Uses integer arithmetics in SDL_ResampleAudio

- Avoids precision loss caused by large floating point numbers.
- Adds unit test to test the signal-to-noise ratio and maximum error of resampler.
- Code cleanup
This commit is contained in:
Qrox 2023-03-09 17:34:51 +08:00 committed by Sam Lantinga
parent ae5fdc0b00
commit 20e17559e5
2 changed files with 148 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -177,14 +177,18 @@ SDL_ConvertMonoToStereo_SSE(SDL_AudioCVT * cvt, SDL_AudioFormat format)
#include "SDL_audio_resampler_filter.h"
static int
ResamplerPadding(const int inrate, const int outrate)
static Sint32
ResamplerPadding(const Sint32 inrate, const Sint32 outrate)
/* This function uses integer arithmetics to avoid precision loss caused
* by large floating point numbers. Sint32 is needed for the large number
* multiplication. The integers are assumed to be non-negative so that
* division rounds by truncation. */
if (inrate == outrate) {
return 0;
if (inrate > outrate) {
return (int) SDL_ceilf(((float) (RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING * inrate) / ((float) outrate)));
return (RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING * inrate + outrate - 1) / outrate;
@ -196,57 +200,59 @@ SDL_ResampleAudio(const int chans, const int inrate, const int outrate,
const float *inbuf, const int inbuflen,
float *outbuf, const int outbuflen)
/* Note that this used to be double, but it looks like we can get by with float in most cases at
almost twice the speed on Intel processors, and orders of magnitude more
on CPUs that need a software fallback for double calculations. */
typedef float ResampleFloatType;
const ResampleFloatType finrate = (ResampleFloatType) inrate;
const ResampleFloatType ratio = ((float) outrate) / ((float) inrate);
/* This function uses integer arithmetics to avoid precision loss caused
* by large floating point numbers. For some operations, Sint32 or Sint64
* are needed for the large number multiplications. The input integers are
* assumed to be non-negative so that division rounds by truncation and
* modulo is always non-negative. Note that the operator order is important
* for these integer divisions. */
const int paddinglen = ResamplerPadding(inrate, outrate);
const int framelen = chans * (int)sizeof (float);
const int inframes = inbuflen / framelen;
const int wantedoutframes = (int) ((inbuflen / framelen) * ratio); /* outbuflen isn't total to write, it's total available. */
/* outbuflen isn't total to write, it's total available. */
const int wantedoutframes = ((Sint64) inframes) * outrate / inrate;
const int maxoutframes = outbuflen / framelen;
const int outframes = SDL_min(wantedoutframes, maxoutframes);
ResampleFloatType outtime = 0.0f;
float *dst = outbuf;
int i, j, chan;
for (i = 0; i < outframes; i++) {
const int srcindex = (int) (outtime * inrate);
const ResampleFloatType intime = ((ResampleFloatType) srcindex) / finrate;
const ResampleFloatType innexttime = ((ResampleFloatType) (srcindex + 1)) / finrate;
const ResampleFloatType indeltatime = innexttime - intime;
const ResampleFloatType interpolation1 = (indeltatime == 0.0f) ? 1.0f : (1.0f - ((innexttime - outtime) / indeltatime));
const int filterindex1 = (int) (interpolation1 * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING);
const ResampleFloatType interpolation2 = 1.0f - interpolation1;
const int filterindex2 = (int) (interpolation2 * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING);
const int srcindex = ((Sint64) i) * inrate / outrate;
/* Calculating the following way avoids subtraction or modulo of large
* floats which have low result precision.
