mirror of https://github.com/PrimeDecomp/prime.git
1131 lines
38 KiB
1131 lines
38 KiB
#include "musyx/musyx.h"
#include "musyx/assert.h"
#include "musyx/hardware.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define CLAMP(value, min, max) ((value) > (max) ? (max) : (value) < (min) ? (min) : (value))
// TODO matching hack
#define CLAMP_INV(value, min, max) ((value) < (min) ? (min) : (value) > (max) ? (max) : (value))
typedef struct SYNTH_VOICELIST {
// total size: 0x4
u8 prev; // offset 0x0, size 0x1
u8 next; // offset 0x1, size 0x1
u16 user; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
extern SYNTH_VOICELIST voicePrioSortVoices[64];
extern u8 voicePrioSortVoicesRoot[256];
extern SYNTH_VOICELIST voicePrioSortVoices[64];
typedef struct SYNTH_ROOTLIST {
// total size: 0x4
u16 next; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 prev; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
extern SYNTH_ROOTLIST voicePrioSortRootList[256];
typedef struct synthInfo {
u32 mixFrq;
u32 numSamples;
u8 voiceNum;
u8 maxMusic;
u8 maxSFX;
u8 studioNum;
} SynthInfo;
typedef struct ADSR_VARS {
u8 mode;
u8 state;
u32 cnt;
s32 currentVolume;
s32 currentIndex;
s32 currentDelta;
union data {
struct _dls {
u32 aTime;
u32 dTime;
u16 sLevel;
u32 rTime;
u16 cutOff;
u8 aMode;
} dls;
struct _linear {
u32 aTime;
u32 dTime;
u16 sLevel;
u32 rTime;
} linear;
} data;
typedef struct _PBMIX {
// total size: 0x24
u16 vL; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 vDeltaL; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
u16 vR; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u16 vDeltaR; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
u16 vAuxAL; // offset 0x8, size 0x2
u16 vDeltaAuxAL; // offset 0xA, size 0x2
u16 vAuxAR; // offset 0xC, size 0x2
u16 vDeltaAuxAR; // offset 0xE, size 0x2
u16 vAuxBL; // offset 0x10, size 0x2
u16 vDeltaAuxBL; // offset 0x12, size 0x2
u16 vAuxBR; // offset 0x14, size 0x2
u16 vDeltaAuxBR; // offset 0x16, size 0x2
u16 vAuxBS; // offset 0x18, size 0x2
u16 vDeltaAuxBS; // offset 0x1A, size 0x2
u16 vS; // offset 0x1C, size 0x2
u16 vDeltaS; // offset 0x1E, size 0x2
u16 vAuxAS; // offset 0x20, size 0x2
u16 vDeltaAuxAS; // offset 0x22, size 0x2
typedef struct _PBITD {
// total size: 0xE
u16 flag; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 bufferHi; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
u16 bufferLo; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u16 shiftL; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
u16 shiftR; // offset 0x8, size 0x2
u16 targetShiftL; // offset 0xA, size 0x2
u16 targetShiftR; // offset 0xC, size 0x2
typedef struct _PBUPDATE {
// total size: 0xE
u16 updNum[5]; // offset 0x0, size 0xA
u16 dataHi; // offset 0xA, size 0x2
u16 dataLo; // offset 0xC, size 0x2
typedef struct _PBDPOP {
// total size: 0x12
u16 aL; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 aAuxAL; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
u16 aAuxBL; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u16 aR; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
u16 aAuxAR; // offset 0x8, size 0x2
u16 aAuxBR; // offset 0xA, size 0x2
u16 aS; // offset 0xC, size 0x2
u16 aAuxAS; // offset 0xE, size 0x2
u16 aAuxBS; // offset 0x10, size 0x2
typedef struct _PBVE {
// total size: 0x4
u16 currentVolume; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 currentDelta; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
} _PBVE;
typedef struct _PBFIR {
// total size: 0x6
u16 numCoefs; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 coefsHi; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
u16 coefsLo; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
typedef struct _PBADDR {
// total size: 0x10
u16 loopFlag; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 format; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
u16 loopAddressHi; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u16 loopAddressLo; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
u16 endAddressHi; // offset 0x8, size 0x2
u16 endAddressLo; // offset 0xA, size 0x2
u16 currentAddressHi; // offset 0xC, size 0x2
u16 currentAddressLo; // offset 0xE, size 0x2
typedef struct _PBADPCM {
// total size: 0x28
u16 a[8][2]; // offset 0x0, size 0x20
u16 gain; // offset 0x20, size 0x2
u16 pred_scale; // offset 0x22, size 0x2
u16 yn1; // offset 0x24, size 0x2
u16 yn2; // offset 0x26, size 0x2
typedef struct _PBSRC {
// total size: 0xE
u16 ratioHi; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 ratioLo; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
