Since accessing Bluetooth prompts the user for permission on both Android and iOS, and we only need it for Steam Controller support, we'll leave it off by default. You can enable it by setting the hint SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_STEAM to "1" before calling SDL_Init()
Direct access to the external storage is no longer allowed as of SDK 30. But on older version of Android you will still need WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in order to request the Download Manager to download files to your external file folder.
Anthony @ POW Games
I tried adding different configChanges and sure enough, "navigation" worked! Now bluetooth controllers hot-plug nicely. So shall we add it as a default to the AndroidManifest.xml?
Funny that this is how this activity is described:
"navigation" The navigation type (trackball/dpad) has changed. (This should never normally happen.)
I think the reason behind this is because the bluetooth game controller I was testing doubles-up as a keyboard, which probably comes with a DPAD? It's a MOCUTE-032X_B63-88CE
Default launch mode (standard) allows multiple instances of the SDLActivity.
( )
Not sure this is intended in SDL as this doesn't work. There are static
variables in Java, in C code which make this impossible (allow one android_window) and
also Audio print errors.
There is also some code added in onDestroy as if it would be able to
Bug Android activity life-cycle seems to show there is not transition to get out
of onDestroy()
( can be tested with "adb shell am start"
and "adb shell am start -n" )
Send me a message if there are real use-case for this !