2022-10-12 02:03:57 +00:00
#pragma once
* Common imports and Mac OS types
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#define macintosh
//#include <MacHeadersMach-O>
#define CW_PASCAL pascal
#undef toupper
2022-10-12 17:07:57 +00:00
#undef tolower
// What the fuck is this haha
// typedef char * va_list;
#define va_start(a,b) (a = ((va_list) __builtin_next_arg(b)))
#define va_arg(a,b) (*(b *) (void *) ((a = (char *) (((((unsigned long)(a)) + ((__alignof__ (b) == 16) ? 15 : 3)) & ~((__alignof__ (b) == 16) ? 15 : 3)) + ((sizeof (b) + 3) & ~3))) - ((sizeof (b) + 3) & ~3)))
#define va_end(a) ((void)0)
2022-10-12 02:03:57 +00:00
#include <stdarg.h>
// expand this to nothing
#define CW_PASCAL
// ----------
// MacTypes.h
typedef uint8_t UInt8;
typedef int8_t SInt8;
typedef uint16_t UInt16;
typedef int16_t SInt16;
typedef uint32_t UInt32;
typedef int32_t SInt32;
typedef uint64_t UInt64;
typedef int64_t SInt64;
typedef char *Ptr;
typedef Ptr *Handle;
typedef int32_t Size;
typedef SInt16 OSErr;
typedef SInt32 OSStatus;
typedef SInt16 ScriptCode;
typedef UInt32 FourCharCode;
typedef FourCharCode OSType;
typedef FourCharCode ResType;
typedef OSType *OSTypePtr;
typedef ResType *ResTypePtr;
typedef uint8_t Boolean;
enum {
noErr = 0,
abortErr = -27,
ioErr = -36,
bdNamErr = -37,
tmfoErr = -42,
fnfErr = -43, // file not found
dupFNErr = -48, // duplicate filename
paramErr = -50,
rfNumErr = -51,
permErr = -54,
memFullErr = -108, // not enough memory
nilHandleErr = -109, // pointer was nil
memLockedErr = -117,
dirNFErr = -120,
inputOutOfBounds = -190,
resNotFound = -192, // resource not found
resFNotFound = -193, // resource file not found
addResFailed = -194, // AddResource failed
rmvResFailed = -196, // RmveResource failed
resAttrErr = -198, // inconsistent attribute
mapReadErr = -199, // map inconsistent with operation
notAFileErr = -1302,
fsDataTooBigErr = -1310
enum { kNilOptions = 0 };
enum { kUnknownType = 0x3F3F3F3F };
// Pascal strings
typedef unsigned char Str255[256];
typedef unsigned char Str63[64];
typedef unsigned char *StringPtr;
typedef const unsigned char *ConstStringPtr;
typedef const unsigned char *ConstStr63Param;
typedef const unsigned char *ConstStr255Param;
// XXX: MacTypes.h defines StrLength() which is an inline for C++ and a macro for C
// This might be useful?