u16 currentAddressFrac; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u16 last_samples[4]; // offset 0x6, size 0x8
typedef struct _PBADPCMLOOP {
// total size: 0x6
u16 loop_pred_scale; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 loop_yn1; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
u16 loop_yn2; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
typedef struct _PB {
// total size: 0xBC
u16 nextHi; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 nextLo; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
u16 currHi; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u16 currLo; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
u16 srcSelect; // offset 0x8, size 0x2
u16 coefSelect; // offset 0xA, size 0x2
u16 mixerCtrl; // offset 0xC, size 0x2
u16 state; // offset 0xE, size 0x2
u16 loopType; // offset 0x10, size 0x2
_PBMIX mix; // offset 0x12, size 0x24
_PBITD itd; // offset 0x36, size 0xE
_PBUPDATE update; // offset 0x44, size 0xE
_PBDPOP dpop; // offset 0x52, size 0x12
_PBVE ve; // offset 0x64, size 0x4
_PBFIR fir; // offset 0x68, size 0x6
_PBADDR addr; // offset 0x6E, size 0x10
_PBADPCM adpcm; // offset 0x7E, size 0x28
_PBSRC src; // offset 0xA6, size 0xE
_PBADPCMLOOP adpcmLoop; // offset 0xB4, size 0x6
u16 streamLoopCnt; // offset 0xBA, size 0x2
} _PB;
typedef struct SAMPLE_INFO {
// total size: 0x20
u32 info; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
void* addr; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
void* extraData; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
u32 offset; // offset 0xC, size 0x4
u32 length; // offset 0x10, size 0x4
u32 loop; // offset 0x14, size 0x4
u32 loopLength; // offset 0x18, size 0x4
u8 compType; // offset 0x1C, size 0x1
typedef struct GROUP_DATA {
// total size: 0x28
u32 nextOff; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
u16 id; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u16 type; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
u32 macroOff; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
u32 sampleOff; // offset 0xC, size 0x4
u32 curveOff; // offset 0x10, size 0x4
u32 keymapOff; // offset 0x14, size 0x4
u32 layerOff; // offset 0x18, size 0x4
union {
struct fx {
// total size: 0x4
u32 tableOff; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
} fx;
struct song {
// total size: 0xC
u32 normpageOff; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
u32 drumpageOff; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
u32 midiSetupOff; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
} song;
} data; // offset 0x1C, size 0xC
typedef struct SAMPLE_HEADER {
// total size: 0x10
u32 info; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
u32 length; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
u32 loopOffset; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
u32 loopLength; // offset 0xC, size 0x4
typedef struct SDIR_DATA {
// total size: 0x20
u16 id; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 ref_cnt; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
u32 offset; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
void* addr; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
SAMPLE_HEADER header; // offset 0xC, size 0x10
u32 extraData; // offset 0x1C, size 0x4
typedef struct SDIR_TAB {
// total size: 0xC
SDIR_DATA* data; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
void* base; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
u16 numSmp; // offset 0x8, size 0x2
u16 res; // offset 0xA, size 0x2
typedef struct DATA_TAB {
// total size: 0x8
void* data; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
u16 id; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u16 refCount; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
typedef struct LAYER_TAB {
// total size: 0xC
void* data; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
u16 id; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u16 num; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
u16 refCount; // offset 0x8, size 0x2
u16 reserved; // offset 0xA, size 0x2
typedef struct MAC_MAINTAB {
// total size: 0x4
u16 num; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 subTabIndex; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
typedef struct MAC_SUBTAB {
// total size: 0x8
void* data; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
u16 id; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u16 refCount; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
