @@ __dt__15CTweakGuiColorsFv:
/* 801CE0D8 001CB038 93 E1 00 0C */ stw r31, 0xc(r1)
/* 801CE0DC 001CB03C 7C 7F 1B 79 */ or. r31, r3, r3
/* 801CE0E0 001CB040 41 82 00 90 */ beq lbl_801CE170
/* 801CE0E4 001CB044 3C 60 80 3E */ lis r3, lbl_803E5748@ha
/* 801CE0E4 001CB044 3C 60 80 3E */ lis r3, __vt__15CTweakGuiColors@ha
/* 801CE0E8 001CB048 34 1F 01 C4 */ addic. r0, r31, 0x1c4
/* 801CE0EC 001CB04C 38 03 57 48 */ addi r0, r3, lbl_803E5748@l
/* 801CE0EC 001CB04C 38 03 57 48 */ addi r0, r3, __vt__15CTweakGuiColors@l
/* 801CE0F0 001CB050 90 1F 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r31)
/* 801CE0F4 001CB054 41 82 00 58 */ beq lbl_801CE14C
/* 801CE0F8 001CB058 80 DF 01 C4 */ lwz r6, 0x1c4(r31)

View File

@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ LIBS = [
["MetroidPrime/Weapons/GunController/CGSFreeLook", False],
["MetroidPrime/Weapons/GunController/CGSComboFire", True],
["MetroidPrime/HUD/CHudBallInterface", False],
["MetroidPrime/Tweaks/CTweakGuiColors", False],
["MetroidPrime/CHealthInfo", True],

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
#include "Kyoto/TOneStatic.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/Math/CVector3f.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/Math/CRelAngle.hpp"
#include "rstl/string.hpp"