* interpolation1
* = (i / outrate * inrate) - floor(i / outrate * inrate)
* = mod(i / outrate * inrate, 1)
* = mod(i * inrate, outrate) / outrate */
const int srcfraction = ((Sint64) i) * inrate % outrate;
const float interpolation1 = ((float) srcfraction) / ((float) outrate);
const int filterindex1 = ((Sint32) srcfraction) * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING / outrate;
const float interpolation2 = 1.0f - interpolation1;
const int filterindex2 = ((Sint32) (outrate - srcfraction)) * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING / outrate;
for (chan = 0; chan < chans; chan++) {
float outsample = 0.0f;
/* do this twice to calculate the sample, once for the "left wing" and then same for the right. */
for (j = 0; (filterindex1 + (j * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING)) < RESAMPLER_FILTER_SIZE; j++) {
const int filt_ind = filterindex1 + j * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING;
const int srcframe = srcindex - j;
/* !!! FIXME: we can bubble this conditional out of here by doing a pre loop. */
const float insample = (srcframe < 0) ? lpadding[((paddinglen + srcframe) * chans) + chan] : inbuf[(srcframe * chans) + chan];
outsample += (float)(insample * (ResamplerFilter[filterindex1 + (j * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING)] + (interpolation1 * ResamplerFilterDifference[filterindex1 + (j * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING)])));
outsample += (float)(insample * (ResamplerFilter[filt_ind] + (interpolation1 * ResamplerFilterDifference[filt_ind])));
/* Do the right wing! */
for (j = 0; (filterindex2 + (j * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING)) < RESAMPLER_FILTER_SIZE; j++) {
const int filt_ind = filterindex2 + j * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING;
const int srcframe = srcindex + 1 + j;
/* !!! FIXME: we can bubble this conditional out of here by doing a post loop. */
const float insample = (srcframe >= inframes) ? rpadding[((srcframe - inframes) * chans) + chan] : inbuf[(srcframe * chans) + chan];
outsample += (float)(insample * (ResamplerFilter[filterindex2 + jsamples] + (interpolation2 * ResamplerFilterDifference[filterindex2 + jsamples])));
outsample += (float)(insample * (ResamplerFilter[filt_ind] + (interpolation2 * ResamplerFilterDifference[filt_ind])));
*(dst++) = outsample;
outtime = ((ResampleFloatType) i) / ((ResampleFloatType) outrate);
return outframes * chans * sizeof (float);

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
@ -969,6 +970,118 @@ int audio_openCloseAudioDeviceConnected()
static double sine_wave_sample(const Sint64 idx, const Sint64 rate, const Sint64 freq, const double phase)
/* Using integer modulo to avoid precision loss caused by large floating
* point numbers. Sint64 is needed for the large integer multiplication.
* The integers are assumed to be non-negative so that modulo is always
* non-negative.
* sin(i / rate * freq * 2 * M_PI + phase)
* = sin(mod(i / rate * freq, 1) * 2 * M_PI + phase)
* = sin(mod(i * freq, rate) / rate * 2 * M_PI + phase) */
return SDL_sin(((double) (idx * freq % rate)) / ((double) rate) * (M_PI * 2) + phase);
* \brief Check signal-to-noise ratio and maximum error of audio resampling.
* \sa
* \sa
int audio_resampleLoss()
/* Note: always test long input time (>= 5s from experience) in some test
* cases because an improper implementation may suffer from low resampling
* precision with long input due to e.g. doing subtraction with large floats. */
struct test_spec_t {
int time;
int freq;
double phase;
int rate_in;
int rate_out;
double signal_to_noise;
double max_error;
} test_specs[] = {
{ 50, 440, 0, 44100, 48000, 60, 0.0025 },
{ 50, 5000, M_PI / 2, 20000, 10000, 65, 0.0010 },
{ 0 }
int spec_idx = 0;
for (spec_idx = 0; test_specs[spec_idx].time > 0; ++spec_idx) {
const struct test_spec_t *spec = &test_specs[spec_idx];
const int frames_in = spec->time * spec->rate_in;