typedef struct GSTACK {
// total size: 0xC
GROUP_DATA* gAddr; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
SDIR_DATA* sdirAddr; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
void* prjAddr; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
typedef struct VSampleInfo {
// total size: 0xC
void* loopBufferAddr; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
u32 loopBufferLength; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
u8 inLoopBuffer; // offset 0x8, size 0x1
} VSampleInfo;
typedef struct DSPvoice {
_PB* pb;
void* patchData;
void* itdBuffer;
struct DSPvoice* next;
struct DSPvoice* prev;
struct DSPvoice* nextAlien;
u32 mesgCallBackUserValue;
u32 prio;
u32 currentAddr;
u32 changed[5];
u32 pitch[5];
u16 volL;
u16 volR;
u16 volS;
u16 volLa;
u16 volRa;
u16 volSa;
u16 volLb;
u16 volRb;
u16 volSb;
u16 lastVolL;
u16 lastVolR;
u16 lastVolS;
u16 lastVolLa;
u16 lastVolRa;
u16 lastVolSa;
u16 lastVolLb;
u16 lastVolRb;
u16 lastVolSb;
u16 smp_id;
SAMPLE_INFO smp_info;
VSampleInfo vSampleInfo;
u8 streamLoopPS;
u16 srcTypeSelect;
u16 srcCoefSelect;
u16 itdShiftL;
u16 itdShiftR;
u8 singleOffset;
struct {
u32 posHi;
u32 posLo;
u32 pitch;
} playInfo;
struct {
u8 pitch;
u8 vol;
u8 volA;
u8 volB;
} lastUpdate;
u32 virtualSampleID;
u8 state;
u8 postBreak;
u8 startupBreak;
u8 studio;
u32 flags;
} DSPvoice;
typedef struct VID_LIST {
struct VID_LIST* next;
struct VID_LIST* prev;
u32 vid;
u32 root;
typedef enum {
typedef struct MSTEP {
u32 para[2];
typedef struct CALLSTACK {
MSTEP* addr;
MSTEP* curAddr;
typedef struct SYNTH_QUEUE {
// total size: 0xC
struct SYNTH_QUEUE* next; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
struct SYNTH_QUEUE* prev; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
u8 voice; // offset 0x8, size 0x1
u8 jobTabIndex; // offset 0x9, size 0x1
typedef enum {
typedef struct {
// total size: 0xC
SYNTH_QUEUE* lowPrecision; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
SYNTH_QUEUE* event; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
SYNTH_QUEUE* zeroOffset; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
typedef struct SYNTH_LFO {
u32 time;
u32 period;
s16 value;
s16 lastValue;
typedef struct SYNTHMasterFader {
// total size: 0x30
f32 volume; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
f32 target; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
f32 start; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
f32 time; // offset 0xC, size 0x4
f32 deltaTime; // offset 0x10, size 0x4
f32 pauseVol; // offset 0x14, size 0x4
f32 pauseTarget; // offset 0x18, size 0x4
f32 pauseStart; // offset 0x1C, size 0x4
f32 pauseTime; // offset 0x20, size 0x4
f32 pauseDeltaTime; // offset 0x24, size 0x4
u32 seqId; // offset 0x28, size 0x4
u8 seqMode; // offset 0x2C, size 0x1
u8 type; // offset 0x2D, size 0x1
} SYNTHMasterFader;
typedef struct CTRL_SOURCE {
u8 midiCtrl;
u8 combine;
s32 scale;
typedef struct CTRL_DEST {
CTRL_SOURCE source[4];
u16 oldValue;
u8 numSource;
// total size: 0x14
u16 smpID; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 instID; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
union vsData {
struct vsUpdate {
// total size: 0x10
u32 off1; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
u32 len1; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
u32 off2; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
u32 len2; // offset 0xC, size 0x4
} update;
} data;
typedef struct VS_BUFFER {
// total size: 0x24
u8 state; // offset 0x0, size 0x1
u8 hwId; // offset 0x1, size 0x1
u8 smpType; // offset 0x2, size 0x1
u8 voice; // offset 0x3, size 0x1
u32 last; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
u32 finalGoodSamples; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
u32 finalLast; // offset 0xC, size 0x4
SND_VIRTUALSAMPLE_INFO info; // offset 0x10, size 0x14
typedef struct _VS {
// total size: 0x950
u8 numBuffers; // offset 0x0, size 0x1
u32 bufferLength; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
VS_BUFFER streamBuffer[64]; // offset 0x8, size 0x900
u8 voices[64]; // offset 0x908, size 0x40
u16 nextInstID; // offset 0x948, size 0x2
u32 (*callback)(u8,
SND_VIRTUALSAMPLE_INFO*); // offset 0x94C, size 0x4
} VS;
extern VS vs;
#pragma push
#pragma pack(4)
typedef struct SYNTH_VOICE {
// total size: 0x404
SYNTH_QUEUE lowPrecisionJob; // offset 0x0, size 0xC
SYNTH_QUEUE zeroOffsetJob; // offset 0xC, size 0xC
SYNTH_QUEUE eventJob; // offset 0x18, size 0xC
u64 lastLowCallTime; // offset 0x24, size 0x8
u64 lastZeroCallTime; // offset 0x2C, size 0x8