View File

@ -4,9 +4,18 @@
#include "MetroidPrime/Tweaks/ITweakObject.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/Graphics/CColor.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/Streams/CInputStream.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/TOneStatic.hpp"
class CTweakGuiColors : public ITweakObject {
#include "rstl/reserved_vector.hpp"
class CTweakGuiColors;
class CTweakGuiColors : public ITweakObject, public TOneStatic< CTweakGuiColors > {
~CTweakGuiColors() override;
CTweakGuiColors(CInputStream& in);
const CColor& GetPauseBlurFilterColor() const { return x4_pauseBlurFilterColor; }
const CColor& GetRadarStuffColor() const { return x8_radarStuffColor; }
const CColor& GetRadarPlayerPaintColor() const { return xc_radarPlayerPaintColor; }
@ -39,7 +48,9 @@ public:
const CColor& GetHelmetLightColor() const { return x8c_helmetLightColor; }
const CColor& GetThreatIconSafeColor() const { return x90_threatIconSafeColor; }
const CColor& GetMissileIconColorInactive() const { return x94_missileIconColorInactive; }
const CColor& GetMissileIconColorChargedCanAlt() const { return x98_missileIconColorChargedCanAlt; }
const CColor& GetMissileIconColorChargedCanAlt() const {
return x98_missileIconColorChargedCanAlt;
const CColor& GetMissileIconColorChargedNoAlt() const { return x9c_missileIconColorChargedNoAlt; }
const CColor& GetMissileIconColorDepleteAlt() const { return xa0_missileIconColorDepleteAlt; }
const CColor& GetVisorBeamMenuLozColor() const { return xb0_visorBeamMenuLozColor; }
@ -59,14 +70,18 @@ public:
const CColor& GetXRayEnergyDecoColor() const { return x100_xrayEnergyDecoColor; }
const CColor& GetScanDataDotColor() const { return x138_scanDataDotColor; }
const CColor& GetPowerBombDigitAvailableFont() const { return x13c_powerBombDigitAvailableFont; }
const CColor& GetPowerBombDigitAvailableOutline() const { return x140_powerBombDigitAvailableOutline; }
const CColor& GetPowerBombDigitAvailableOutline() const {
return x140_powerBombDigitAvailableOutline;
const CColor& GetBallBombFilledColor() const { return x148_ballBombFilled; }
const CColor& GetBallBombEmptyColor() const { return x14c_ballBombEmpty; }
const CColor& GetPowerBombIconAvailableColor() const { return x150_powerBombIconAvailable; }
const CColor& GetBallBombEnergyColor() const { return x158_ballEnergyDeco; }
const CColor& GetBallBombDecoColor() const { return x15c_ballBombDeco; }
const CColor& GetPowerBombDigitDelpetedFont() const { return x160_powerBombDigitDepletedFont; }
const CColor& GetPowerBombDigitDelpetedOutline() const { return x164_powerBombDigitDepletedOutline; }
const CColor& GetPowerBombDigitDelpetedOutline() const {
return x164_powerBombDigitDepletedOutline;
const CColor& GetPowerBombIconDepletedColor() const { return x168_powerBombIconUnavailable; }
const CColor& GetScanDisplayImagePaneColor() const { return x174_scanDisplayImagePaneColor; }
const CColor& GetThreatIconWarningColor() const { return x17c_threatIconWarningColor; }
@ -200,7 +215,28 @@ private:
CColor x1b8_thermalLockColor;
CColor x1bc_pauseItemAmber;
CColor x1c0_pauseItemBlue;
struct SPerVisorColors {
CColor x0_energyBarFilled;
CColor x4_energyBarEmpty;
CColor x8_energyBarShadow;
CColor xc_energyTankFilled;
CColor x10_energyTankEmpty;
CColor x14_energyDigitsFont;
CColor x18_energyDigitsOutline;
explicit SPerVisorColors(CInputStream& in)
: x0_energyBarFilled(in)
, x4_energyBarEmpty(in)
, x8_energyBarShadow(in)
, xc_energyTankFilled(in)
, x10_energyTankEmpty(in)
, x14_energyDigitsFont(in)
, x18_energyDigitsOutline(in) {}
/* Combat, Scan, XRay, Thermal, Ball */
rstl::reserved_vector< SPerVisorColors, 5 > x1c4_perVisorColors;
CHECK_SIZEOF(CTweakGuiColors, 0x254)
extern CTweakGuiColors* gpTweakGuiColors;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "MetroidPrime/Tweaks/CTweakBall.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/Streams/CInputStream.hpp"
#include "Kyoto/Math/CMath.hpp"
CTweakBall::~CTweakBall() {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
#include "MetroidPrime/Tweaks/CTweakGuiColors.hpp"
CTweakGuiColors::~CTweakGuiColors() {}
CTweakGuiColors::CTweakGuiColors(CInputStream& in)
: x4_pauseBlurFilterColor(in)
, x8_radarStuffColor(in)
, xc_radarPlayerPaintColor(in)
, x10_radarEnemyPaintColor(in)
, x14_hudMessageFill(in)
, x18_hudMessageOutline(in)
, x1c_hudFrameColor(in)
, x20_(in)
, x24_(in)
, x28_missileIconColorActive(in)
, x2c_visorBeamMenuItemActive(in)
, x30_visorBeamMenuColorInactive(in)
, x34_energyBarFilledLowEnergy(in)
, x38_energyBarShadowLowEnergy(in)
, x3c_energyBarEmptyLowEnergy(in)
, x40_hudDamageLightColor(in)
, x44_(in)
, x48_(in)
, x4c_visorMenuTextFont(in)
, x50_visorMenuTextOutline(in)
, x54_beamMenuTextFont(in)
, x58_beamMenuTextOutline(in)
, x5c_energyWarningFont(in)
, x60_threatWarningFont(in)
, x64_missileWarningFont(in)
, x68_threatBarFilled(in)
, x6c_threatBarShadow(in)
, x70_threatBarEmpty(in)
, x74_missileBarFilled(in)
, x78_missileBarShadow(in)
, x7c_missileBarEmpty(in)
, x80_threatIconColor(in)
, x84_(in)
, x88_tickDecoColor(in)
, x8c_helmetLightColor(in)
, x90_threatIconSafeColor(in)
, x94_missileIconColorInactive(in)
, x98_missileIconColorChargedCanAlt(in)
, x9c_missileIconColorChargedNoAlt(in)
, xa0_missileIconColorDepleteAlt(in)
, xa4_(in)
, xa8_(in)
, xac_(in)
, xb0_visorBeamMenuLozColor(in)
, xb4_energyWarningOutline(in)
, xb8_threatWarningOutline(in)
, xbc_missileWarningOutline(in)
, xc0_(in)
, xc4_damageAmbientColor(in)
, xc8_scanFrameInactiveColor(in)
, xcc_scanFrameActiveColor(in)
, xd0_scanFrameImpulseColor(in)
, xd4_scanVisorHudLightMultiply(in)
, xd8_scanVisorScreenDimColor(in)
, xdc_thermalVisorHudLightMultiply(in)
, xe0_energyDrainFilterColor(in)
, xe4_damageAmbientPulseColor(in)
, xe8_energyBarFlashColor(in)
, xec_(in)
, xf0_(in)
, xf4_(in)
, xf8_(in)
, xfc_(in)
, x100_xrayEnergyDecoColor(in)
, x104_(in)
, x108_(in)
, x10c_(in)
, x110_(in)
, x114_(in)
, x118_(in)
, x11c_(in)
, x120_(in)
, x124_(in)
, x128_(in)
, x12c_(in)
, x130_(in)
, x134_(in)
, x138_scanDataDotColor(in)
, x13c_powerBombDigitAvailableFont(in)
, x140_powerBombDigitAvailableOutline(in)
, x144_(in)
, x148_ballBombFilled(in)
, x14c_ballBombEmpty(in)
, x150_powerBombIconAvailable(in)
, x154_(in)
, x158_ballEnergyDeco(in)
, x15c_ballBombDeco(in)
, x160_powerBombDigitDepletedFont(in)
, x164_powerBombDigitDepletedOutline(in)
, x168_powerBombIconUnavailable(in)
, x16c_(in)
, x170_(in)
, x174_scanDisplayImagePaneColor(in)
, x178_(in)
, x17c_threatIconWarningColor(in)
, x180_hudCounterFill(in)
, x184_hudCounterOutline(in)
, x188_scanIconCriticalColor(in)
, x18c_scanIconCriticalDimColor(in)
, x190_scanIconNoncriticalColor(in)
, x194_scanIconNoncriticalDimColor(in)
, x198_scanReticuleColor(in)
, x19c_threatDigitsFont(in)
, x1a0_threatDigitsOutline(in)
, x1a4_missileDigitsFont(in)
, x1a8_missileDigitsOutline(in)
, x1ac_thermalDecoColor(in)
, x1b0_thermalOutlinesColor(in)
, x1b4_(in)
, x1b8_thermalLockColor(in)
, x1bc_pauseItemAmber(in)
, x1c0_pauseItemBlue(in)
, x1c4_perVisorColors(in)