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma options align=mac68k
typedef struct Point {
SInt16 v, h;
} Point;
typedef struct Rect {
SInt16 top, left, bottom, right;
} Rect;
// -------
// Files.h
enum {
fsCurPerm = 0x00,
fsRdPerm = 0x01,
fsWrPerm = 0x02,
fsRdWrPerm = 0x03,
fsRdWrShPerm = 0x04,
fsRdDenyPerm = 0x10,
fsWrDenyPerm = 0x20
enum {
fsAtMark = 0,
fsFromStart = 1,
fsFromLEOF = 2,
fsFromMark = 3
typedef struct FSSpec {
SInt16 vRefNum;
SInt32 parID;
Str255 name;
} FSSpec;
typedef struct FInfo {
OSType fdType;
OSType fdCreator;
UInt16 fdFlags;
Point fdLocation;
SInt16 fdFldr;
} FInfo;
typedef struct FXInfo {
SInt16 fdIconID;
SInt16 fdUnused[3];
SInt8 fdScript;
SInt8 fdXFlags;
SInt16 fdComment;
SInt32 fdPutAway;
} FXInfo;
typedef struct DInfo {
Rect frRect;
SInt16 frFlags;
Point frLocation;
SInt16 frView;
} DInfo;
typedef struct DXInfo {
Point frScroll;
SInt32 frOpenChain;
SInt16 frUnused;
SInt16 frComment;
SInt32 frPutAway;
} DXInfo;
typedef struct IOParam {
SInt16 ioResult;
SInt16 ioRefNum;
char *ioBuffer;
SInt32 ioReqCount;
SInt32 ioActCount;
SInt16 ioPosMode;
SInt32 ioPosOffset;
} IOParam;
typedef union ParamBlockRec {
IOParam ioParam;
} ParamBlockRec;
typedef ParamBlockRec *ParmBlkPtr;
typedef struct HFileParam {
void *qLink;
SInt16 qType;
SInt16 ioTrap;
Ptr ioCmdAddr;
void *ioCompletion;
SInt16 ioResult;
StringPtr ioNamePtr;
SInt16 ioVRefNum;
SInt16 ioFRefNum;
SInt8 ioFVersNum;
SInt8 filler1;
SInt16 ioFDirIndex;
SInt8 ioFlAttrib;
SInt8 ioFlVersNum;
FInfo ioFlFndrInfo;
SInt32 ioDirID;
UInt16 ioFlStBlk;
SInt32 ioFlLgLen;
SInt32 ioFlPyLen;
UInt16 ioFlRStBlk;
SInt32 ioFlRLgLen;
SInt32 ioFlRPyLen;
UInt32 ioFlCrDat;
UInt32 ioFlMdDat;
} HFileParam;
typedef union HParamBlockRec {
HFileParam fileParam;
} HParamBlockRec;
typedef HParamBlockRec *HParmBlkPtr;
typedef struct HFileInfo {
void *qLink;
SInt16 qType;
SInt16 ioTrap;
Ptr ioCmdAddr;
void *ioCompletion;
SInt16 ioResult;
StringPtr ioNamePtr;
SInt16 ioVRefNum;
SInt16 ioFRefNum;
SInt8 ioFVersNum;
SInt8 filler1;
SInt16 ioFDirIndex;
SInt8 ioFlAttrib;
SInt8 ioACUser;
FInfo ioFlFndrInfo;
SInt32 ioDirID;
UInt16 ioFlStBlk;
SInt32 ioFlLgLen;
SInt32 ioFlPyLen;
UInt16 ioFlRStBlk;
SInt32 ioFlRLgLen;
SInt32 ioFlRPyLen;
UInt32 ioFlCrDat;
UInt32 ioFlMdDat;
UInt32 ioFlBkDat;
FXInfo ioFlXFndrInfo;
SInt32 ioFlParID;
SInt32 ioFlClpSiz;
} HFileInfo;
typedef struct DirInfo {
void *qLink;
SInt16 qType;
SInt16 ioTrap;
Ptr ioCmdAddr;
void *ioCompletion;
SInt16 ioResult;
StringPtr ioNamePtr;
SInt16 ioVRefNum;
SInt16 ioFRefNum;
SInt8 ioFVersNum;
SInt8 filler1;
SInt16 ioFDirIndex;
SInt8 ioFlAttrib;
SInt8 ioACUser;
DInfo ioDrUsrWds;
SInt32 ioDrDirID;
UInt16 ioDrNmFls;
SInt16 filler3[9];
UInt32 ioDrCrDat;
UInt32 ioDrMdDat;
UInt32 ioDrBkDat;
DXInfo ioDrFndrInfo;
SInt32 ioDrParID;
} DirInfo;
typedef union CInfoPBRec {
HFileInfo hFileInfo;
DirInfo hDirInfo;
} CInfoPBRec;
typedef CInfoPBRec *CInfoPBPtr;
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma options align=reset