MSTEP* addr; // offset 0x34, size 0x4
MSTEP* curAddr; // offset 0x38, size 0x4
struct SYNTH_VOICE* nextMacActive; // offset 0x3C, size 0x4
struct SYNTH_VOICE* prevMacActive; // offset 0x40, size 0x4
struct SYNTH_VOICE* nextTimeQueueMacro; // offset 0x44, size 0x4
struct SYNTH_VOICE* prevTimeQueueMacro; // offset 0x48, size 0x4
MAC_STATE macState; // offset 0x4C, size 0x4
MSTEP* trapEventAddr[3]; // offset 0x50, size 0xC
MSTEP* trapEventCurAddr[3]; // offset 0x5C, size 0xC
u8 trapEventAny; // offset 0x68, size 0x1
CALLSTACK callStack[4]; // offset 0x6C, size 0x20
u8 callStackEntryNum; // offset 0x8C, size 0x1
u8 callStackIndex; // offset 0x8D, size 0x1
u64 macStartTime; // offset 0x90, size 0x8
u64 wait; // offset 0x98, size 0x8
u64 waitTime; // offset 0xA0, size 0x8
u8 timeUsedByInput; // offset 0xA8, size 0x1
u16 loop; // offset 0xAA, size 0x2
s32 local_vars[16]; // offset 0xAC, size 0x40
u32 child; // offset 0xEC, size 0x4
u32 parent; // offset 0xF0, size 0x4
u32 id; // offset 0xF4, size 0x4
VID_LIST* vidList; // offset 0xF8, size 0x4
VID_LIST* vidMasterList; // offset 0xFC, size 0x4
u16 allocId; // offset 0x100, size 0x2
u16 macroId; // offset 0x102, size 0x2
u8 keyGroup; // offset 0x104, size 0x1
u32 lastVID; // offset 0x108, size 0x4
u8 prio; // offset 0x10C, size 0x1
u16 ageSpeed; // offset 0x10E, size 0x2
u32 age; // offset 0x110, size 0x4
u64 cFlags; // offset 0x114, size 0x8
u8 block; // offset 0x11C, size 0x1
u8 fxFlag; // offset 0x11D, size 0x1
u8 vGroup; // offset 0x11E, size 0x1
u8 studio; // offset 0x11F, size 0x1
u8 track; // offset 0x120, size 0x1
u8 midi; // offset 0x121, size 0x1
u8 midiSet; // offset 0x122, size 0x1
u8 section; // offset 0x123, size 0x1
void* sAddr;
u32 sInfo; // offset 0x124, size 0x4
u32 playFrq; // offset 0x128, size 0x4
u16 curNote; // offset 0x12C, size 0x2
s8 curDetune; // offset 0x12E, size 0x1
u8 orgNote; // offset 0x12F, size 0x1
u8 lastNote; // offset 0x130, size 0x1
u8 portType; // offset 0x131, size 0x1
u16 portLastCtrlState; // offset 0x132, size 0x2
u32 portDuration; // offset 0x134, size 0x4
u32 portCurPitch; // offset 0x138, size 0x4
u32 portTime; // offset 0x13C, size 0x4
u8 vibKeyRange; // offset 0x140, size 0x1
u8 vibCentRange; // offset 0x141, size 0x1
u32 vibPeriod; // offset 0x144, size 0x4
u32 vibCurTime; // offset 0x148, size 0x4
s32 vibCurOffset; // offset 0x14C, size 0x4
s16 vibModAddScale; // offset 0x150, size 0x2
u32 volume; // offset 0x154, size 0x4
u32 orgVolume; // offset 0x158, size 0x4
float lastVolFaderScale; // offset 0x15C, size 0x4
u32 lastPan; // offset 0x160, size 0x4
u32 lastSPan; // offset 0x164, size 0x4
float treCurScale; // offset 0x168, size 0x4
u16 treScale; // offset 0x16C, size 0x2
u16 treModAddScale; // offset 0x16E, size 0x2
u32 panning[2]; // offset 0x170, size 0x8
s32 panDelta[2]; // offset 0x178, size 0x8
u32 panTarget[2]; // offset 0x180, size 0x8
u32 panTime[2]; // offset 0x188, size 0x8
u8 revVolScale; // offset 0x190, size 0x1
u8 revVolOffset; // offset 0x191, size 0x1
u8 volTable; // offset 0x192, size 0x1
u8 itdMode; // offset 0x193, size 0x1
s32 envDelta; // offset 0x194, size 0x4
u32 envTarget; // offset 0x198, size 0x4
u32 envCurrent; // offset 0x19C, size 0x4
u32 sweepOff[2]; // offset 0x1A0, size 0x8
s32 sweepAdd[2]; // offset 0x1A8, size 0x8
s32 sweepCnt[2]; // offset 0x1B0, size 0x8
u8 sweepNum[2]; // offset 0x1B8, size 0x2
SYNTH_LFO lfo[2]; // offset 0x1BC, size 0x18
u8 lfoUsedByInput[2]; // offset 0x1D4, size 0x2
u8 pbLowerKeyRange; // offset 0x1D6, size 0x1
u8 pbUpperKeyRange; // offset 0x1D7, size 0x1
u16 pbLast; // offset 0x1D8, size 0x2
ADSR_VARS pitchADSR; // offset 0x1DC, size 0x28
s16 pitchADSRRange; // offset 0x204, size 0x2
u16 curPitch; // offset 0x206, size 0x2
struct setup {
// total size: 0x9
u8 vol; // offset 0x0, size 0x1
u8 pan; // offset 0x1, size 0x1
u8 midi; // offset 0x2, size 0x1
u8 midiSet; // offset 0x3, size 0x1
u8 section; // offset 0x4, size 0x1
u8 track; // offset 0x5, size 0x1
u8 vGroup; // offset 0x6, size 0x1
u8 studio; // offset 0x7, size 0x1
u8 itdMode; // offset 0x8, size 0x1
} setup; // offset 0x208, size 0x9
u32 midiDirtyFlags; // offset 0x214, size 0x4
CTRL_DEST inpVolume; // offset 0x218, size 0x24
CTRL_DEST inpPanning; // offset 0x23C, size 0x24
CTRL_DEST inpSurroundPanning; // offset 0x260, size 0x24
CTRL_DEST inpPitchBend; // offset 0x284, size 0x24
CTRL_DEST inpDoppler; // offset 0x2A8, size 0x24
CTRL_DEST inpModulation; // offset 0x2CC, size 0x24
CTRL_DEST inpPedal; // offset 0x2F0, size 0x24