const int frames_target = spec->time * spec->rate_out;
const int len_in = frames_in * (int) sizeof (float);
const int len_target = frames_target * (int) sizeof (float);
Uint64 tick_beg = 0;
Uint64 tick_end = 0;
SDL_AudioCVT cvt;
int i = 0;
int ret = 0;
double max_error = 0;
double sum_squared_error = 0;
double sum_squared_value = 0;
double signal_to_noise = 0;
SDLTest_AssertPass("Test resampling of %i s %i Hz %f phase sine wave from sampling rate of %i Hz to %i Hz",
spec->time, spec->freq, spec->phase, spec->rate_in, spec->rate_out);
ret = SDL_BuildAudioCVT(&cvt, AUDIO_F32, 1, spec->rate_in, AUDIO_F32, 1, spec->rate_out);
SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_BuildAudioCVT(&cvt, AUDIO_F32, 1, %i, AUDIO_F32, 1, %i)", spec->rate_in, spec->rate_out);
SDLTest_AssertCheck(ret == 1, "Expected SDL_BuildAudioCVT to succeed and conversion to be needed.");
if (ret != 1) {
cvt.buf = (Uint8 *) SDL_malloc(len_in * cvt.len_mult);
SDLTest_AssertCheck(cvt.buf != NULL, "Expected input buffer to be created.");
if (cvt.buf == NULL) {
cvt.len = len_in;
for (i = 0; i < frames_in; ++i) {
*(((float *) cvt.buf) + i) = (float) sine_wave_sample(i, spec->rate_in, spec->freq, spec->phase);
tick_beg = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter();
ret = SDL_ConvertAudio(&cvt);
tick_end = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter();
SDLTest_AssertPass("Call to SDL_ConvertAudio(&cvt)");
SDLTest_AssertCheck(ret == 0, "Expected SDL_ConvertAudio to succeed.");
SDLTest_AssertCheck(cvt.len_cvt == len_target, "Expected output length %i, got %i.", len_target, cvt.len_cvt);
if (ret != 0 || cvt.len_cvt != len_target) {
SDLTest_Log("Resampling used %f seconds.", ((double) (tick_end - tick_beg)) / SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency());
for (i = 0; i < frames_target; ++i) {
const float output = *(((float *) cvt.buf) + i);
const double target = sine_wave_sample(i, spec->rate_out, spec->freq, spec->phase);
const double error = SDL_fabs(target - output);
max_error = SDL_max(max_error, error);
sum_squared_error += error * error;
sum_squared_value += target * target;
signal_to_noise = 10 * SDL_log10(sum_squared_value / sum_squared_error); /* decibel */
SDLTest_AssertCheck(isfinite(sum_squared_value), "Sum of squared target should be finite.");
SDLTest_AssertCheck(isfinite(sum_squared_error), "Sum of squared error should be finite.");
/* Infinity is theoretically possible when there is very little to no noise */
SDLTest_AssertCheck(!isnan(signal_to_noise), "Signal-to-noise ratio should not be NaN.");
SDLTest_AssertCheck(isfinite(max_error), "Maximum conversion error should be finite.");
SDLTest_AssertCheck(signal_to_noise >= spec->signal_to_noise, "Conversion signal-to-noise ratio %f dB should be no less than %f dB.",
signal_to_noise, spec->signal_to_noise);
SDLTest_AssertCheck(max_error <= spec->max_error, "Maximum conversion error %f should be no more than %f.",
max_error, spec->max_error);
/* ================= Test Case References ================== */
@ -1024,11 +1137,14 @@ static const SDLTest_TestCaseReference audioTest14 =
static const SDLTest_TestCaseReference audioTest15 =
{ (SDLTest_TestCaseFp)audio_pauseUnpauseAudio, "audio_pauseUnpauseAudio", "Pause and Unpause audio for various audio specs while testing callback.", TEST_ENABLED };
static const SDLTest_TestCaseReference audioTest16 =
{ (SDLTest_TestCaseFp)audio_resampleLoss, "audio_resampleLoss", "Check signal-to-noise ratio and maximum error of audio resampling.", TEST_ENABLED };
/* Sequence of Audio test cases */
static const SDLTest_TestCaseReference *audioTests[] = {
&audioTest1, &audioTest2, &audioTest3, &audioTest4, &audioTest5, &audioTest6,
&audioTest7, &audioTest8, &audioTest9, &audioTest10, &audioTest11,
&audioTest12, &audioTest13, &audioTest14, &audioTest15, NULL
&audioTest12, &audioTest13, &audioTest14, &audioTest15, &audioTest16, NULL
/* Audio test suite (global) */