
234 lines
6.3 KiB

#include "common.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <errno.h>
#include <memory>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <unistd.h>
struct PEHeader {
uint8_t magic[4]; // "PE\0\0"
uint16_t machine;
uint16_t numberOfSections;
uint32_t timeDateStamp;
uint32_t pointerToSymbolTable;
uint32_t numberOfSymbols;
uint16_t sizeOfOptionalHeader;
uint16_t characteristics;
struct PEImageDataDirectory {
uint32_t virtualAddress;
uint32_t size;
struct PE32Header {
uint16_t magic; // 0x10B for PE32
uint8_t majorLinkerVersion;
uint8_t minorLinkerVersion;
uint32_t sizeOfCode;
uint32_t sizeOfInitializedData;
uint32_t sizeOfUninitializedData;
uint32_t addressOfEntryPoint;
uint32_t baseOfCode;
uint32_t baseOfData;
uint32_t imageBase;
uint32_t sectionAlignment;
uint32_t fileAlignment;
uint16_t majorOperatingSystemVersion;
uint16_t minorOperatingSystemVersion;
uint16_t majorImageVersion;
uint16_t minorImageVersion;
uint16_t majorSubsystemVersion;
uint16_t minorSubsystemVersion;
uint32_t win32VersionValue;
uint32_t sizeOfImage;
uint32_t sizeOfHeaders;
uint32_t checkSum;
uint16_t subsystem;
uint16_t dllCharacteristics;
uint32_t sizeOfStackReserve;
uint32_t sizeOfStackCommit;
uint32_t sizeOfHeapReserve;
uint32_t sizeOfHeapCommit;
uint32_t loaderFlags;
uint32_t numberOfRvaAndSizes;
PEImageDataDirectory exportTable;
PEImageDataDirectory importTable; // *
PEImageDataDirectory resourceTable; // *
PEImageDataDirectory exceptionTable;
PEImageDataDirectory certificateTable;
PEImageDataDirectory baseRelocationTable; // *
PEImageDataDirectory debug; // *
PEImageDataDirectory architecture;
PEImageDataDirectory globalPtr;
PEImageDataDirectory tlsTable;
PEImageDataDirectory loadConfigTable;
PEImageDataDirectory boundImport;
PEImageDataDirectory iat;
PEImageDataDirectory delayImportDescriptor;
PEImageDataDirectory clrRuntimeHeader;
PEImageDataDirectory reserved;
struct PESectionHeader {
char name[8];
uint32_t virtualSize;
uint32_t virtualAddress;
uint32_t sizeOfRawData;
uint32_t pointerToRawData;
uint32_t pointerToRelocations;
uint32_t pointerToLinenumbers;
uint16_t numberOfRelocations;
uint16_t numberOfLinenumbers;
uint32_t characteristics;
struct PEImportDirectoryEntry {
uint32_t *importLookupTable;
uint32_t timeDateStamp;
uint32_t forwarderChain;
char *name;
uint32_t *importAddressTable;
struct PEHintNameTableEntry {
uint16_t hint;
char name[1]; // variable length
uint16_t read16(FILE *file) {
uint16_t v = 0;
fread(&v, 2, 1, file);
return v;
uint32_t read32(FILE *file) {
uint32_t v = 0;
fread(&v, 4, 1, file);
return v;
wibo::Executable::Executable() {
imageBuffer = nullptr;
imageSize = 0;
entryPoint = nullptr;
rsrcBase = 0;
wibo::Executable::~Executable() {
if (imageBuffer) {
munmap(imageBuffer, imageSize);
* Load a PE file into memory.
* @param file The file to load.
* @param exec Whether to make the loaded image executable.
bool wibo::Executable::loadPE(FILE *file, bool exec) {
// Skip to PE header
fseek(file, 0x3C, SEEK_SET);
uint32_t offsetToPE = read32(file);
fseek(file, offsetToPE, SEEK_SET);
// Read headers
PEHeader header;
fread(&header, sizeof header, 1, file);
if (memcmp(header.magic, "PE\0\0", 4) != 0)
return false;
if (header.machine != 0x14C) // i386
return false;
DEBUG_LOG("Sections: %d / Size of optional header: %x\n", header.numberOfSections, header.sizeOfOptionalHeader);
PE32Header header32;
memset(&header32, 0, sizeof header32);
fread(&header32, std::min(sizeof(header32), (size_t) header.sizeOfOptionalHeader), 1, file);
if (header32.magic != 0x10B)
return false;
DEBUG_LOG("Image Base: %x / Size: %x\n", header32.imageBase, header32.sizeOfImage);
long pageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
DEBUG_LOG("Page size: %x\n", (unsigned int)pageSize);
// Build buffer
imageSize = header32.sizeOfImage;
if (exec) {
imageBuffer = mmap((void *)header32.imageBase, header32.sizeOfImage, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC,
} else {
imageBuffer = mmap(nullptr, header32.sizeOfImage, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0);
memset(imageBuffer, 0, header32.sizeOfImage);
if (imageBuffer == MAP_FAILED) {
perror("Image mapping failed!");
imageBuffer = 0;
return false;
// Read the sections
fseek(file, offsetToPE + sizeof header + header.sizeOfOptionalHeader, SEEK_SET);
for (int i = 0; i < header.numberOfSections; i++) {
PESectionHeader section;
fread(&section, sizeof section, 1, file);
char name[9];
memcpy(name, section.name, 8);
name[8] = 0;
DEBUG_LOG("Section %d: name=%s addr=%x size=%x (raw=%x) ptr=%x\n", i, name, section.virtualAddress, section.virtualSize, section.sizeOfRawData, section.pointerToRawData);
void *sectionBase = (void *) ((uintptr_t) imageBuffer + section.virtualAddress);
if (section.pointerToRawData > 0 && section.sizeOfRawData > 0) {
// Grab this data
long savePos = ftell(file);
fseek(file, section.pointerToRawData, SEEK_SET);
fread(sectionBase, section.sizeOfRawData, 1, file);
fseek(file, savePos, SEEK_SET);
if (strcmp(name, ".rsrc") == 0) {
rsrcBase = sectionBase;
if (!exec) {
// No need to resolve imports
return true;
// Handle imports
PEImportDirectoryEntry *dir = fromRVA<PEImportDirectoryEntry>(header32.importTable.virtualAddress);
while (dir->name) {
char *dllName = fromRVA(dir->name);
DEBUG_LOG("DLL Name: %s\n", dllName);
uint32_t *lookupTable = fromRVA(dir->importLookupTable);
uint32_t *addressTable = fromRVA(dir->importAddressTable);
HMODULE module = loadModule(dllName);
while (*lookupTable) {
uint32_t lookup = *lookupTable;
if (lookup & 0x80000000) {
// Import by ordinal
uint16_t ordinal = lookup & 0xFFFF;
DEBUG_LOG(" Ordinal: %d\n", ordinal);
*addressTable = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(resolveFuncByOrdinal(module, ordinal));
} else {
// Import by name
PEHintNameTableEntry *hintName = fromRVA<PEHintNameTableEntry>(lookup);
DEBUG_LOG(" Name: %s\n", hintName->name);
*addressTable = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(resolveFuncByName(module, hintName->name));
entryPoint = fromRVA<void>(header32.addressOfEntryPoint);
return true;