CTRL_DEST inpPortamento; // offset 0x314, size 0x24
CTRL_DEST inpPreAuxA; // offset 0x338, size 0x24
CTRL_DEST inpReverb; // offset 0x35C, size 0x24
CTRL_DEST inpPreAuxB; // offset 0x380, size 0x24
CTRL_DEST inpPostAuxB; // offset 0x3A4, size 0x24
CTRL_DEST inpTremolo; // offset 0x3C8, size 0x24
u8 mesgNum; // offset 0x3EC, size 0x1
u8 mesgRead; // offset 0x3ED, size 0x1
u8 mesgWrite; // offset 0x3EE, size 0x1
s32 mesgQueue[4]; // offset 0x3F0, size 0x10
u16 curOutputVolume; // offset 0x400, size 0x2
typedef struct synthITDInfo {
// total size: 0x2
u8 music; // offset 0x0, size 0x1
u8 sfx; // offset 0x1, size 0x1
} synthITDInfo;
#pragma pop
typedef struct LAYER {
// total size: 0xC
u16 id; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u8 keyLow; // offset 0x2, size 0x1
u8 keyHigh; // offset 0x3, size 0x1
s8 transpose; // offset 0x4, size 0x1
u8 volume; // offset 0x5, size 0x1
s16 prioOffset; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
u8 panning; // offset 0x8, size 0x1
u8 reserved[3]; // offset 0x9, size 0x3
typedef struct KEYMAP {
// total size: 0x8
u16 id; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
s8 transpose; // offset 0x2, size 0x1
u8 panning; // offset 0x3, size 0x1
s16 prioOffset; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u8 reserved[2]; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
typedef struct MEM_DATA {
// total size: 0x408
u32 nextOff; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
u16 id; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u16 reserved; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
union {
struct {
// total size: 0x10
u32 num; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
LAYER entry[1]; // offset 0x4, size 0xC
} layer;
KEYMAP map[128];
u8 tab[1];
MSTEP cmd[1][2];
} data; // offset 0x8, size 0x400
typedef struct POOL_DATA {
// total size: 0x10
u32 macroOff; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
u32 curveOff; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
u32 keymapOff; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
u32 layerOff; // offset 0xC, size 0x4
typedef struct SAL_VOLINFO {
// total size: 0x24
f32 volL; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
f32 volR; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
f32 volS; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
f32 volAuxAL; // offset 0xC, size 0x4
f32 volAuxAR; // offset 0x10, size 0x4
f32 volAuxAS; // offset 0x14, size 0x4
f32 volAuxBL; // offset 0x18, size 0x4
f32 volAuxBR; // offset 0x1C, size 0x4
f32 volAuxBS; // offset 0x20, size 0x4
typedef struct SAL_PANINFO {
// total size: 0x30
u32 pan_i; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
u32 pan_im; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
u32 span_i; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
u32 span_im; // offset 0xC, size 0x4
u32 rpan_i; // offset 0x10, size 0x4
u32 rpan_im; // offset 0x14, size 0x4
f32 pan_f; // offset 0x18, size 0x4
f32 pan_fm; // offset 0x1C, size 0x4
f32 span_f; // offset 0x20, size 0x4
f32 span_fm; // offset 0x24, size 0x4
f32 rpan_f; // offset 0x28, size 0x4
f32 rpan_fm; // offset 0x2C, size 0x4
typedef struct _SPB {
// total size: 0x36
u16 dpopLHi; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 dpopLLo; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
u16 dpopLDelta; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u16 dpopRHi; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
u16 dpopRLo; // offset 0x8, size 0x2
u16 dpopRDelta; // offset 0xA, size 0x2
u16 dpopSHi; // offset 0xC, size 0x2
u16 dpopSLo; // offset 0xE, size 0x2
u16 dpopSDelta; // offset 0x10, size 0x2
u16 dpopALHi; // offset 0x12, size 0x2
u16 dpopALLo; // offset 0x14, size 0x2
u16 dpopALDelta; // offset 0x16, size 0x2
u16 dpopARHi; // offset 0x18, size 0x2
u16 dpopARLo; // offset 0x1A, size 0x2
u16 dpopARDelta; // offset 0x1C, size 0x2
u16 dpopASHi; // offset 0x1E, size 0x2
u16 dpopASLo; // offset 0x20, size 0x2
u16 dpopASDelta; // offset 0x22, size 0x2
u16 dpopBLHi; // offset 0x24, size 0x2
u16 dpopBLLo; // offset 0x26, size 0x2
u16 dpopBLDelta; // offset 0x28, size 0x2
u16 dpopBRHi; // offset 0x2A, size 0x2
u16 dpopBRLo; // offset 0x2C, size 0x2
u16 dpopBRDelta; // offset 0x2E, size 0x2
u16 dpopBSHi; // offset 0x30, size 0x2
u16 dpopBSLo; // offset 0x32, size 0x2
u16 dpopBSDelta; // offset 0x34, size 0x2
} _SPB;
typedef struct DSPhostDPop {
// total size: 0x24
s32 l; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
s32 r; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
s32 s; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
s32 lA; // offset 0xC, size 0x4
s32 rA; // offset 0x10, size 0x4
s32 sA; // offset 0x14, size 0x4
s32 lB; // offset 0x18, size 0x4
s32 rB; // offset 0x1C, size 0x4
s32 sB; // offset 0x20, size 0x4
} DSPhostDPop;
typedef struct DSPinput {
// total size: 0xC
u8 studio; // offset 0x0, size 0x1
u16 vol; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
u16 volA; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u16 volB; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
SND_STUDIO_INPUT* desc; // offset 0x8, size 0x4
} DSPinput;
typedef struct DSPstudioinfo {
// total size: 0xBC
_SPB* spb; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
DSPhostDPop hostDPopSum; // offset 0x4, size 0x24
s32* main[2]; // offset 0x28, size 0x8
s32* auxA[3]; // offset 0x30, size 0xC
s32* auxB[3]; // offset 0x3C, size 0xC
DSPvoice* voiceRoot; // offset 0x48, size 0x4
DSPvoice* alienVoiceRoot; // offset 0x4C, size 0x4
u8 state; // offset 0x50, size 0x1
u8 isMaster; // offset 0x51, size 0x1
u8 numInputs; // offset 0x52, size 0x1
SND_STUDIO_TYPE type; // offset 0x54, size 0x4
DSPinput in[7]; // offset 0x58, size 0x54
SND_AUX_CALLBACK auxAHandler; // offset 0xAC, size 0x4
SND_AUX_CALLBACK auxBHandler; // offset 0xB0, size 0x4
void* auxAUser; // offset 0xB4, size 0x4
void* auxBUser; // offset 0xB8, size 0x4
} DSPstudioinfo;
extern DSPstudioinfo dspStudio[8];
extern SYNTH_VOICE* synthVoice;
extern DSPvoice* dspVoice;
typedef s32 (*SND_COMPARE)(void*, void*);
typedef struct CHANNEL_DEFAULTS {
// total size: 0x1
u8 pbRange; // offset 0x0, size 0x1
typedef struct FX_TAB {
// total size: 0xA
u16 id; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 macro; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
u8 maxVoices; // offset 0x4, size 0x1
u8 priority; // offset 0x5, size 0x1
u8 volume; // offset 0x6, size 0x1
u8 panning; // offset 0x7, size 0x1
u8 key; // offset 0x8, size 0x1
u8 vGroup; // offset 0x9, size 0x1
typedef struct FX_DATA {
// total size: 0xE
u16 num; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 reserverd; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
FX_TAB fx[1]; // offset 0x4, size 0xA
typedef struct FX_GROUP {
// total size: 0x8
u16 gid; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 fxNum; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
FX_TAB* fxTab; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
typedef struct PAGE {
// total size: 0x6
u16 macro; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u8 prio; // offset 0x2, size 0x1
u8 maxVoices; // offset 0x3, size 0x1
u8 index; // offset 0x4, size 0x1
u8 reserved; // offset 0x5, size 0x1
typedef struct MIDI_CHANNEL_SETUP {
// total size: 0x5
u8 program; // offset 0x0, size 0x1
u8 volume; // offset 0x1, size 0x1
u8 panning; // offset 0x2, size 0x1
u8 reverb; // offset 0x3, size 0x1
u8 chorus; // offset 0x4, size 0x1
typedef struct MIDISETUP {
// total size: 0x54
u16 songId; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 reserved; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
MIDI_CHANNEL_SETUP channel[16]; // offset 0x4, size 0x50
typedef struct ADSR_INFO {
// total size: 0x14
union ai_data {
struct {
// total size: 0x14
s32 atime; // offset 0x0, size 0x4
s32 dtime; // offset 0x4, size 0x4
u16 slevel; // offset 0x8, size 0x2
u16 rtime; // offset 0xA, size 0x2
s32 ascale; // offset 0xC, size 0x4
s32 dscale; // offset 0x10, size 0x4
} dls;
struct {
// total size: 0x8
u16 atime; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u16 dtime; // offset 0x2, size 0x2
u16 slevel; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
u16 rtime; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
} linear;
} data; // offset 0x0, size 0x14
void dataInit(u32, u32); /* extern */
void dataInitStack(); /* extern */
u32 dataInsertSDir(SDIR_DATA* sdir, void* smp_data);
u32 dataRemoveSDir(SDIR_DATA* sdir);
u32 dataInsertMacro(u16 mid, void* macroaddr);
u32 dataRemoveMacro(u16 mid);
u32 dataInsertCurve(u16 cid, void* curvedata);
u32 dataRemoveCurve(u16 sid);
s32 dataGetSample(u16 sid, SAMPLE_INFO* newsmp);
void* dataGetCurve(u16 cid);
u32 dataAddSampleReference(u16 sid);
u32 dataRemoveSampleReference(u16 sid);
u32 dataInsertKeymap(u16 cid, void* keymapdata);
u32 dataRemoveKeymap(u16 sid);
u32 dataInsertLayer(u16 cid, void* layerdata, u16 size);
u32 dataRemoveLayer(u16 sid);
u32 dataInsertFX(u16 gid, FX_TAB* fx, u16 fxNum);
FX_TAB* dataGetFX(u16 fid);
void* dataGetLayer(u16 cid, u16* n);
void* dataGetKeymap(u16 cid);
s32 hwInit(u32* frq, u16 numVoices, u16 numStudios, u32 flags); /* extern */
void hwInitSamplePlayback(u32 v, u16 smpID, void* newsmp, u32 set_defadsr, u32 prio,
u32 callbackUserValue, u32 setSRC, u8 itdMode);
void hwSetVolume(u32 v, u8 table, f32 vol, u32 pan, u32 span, f32 auxa, f32 auxb);
void hwSetPitch(u32 v, u16 speed);
void hwEnableIrq();
void hwDisableIrq();
void* hwTransAddr(void* samples);
void seqInit(); /* extern */
u32 seqStartPlay(PAGE* norm, PAGE* drum, MIDISETUP* midiSetup, u32* song, SND_PLAYPARA* para,
u8 studio, u16 sgid);
u32 seqGetPrivateId(u32 seqId);
void streamInit(); /* extern */
void vsInit(); /* extern */
u32 vsSampleStartNotify(u8 voice);
void vsSampleEndNotify(u32 pubID);
void hwExit();
void dataExit();
void s3dInit(u32); /* extern */
void s3dKillEmitterByFXID(FX_TAB* fxTab, u32 num);
void s3dExit();
void synthInit(u32 mixFrq, u32 numVoices);
void synthSetBpm(u32 pbm, u8 set, u8 section);
void synthFXCloneMidiSetup(SYNTH_VOICE* dest, SYNTH_VOICE* src);
void synthSetMusicVolumeType(u8 vGroup, u8 type);
void synthAddJob(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice, SYNTH_JOBTYPE jobType, u32 deltaTime);
extern s32 synthGlobalVariable[16];
extern u16 voicePrioSortRootListRoot;
extern u8 voiceMusicRunning;
extern u8 voiceFxRunning;
extern u8 voiceListInsert;
extern u8 voiceListRoot;
void voiceSetPriority(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice, u8 prio);
u32 voiceIsLastStarted(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
void voiceSetLastStarted(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
void voiceResetLastStarted(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
void voiceInitLastStarted();
s32 voiceKillSound(u32 voiceid);
void voiceKill(u32 vi);
extern u64 synthRealTime;
u32 synthGetTicksPerSecond(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
void synthKillVoicesByMacroReferences(u16* ref);
void synthExit();
u16 sndRand(void);
s16 sndSin(u16 angle);
void* sndBSearch(void* key, void* base, s32 num, s32 len, SND_COMPARE cmp);
void sndConvertMs(u32* time);
void sndConvertTicks(u32* out, SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u32 sndConvert2Ms(u32 time);
u32 sndStreamAllocLength(u32 num, u32 flags);
void sndStreamFree(u32 stid);
u32 sndStreamActivate(u32 stid);
void sndStreamDeactivate(u32 stid);
void hwActivateStudio(u8 studio, u32 isMaster, SND_STUDIO_TYPE type);
void hwDeactivateStudio(u8);
void hwSetPriority(u32 v, u32 prio);
u32 hwIsActive(u32);
u32 hwGlobalActivity();
void hwSetAUXProcessingCallbacks(u8 studio, SND_AUX_CALLBACK auxA, void* userA,
SND_AUX_CALLBACK auxB, void* userB);
u8 hwInitStream(u32 len);
u8 hwGetTimeOffset();
u32 hwGetVirtualSampleID(u32 v);
s16 varGet(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice, u32 ctrl, u8 index);
u32 sndGetPitch(u8 key, u32 sInfo);
s32 sndPitchUpOne(u16 note);
extern SND_HOOKS salHooks;
extern u8 sndActive;
extern u8 synthIdleWaitActive;
extern SynthInfo synthInfo;
typedef s32 (*SND_MESSAGE_CALLBACK)(u32, u32);
typedef void (*SYNTH_MESSAGE_CALLBACK)(u32, s32);
typedef void (*SND_SOME_CALLBACK)();
extern SND_MESSAGE_CALLBACK salMessageCallback;
extern SYNTH_MESSAGE_CALLBACK synthMessageCallback;
/* Math */
void salApplyMatrix(const SND_FMATRIX* a, const SND_FVECTOR* b, SND_FVECTOR* out);
f32 salNormalizeVector(SND_FVECTOR* vec);
void salCrossProduct(SND_FVECTOR* out, const SND_FVECTOR* a, const SND_FVECTOR* b);
void salInvertMatrix(SND_FMATRIX* out, const SND_FMATRIX* in);
/* hardware */
u32 salInitAi(SND_SOME_CALLBACK, u32, u32*);
u32 salInitDsp(u32);
u32 salInitDspCtrl(u8 numVoices, u8 numStudios, u32 defaultStudioDPL2);
u32 salStartAi();
void salInitHRTFBuffer();
void salActivateVoice(DSPvoice* dsp_vptr, u8 studio);
void salDeactivateVoice(DSPvoice* dsp_vptr);
void salActivateStudio(u8 studio, u32 isMaster, SND_STUDIO_TYPE type);
void salDeactivateStudio(u8 studio);
void salActivateVoice(DSPvoice* dsp_vptr, u8 studio);
void salCalcVolume(u8 voltab_index, SAL_VOLINFO* vi, f32 vol, u32 pan, u32 span, f32 auxa, f32 auxb,
u32 itd, u32 dpl2);
void salReconnectVoice(DSPvoice* dsp_vptr, u8 studio);
void* salMalloc(u32 len);
void salFree(void* addr);
extern u8 salMaxStudioNum;
extern u8 salNumVoices;
/* Stream */
typedef s32 (*SND_STREAM_UPDATE_CALLBACK)(void* buffer1, u32 len1, void* buffer2, u32 len2,
void* user);
typedef struct SNDADPCMinfo {
// total size: 0x28
u16 numCoef; // offset 0x0, size 0x2
u8 initialPS; // offset 0x2, size 0x1
u8 loopPS; // offset 0x3, size 0x1
s16 loopY0; // offset 0x4, size 0x2
s16 loopY1; // offset 0x6, size 0x2
s16 coefTab[8][2]; // offset 0x8, size 0x20
typedef struct STREAM_INFO {
u32 nextStreamHandle;
u32 stid;
u32 flags;
u8 state;
u8 type;
/* These were moved to near the start of the structure in later versions */
u8 hwStreamHandle;
u8 lastPSFromBuffer;
s16* buffer;
u32 size;
u32 bytes;
u32 last;
SNDADPCMinfo adpcmInfo;
volatile SND_VOICEID voice;
u32 user;
u32 frq;
u8 prio;
u8 vol;
u8 pan;
u8 span;
u8 auxa;
u8 auxb;
u8 orgPan;
u8 orgSPan;
u8 studio;
/* These were moved to near the start of the structure in later versions */
u8 hwStreamHandle;
u32 nextStreamHandle;
void streamOutputModeChanged();
u8 inpTranslateExCtrl(u8 ctrl);
void inpSetGlobalMIDIDirtyFlag(u8 chan, u8 midiSet, s32 flag);
void inpAddCtrl(CTRL_DEST* dest, u8 ctrl, s32 scale, u8 comb, u32 isVar);
void inpSetMidiCtrl(u8 ctrl, u8 channel, u8 set, u8 value);
void inpSetMidiCtrl14(u8 ctrl, u8 channel, u8 set, u16 value);
void inpSetExCtrl(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice, u8 ctrl, s16 v);
CHANNEL_DEFAULTS* inpGetChannelDefaults(u8 midi, u8 midiSet);
extern CTRL_DEST inpAuxA[8][4];
extern CTRL_DEST inpAuxB[8][4];
void inpSetMidiLastNote(u8 midi, u8 midiSet, u8 key);
u8 inpGetMidiLastNote(u8 midi, u8 midiSet);
u16 inpGetExCtrl(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice, u8 ctrl);
u16 inpGetMidiCtrl(u8 ctrl, u8 channel, u8 set);
void inpSetMidiLastNote(u8 midi, u8 midiSet, u8 key);
u16 inpGetModulation(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
void inpResetMidiCtrl(u8 ch, u8 set, u32 coldReset) ;
void inpResetChannelDefaults(u8 midi, u8 midiSet);
u16 inpGetPitchBend(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u16 inpGetDoppler(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u16 inpGetTremolo(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u16 inpGetPanning(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u16 inpGetSurPanning(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u16 inpGetVolume(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u16 inpGetReverb(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u16 inpGetPreAuxA(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u16 inpGetPostAuxA(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u16 inpGetPreAuxB(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u16 inpGetPostAuxB(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u16 inpGetPedal(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u16 inpGetAuxA(u8 studio, u8 index, u8 midi, u8 midiSet);
u16 inpGetAuxB(u8 studio, u8 index, u8 midi, u8 midiSet);
void inpInit(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
/* TODO: Figure out what `unk` is */
void hwSetSRCType(u32 v, u8 salSRCType);
void hwSetITDMode(u32 v, u8 mode);
void hwSetPolyPhaseFilter(u32 v, u8 salCoefSel);
bool hwAddInput(u8 studio, SND_STUDIO_INPUT* in_desc);
bool hwRemoveInput(u8 studio, SND_STUDIO_INPUT* in_desc);
void hwChangeStudio(u32 v, u8 studio);
void hwDisableHRTF();
void hwStart(u32 v, u8 studio);
void hwKeyOff(u32 v);
void hwFrameDone();
extern u32 dspHRTFOn;
extern u16* dspCmdList;
extern u16 dspCmdFirstSize;
extern u8 dspScale2IndexTab[1024];
typedef void* (*ARAMUploadCallback)(u32, u32);
u32 aramGetStreamBufferAddress(u8 id, u32* len);
void aramUploadData(void* mram, u32 aram, u32 len, u32 highPrio, void (*callback)(u32), u32 user);
void aramFreeStreamBuffer(u8 id);
void* aramStoreData(void* src, u32 len);
void aramRemoveData(void* aram, u32 len);
u8 aramAllocateStreamBuffer(u32 len);
u32 macStart(u16 macid, u8 priority, u8 maxVoices, u16 allocId, u8 key, u8 vol, u8 panning, u8 midi,
u8 midiSet, u8 section, u16 step, u16 trackid, u8 new_vid, u8 vGroup, u8 studio,
u32 itd);
void macHandle(u32 deltaTime);
void macMakeInactive(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice, MAC_STATE);
void macSetPedalState(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice, u32 state);
void macSetExternalKeyoff(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
void macSampleEndNotify(SYNTH_VOICE* sv);
void sndProfUpdateMisc(SND_PROFILE_INFO* info);
void sndProfResetPMC(SND_PROFILE_DATA* info);
void sndProfStartPMC(SND_PROFILE_DATA* info);
void vidRemoveVoiceReferences(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u32 vidMakeNew(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice, u32 isMaster);
u32 vidMakeRoot(SYNTH_VOICE* svoice);
u32 adsrHandleLowPrecision(ADSR_VARS* adsr, u16* adsr_start, u16* adsr_delta);
bool adsrRelease(ADSR_VARS* adsr);
#ifdef __cplusplus